divine punishment

Chapter 21 Thoughtful

Many days later, Jiang Chen and others successfully mixed into a demon army heading south, Xiang Yun.

Brother Zhuliang volunteered to accompany him, and he was still a good-going man. After a disguise, they all changed their appearance, their heads were dyed green by tree juice, their faces were covered with oil, and their whole body was wearing armor. Li Sheng raised his bun and inserted a sharp corner diagonally. He couldn't see the original appearance at all. Even Brother Zhu Liang himself painted a black face, wrapped a headscarf, and wrapped a pair of fat ears.

The sky is gray, dark clouds, and the sound of thunder rolling faintly.

"Damn, it's going to rain again in this damn weather." The tiger demon walking in front of him raised his neck, looked at the sky, and put on his helmet scolding.

The road is muddy and slippery, deep and shallow, like a big flower face that has been smeared indiscriminately, and there are yellow mud pits full of footprints. After days of heavy rain, it rained for another whole night last night. Less than half a day, the thunderstorm was coming again.

There is a Yangmei Mountain in the front ten. After crossing the mountain, you can see the Huangsha River, the third largest holy land in the Arctic. The south bank of the river is Yungang.

The dragonfly on the side touched its wet tail and muttered, "Our northeast is a good day in the sun now." He stabbed Jiang Chen in the arm, "Kid, which one are you?"

"Northwest Rabies Mountain." Jiang Chen replied with a grin. This demon soldier comes from the northeast mountains and forests. It is a tiger and wolf army newly formed in the Arctic holy land, mostly new soldiers. Along the way, many scattered demon armies have joined them. The demons are many and messy, and there are often internal fights, which is very suitable for them to sneak in.

"It turns out that the eldest brother is a good man in Rabies Mountain." The demon turned pale and quickly distanced himself from Jiang Chen. The dog demon in the northwest rabies mountain is famous, and has been bitten by the dog demon. They will die crazy, and few monsters are willing to provoke them. Brother Zhuliang arranged this identity for Jiang Chen and others in advance, which is to make the monsters afraid and dare not approach them easily. Naturally, they will not expose any flaws.

A thunder suddenly sounded in the air, and the bean-sized raindrops fell down, quickly becoming snow-white whips, splashing brightly around. The rain converges into a river, full of potholes, and the road is not easy to walk. The cold armor soaked in water was more uncomfortable against the skin, emitting a sour smell, and the monsters cursed.

"Yangmei Mountain is the outermost front for encircling and suppressing Luo Shengtian human beings. Not surprisingly, we will be subject to strict scrutiny there. Zhu Geliang approached Jiang Chen and others and glanced around cautiously.

"I hope your plan is feasible." Jiang Chen whispered, glancing at the corners of his eyes, and Li Sheng was sandwiched among the stinky demon soldiers. His face was covered with rain, his dirty head was disheveled on his forehead, and the hem and upper of his shoes were covered with thick mud.

"Go quickly and rub your fart!" A demon general rode four different beasts and ran by, took the opportunity to raise his whip and slap Li Sheng. The latter is silent. Accelerate the pace.

Jiang Chen's heart seemed to be suddenly tightened, and his eyes were sore by the raindrops. Why? Is Li Sheng going to suffer like this? What does the life and death of Zhongzhou have to do with her? Following Jiang Chen, he went in the wind and rain, and was scared everywhere. He had to pretend to be a humble monster and be beaten and scolded.

In an instant, Jiang Chen's blood surged, and he couldn't wait to pull her to turn around. I won't play anymore. No more, don't want anything! I fucking accept my fate!"

He grabbed Jiang Chen with one hand, and Zhu Geliang calmly greeted Jiang Chen's angry eyes: "You will get used to it."

"Hands go!"

"To hold it tightly, you must first release it. If you want to get it, you must first prepare to lose it. People who do great things must learn to accept many things they don't like. He said slowly. It's frank, that's Yuntian, not the Lord of the Cloud World.

Jiang Chen roared, ploped and knelt on the ground, and punched the mud pit fiercely. The cold rain rolled down the helmet. My eyes are dazzled.

Jiang Chen heard a quiet sigh in a trance. The demon soldiers passed by one after another, and the mud splashed from leather boots hit him in the face. I feel numb and don't feel anything.

Storm rain is like a note, struggling is a kind of pain, and not struggling is also a pain.

