divine punishment

Chapter 2 Divine World

Jiang Chen operated the mirror pupil secret technique and looked around. The top of the cave is surrounded by clouds and fog, and crystal-like transparent vines are entangled vertically and horizontally. If it weren't for the mirror pupil secret art, I wouldn't have seen it at all. The vines are full of milky white berries, which are bright and dripping, and there are still crystal dewdrops rolling on the peel. He picked one casually, and the thin peel gently poked and burst, flowing out of the purple pulp. He inhaled it in his mouth. At first, it seemed to swallow a cluster of hot flames, and then turned into a clear sweet stream in his abdomen, cooled down to the soles of his feet. It was a wonderful taste.

"People on Yunfu Island really enjoy it." Jiang Chen leaned against the cloud wall and thought about tomorrow's Tianxing Palace.

"Kid, aren't you interested in that Yu?" Wang Shu said mysteriously, "It's the biggest secret of Yunfu Island. I don't even know such an elder hidden."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "It has been sealed. Although I remember the gesture of understanding the seal, Fanmo has been sitting on the watch platform and can't enter at all."

Wang Shu smiled strangely: "Who said that you must enter from the Guanya platform? The shortcut to there is above your head.

Jiang Chen was stunned: "Lao Shu, are you kidding?"

"Uncle never believes in opening the river. My last master tried it himself." Wang Shu hummed, "Otherwise, how do you think the vines on the top of the cloud cave grow? In the high sky of Yunfu Island, there is a sky vine, which absorbs the spirit of the night. The clouds are long, and the branches and vines spread all over every place where there are clouds. As long as you climb to the sky spiritual vine, you can go straight to the mysterious universe.

Jiang Chen was surprised and happy, hesitated a little and was determined to find out.

With a gentle leap, I climbed up the vine. As soon as I grasped my hands firmly, a burning tingling suddenly came from my palm. At a glance, dense burrs drilled out of the vines, almost penetrating the soil. Let go of the hand, and the burr shrank in again.

Wang Shu said, "Fortunately, you have a demon body protection, otherwise you will be drilled into the body by the burrs of the sky vine and become unconscious for at least a month."

Jiang Chen carefully went up the vines, passed through the clouds at the top of the cave, and climbed higher and higher. Looking around, the sea of clouds is vast and magnificent. Some places are white, and some places are purple and colorful. Countless crystal clear vines shuttled through it, like a huge net weaving in the sky, covering the sky.

"As long as you keep stepping on the spiritual vine, the clouds will automatically wrap you and will not be found by the old men on Yunfu Island." Under Wang Shu's guidance, Jiang Chen turned up and down the vines. I don't know how long he walked, but he only felt that the spiritual vines were endless, like a complicated and chaotic labyrinth, dazzling and dizzy.

Later, there was a trace of fear in Jiang Chen's heart. The surrounding is silent, and the clouds are dark, and the manpower is smaller and weaker.

"To the left, no, it should be the spiritual vine on the right. Wait, let me think about it again." Wang Shu scratched his ears and cheeks and hesitated for a long time.

"Where the hell?"

"Hey, it's been a long time, and I can't remember clearly. It seems that we are probably going the wrong way.

Jiang Chen was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Wang Shu said comently, "Why don't we go back?"

After tossing for a long time, there was nothing he could do, so Jiang Chen had to calm his drums and go back home. On the way, more than a dozen vines were intertwined into a sharp cones, and the vines on the tip of the cone stretched outward, forming a series of eye-catching vine circles. I suddenly felt that the scene in front of me was very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before.

stopped suddenly, and Jiang Chen shouted, "I seem to have been here."

"Nonsense." Wang Shu lowered his head and said, "This is the way we came from before."

"No!" Jiang Chen pointed to the conical rattan circle and said decisively, "I must have seen it in the past!"

Wang Shu said, "Have you been sleepwalking to Yunfu Island?"

"Dreamwalking?" In an instant, a spiritual light flashed through his mind. Jiang Chen trembled with excitement and hissed, "It's the divine world!" On the map of Xuanyuan Temple, Jiang Chen witnessed the shape of the vine here!" It's the divine world! That Yu must be in the divine world!"

