divine punishment

Chapter 8 Poison Shadow

"Lord! This place is a little darker than the side, a little darker!" Chu Ruoxuan said, "It's a poisonous shadow! It's really poisonous! I thought the poisonous shadow was a virtual thing. It turned out that there was really something in the world!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and couldn't see the difference between light and dark. Chu Ruoxuan said solemnly, "The poisonous shadow is an invisible and colorless monster. Unless it is illuminated by pure light, it will show a faint shadow. And this poisonous shadow is hidden under this neon glass!"

"What does this have to do with Dancao?"

"The red grass is hidden in the belly of the poisonous shadow. The poisonous image is an invisible bag of wishes. No matter how many treasures you have, you can swallow them, and what you eat can keep the same.

Jiang Chen said excitedly, "So we just need to grab the poison shadow and take the elixir out of its stomach!"

Chu Ruoxuan smiled and said, "You have to be simple. In fact, the poisonous shadow is invisible and colorless, and it is not easy to catch? Even if we send it to us, we can't take out the treasure of hay in the belly of the poisonous shadow. Just like those who can grab things out of the air.

Jiang Chen said happily, "It depends on your means. Since someone can put the treasure in the belly of the poisonous shadow, it can be taken out

Chu Ruoxuan suddenly smiled at Jiang Chen: "It depends on whether the Lord is willing to take risks. As long as you dare to kill, I can only deceive this poisonous shadow and let it obediently spit out the baby in my stomach. It can also help you really subdue this poisonous shadow!"

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "Really subdue it?"

"Yes, the treasurer did not subdue this poisonous shadow. Otherwise, it won't be here." Chu Ruoxuan sighed, "Rumors say that a poisonous shadow is better than thousands of troops and horses!"

The four words "thousands of troops and thousands of horses" are like a little spark splashing in Jiang Chen's heart, burning a boiling flame.

At Chu Ruoxuan's request, everyone except Jiang Chen and him withdrew from the Zhu family.

"Legend has it that the poisonous shadow was conceived by the plague in the chaos of heaven and earth. The essence it spits out can make the vegetation decay, the rivers dry up, and the creatures within a hundred miles are infected with evil diseases. It can be said to be a very dangerous creature. Chu Ruoxuan's face was serious.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but be jealous: "It turns out that the poison shadow is like a plague." Having a poisonous shadow can make the strong army seriously ill and lose its combat ability. No wonder Chu Ruoxuan said that it has surpassed thousands of troops and horses.

"For good, Poison Shadow is lazy, does not like activities, and does not easily spit out the essence. But if you become its owner, you can control it smoothly. Chu Ruoxuan took out a corner of the pearl gray gauze scarf from his body and threw it up. The gauze scarf circled and enlarged in the air and turned into a curtain covering the sky and earth, sealing the whole glass ball tightly and covering the brilliance of neon glass.

The surroundings suddenly became gray, and the curtain emitted a faint fragrance, which was refreshing.

"This is Jinguo Huanluo." Chu Ruoxuan pointed to the round spots of different sizes on the curtain and said, "They are tens of millions of ancient fruits parasitic in the raccoon, which have the effect of avoiding poison and can temporarily digest the essence of poisonous shadows."

Chu Ruoxuan took out another green jade long-necked water bottle full of milky nectar. He took out a few drops and sprinkled them on the brocade. The round spots gradually bulged and bulged into countless colorful fruits. The strong fragrance filled the whole glazed ball.

"Would you like to try it? This is a strange fruit golden spirit that only exists on Yunfu Island. It only bears fruit once in a thousand years, and only bears one at a time. Chu Ruoxuan casually picked a full golden round fruit from the brocade and threw it to me. In the original place, a golden spirit was miraculously drumed out.

Jin Lingzi's thin skin is golden, and the juice is as white as milk, but the meat ladle is emerald green. It is embedded with a bright red seed. After a bite, the slurry is tingling, as sweet as *, full of fragrance, and Jiang Chen envied: "You really have a lot of treasures." But he stared at Chu Ruoxuan again, which seemed to have a deep meaning.

