divine punishment

Chapter 8 True or False

"Do you have any plans?" Luo Yan straightened up and stared at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "You are really my bosom friend. Yes, I lost thousands of mountain ebis in vain, but I got nothing. How can I be willing? Huo Ran got up, paced back and forth for a moment, and said, "After this fierce battle, I am not interested in the small fight in the Arctic holy land. The tense Dongzhou battlefield is where I should go. The Arctic Holy Land and the army of Yunfu Island have been deadlocked for a long time, and I believe that there will soon be a big battle to determine the future trend. Whoever wins will take the initiative, and a large number of onlookers in the cloud world will also return one after another.

"In this battle, Yuntian must be defeated, and he will be defeated in a mess, and the army's heart will be destroyed. Otherwise, I, the lord of the cloud world, will never have a chance to turn over. Jiang Chen's tone was clear, and he broke the tree trunk beside him with one punch. Even without Shan Xiao's help, I can make Yuntian unable to carry it away. With the power of the poisonous shadow and the spiral of life and death, and the cooperation of Yunfu Island, it is difficult to be undefeated.

Luo Yan looked uneasy: "You can miraculously restore your mana, which is simply fate, and Yuntian must be hit hard. If you appear in front of Yuntian again, he will never let you go in order to avoid the heart of the Arctic Holy Land Army.

"Will I let him go?" Jiang Chen sneered. He and Yuntian were both strong-willed figures who went to the dark one by one, and no one would compromise with anyone. Even if Jinming is resurrected and dissuaded, it can't change the result of your life and death.

patted Luo Yan with comfort, and Jiang Chen said calmly, "Don't worry, unless I enter Dacheng, I won't be stupid enough to fight with Yuntian. Although I am not his opponent with my current strength in Sendai, I am still a little sure if I run away for my life.

"Then let's go together. Anyway, you are reluctant to leave me." Luo Yan said in a greasy voice, and his nails gently scratched Jiang Chen's chest.

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and crossed the natural danger to Dongzhou, which was easy for Jiang Chen and feasible at any time. But it will be much more troublesome to take Luoyan with you, and you have to wait until the full night of the 15th month. What's more, Dongzhou is too dangerous. No matter how strong the personal strength is, it is insignificant on the battlefield between Yunfu Island and the Arctic Holy Land. I don't want you to take risks with me. In the middle of the words, Jiang Chen's mouth has been blocked by a smooth and soft tongue.

After his tongue was entangled for a while, Jiang Chen raised his hands with a bitter smile and surrendered: "Well, well, under no resistance, I have to obey, mistress."

Luo Yan smiled and twisted Jiang Chen's ear: "The little pervert, even if you become the first lord of the cloud world in the world, you have to be obedient."

"It is said that men who are afraid of their wives will succeed, so I naturally want to follow my wife. But you must be more careful not to leave me. I was almost scared to death by you today." Laughing for a while, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that the spiral tire of life and death was ineffective for her and asked curiously.

"At that time, I was also shocked. Fortunately, there was a magic weapon that seemed to be stimulated and suddenly itchy, hee hee." Luo Yan's magic weapon, Jin Yao Liuhui, is brilliant and eye-catching. Jiang Chen tried it. Sure enough, as soon as the spiral tire of life and death approached Luo Yan, the magic weapon was shining brightly. The golden light was like a natural shield around her whole body, rejecting the spiral tire of life and death.

Jiang Chen's heart moved. The reason why the spiral tire of life and death is magical is that it transcends the limitations of the law of the cloud world. Can this magic weapon compete with it? Is it the same? Isn't the legendary divine world beyond the cloud world?

After Shan Xiao woke up, he was all dismissed by Jiang Chen and went to various places in the Arctic holy land to continue to look for his peers. Jiang Chen and Luo Yan meditated in the valley and waited for the full moon. After being promoted to Sendai, Jiang Chen's wonderful realm was also completely consolidated, and he followed the subtle principles of magic.

Seven days later, the night was dark, windy and the moon was full, and they dived into the dragon sky again.

The whole body is hidden in the "grow", and they are like a light fog, drifting towards a bright moon in the sky.

