divine punishment

Chapter 29 The separation of yin and yang

However, in the crowd, somehow, Li Sheng suddenly shook his body, and a strange light flashed past his face, and his body was also a little stiff.

Jiang Chen stopped in astonishment and shouted angrily, "Are you crazy?"

Jinming's body was shocked, as if she woke up from a dream. Then, she silently turned her head and looked at Jiang Chen, which seemed to have a lot to say, but at such a critical moment, how could she say anything about him again?

It's just a sound, "I also have a responsibility to look like you now, I hope..."

In the sky, the wind is getting more and more miserable, and the power of the 'lance' is also getting stronger and bigger. I don't know when it seems that a voice came from heaven and earth, singing mysterious spells in a low, and began to echo between heaven and earth.

In the depths of the golden light, it seemed that someone gasped deeply and his voice was hoarse, like a beast roaring and a trapped beast roaring.

Kill the gods and kill the demons!

Today, there is nothing like this momentum

However, Jinming did not have any fear, let alone retreat. Facing the wind and light, her delicate body jumped up and flew to the huge golden spear in front of her face.

The heaven and the earth seem to be silent, and the flood is holding their breath. People stared at the blue sky, and the golden and white colors cross the sky and collided!

And next to him, Jiang Chen held the Tianyi Sword tightly, his face was bloodless, and even Wang Shu in his hand trembled slightly.

Jiang Chen's eyes were red, and his grief and resentment were unbearable. He watched the horrible giant spear with boundless murderous intent quickly, and so he turned into a sharp blade from Jinming's body.

Suddenly, the world suddenly quieted down, and even the earth-shaking momentum of the huge incomparable spear held its breath in an instant...

Jiang Chen's heart sank.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and shouted wildly, but was forced back by the strong wind; he jumped on Jinming crazily, but was bounced away by the mysterious breath, and red tears flowed from his blood-red eyes and flowed down his cheeks.

In a faintly, a slim and sad figure slowly fell from mid-air.

In the sky, all of them suddenly calmed down, and there was only one voice, roaring heartbreakingly.


At the moment when Jinming's body was about to be broken, everyone looked at each other. After the nightmare, it seemed that there was an unbelievable illusion.

Jiang Chen's heart was in pain, and he only felt a fierce idea roaring in his mind, and a terrible but seductive feeling of destruction that wanted to kill countless people filled his mind.

He flew over and caught the shadow falling from the sky. The cool sweat soaked his blue shirt, but the woman in his arms died, and the plain dress was mostly dyed red by the bright **. Her pale face was reflection in her dull pupils, and at that moment, she fell for her. Her fingertips trembled and touched her face, and inexplicably ** slipped from her eyes and shattered between the green grass.

And Jiang Chen hugged her unbelievably and couldn't hear anything. Such a terrible fact almost destroyed him and his scalp was about to burst.

The face is buried in her neck, greedily absorbing the last warmth, and the lonely figure is like a flat boat floating on the vast blue lake...

The night wind gently blew through the woods, with a few chills, and there was a sound of leaves, as if they were sobbing, bleak and desolate. Several leaves fell quietly from the trees, leaving a beautiful dance in mid-air, and then quietly fell on the woman's white plain clothes, gently Calling her.

There was no impurities on Jinming's white face. She closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, with a sweet smile on her face. Next to her, a man sat on the ground and let her lie on her lap. There was a sad expression on her face. She hadn't moved for a long time, but his hands were so hard that even the bone joints were slightly white. Hold her tightly.

The wind is still sobbing, but it can't be called back after all...



However, it is not over yet!

In an instant, the sky and the earth are all terrify!

However, the golden light rose and was brilliant. Although the spear was weakened a lot, its power was still extremely strong. With a terrible momentum, it touched the murderous atmosphere all over the sky and slowly turned again.

However, Jiang Chen was outside, like five thunderbolts, his whole body was shaking, and his face was pale, as if he could not stand the fact that Jinming died in front of him for a while, and as if he had finally lost his desire to survive and had no intention of resisting.

As if he was shrouded in endless darkness, his whole body fell, as if he were no longer angry. He fainted, but this little sadness was soon submerged by the waves of shock that broke out from above and below the hill.