divine punishment

Chapter 12 The reflection in the wind

"Oh. Oh, so comfortable! I still want it!" Yimeng was fascinated and knelt on the ground tremblingly. He grabbed my feet like a naughty dog and begged for mercy. Please give me some more! Please! Just a little! Master. The big fairy, the small land will call immediately, and do whatever you say is small!"

"Then hurry up!" Jiang Chen said.

The sound of a spinning spring in Yimeng's throat is fast and slow. More than half an hour later, blue fog rolled here like surging clouds. A pair of bright and cunning eyes appeared in the fog, and the whole mountain was squeezed into the mountains.

Standing proudly on the top of the cliff, Jiang Chen's consciousness kept climbing up and condescendingly locking the tens of thousands of mountain dragons.

The Eight Elephants of Divine Knowledge are running at full capacity. The air in the body dispersed into fine silk strands, and shot out with the word "thorn" and hit Zhongshan like a rainstorm.

No mountain geek can escape. Many mountain ebis sensed strange lives, but smelled blood like greedy mosquitoes, and took the initiative to meet them one after another. Comfortable, comfortable to death!" Oh, bliss, bliss!" Ah-oh-cool! Ah-oh-cool!" The mountain snares are all floating and immortal. With an intoxicated face, he crawled towards Jiang Chen like a wild dog.

In an instant. They were beaten into the painful prison by Jiang Chen from the happy clouds. Thousands of rays of anger are crazy and stinging and rampant. The mountain scalls rolled all over the mountain in pain, howled and cried, and some even bit each other like madmen.

So happy and sad, over and over again. It has tortured tens of thousands of mountain stings for a day and a night. Until the next evening. Jiang Chen was so tired that he stopped. Even though Jiang Chen's spirit has entered the realm of endless circulation and mutual birth. At this moment, there is also a feeling of running out of oil. And the mountain ebis didn't even have the strength to cry, crawling on the ground one by one, trembling **.

"Who knows how to treat people who are sucked? Who can tell me that I will definitely reward him to make the immortals happy? Jiang Chen looked at the mountain, as if looking for a vast life-saving straw. Touching my eyes, Shan Xiao was like a snake and a scorpion. He was so scared that he shook his head in panic.

"Since you don't know, what are you still alive for?" Jiang Chen roared, "I want you all to die for Luo Yan!"

"Please, my lord, don't!" Please forgive us. We are willing to serve you for the rest of our lives." Don't kill us, we will listen to you!" Tens of thousands of mountain scorporals threw their bodies to the ground, kowtowing like pounding garlic, shouting "Mountain King".

"A group of bully and hard-hearted wastes." Jiang Chen sneered and controlled his anger and prepared to kill.

"No!" Wang Shu objected and said unhappily, "How can you slaughter an ethnic group like this?"

"What you practice is not killing, but the way of *. Meaningless killing will only affect your Taoist heart." Wang Shu shook his head frequently, "What's more, if you kill them, you can't save Luo Yan. It's better to accept these mountain ghosts as younger brothers. If you want to fight with Yuntian, you have to have your own team, right?

"The way of *?" Jiang Chen doesn't seem to understand.

Wang Shu said, "Kid, your magic talent is unparalleled in the world, but unfortunately your Taoism is too bad. Are you determined to seek profits, seek fame, lust, admire power, happy, sad, and hard to pursue the way, and do not hesitate to go deep into the Mongolian world and abandon tens of millions of demons? Do you have Yuntian's ambition to break the heaven and unify the cloud world in order to pursue the way? To put it bluntly, you are just a layman with strong skills. No matter how talented you are, you can't reach the realm of returning to the ruins.

Jiang Chen sighed speechlessly, and his heart couldn't help but feel bitter, blank and lonely. After all, he came from the Tang Dynasty, and of course, his persistent things deviated from Yuntian. Tao is the goal of Yuntian, Mingyang Zhenren, Fanmo and other top masters. But it's just his tool. And his goal is their tool.

Wang Shu suddenly sounded and said, "However, the seven emotions and six desires mirrors are integrated with you. It has completely changed all this. Since then, you have had your own way, and since then, fame, fortune, power, joy, anger, sorrow and joy have become your authentic. Your way is the way of *, which is the most primitive, instinctive and persistent way of life.