Chu Ruoxuan said, "Now we are going to deceive this poisonous shadow, and the bait is that you want to learn to crow from the Lord." The original elixir hangs high above the head, like a bright lamp, showing conspicuous light spots in Jinguo Huanluo.

Jiang Chen was stunned: "Learn to crow chickens?"

"Poison shadows like to eat roosters, you just need to learn how to crow. It can't help but show up and attack you. At that time, you will be like this." Chu Ruoxuan said slowly and finally said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Although it is protected by Jinguo Huanluo, it can only prevent the essence of the poison from spreading in the air. Once you are directly stained by the essence, the immortals can't be saved.

Everything is ready. Chu Ruoxuan jumped on a wheel-big green fruit, and the translucent fruit shell slowly cracked a gap and wrapped him in it. Chu Ruoxuan's voice came faintly from inside the fruit: "Lord, take it easy. I don't want to collect the body for you."

Jiang Chen nodded and took a deep breath; "Oh, oh!" He raised his neck. The voice was hoarse, and Chu Ruoxuan couldn't stop laughing. He kept shouting, "It's the rooster crowing. Don't call it a hen to lay eggs."

After shouting a fragrance for a long time, the light spot of the original elixir suddenly reflected a very faint shadow.

"Be careful, it's coming out!" Chu Ruoxuan shouted nervously.

Jiang Chen immediately closed his breath and used the magic eight elephants to stab words. He flashed like lightning in the glass giant ball, only flowing with a breath in his abdomen and kept making the rooster's cry.

The poisonous shadow is like a maggot attached to the bone. Follow Jiang Chen to death. Even if he tries his best to get rid of its tracking, it is difficult to get rid of it. Where Jiang Chen passed by, the exotic fruits on the brocade rotten almost at the same time and turned into water, and some of them fell down and turned into highly poisonous blue-purple.

Jiang Chenfei moved, his heart beat wildly, and the situation was extremely dangerous. As long as you don't pay attention, you will be sprayed by the essence of the poisonous shadow. Become the same end as these different fruits. Fortunately, he made a breakthrough in the Eight Elephant Technique, and his momentum continued. Otherwise, I won't be able to hold on.

"Be sure to seize the opportunity!" Chu Ruoxuan shouted that the light spot of the original elixir locked the poison shadow far away and followed it to move in an instant. In the light spot, the faint shadow suddenly rises and shrinks with the amazing frequency of electric flint. As Chu Ruoxuan said, before the poison shadow spewed out, it will inevitably contract and expand when it breathes.

Jinguo raccoon on the ground is constantly rotting, and a trace of blue-purple smoke is also faintly floating in the air. Hurry up!" Chu Ruoxuan urged anxiously, "If it goes on like this, we will be finished!"

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and stared at the light spot. After the poisonous shadow expanded, he suddenly rushed into the light spot.

A moment suddenly lit up, and Jiang Chen entered the belly of the poisonous shadow.

Jiang Chen breathed a long sigh of relief. Before the poisonous shadow spit out the essence, he would naturally inhale. Only in this short moment can he have the opportunity to rush into its abdomen. If it is a little faster or slower, you will be killed by the breath spray.

In the belly of the poisonous shadow, it is quiet and immaculate, surrounded by bright and boundless, with a red belt, an antique bronze tripod, a densely patterned elixir, an ice futon, a white jade hairpin, a string of elixir and three books.

This is the collection at the bottom of the box of the Zhu family. Although there are only a few pieces, I know that each one is priceless. As Chu Ruoxuan expected, there was a table-sized insect hovering in front of the treasure. It has a beautiful face as bright as a peach blossom, and its pink wings are densely covered with sharp clams, which is a human face. This kind of insect is not very lethal, but it has the ability to control the spirit of life.