"I will get used to it." The rainstorm was like a note, Jiang Chen said to himself, as if to say goodbye to the distant shadow of the years.

"I will get used to it." Jiang Chen wiped his face, slowly got up and strode forward. The rainstorm is like a note, and the bitter rain flows into your mouth. If you get used to it, you will no longer feel bitter.

Brother Zhu stood in front of him and stared at Jiang Chen with a complex expression on his face. In the white rain curtain, Yangmei Mountain in the distance faintly emerged from the green outline.

"You will succeed." Jiang Chen heard him say in an unprecedented respectful tone.

"I will." Jiang Chen replied coldly.

The degree of progress of the team gradually slows down. From all directions, a team of demons kept pouring in, converging into a huge torrent and advancing towards Yangmei Mountain.

"There are 16 days left, and the moon is full." Jiangchen Road, all the key roads nearby were stationed with demons and surrounded this area like iron barrels.

"Yuntian will definitely attack in these days." Brother Zhu is bright and has a strong heart.

"Be careful, intelligent, patient, tough and decisive enough." It is Jiang Chen's secret observation of Brother Zhuliang these days. On the first day of invagation into the demon army, some demon generals were suspicious of them and repeatedly interrogated them. Brother Zhu passed the test with clever words, and then waited for seven days. He was suddenly killed by the rainy night and quietly ended up the life of the demon general.

"Since you are suspicious, you can't stay any more, otherwise something will happen." Zhu Geliang's words at that time were clearly printed in Jiang Chen's mind.

At the foot of Yangmei Mountain, the demon army stopped and waited. A large number of well-equipped and powerful demons will run out of Yangmei Mountain and divide them into dozens of teams to meet all kinds of demon forces. These demons looked indifferent and had an invisible murderous atmosphere all over their bodies. Obviously, they have been in the battlefield for a long time.

Jiang Chen took a deep look at Brother Zhu Liang. Once he ascended to the throne of the cloud world in the future, Jiang Chen, the demon, could not stay. When all kinds of reinforcements gather before doing it, Yuntian's patience is also good. Jiang Chen said lightly.

"This is a battle related to his prestige, and there is no room for loss." A sastic smile flashed in Brother Zhu's bright eyes.

With the Yangmei mountain demons rushing all the way, there was a brief disturbance in the reinforcements of all sides, pouring into a group, and Jiang Chen and his tiger and wolf army were no exception. The sound of rain, scolding and the roar of beasts were mixed into a scene of noise.

"You, stay alone! Stand over there!" Several demons galloped back and forth, like picking pigs. He shouted and waved the whip, dividing the demon army in front of him into two large and small camps with distinct longitude and latitude. Most of the monsters in the small camp are burly and fierce.

"They are selecting troops." Brother Zhu said, "I'm afraid that monsters with weak combat effectiveness can't enter the main battlefield, so they can only stay here and be responsible for the peripheral defense line."

"We must be selected." Jiang Chen stood up straight, raised his head, and stared fiercely at the colorful-faced demon general coming from the horse, and his eyes did not give in.

"Ky, you have guts! Get out of there!" The flower-faced demon pointed the scabbard to the small camp in the distance. As soon as Jiang Chen started, his back was smashed by the back of a knife. Jiang Chen deliberately staced, causing a wild smile from the flower-faced demon general.

"You can tolerate it more than I thought." Brother Zhuliang caught up quickly from behind and breathed admiration. He and Li Sheng have been selected one after another. With their skills, as long as they spread a little strength, they can be selected.

"Because I'm used to it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

The selected elite soldiers were reorganized into a column. Under the leadership of several demons, he continued to move forward. The rest of the monsters camped outside Yangmei Mountain and blocked the passages. On the mountain, the mud was flowing, the streams soared, and the bayberry trees all over the mountain trembled in the wind and rain. Many mountains seem to be solid. But when he stepped on it, it immediately turned into a soft mudstone and slid down. The team below was full of faces. Thousands of monsters were stationed on the top of the mountain, and the tent was blown around.

Along the way, the demon generals urged the march and often waved whips to scold. Li Sheng still looked calm and obedient, but his eyes were full of grievances and resentment. He bit his lips, and a trace of blood oozed from the corners of his lips and was quickly diluted by the rain.

Jiang Chen sighed. He walked to Lisheng and quietly held her hand: "You are suffering these days."

"It's all your fault." With an aggrieved face, she angrily patted the branches in front of her, and several purple bayberry fell on Jiang Chen's head.