"This is a way of practice that no one has ever dabbled in. Fame, fortune and color. How to enjoy without sinking? How to control rather than be controlled by joys and sorrows? If you take the wrong step, you will be doomed. Boy!" Wang Shu shouted excitedly, "Don't let me down!"

"The way of *." Jiang Chen meditated several times, and suddenly a light appeared in his mind, and the seven emotions and six desires in the interior were full of joy, shining brilliantly.

"Joy, anger, worry, fear, love, hate, desire." For the seven emotions, "life, death, ears, eyes, mouth and nose" are the six desires. This is an endless vitality totem, which is enough to stimulate the full potential of life!

"Luo Yan may still be saved!" Jiang Chen shouted wildly. He left the mountain Xiao who knelt down all over the mountain and rushed into the wooden house.

Standing by the bedside, Jiang Chen recited the knot-uncerer. A wisp of crystal clear light flashed out of his body, and suddenly formed a concentric knot and held Luo Yan.

"What a beautiful chain, is it for me?" Luo Yan reached out and touched the crystal wire. Obsession flashed in his eyes.

"Of course it's for you. Do you like it?" Jiang Chen opened his mouth to stabilize her. While working to untie the spell. The concentric knot flashed, embedded in Luo Yan's body, and slowly emerged. Luo Yan suddenly trembling and spit out a purple-black dirt. Black pointed needles flew out of the skin, which were dense and dense. Wrap your whole body like a hedgehog.

"I like it so much." Luo Yan's smile suddenly revealed murder. Why don't you die, idiot!" Nine thorns pulled dazzlingly towards Jiang Chen.

A wry smile. Jiang Chen's breath fluctuated and changed the air waves around him. Nine fairy thorns suddenly broke, was thrown back, wrapped around Luo Yan, and tied her tightly.

"Gone go of me, you thief! I'll kill you!" Luo Yan twisted the waist of the water snake and struggled hard, * shaking, and the spring light fell.

"Oh, remember to keep your word." Jiang Chen urged the untie spell at full speed, and burst into a ripple-like halo with his heart. The sharp needles peeled off one after another and fell to the ground and turned into smoke in an instant.

Forbiding Luo Yan to struggle, Jiang Chen leaned down on the bed, hugged her arms tightly, and pressed her under him.

Luo Yan's skin is oily and full of amazing elasticity. After the double pills in front of the chest were squeezed, they fluctuated rapidly and expanded outward into a bloody ** arc. In addition, she twisted violently, her fragrant abdomen shrugged, and her plump and strong thighs rubbed warmly with Jiang Chen's lower body, and the taste of ecstasy made his blood boil.

Biting the tip of his tongue, Jiang Chen forced himself to calm down quickly. With her spirit*, her consciousness is like a bridge connecting her with Luo Yan. Seven emotions and six desires screamed happily like a monster, and the colorful lights flashed.

Jiang Chen wants to use the spirit* of life to stimulate Luo Yan's spirit and body, so as to stimulate her own* and achieve the purpose of repairing her soul.

"Can it be useful?" Wang Shu was skeptical, "You don't want to take the opportunity to get rid of oil, do you?"

"As long as she still has desires in her heart, she will definitely do it." Jiang Chen automatically filtered the second half of the sentence and concentrated on how to use these 13 * monsters for the first time.

"Happy!" A red monster rose up, his eyes were brilliant, his tentacles were changing, and his mouth spewed out gorgeous fireworks. And my consciousness also deliberately changed, and my heart was full of joy and infinite joy, reflecting a picture of happiness on earth.

seemed to be felt, Luo Yan shouted "ah", the corners of her eyebrows were full of joy, and unconsciously showed a charming smile.

"Angry!" A monster with teeth and claws made a deafening roar, its fangs turned into a sharp sword, its eight claws turned into flames, and its long tail threw out a turbulent waves. My consciousness suddenly merged into the "anger", with round eyes and a violent roar in my mouth.

At the same time, Luo Yan's smile turned into anger, her face turned red, and her eyes were burning, like a soaring female tiger.

"The monsters of worry, fear, love, hate, desire, life, death, ears, eyes, mouth and nose flashed one by one, and Luo Yan's expression was changeable and sometimes intoxicated. Sometimes excited, sometimes tears full of Luo's soul, * connected. Taste all kinds of life and the vicissitudes of life in another mysterious world.

A hoarse cry pierced midnight, and Luo Yan suddenly sat up and was in high spirit. The flexible eyes swept away the previous confusion.