The crisscross, infinitely extended vines, like a clear clue, connect many fragmented mysteries.

However, if that Yu is the legendary divine world, why does Yunfu Island keep this secret? If it's just for my selfish desire, why did they seal that Yu? I have long been able to start to the divine world and go straight to a happy life.

There must be something else hidden in it.

Slowly recalling the map of Xuanyuan Temple, Jiang Chen is determined to continue to move forward and find out. Although he didn't fully remember the map, at least he left a seven-eight impression. Coupled with Wang Shu, he should be able to go the right way.

I don't know how long it has been. The clouds around me are getting hot, and the clouds seem to be burning and rolling. The color of the vines has also become purple and red, entangled into strange shapes.

"To the left, climb the spiritual vine in the middle! There will be no mistake. We will arrive at that Yu soon. Wang Shu suddenly shouted excitedly. The vines in front of him were particularly thick, bending up into a huge arch, like a rainbow bridge, straddling into the depths of the clouds. The slender spiritual vines on both sides are like sharp cones, stretching out one after another, like the wings of the rainbow bridge.

Jiang Chen's feet were about to step on the bridge-shaped spiritual vine, and a dangerous warning flashed in his heart. On the map of Xuanyuan Temple, many bright red "forks" are specially marked here, which is in sharp contrast to other places.

Jiang Chen couldn't help retracting and looking carefully. There seems to be nothing surprising nearby. It's just that the vines swayed slightly, and the clouds surged more fiercely. However. The map of Xuanyuan Temple will never be marked. There must be something strange here.

"Don't linger. Hurry up. You have to come back tomorrow." Wang Shu shouted impatiently, and it took at least four hours to explore repeatedly.

Jiang Chen muttered, "When your master passed by here. But what's wrong?"

"Abnormal? What's wrong with it?" Wang Shu was puzzled, thought for a moment, and suddenly patted his forehead. "I remember that when the master walked on this vine bridge, his pace flicked left and right, which was very strange, as if to avoid something."

Jiang Chen's heart was cold, and even the world's first master in the past was careful, which showed that it was dangerous. Jiang Chen was even more careless. Just stand still and let go of your consciousness. The spirit extends like an invisible tentacle to the rattan bridge.

At the beginning, the divine consciousness did not notice anything, but it was like exploring an unfathomable void. The more it extends inward, the more the void becomes. But with the deepening of divine consciousness, Jiang Chen is now extremely empty. There are also many voids that radiate into the endless void, which are vast and boundless, giving birth to strong suction. In an instant, Jiang Chen's consciousness was like a wild horse, breaking free from his control like crazy and rushing to the void.

Jiang Chen was shocked. If his consciousness completely came out, he would become an unconscious fool. At the same time, thousands of whirlpools in the divine consciousness rotate fiercely. He contracted quickly and tried his best to bring his consciousness back.

"How could this happen?" Wang Shu shouted in awe. He stumbled in the divine consciousness and crooked, and could hardly stabilize his body.

Jiang Chen's headache was cracked, and his consciousness became a battlefield, which was sharply turbulent in the pull of voids and whirlpools. Like a kite in the sky, fragile lines swing in the strong wind and break at any time.

"You can't go on like this. You have to make a decision quickly!" Looking at Shu Qingming, the clear light was full of consciousness. The divine consciousness stabilized for a moment and shook violently again.

At this time, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to turn around and escape. The attraction of emptiness is increasing, and the divine consciousness is gradually getting farther away, turning into an insignificant dust, lost in the depths of the endless void. His mind began to blur, and the past emerged like a tide and kept disappearing.

No longer hesitated, Jiang Chen controlled his body with only a little clarity left in his mind, used the eight-like magic of divine knowledge, rushed to the rattan bridge, and chased after the divine consciousness.

With a bang, the surrounding scenery changed, and the rattan bridge disappeared. In the vast world, there were only dense voids leading to the unknown depths. In a certain hollow, he fell into Jiang Chen's consciousness. He threw himself into the hollow and recombined with the divine consciousness.

"Where is this?" Jiang Chen heard his relieved gasp, which echoed around the silence for a long time.

"We may be in the roots of the sky." Wang Shu stayed for a while and said in an uncertain tone.

