divine punishment

Chapter 3 Return of the Spirit

Jiang Chen said, "Yes, defeat the caster in it, and I can crack the world!" He took a deep breath. He suddenly disappeared, broke the false decision again, and hit the man with all his strength, but after all, he seemed to have not been injured.

"What the hell are you?" Jiang Chen was shocked and shocked, and even the unfavorable magic was declared to have failed. This broken decision is integrated with reality, with the dual attack power of Taoism and mood, even if the person in front of us is an illusion. It should also be extinguished, how can it be in vain?

There was a trace of mockery on the man's face: "What am I? In the six rounds, I am the master of all living things, and I am God! I am heaven and earth! How can the creatures trapped in the forbidden world, like rumbling dogs, hurt the master of this world?

Dominance? Immortal? What's the matter with you? At most, it's just a boundary. Jiang Chen pretended to be disdainful, hoping to get the secret of six rounds of transformation from the man's mouth. In terms of common sense. When the other party has the upper hand, he will often show off proudly to satisfy his desire for expression.

"The boundary? That kind of simple thing is just some invincible spells. The man seemed to be very dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's call the six-wheel transfer boundary the boundary. He snorted coldly, "The six-wheel transfer world is a strange array that integrates the calculation of numerology into the magic, the original of the outer circle of the yuan, the crossing of the sky outside the sky, and condensing the virtual world, which is called the return of the six paths to the ruins. For those who fall into the earth. It represents the return to the ruins and fate!"

"Return to the ruins, fate?" Jiang Chen became more confused and couldn't help asking questions.

"In this world, the highest realm is to return to the ruins, but there are only a few people who break through this realm of returning to the ruins." The man said calmly.

"I know this. What does it have to do with these six rounds?"

"Return to the ruins represents the end and ends everything. Only those who break through the ruins can no longer be bound by the world and fly to the sky. The six wheels you are in are similar to these three thousand worlds, which bind you.

Jiang Chen's body was shocked and said in an astringent voice, "Does it mean that if my realm has not broken through and returned to the ruins, I can't get out?"

The man took a deep look at Jiang Chen, which was very meaningful, but did not answer. He said, "These six turns still represent fate."

"Fate?" Jiang Chen said to himself and immediately said, "I don't care about your fate. What do you mean is that I didn't break through the ruins, and I will be trapped here all my life?"

The man seemed to smile and said, "Are you afraid?"

"Is it possible for me to break through and return to the ruins?" For a moment, Jiang Chen deliberately swallowed his anger.

The man was expressionless and snorted coldly, "Even if you are afraid, it is according to what you said before, fight for it with your hands and get out of these six rounds as soon as possible."

At present, the situation has suddenly changed, and Jiang Chen's heart fluctuated and said, "You might as well kill me than being trapped in this boundary."

The man took a deep look at Jiang Chen and smiled and said, "Do you mean to die and don't want to be trapped in these six rounds?"


"Hahaha, I really didn't see the wrong person." The man laughed, but Jiang Chen was confused, with a trace of doubt on his face and said, "What are you laughing at?"

After a while, the man's face returned to the chill of ice and snow and said, "What is fate?"

Jiang Chen was about to speak, but the man said first, "life-old-sick-death. Prosperity and failure is the common fate of all spirits. He said lightly, and the drops of water flowing from his eyes fell to the ground, turning into green seeds, rooting and sprouting, and growing into lush towering trees. The trees decayed and withered quickly, turning into a collapsed pool.

"Did you see it?" The man stretched out his hand and pointed, and a deep whirlpool appeared at his fingertips, which continued to expand in front of his eyes. Deep in the whirlpool. There came the angry roar of the doll, and the slender body rushed left and right, flying crazily, splashing a gorgeous flame. And no matter how hard he struggled, he was always trapped in the whirlpool.

"Even if there is no indestructible artifact, it can't break through the six wheel transition. No matter how powerful the demon is, it will be firmly shackled by six rounds. The man's fingertips were gentle, and the scene changed again in the whirlpool. A powerful monster flew up and down, and sometimes his body soared like a mountain. Sometimes it shrinks into the size of rice grains. And the whirlpool also changes with the shape of the monster's body, and it is tightly imprisoned.

Because they are trapped. It's your own fate." The man said proudly, "The six wheels are the array of fate. How can a creature break through its own destiny? At the end of the words, the arrogant look on the man's face suddenly changed, and his eyes changed from vaguely arrogant to solemn, and even brought a little confusion similar to Jiang Chen, as if something touched somewhere in his heart.

Looking at the whirlpool that slowly disappeared at the man's fingertips, Jiang Chen calmed down instead. It seems that the six-wheel transition can't be broken by magic alone. So, the six-wheel transition is a formation of evolutionary numerology? Jiang Chen asked incredulously, "Fate is unpredictable. Can it be deduced?"

