divine punishment

Chapter 14 Unfathomable

"How are those people of the human race now?"

"The demon lord and the white demon king personally led the army to attack Xuanya Mountain. Many people of the ethnic groups were introduced to the Mongolian world by the four demon kings, and they don't know whether they will live or die." The turtle demon gathered near Jiang Chen's ears and whispered, greeting the water demons who were passing by on patrol.

Jiang Chen's heart sank: "Yuntian personally attacked Xuanya Mountain, so he is still there now?"

The turtle demon sighed, "May be that the demon lord has left, but the prince should do his best."

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word, if Yuntian came back here. There is little hope of success in this trip. I hope he has moved to other battlefields. Around, the water demons are three steps and one whistle, five steps and one post, which is well guarded. Pieces of gold chain and silver hooks were cut across the front, and under the light shining, the flowing water solidified, and the soft water waves became extremely hard. It's like a heavy crystal clear ice wall.

"These golden soup solid flow nets are distributed in the method of 4,300, which is profound and mysterious, making the sea water near the estuary stronger than fine steel, and it is difficult to break." The turtle demon motioned Jiang Chen to show a token, and the water demons pulled up the gold chain and silver hook net one after another, revealing a turbulent waterway.

"Enter along the waterway. It's Jinwuhai. The prince is careful all the way, and his small responsibilities are limited. I can't see you off anymore." The voice of the turtle demon gradually faded away, and the water demons closed the big net again. On the way back, it suddenly turned into a strong water wall.

"Wang", the waves rushed to surge, and the undercurrent was turbulent, and Jiang Chen and the two finally entered the Jinwu Sea. Near dawn, the deep sea is still dark and dull. With the token, they passed the inspection of a team of patrol demon soldiers and went straight to the bottom of the sea.

The waves are shining. The whole seabed is like dazzling gold, and the light intersects and is brilliant. The water reflected the crisscrossing gold threads, intertwined into dense patterns, shining Jiang Chen's eyes.

The Palace of the Sea is bathed in this golden color.

The Mongolian world must be near here!

"The heaven and earth meridians of the protection hall were broken." Pointing to the shining golden pattern of the sea**, Li Sheng said: The water around the sea hall is incomparable, like wrapping a layer of invisible water barriers."

"Singer, are you really going to go in with me? You don't have to do this." Jiang Chen jumped down and looked at Shu and looked at the palace of the sea not far away, with extreme contradictions in his heart. Further. She had no room to look back.

Li Sheng looked at him calmly and didn't say anything. Jiang Chen laughed dumbly: "I shouldn't have asked that. Let's go. I'm satisfied to be buried with you, a beautiful woman!"

Li Sheng said lightly, "I don't want to be buried with you. If you go in alive, you have to come out alive.

Staring at each other for a moment, Jiang Chen was determined and resolutely walked to the Hall of the Sea.

This temple that has experienced havoc is like a round of golden crow falling to the bottom of the sea, brilliant but twilight. The magnificent palace sorghum almost completely collapsed and covered the ground. In front of the majestic courtyard, the huge column on the left was broken and half fell down, moaning in the waves. The gorgeous high wall is scarred, and the holes are everywhere. The colorful and exquisitely carved patterns on the wall tiles set off the desolation of the broken wall.

The monsters went in and out at the gate of the temple, and the plaque in the missing corner lay weakly on the golden ladder and were trampled by countless feet. The three characters "Sea Hall" on the plaque were as dim as a wrinkled old face.

showed the token, all the way unimpeded, and he did not see Yuntian, which made Jiang Chen very happy. In the heavy hall, there was a mess everywhere, the boxes turned over and cabinets, the screens were broken, and the precious pearls, tortoiseshells and corals were scattered. On the cold ground, the bodies of people and demons lay horizontally, and their puffy and pale faces were like rubbed dough, spreading a strange smell. There are local women all over**, and their lower bodies are swollen, and they are obviously raped by monsters.

"This is the Zhenxie Hall, built on the trench, which is said to lead directly to the Mongolian world." Through the bead curtain corridor, Li Sheng looked at a strangely shaped temple opposite and said. Unlike those luxurious and gorgeous palaces, the Zhenxie Hall is gray and built with inconspicuous rock slabs. The upper dome is arc, the lower octagonal flat edges, and the upward steps are regularly separated, with the word "forbidden" engraved without exception.

The door of the hall is half open, and a bloody human body lies on its back on its back, staring at the sky like a dead fish, and its lower abdomen is full of swords. Li Sheng bent down and gently closed his open eyes. Along the dry eyes, two rows of purple-black blood stains wind and condensed.

Jiang Chen said in astringent voice, "It's not a knife, it's fish. There is no third way."

Li Sheng stroked his sword awe-inspiringly: "Didn't you and I come here today to find a third way?"

"The way of heaven is ruthless, and the fittest survives. Instead of struggling to find the third way that needs nothing, it's better to turn fish into a knife. Jiang Chen took a deep breath and crossed the high threshold. Wang Shu Xun became smaller, turned into a jade pendant, and returned to Jiang Chen's waist.