"In the root? Do you mean that we are in the sky vine? Jiang Chen was skeptical. In his opinion, many extremely powerful magic array prohibitions were clearly set up on the Fuji Bridge, so he absorbed the divine consciousness and sucked me into the array. What's more, it's empty here. What's the sign of Fujiki?

Wangshu hummed, "How can you imagine the wonder of the sky vine? It absorbs the clouds and grows in the weather. It is no longer a simple plant, but more like a kind of 'qi'.

Wang Shu muttered, "Only in this way will your divine consciousness be inhaled by the sky vine and almost become the nourishment for its growth. I can also feel that these voids are huge holes in the sunken ground, quietly devouring the aura of heaven and earth. And that 'Yu', it is difficult to seal by manpower alone. Yunfu Island should be with the help of the power of the sky and the spiritual vine.

Jiang Chen was stunned, which was really incredible. The sky spirit vine that can draw vines is not a plant, but a kind of vitality. May I ask, how can Qi become life?

"What is life?" Wang Shu asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen blurted out: "The flesh and blood that can breathe."

"Isn't it breathless? Isn't the vine fruit the flesh and blood of the sky? Since breathing is the sign of life, then of course it should be regarded as life.

Jiang Chen was speechless and it was difficult to accept this absurd statement for a moment. Wang Shu continued, "What is life? You are always limited to the perspective of a person or a demon. Your cognition is always like Yuntian, Fanmo, Wuyan or Mingyang, and the way you insist on can only come from yourself.

"If you say so, are you also life?" Jiang Chen pondered for a moment.

Wang Shu muttered, "Am I also a life? Jiang Chen, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that a simple sentence made him react so strongly that he couldn't help but feel a trace of sourness. No matter how sharp and intelligent Wangshu is, he also needs the recognition of the people and demons who dominate this world. Even if this identity is very limited.

Yuntian tried to conquer the cloud world. Deep in his heart, what he needs is also identity, right? Lonely and careless. Jiang Chen, the only friend, is also needed. Because of this, Mengjie chose the punishment.

Real life. It can never be an individual. This is a kind of sadness, but also a kind of luck. Because of this, life will never rest.

"Okay, think about how to get out first!" Wang Shu shouted loudly, and his face turned purple. He clearly wanted to hide his mood just now. The voice revealed a trace of concern.

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "Can't you rush out?"

"I am now the sword of divine consciousness. Dealing with the sky spiritual vine is equivalent to beating a dog with meat buns, and there is no return. Your divine eight elephants come from qi, and you will also be restrained by death. Wang Shu explained with rare patience, "And the tangible weapon can't break through the nihilistic earth, and even your poisonous shadow has no skill to use."

Jiang Chen couldn't help smiling bitterly. In this way, it is equivalent to a dead end now. No wonder the map of Xuanyuan Temple depicts many red forks here. There used to be a large number of roots on the rattan bridge. Once anyone or demons step on it, they will be sucked in. Therefore, the elders of the Heavenly Palace should also avoid it.

Thinking left and right, Jiang Chen simply unfolded his body and swept away to the depths of the void. Wang Shu said in surprise, "Why did you run in instead? This sky spiritual vine has grown for at least hundreds of millions of years and has a huge body. If you go deep into the roots, I'm afraid you will never turn it out.

Jiang Chen said decisively, "With the powerful air hole of the root of the sky, it is impossible to escape the same way. We have to take a chance." As you said, the violent universe is probably sealed by the sky vine. If so, there must be a connection between the two. If you find it, you can not only get out of trouble, but also have a chance to reach that Yu.

"You have grown a lot." Wang Shu suddenly smiled and said, "At this time, you are in a desperate situation. Not only are you worried about your safety, but you have aroused your desire to explore that Yu. Now you are quite brave enough to break into the world.

Jiang Chen shook his head. On that day, Yuntian had already made the determination to die and resolutely fly to the sky. He looked at it step by step, but every step did not reach its goal and vowed not to give up.

Deep along the air hole, more air holes appear around, dense and connected, giving people a terrible feeling that they are deeply trapped in it and can no longer get out of it. However, the breath here is pure and pure. With breathing in the lungs, it makes him refreshed. The rhinoceros veins flow through the body like mercury, and even the mana increases slightly.