"Of course." The man said, "Everything in the world has rules to follow, which is called physics. Fate is no exception.

"Is that right?"

The result of the calculation is called fate. These six turns are an insinuation of these three thousand worlds. Everything is trapped in three thousand worlds, do you understand?

"I never believe in fate. All I know is that if this is fate, I can choose not to accept it.

"What a good one doesn't accept, but I'll see how you get out. From the beginning of entering the six turns, you have tried to break free, and struggle has become your heart and wish. But did you escape? Open your eyes and look around."

Jiang Chen's eyes swept and his body shook violently. Unconsciously, the surroundings have become a vast and deep whirlpool, which continues to close and contract, becoming only a square inch.

"Each whirlpool represents a choice of fate. You avoid choice, but you don't know, this is also a choice!" The man laughed wildly: "When you choose to fight, the fight becomes your destiny. The frog that jumped out of the well thought he had broken his fate, but he didn't know it and fell into a new bottom of the well.

Jiang Chen was confused when he heard this and subconsciously asked, "As you say, any effort is in vain? Any struggle is the result of fate?

The man blinked his eyes gently, and the drops of water from his eyes slowly converged into a dense tree. This tree has countless branches, just like the countless choices people face in their lives. And no matter which branch you choose to extend upward, it is always just a tree.

Jiang Chen suddenly said, "So the frog jumping out of the well is still a frog." Speaking of this, a trace of enlightenment suddenly flashed in my heart and said, "But how do you know that you have broken your fate? How can I know this kind of break? Isn't it an established fate?"

"You have some wisdom." The man looked at Jiang Chen unexpectedly with a fanatical expression on his face.

After saying that, his hands began to make dazzling marks again, "clattering", and the whirlpool was like a squirming ball, rushing to heal. It is surrounded by surging blisters. Like a sealed box that slowly closed the lid, the man's figure was gradually covered.

Jiang Chen secretly screamed and used his escape technique to escape, but there seemed to be an invisible force in the whirlpool, which firmly controlled him, no matter how to cast the spell. Still can't get out of the whirlpool.

"Why do you have to struggle meaninglessly? It is your own destiny to imprison you. Even if you escape, you will enter another whirlpool. The man's voice became lighter and lighter, and the whirlpool closed with only a gap.

Seeing that the whirlpool was about to close completely, the figure of Dantian's 'heart' flashed, faintly. A long chant sounded in the depths of my heart. In an instant, he saw a sad fog shrouded in a sad cloud. A huge black torrent. In the huge waves, a pair of purple eyes penetrated the dark clouds and looked at Jiang Chen, like two burning flames, shining.

The whirlpool suddenly stopped, and the remaining gaps could no longer be closed.

That's - the original eyes!

No, no, this eye is different from what I saw at the beginning! It's weird!

"It's you again." Jiang Chen suddenly felt awe. The appearance he had seen before was completely different from the original. His old figure also returned to his youth, and his momentum was even more shocking.


"Who the hell are you?" Jiang Chen trembled with doubts and forgot the crisis in front of him.

"I am your true heart." The voice of my heart is hoarse. Xiong, as if crossing time and space, sounded in the depths of his heart.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Where did you come from without me?" Benxin sneered and said, "I am the heart, and I am you!"

"Until now, do you still want to lie to me?" Jiang Chen responded to him with his thoughts.

"When did you start to doubt?"

"Well, since the second time I saw you, you have been more vicissitudes than before, if it's like this." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"So that's it. I also know how many times I will lie to you, and one day you will know. It doesn't matter."

"That said, what the hell are you?"

The "heart" was silent for a long time and said, "I am the demon who practiced the birth of Jie Tianyan!"

All this is absurd and horrible. Jiang Chen's body was shocked, and one of them was more frightening to him than Yu and this mysterious man.


"Get out of here, now that you have me. You are superfluous."

"This is the price of choice." The demon was silent for a moment and said, "You can't erase my traces at all. Isn't it you who remember me firmly?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was born with Jie Tianyan. You chose to practice Jie Tianyan, chose to gain strong strength, and chose not to be a despised little person, but it made me."

Jiang Chen was speechless and said in a slow tone, "If I die in these six rounds, you probably won't be better, will you?" At present, the stalemate with the devil is not good for him. The most urgent thing is to escape from the six rounds. This must be the reason why he suddenly appeared.

Yes, every time he appears at a critical moment or makes a major choice! Save yourself again and again!

Suddenly, thousands of thoughts flashed in Jiang Chen's mind, but why did he do this? What was his purpose?

"You have made great progress than three years ago, and you know how to play tricks!" The wild laughter of my heart is like thunder and lightning: "How can you and me, who are trapped and me who have stepped out of the 'world' with the law of life, old age, illness and death? You and I are no longer ordinary creatures in thousands of worlds!"