In the hall, hundreds of demons stood solemnly and their eyes focused on Jiang Chen. A lonely and tall figure stood in the center, dressed in black, with black hanging shoulders, and his face could not be seen clearly. He was a mysterious man known as the guardian.

A huge stone hanging from Jiang Chen's chest finally landed. Yuntian should have left the Hall of the Sea, otherwise he would not be in charge here.

"You go out first." The mysterious man did not look back and said in a low voice.

"Why are they here? Isn't this Jiang Chen who wants to be captured by the demon lord?" Shout in shock. Before he finished speaking, a touch of blood splashed from his throat, and his head flew up and rolled down to the corner of the hall.

The mysterious man slowly withdrew his palm and said, "Those who don't listen to the military order, be killed."

The demon generals looked at each other and filed out with all kinds of suspicion, surprise and dissatisfaction. The mysterious man brushed his sleeves and closed the door of the palace. He turned his head. He said in a low voice, "You are finally here."

"You didn't plan all this?" Jiang Chen doubted that the mysterious man killed the demon generals and privately released them into the palace, which was bound to anger Yuntian and bring unpredictable consequences.

The mysterious man waved his hand decisively: "No, Yuntian greatly surprised me this time, and he no longer trusts me. In this surprise attack, tens of millions of troops divided into ten roads and marched hand in hand. Xiaoyou and Liaoyue led two armies to block all kinds of natural dangers, and sent some troops to attack Yunxu Palace and the Great Light, and adopted a containment strategy. I followed Yuntian, led the most powerful first army, guarded the sea hall with all my strength, concentrated my superior forces to completely destroy it, and then turned over other battlefields. Two days ago, in the Sea Hall, others have led the main force of the first army to the bright realm. I stayed here just to wait for you."

"Wait for me? A lot of things, I don't understand, which side are you on?

The man was silent for a long time and said in a low voice, "I'm on your side!"

He also said, "Yuntian's strength is now unfathomable, which can be said to be against the sky. You and I are not his opponents. This person must get rid of it quickly to avoid future trouble."

Jiang Chen's heart was stunned and said, "I'm afraid that if you have done so many things, it is to deceive me to join hands with you, get rid of Yuntian, and get rid of him, and what's the deep hatred between me and him?"

"If you can come here now, can you ask yourself, don't you want to get rid of this person?" The man suddenly said this sentence.

Jiang Chen was stunned and heard the man's saying, "And two days ago, Yuntian was alone and went into the well to chase the people of the human race, but he has not returned yet!"

Jiang Chen was stunned: "Is even Yuntian's life and death uncertain?" Walk to the sea well and look carefully.

This well is very strange. The well is made of black and white pebbles, and the stone is engraved with large and small yellow bells. The crystal and shiny sheep fat jade fence is a rare five-pointed star, and the five pointed star angles are raised up, which are carved into the shape of vertical knives, swords, guns, hammers and axes. There was not a drop of water in the well, deep and bottomless. Looking down, he only felt dizzy, and the image of his heart was sucked into the endless abyss. For a moment, Jiang Chen could not withdraw his eyes, and even his body became stiff and unable to move. In a trance, the scenery around him disappeared, and Jiang Chen seemed to suddenly fall into the well and fall down in the endless dark channel.

"What's wrong with you?" The man's shout came from his ear. Immediately after the roar, or more intense, or thick and far away, which is frightening. Jiang Chen woke up and subconsciously retreated. He sweated all over and shouted, "Why is it so strange?"

"Wacky? Why can't I feel it?" Li Sheng stared at the well for a long time and puzzled the tunnel.

At this time, the yellow bell engraved on the wall of the well was like a living thing, shaking frequently, and there was the sound of knocking gold and beating jade together. After a while, it gradually stopped. The man patted the wall of the well, and Huang Zhong and Dalu shook again.

"These black and white pebbles are extremely rare ringing stones, produced on the bottom of the ancient star sea. Tap the stone, the sound can be transmitted for ten miles, and then engraved with the dark charm and seal power of the yellow bell Dalu, you can receive the miraculous effect of suppressing evil and clearing the heart. I saw that you suddenly looked dull and confused, so I patted the stone to restore your mind as soon as possible. The man explained and looked at Jiang Chen strangely: "How can your mind be photographed with your current power? Even if a demon-poor monster stands by the well, he will not lose his mind. Have you seen anything?

Jiang Chen shook his head blankly, and the man suddenly said, "Your divine consciousness is far away from ordinary people, and you are sensitive. Of course, you can feel the abnormalities below."

Jiang Chen hurriedly said, "What's wrong with the underground? It seemed that the soul had been sucked in just now!"

The man pondered for a while and said in a solemn tone that he had never had before: "All I know is that it is a existence that you and I can imagine. With the amazing sucking power of the whirlpool in your consciousness, your mind will be photographed, and its horror can be seen. Don't forget that this is just the entrance passage of the Mongolian border, and you accidentally touched the tip of its extended iceberg. He gloated and laughed dryly: "Of course, only you can touch it. Without special consciousness, others can't touch it if they want to."