Jiang Chen let go of a trace of consciousness and let the air hole pull to find the thickest part with the strongest gravity. He believes that it is the only place that may connect with that Yu, otherwise it will be difficult to resist the huge power of Yu. Shuttle through the endless air hole, I don't know how long it took, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that this was also an opportunity. In an instant, he kept calm, silently sensed the qi around him, and felt the seemingly calm, but actually pervasive fluctuating rhythm.

Gradually, he was completely immersed in the mysterious sense of air. It turns out that the spirit of the sky vine is different from that of the sky. The former contains vibrant vitality, like living things, nourishing health and growth. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's heart fluttered. If the Eight Elephants of Divine Knowledge also penetrated vitality, wouldn't it be greatly enhanced? And the most vital thing is the magic fetus. The past. His eight-xiang technique combines the magic fetus, but the two are far from integrated. If he can completely integrate the magic fetus full of wonderful vitality with the eight visions, his power will definitely rise to a new situation.

In the faint, Jiang Chen seems to have found a breakthrough in the Dacheng period of returning to the Ruins.

"What's ahead?" Wang Shu shouted excitedly.

In front of it, a foreign body is slowly floating, wrapped in a dark purple silk robe with a blessing pattern. It has hands and feet. Dark and bright, like a person, but even the body will not be so dry, and the limbs, torso and even the face are twisted into numbness.

Jiang Chen leaned over and gently pulled up the silk robe. The belt slipped, and a cyan ancient jade pendant and a book of ancient books fell from the belt.

"Ouyang Yuan." The three words engraved on the jade pendant are shocking, and the cover of the ancient book makes Jiang Chen even more surprised - "Taihe Natural Fetal" is the first product of Danding's secret art!

"He is Ouyang Yuan, the owner of Ruyi City! Why is he here? Jiang Chen stroked the jade pendant and lost his voice. Compared with the mummified corpse in front of you.

Wang Shu smiled bitterly and said, "The qi in his body should be slowly extracted by the vine to become like this. If you stay here, you can't escape this disaster.

Jiang Chen flipped "Taihe Natural Fetal" and said in disbelief: "It looks like a real thing! Strangely, how can Ouyang Yuan have the highest secret of Dan Dingliu?

Turning to the back cover of the secret, dozens of lines of blood words came into view, with neat handwriting and clear meaning. There is no mess at all. At the end, it wrote: "Ouyang Yuan, the 4197th head of Dan Dingliu, died." After reading the full last words, Jiang Chen couldn't help sighing deeply: "Ouyang Yuan is really a figure!"

This is a secret past: many years ago, after Dan Dingliu announced that a spiritual elixir for the dead and came back to life, disaster came. Dan Dingliu was almost killed, and only escaped from more than a dozen powerful masters in the mainland. These masters carried their own secrets and went into exile. Some of them were eventually killed, and some lived in seclusion and secretly accepted their disciples. Ouyang Yuan happened to be the descendants of the head family.

Ouyang Yuan, who shouldered the responsibility of revitalizing the sect, visited secretly for hundreds of years. Finally, the tragedy of the destruction of the family is related to the Tianjing Palace on Yunfu Island. Using them to contain the sight of outsiders, then changed their appearance with elixir, escaped from Zhongzhou, and tried to join Yunfu Island and become an elder in the Bodhi Academy.

He and Jiang Chen also revealed the secret of the sky spiritual vine and tried to find the legendary divine world. As a result, they were sucked into the root of the spiritual vine and died here.

"It's that Yu!" Jiang Chen screamed wildly and rushed forward excitedly, and the waves that came to his face almost made him stand unsteadily.

A violent and gorgeous world bloomed in the field of vision: locus-like dense meteorites roared overhead, crashing all the time, the sound was deafening, and the splashing gravel set off a huge dust. The golden-red flame rivers are like waterfalls, pouring and boiling, and countless masses of fire slurry explode one after another, shooting dazzling light. Tens of millions of colorful halos, halos and light spheres are jumping and rotating, sometimes shining brightly, splashing colorful rain, sometimes extinguishing, turning into deep black holes.