divine punishment

Chapter 21 The Cloud World, the Song of Ice and Fire

Suddenly, the golden phoenix looked up to the sky and roared like thunder. The golden light around it became more and more dim, and its body shook dramatically and almost fell down from mid-air. The sad call was thrilling.

The power of this blow is terrible!

Wangshu only stabbed the golden phoenix sword and was seriously injured!

Everyone was stunned and shocked.

"Who is this man?"

"He can seriously injure the phoenix that returned to the ruins!"

"Is his strength above the ruins? When did such figures come out in our cloud world!"

Li Sheng's face slowly improved, and his eyes still flashed with an uneasiness. He was stunned and muttered, "He has really changed... It has changed... I thought..."

The golden phoenix suddenly stopped, as powerful as it, and let out angrily again.

The phoenix sound, like a tsunami, rushed here. In an instant, all the damaged rocks on the ground quickly dissolved into foam in the violent tremor. However, Jiang Chen's feet were completely a sea of hot but cold lava foam. With the roar of the golden phoenix, the sea of foam, from the original disorderly surge, was pulled by great force in a blink of an eye, and began to flow rapidly in the same direction.

The foam-like torrent surged faster and faster, hissing white air, turning the once green lawn into a real ice and fire molten hell. Soon, too great power pulled out a huge whirlpool in this sea of ice and fire molten foam, and the foam molten mud mixed with ice and fire that destroyed everything rolled like a ** carnival dance.

The whirlpool was getting bigger and bigger, sinking deeply, and the roar pulled by the wild rapids slowly emitted from the depths of the whirlpool, like thunder, gradually loud. In the end, it was deafening, and even covered the sound of the golden phoenix above the sky.

When the rapidly rotating sea of ice and fire molten foam has reached an almost crazy level, the huge whirlpool is several feet wide, from the deep whirlpool, accompanied by the thunder:


In an instant, the sky shook, and the earth shook, and Chu Ruoxuan and Lin Jiyan, who were fighting fiercely, couldn't help looking in that direction. They saw a hot and cold spiral pillar directly from the whirlpool of the huge sea of ice and fire molten foam. It was completely composed of the purest ice and fire at this time, full of ten people holding together. With incomparable power, he rushed to Jiang Chen, who seemed to be extremely fragile and disproportionate.

Sweep everything and look at the cloud world!

The power of fire, the essence of fire!

The power of ice, the essence of ice!

Before the pillar of ice and fire molten pulp arrived, Jiang Chen felt that his body was empty. Just a moment ago, he was still standing in front of a huge stone in a corner. Under the suffering of that crazy power, it turned into gravel and scattered one after another. What appeared behind him was not a more solid boulder, but also gradually cracked and revealed. The crumbs of ice and fire foam slowly melted.

And above him is the coveted ice and fire golden-winged phoenix; surrounded by a sea of crazy ice and fire molten foam.

At the feet, there is a pillar of ice and fire molten foam that is irresistible!

In this sea surface of ice and fire molten slurry foam, who is breathing slightly and who is trembling slightly!

"Jiang Chen!" Lisheng's clothes fluttered and came to the wind, but he was trapped by the outer sea of ice and fire molten foam. He was not allowed to enter, and Jiang Chen's figure could not be seen clearly. His pretty face was snow-white, and he gritted his teeth and cried, "Idiot, please answer me!"

At that time, a thunder suddenly sounded in the night sky. Li Sheng seemed to be hit by thunder and lightning. His whole body suddenly stiffened, looked in in, and used his mind to explore Jiang Chen's breath. It was just empty.

Jiang Chen's breath is gone and he is dead.......

Li Sheng was mixed with anger, doubt, grief, sadness and regret, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Jiang Chen, you fool, you big fool!"

Her face turned pale, and suddenly she was afraid. "Ah," she whispered, pain in her heart, tears surged out, and her whole body seemed to have been hollowed out, empty and severe pain... Suddenly, a strong wind roared past, and she had no strength, thinking about Liu Xu, like falling flowers, casually ups and downs. Watching Jiang Chen disappear in this sea of ice and fire molten foam, listening to the sound of ice and fire, Jin Feng cheered and her mind was empty, just thinking repeatedly about a burning and cold idea: from now on, she will be a lonely person again.

She was stunned, her body kept trembling, and sacrificed a magic weapon like a ring blade. This is an ancient magic weapon. It was obtained from Xuanyuan Temple and was called 'Moon Shadow'!

Li Sheng muttered, "If you die, it's boring for me to live." As if to speak and keep repeating, at that moment, like the singing in the distant sky, with a faint purple, it has been praised all the way from ten years, a hundred years and thousands of years, until today, for the sake of the loved ones, he cut off to the ice and fire golden-winged phoenix.

Yes, sadness is more than death. When a woman is in a desperate situation, she can't pay attention to anything and won't be afraid of anything.

Ice and fire roar!

She is like a fairy thrown into fire, and her pale yellow figure blooms in the huge waves of ice and fire. She is so bright and beautiful that she forgets everything in the world.

What is to be afraid of and what is to be afraid of?

That cut!

Her figure, moving forward, flying in the wind, has a peerless posture.

The ice and fire golden-winged phoenix in mid-air suddenly chirped, and the phoenix swirled for a long time, rumbled out. The ice and fire around were rolling and waves, rising together in an instant, as if they were also dancing wildly, watching this doomsday carnival.

Everyone felt sorry and sad about Jiang Chen. Now they can't bear to see Li Sheng's scene. They can't help sighing and being sad.

Lin Jiyan's body was shocked, and he couldn't help looking over there. His heart moved and he couldn't help muttering, "Is she also so infatuated?" Her body trembled slightly again. Originally, she had removed the ice and fire golden-winged phoenix, but at this moment, how could the ice and fire golden-winged phoenix return to the ruins obediently listen to her words?

The pale yellow light that seemed to be entangled with the huge pillar of ice and fire, like a meteor resolutely, collided with the ice and fire golden-winged phoenix.

Suddenly, the air behind the ice and fire golden-winged phoenix seemed to slowly solidify but twist, and a light blue light suddenly appeared.

seems to merge with the purple light of Lisheng's moon shadow. What kind of brilliance it is, like a huge fireworks blooming, and all the sea of ice and fire foam instantly boils and splashes high into the air. The huge pillar of ice and fire seems to be raging crazily in this seemingly unbearable place and annihilating everything that can be swallowed. However, the brilliant light shines directly on the ice and fire golden-winged phoenix.