divine punishment

Chapter 19 Trust

"suddenly?" Jiang Chen didn't come to his senses at once, suddenly?" Make it clear, what is sudden?

"What's wrong with you?" Li Sheng looked at him strangely, "After we flew up, you suddenly got wet all over and looked very painful."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath: "You mean, I haven't left you at all? I have never disappeared? Is it just in the blink of an eye that I got wet all over? Did you call my name just now?

Li Sheng nodded uneasily: "Do you think you have disappeared?"

Jiang Chen was stunned and stayed in the sea of prison for an hour. Why couldn't Li Sheng notice the difference in time? Did he suddenly fall into a world? So one hour in the sea of prison is only a moment compared here?

But such a situation must be born from one world into another special world. But he has never left the Mongolian world. Even if he really went back and forth from the sea of prison a few years ago, it should not be like this, because although the sea of imprisonment a few years ago has passed in sync with the current cloud world.

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more confused he became. Li Sheng looked worried and said, "Idiot, do you have hallucinations?" I hesitated for a moment. He said, "You might as well try the clear-minded and clear formula of Xuanyuan Temple."

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately interrupted her words: "I'm very awake! I have no problem! Don't look at me like that. You may be the one who is not sober!"

For a moment, Jiang Chen and Li Sheng looked at each other suspiciously. He said to himself, how could Li Sheng suddenly become haggard? Like a sick woman? Could it be that she has actually experienced many times, but she suddenly didn't realize it? Or is Li Sheng in front of him still an illusion?

"Idiot, are you really all right?"

"I'm fine, but I felt uncomfortable and broke out in a cold sweat. What about your face?" Jiang Chen hesitated a little and was determined to hide the fate of the sea of prison. Even if he said it, Li Sheng would feel that he was out of his mind.

"What's wrong with my face?" Li Sheng reached out and touched his cheek in surprise. Pulling out the moon shadow sword, the clear water light reflected her face. There is nothing wrong with my face." She lowered her head to take a picture and frowned at Jiang Chen.

She is blind and can't detect her own strangeness at all! Jiang Chen opened his mouth to speak, and his words shrank back to his mouth, "Can she believe me?" Ten* will think that I have hallucinations.

"Oh. It's nothing. Maybe I'm dazzle. Jiang Chen explained randomly. A trace of inexplicable sadness surged into my heart. In such a terrible place as the Mongolian world, mutual trust has also been quietly swallowed up. I don't know who to believe, I don't know whether it's true or false, only a sense of loneliness, only "self".

The devil suddenly said, "The change of Lisheng is also a good thing. At least let us touch the clues of the Mongolian world: first, we know that it can produce the time effect when flying; second, it can make people with weak divine consciousness quietly decay, and the parties are not aware of it and are gradually eaten by the Mongolian world. We don't know nothing about the Mongolian world now, but the more we know about it. The more likely we are to escape.

"Good thing?" Jiang Chen almost lost his anger, "Seng'er is not our roadstone!"

Flying in the air for most of the day, a large thick fog appeared in front of it. Layers of ups and down. The strange peaks stand faintly in the fog, and you can't see the foot of the mountain down, as if the peaks are suspended in mid-air.

looked back comfortably, rushed into the thick fog, and suddenly bumped into a soft foreign body.

"Plop", the foreign body was knocked out, and it was a male corpse! Her face is full of melasma, wrinkled, thin and dry bones, gray and withered long scattered. The man's body fell to the ground and rolled down the steep rocks. Then, it suddenly disappeared, but slowly thick blood came out along the way, which was shocking.

Li Sheng exclaimed that this male corpse was wearing golden armor and was obviously from the human race!

Jiang Chen's eyes swept around. They were on the rocky mountainside, and the dark yellow rocks were bulging, as if they were full of disgusting tumors. The whole mountain was barred, and the thick fog nearby disappeared strangely, as if it had never appeared. Surrounded by endless mountains, all of which are bare and can't be seen at a glance.

"Why is this so?" Li Sheng said in consterrenly, "We obviously rushed into the thick fog. This fog covered at least hundreds of feet. Why did it suddenly disappear? And the corpse of the human race also disappeared inexplicably.

"The aging of that people has become an old man." Jiang Chen glanced at Li Sheng intentionally or unintentionally.

"Old man? What are you talking about? Li Sheng said in surprise, "Although the body just now is dull, it is not old. Stupid Chen, I think there is something really wrong with you.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly in his heart and looked at Li Sheng silently. Zhong Shenxiu's elegant posture has been stunned, his delicate cheeks are slightly cut, and his beautiful eyes are turbid and faintly oozed with blood. Suddenly, he remembered the tears rolling from the corners of her eyes before jumping into the well. My heart twitched violently.