"Is that you?" She looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, as if she couldn't believe the success in front of her! Jiang Chen suppressed his excitement and really succeeded! As he thought, the power of seven emotions and six desires tempted her inner desire, which not only perfectly repaired the three souls and seven souls, but also refined and sublimated them.

"Jiang Chen, it's Jiang Chen!" Luo Yan screamed, jumped and laughed, "Da Damn Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen, who has no conscience!"

Jiang Chen just smiled at her. After experiencing the baptism of seven emotions and six desires together, there is a sense of spiritual familiarity between us, and our hearts are as close as fish and water.

"Beauty, how long has it been since you took a shower?" Jiang Chen deliberately reached out and slapped him in front of his nose.

Luo Yan's charming eyes were silky, and her breasts were stretched out, almost clinging to my arm: "Isn't this smell more exciting?"

Jiang Chen blushed, and at this time he was still on Luo Yan's slender thigh. The lower body has a tight lower abdomen. When she twisted a little, Jiang Chen felt numb. Involuntarily, there was a hard reaction.

What a hot beauty. Jiang Chen secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"I felt it as soon as I woke up." A trace of sadness flashed on Luo Yan's face and bit Jiang Chen's earlobe. Tired of saying, "Jiang Chen. You really did it."

"Hee hee, your body is so hot." Luo Yan approached, and his lips were slightly upturned, concave and convex like a trembling beautiful snake, gently rubbing against Jiang Chen, gently rubbing my back with the tip of his toes, and then sliding to the thighs slowly in circles.

Jiang Chen's bloodline is open, and he can't stand it. If she goes on like this, he really can't help drawing a gun.

"Cluck, it's really a little pervert. It's still a serious just now. Now it's leaking." Luo Yan suddenly jumped out of bed with a delicate smile, which made me feel so uncomfortable that I had to force my work and refine my qi.

"I'll take a bath first and make out with you later." Luo Yan's waist and limbs were swinging, and he looked back and threw a wink at Jiang Chen. Do you want to wash it together?"

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? Are you still Luo Yan?"

Jiang Chen looked at her confusedly and whispered, "What the hell happened? You have become like this."

"My father, he..." Luo Yan's heart was stunned and shook his head again, "That's all."

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. Go and take a bath." Jiang Chen sighed and walked out.

None of the mountain men dared to leave, and maintained a trembling posture of kneeling. Jiang Chen looked at the fallen mountain, couldn't help roaring up to the sky, and there was a strange sense of superiority in his chest.

Look down on the world and dominate the ups and downs! At this moment, if I want them to live, they will live, and if I want them to die, they will die!

"From now on, I, Jiang Chen, will be your master! From now on, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die!" Jiang Chen said harshly, and the eight elephants were working, and thousands of strands of anger threw into the mountain.

"It's so comfortable!" Thank you, master. It's so cool!" Master, give me a little more, I'm so happy!" The mountain halbers were rewarded angrily, dancing and dancing one by one. Jiang Chen knows very well that the means of imperial land are both soft and hard. High pressure can't get the sincere effect of Shan Xiao. Giving them some anger is also a gentle means.

"Oh!" A particularly strong mountain maggot suddenly moaned, and its indigo skin gradually turned green, and two foggy pointed forks drilled out of its forehead. In a while, many strong mountain squills had the same mutation.

"Master, I suddenly feel that I can't use up my strength!" Master, my soul art has become more powerful!" Master, I can absorb Yuehua's cultivation!" The mutant mountain dragonflies are full of words and excitement, and the remaining 70% of the mountain dragonf is full of envy and scramble to pray to Jiang Chen for anger.

Jiang Chen was stunned and didn't expect that his anger could make Shan Xiao evolve. I was relieved when I thought about it. The sky spirit vine was born to absorb the spirit of the night. It is not only the same as the breeding route of Shan Xiao, but also much more mysterious than the latter. No wonder Shan Xiao is so addicted to Jiang Chen's anger.

As far as he went, Jiang Chen continued to operate the eight elephants of divine consciousness. The vitality is like the rain pouring out. The mountain squills are intoxicated and ecstatic, evolving rapidly one after another. In less than an hour, all the sparrows turned into phoenix. There has been a change.