"Well, it's all my fault." Jiang Chen said in an astringent voice. I should have come alone."

Li Sheng looked at Jiang Chen guiltily: "They just said it casually. I'm ignorant and shouldn't lose my temper with you.

Jiang Chen seemed to have been slapped in the face and his face was hot. I looked at her for a while. He turned around and couldn't say anything.

This is a marriage to him. Jiang Chen has become the closest partner in her life, but she has to deceive her again and again.

This is the first woman who treats him wholeheartedly, but he can't repay him with all.

Over the Yangmei Mountain, the rolling Huangsha River is in front of you, bypassing the Chenxiang Valley in the north, roaring south, and galloping through the low slopes on both sides. The river is turbid, the water flow is rapid, and it is connected with the gray rain curtain, and the smoke hills on the other side are shrouded in hazy smoke.

"For many days of rain, the water level has risen sharply, and many places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have been flooded." Brother Zhu pointed to the canopy emerging from the river. The rapid waves swept over, and the remains of several drifting willow trees were completely swallowed up.

They began to swim across the river in batches, with demons flying in the sky, countless water demons wandering back and forth at the bottom of the river, and the bright underwater hooks were dense along the coast. Brother Zhu moved his arm and swam to the heart of the river with the most turbulent water. He said, "We are going to act separately."

"I remember that I was the third place after Yuntian's general attack." Jiang Chen carefully looked at the terrain on the other side, and the rising smoke mound was like a long dam, temporarily blocking the flooding of the river. What I want to do is to break through the lowest part of the smoke mound with a magic gun at the most tragic moment of the fierce battle between the demon army and Zhongzhou, so that Jiang Hong can vent from there and rush to the hinterland of the smoke mound, turning the battlefield into a chaotic ocean.

"I'm going to Shenxiang Valley." Brother Zhu's body sank and disappeared without a trace in the whirlpool.

"This technique is very special." Jiang Chen stared at the place where Brother Zhu Liang disappeared and muttered to himself.

Li Sheng swam over and said, "Is he really a close relative of the person who protects the law? Why do you trust him so much?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "He must be that man's cronies, but I don't trust him."

Li Sheng opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Jiang Chen puzzledly: "In case he sells us to Yuntian and catch turtles in an urn here, we have no place to escape."

"People like him don't like Yuntian. Only by following me can he get greater benefits. And betraying me means betraying that person. Since that person dares to entrust him, he naturally has a means of coercion that he dares not betray. This person can take on the role of protecting the law. Which one will be a fuel-efficient lamp?

"Strange, why would that man rather betray Yuntian and help you? I can't figure it out." Li Sheng's pretty face was rigid, "To be honest, what are you doing with him?" After saying that, he smiled.

What? My wife and I have a lot of shady things. Jiang Chen poked out his hand jokingly and squeezed her upturned*.

"Little scoundrel." She knocked off Jiang Chen's hand coquettishly, but her fragrant body slowly leaned over.

After entering the smoke hill, the defense distribution of the demon army became more and more strict. From time to time, a brigade of monsters shouted all the way and galloped by. Or the encampment army suddenly broke out and marched in a certain direction, and the deployment of troops was very frequent. It was full of tension before the war.

After Jiang Chen's team was on standby by the river for a long time, they received a summons and continued to go deep into the smoke hill. This area is full of low hills. After dozens of miles in a row, the demon army stopped on a high hill and camped. On the two hills in the east and west, there is also a team of demon troops stationed. They happened to form a "pin" shape and firmly grasped the exit of a wide plain opposite.

The plain is surrounded by mountains, more like a basin, and the other end exit leads to Yungang. At a glance, the nearby smoke was fomented, as if the gray-white clouds rolled past the field. Mountains * flags are displayed. The head of the demon soldier moved, and the knives and guns became a forest. Fully armed cavalry continued to rush into the plain. The roar of the beast penetrated the wind and rain and resounded through the sky.

In the sky, the summoned monsters flew around, conveying the orders and messages of the front line to the generals of each team.

"At least 500,000 troops have been laid here." Jiang Chen stood in front of the military tent and took a deep breath. There should be about 500,000 demons on the other side of Yungang, plus the peripheral and mobile armies, and the demons have counted more than 1.5 million. Used to deal with tens of thousands of middle-state masters, Yuntian is quite a bit of a fuss.