"Shuier!" Jiang Chen couldn't help holding her hand and shouted impulsively, "From now on, I want you to trust me wholeheartedly! Trust me more than believing in yourself. Shenger, can you do it? Don't believe your own feelings, just trust me! Can you do it? Just think I beg you."

"Let her treat me as a madman!"

Li Sheng looked at Jiang Chen in a state of confusion. Mo sighed softly, "Do you think she is okay? How can you ask a person to betray herself?

"I, I have always believed in you." Li Sheng said slowly, with an extremely gentle voice, "From the night of Xuanyuan Temple, the moment you left there."

"This is more than that I want. Do you understand? I want you not to believe in yourself, just believe me! Just this time, okay?"

"But," Li Sheng said hesitantly, "Why is this?"

"Because you have been immersed in the blind world, because you are getting old and haggard, because I can't watch you get lost!" Jiang Chen trembled, lowered his head, and shouted desperately, "I love you! It's not like, it's love!"

For a long time, I couldn't hear Li Sheng's answer, only saw the light yellow robe sleeves trembling violently. Jiang Chenmu stood up and said in astringent voice, "When I was a child, I was a gangster. I stretch out my hand all day long, but I never ask for help.

"Because I have nothing but a little self-deception pride. I can't throw away the only thing left."

"But now, I'm begging you. Please trust me once without reservation, and please forget that you trust me once."

"Just once."

"I--" Li Sheng's voice kept trembling, like thin fallen leaves in the wind.

She doesn't know how to answer, because Jiang Chen has become no longer the former him since the magic fetus was completed.

"I-promise you." After all, she cried, "No matter what you do, I believe you."

Jiang Chen turned his head and let the wind dry the tears in the corners of his eyes. Thank you, Shenger."

"Did I cry? For a woman, many years later, when I thought I would never cry again.

"I think we all betrayed ourselves."

"This starts from the moment we jump into the sea well. You have to believe every word I say. Jiang Chen's reckless words just now made Jiang Chen a little embarrassed. When he spoke, Jiang Chen kept turning his head and did not dare to look at Li Sheng. She also lowered her head and looked elsewhere.

There was a discontented sound from the divine consciousness: "Cut, I thought I could continue to enjoy the sensational drama and adjust the tense mood."

After talking about Jiang Chen's absurd and bizarre experience, Li Sheng quietly pondered for a long time and whispered, "Well, if it hadn't been for just now, I would probably have thought that you really had a mental breakdown and had hallucinations."

Jiang Chen giggled a few times, and Li Sheng thought about it again and said, "Now I completely believe you, because Zhong Punish's experience is a little similar to yours."

"Of course, Jiang Chen is not much worse than Zhong's punishment. Don't worry, I will bring you out of the blind world alive! I won't be so short-lived. One day, I will become the first master in the cloud world!" Jiang Chen's eyebrows were smiling and his spirits were greatly refreshed. His heart was full of joy, and the bare and gloomy peaks seemed to be full of bright sunshine.

"I also believe it." Li Sheng said anly, "Well, there are still bones over there." Walk not far and take a closer look. The skeleton has only the upper half, the bones are full of cracks, and the lower body has turned into a pile of snow-white bone powder.

"Someone has been here! I also touched this skeleton, so my lower body was broken!" Jiang Chen shouted excitedly and kicked half a skeleton, and the white bone immediately loosened into sand.

"And recently!" Li Sheng said, "If the bones had been touched many years ago, the ashes should have been scattered. Over the years, no one has dared to enter the Mongolian world. If it hadn't been forced to be desperate, the human race would not have come in.

"The human race must have been here! The male body just now is still very fresh! The human race may be nearby!" Jiang Chen looked around anxiously, and his heart was both excited and uneasy.

Jiang Chen and the two launched a carpet-style search and climbed over the peaks to find the clues they might leave behind. Jiang Chen estimated that it has been about a day since he entered the Mongolian world.

"Over there. There seems to be a gully. Li Sheng suddenly stopped and pointed to the raised slope below. "It's a little strange. It doesn't seem to be formed naturally."

"Why didn't I see it?" Jiang Chen looked up in the direction she pointed.

"Am I hallucinating?" Li Sheng hesitated and said, "In the Mongolian world, my magic weapon is far from ordinary, and it always seems to be covered with a layer of smoke. Otherwise, don't go there so that you won't fall into illusions.

Jiang Chen pondered slightly: "No, I believe you. Let's go and have a look." His eyes touched Li Sheng. Suddenly, he was shocked and shouted excitedly, "Singer, you look much better than before! The face is no longer as pale as ice!"

Li Sheng was stunned and said in surprise, "Really? Why did it turn around?"

She looked at Jiang Chen for a long time and said, "Is it because I trust you?"