"Oh-" "Ah-" "Ha-" At the same time, tens of thousands of mountain squills made a pleasant and sweet shout. For a moment, the wind and clouds changed color and the earth shook. Shanling Daze seemed to be resurrected all of a sudden, shaking like ghosts. Strange sounds suddenly sounded in all directions, deep and powerful, like pine waves, like a tsunami. It seems to be shouting in the depths of the mountains, echoing each other and sweeping out.

"Thank you for your success." The mountain squalls were so excited that they bowed one after another. Like the most devout believer under the throne of the gods.

"You are already under the door of my Jiang Chen. Let's call it the Eight Elephants of Divine Knowledge for the time being." Jiang Chen couldn't help shaking his heart and evolved the harmony of the mountains, which is really terrible, similar to the spirit of the cloud world*. Once they are cultivated, the power in the future can be imagined. And Jiang Chen doesn't have to worry about their betrayal at all. The more angry Shan Xiao has in his body, the easier it will be for him to control.

The life of all spirits. The gathering of qi. The turbid gas is implemented and transformed, and the clear qi rises to become a god. The combination of shapes and gods is wonderful. Therefore, if you gather, you will live, and if you disperse, you will die. Jiang Chen is condescending. Look down at a pair of respectful and worshipful eyes. The tongue is bright and the lotus flower, and the experience of refining gas is discussed in detail for the mountain scorps.

Mountains are focused. It's like a mud puppet wood carving; some are overjoyed and dancing; some can't help asking questions and asking him to solve their puzzles.

"The extreme of gas changes, and the virtual and real law is inseparable from it." When I talked about the beauty, my body felt a sense of anger, and my heart echoed. A refreshing breath came out in the depths of Dantian Zifu. In an instant, it penetrated the small world to the big world, and could not suppress it spewed out of my mouth and nose, and shot straight into the sky.

"Boom!" The night sky is lightning and thundering, and the light is falling down. The Eight Elephants of Divine Knowledge is like breathing naturally. Even if you don't deliberately perform the spell, you will take the initiative to operate endlessly.

"Hee hee, your argument is quite similar." Luo Yan curled up to Jiang Chen, swaying.

Jiang Chen stood up with a smile: "Do you have some master demeanor?"

"Anyway, I feel different from before." Luo Yan said affectionately, and his smooth blue hair was like a waterfall dripping water. "You are getting more and more powerful now, and even these mountain xiao can be subdued."

"It's just a matter of mutual defeat." Jiang Chen took a deep breath of the fragrance of the beautiful woman's skin after bathing, and thought to himself that it was you who became more powerful. Luo Yan, who was stimulated by seven emotions and six desires, was charming and charming, and his hands and feet were full of strong feelings.

"Your heart beats so fast." Luo Yan gently stroked Jiang Chen's chest with his fingers, tilted his eyes at his lower abdomen, and laughed, "Is this also the master's style?"

Jiang Chen turned around awkwardly and quickly changed the topic. Similar to what I expected, she has been wandering around since the separation from Zhongzhou. But she didn't understand what her father was talking about.

"It's also my carelessness. One night when I was drunk, I was in a daze." Luo Yan patted her heart with lingering heart, "Fortunately, you have a way to repair your soul, otherwise he will really become an idiot."

Jiang Chen smiled and vibrated. The air waves around him rotated and took her into the wooden house in an moment.

"What magic? So wonderful!" Luo Yan asked excitedly.

Jiang Chen joked, "If you want to learn, I'll teach you. Kneel down and worship the teacher for tea."

"Do you want me to kneel?" Luo Yan said anxly.

Luo Yan stared at Jiang Chen for a while and said, "I know that your nature is not idle, and I knew it back then. In fact, a man is supposed to be vigorous and happy. Whether it's fighting with Yuntian or being a hero in the cloud world, you just need to think of this as a fun game, and you don't have to care too much about success or failure.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I didn't expect that we haven't been together for a long time, but you know me very well."

I don't know when there was a drizzle outside. The wet mountain air seeped in through the curtain, which was cold and refreshing.

"You won't let me follow you to the top of the Forbidden City, will you?" Looking out of the window, Luo Yan's eyes also reflected a layer of hazy.

"Yes, I have to put everything behind." Jiang Chen nodded, and Luo's hot skin slowly cooled down between his fingers. The wooden house, wine altar, and the trance reflection in the rainy night are scattered when the wind blows.

Jiang Chen suddenly found that even if he made his original choice, it was still a double-edged sword.