Li Sheng said, "This battle is too important for Yuntian. If you can't completely annihilate Zhongzhou, you will not only lose face. It will also revive Zhongzhou and completely affect the morale of the holy land in the Arctic.

"More importantly, on the chessboard of this war, the people of Zhongzhou are just chess pieces, and the real two sides of the game are Yuntian and Yunfu Island. This is the first battle of their confrontation, and Yuntian will never allow himself to fail.

"If Brother Zhu's bright plan is feasible, Yuntian seems doomed to fail."

"He must lose. In the Mongolian world, I was slamed; I returned to my hometown of the Holy Land in the Arctic, if Yuntian lost to Yunfu Island again. He really came to an end. A series of defeats will definitely affect the Taoist realm for a peerless master like Yuntian. Not only will it stop at the realm of returning to the ruins for life, but there is even the possibility of regression.

Li Sheng sighed, "Yuntian is so strong that he even wants to get rid of Yunfu Island."

Jiang Chen shook his head regretfully. Unfortunately, the poisonous shadow can't distinguish between enemies and me except him. Otherwise, if you let it out, the million demon army will be depressed. But if Jiang Chen can't save those people in Zhongzhou, even if Yuntian's demon army is all dead, what's good for him? The benefits will only be the sects of Yunfu Island and Dongzhou. Things that harm others and harm themselves are not done by wise people.

Li Sheng said, "It's better to allow this demon to die in the hands of Yunfu Island, and from then on, the cloud world will be peaceful."

"No!" Jiang Chen said indifferently, "I hope Yuntian will always be alive, but he will continue to fail."

"Why?" Li Sheng's face was full of doubts.

Jiang Chen smiled. Once he loses the threat of Yuntian, he will have no use value for Yunfu Island and will be abandoned immediately. The mysterious man will certainly free his hand to deal with me. Yuntian must not die before he ascended to the throne of the Lord of the Cloud World and ordered the Cloud World.

Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou were found in the east of Yungang!" The scream of monsters in the sky. The cavalry patrolling Hirano immediately came out and roared towards Yungang like a whirlwind.

"It's about to start." Jiang Chen jumped up the tree excitedly and looked towards Yungang.

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou fought fiercely with the Third Army in Dongshan, Yungang!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou were defeated and fled to the north!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou rushed to Yungang Dongshan again!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou broke through the East Mountain and fled to Yungang Helan Valley!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou broke through Helan Valley and rushed to the Three Gorges of Yungang!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou were ambushed by the Fourth Army in the Three Gorges and retreated to Helan Valley!"

"urgent news! Urgent news! The remnants of Zhongzhou withdrew to Dongshan!"

The news is more and more tense and more frequently, like a Thunderbolt one after another. Hearing Jiang Chen's ups and downs, he couldn't help crushing the branches in front of him.

"Zhongzhou wants to break out from the east line of Yungang." Jiang Chen meditated. This can be seen from the repeated and fierce battles between the two sides mainly around the area of Helan Valley.

Li Sheng said strangely, "Why does it sound like Yuntian has been passively defending?" He has a million troops. If he loses his breath to the main battlefield, won't he immediately establish his advantage?

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Because Yuntian has a big appetite."

Li Sheng suddenly understood and sighed gently: "Yes, Yuntian wants to completely annihilate the other party, not destroy it. If the general attack is launched now, there will be many masters in Zhongzhou who will escape with wonderful spells.

Jiang Chen said: "So he is not in a hurry to attack, but let the people of Zhongzhou break through and run around, using the solid defense line to consume the strength and morale of the other party little by little, and surround but not annihilate it. Attack but not attack. In this way, it is not easy for the head of the famous sect in Zhongzhou to leave the doorman and run away by himself, which is equivalent to being dragged down to death.

Li Sheng said, "When their mana is exhausted, the casualties continue to increase, and morale falls to the lowest point, Yuntian will have a thunderbolt."

"At that time. I'm afraid that even the first master in Zhongzhou can't escape. Yuntian will take action in person, plus the four demon kings, to complete a perfect complete annihilating battle. So as to win a beautiful battle against Yunfu Island, the strongest power in the cloud world!" Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said, "Yunfu Island wants to use Lianhua to attack Yuntian, and Yuntian also hopes to pass this battle. Learn from Yunfu Island. Once successful, Yuntian's prestige will reach an unprecedented peak.