Qinghui surged with the gray fog, like swimming silver fish scales. The fog ball passed silently from the monster flying around, as if it had been naturally brought up by the night wind.

After their disturbance, the precautions near Tianyu became more and more severe. In addition to verifying their identity and checking the password, the demon soldiers entering and leaving the camp also had to accept re-examination and physical searches to confirm that they were unmistakable.

A convoy full of cargo stopped by the lake, and the heavy armored cavalry surrounded the convoy like stars and the moon, and the cold blades aimed at any wind and grass. The quartermaster stood by the truck for the final inventory check. The wind in the sky is like a wave, and the wings cover the clouds. The demon soldiers patrolling back and forth look solemn, as if facing a great enemy.

"These goods are estimated to be all Danzhi grass, and there are more than 8,000 cars. Last time we burned only a fraction. Luo Yan lay on Jiang Chen's back and whispered.

"It's a big deal, it's all shipped from all parts of the Arctic holy land." Jiang Chen's coveted eyes passed through the bulging bags one by one. "When the sky opens, they will be sent to Dongzhou immediately. It can be imagined how large the battle that is about to break out in Dongzhou will be.

Luo Yan said excitedly, "If you burn them all, the demon army will definitely be hit hard."

After a little thought, Jiang Chen tried his best to restrain this full proposal: "Now burning will certainly have a negative impact on the demon army in Dongzhou and make Yuntian painful, but it also gives him enough time to take measures and adjust the future battle in Dongzhou."

Luo Yan muttered, "You are too greedy. Isn't this level of blow enough?"

"It's far from enough." Jiang Chen said indifferently, "I not only want to allow the pain, but also to hurt him in his bones. What I want is that I will definitely burn these grasses that can determine the winner or loser of the Battle of Dongzhou with one blow, but not now.

"It turns out that you want to wait until the battle is most fierce." Luo Yan gently bit Jiang Chen's earlobe: "You little bad guy, full of ideas."

"When to choose to start depends on the war situation in Dongzhou. At present, we just need to keep an eye on this batch of goods, follow it into Dongzhou, and find out the final landing point of the grass. Jiang Chen looked at the four moon and slowly emerged from the clouds, getting thicker and thicker, oozing a terrible chill.

The weather suddenly changed, the "rumbling" lightning and thunder, and the rain was heavy. In an instant, the sky and the earth were white. In the storm, the dense demon army faintly turned into a swaying water shadow. The lake continues to soar in the dense rain whip, like an Optimus Prime pillar stabbed up the sky.

The majestic dragon arch tower emerged, and fish spirits jumped out of the lake and rushed to the dragon. With the horn of departure, a team of heavily armed demon soldiers picked up their bags, jumped on the back of the fish, and jumped to the sky.

"It's almost time to go." When most of the demon soldiers crossed the sky and the alert around them relaxed a little, I drove the gray fog and swept to the lake with the help of the rain. As soon as he stepped on the water, Jiangchen stepped on the back of the fish and rushed to the dragon sky.

Raindrops fell from tens of thousands of feet high, and the white light was dazzling. Jiang Chen's veins, bones and blood all over his body couldn't help trembling, and the magic fetus automatically reacted, like a network. Jiang Chen suddenly found that the void in front of him was completely different from the sky before it appeared. It was no longer an ordinary air, as if it had evolved into another special and difficult quality with strange rhythm. The void, the wandering fish essence and the standing archway constitute an inseparable whole, like a closed and running small universe.

"Rhythm" I was enlightened, and I suddenly realized. When the sky rises, the original rhythm of the void is changed and transformed into a brand-new fluctuation. Fish spirits with the same fluctuation can travel freely. Thanks to the automatic transformation of the rhythm of the magic tire and catering to it, Jiang Chen learned the mystery of it.

Wang Shu suddenly said, "Different worlds have different fluctuating rhythms, forming something similar to a barrier. The magic's strange physique can automatically adjust the rhythm to cross the heavens.

If he can actively change the rhythm of the magic fetus, can he also turn himself into a heavenly existence? Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel hot. If so, a natural barrier will be formed against the enemy, making it difficult for the opponent to touch. "Pang", the fish spirit under his feet suddenly shook its tail and jumped high. Suddenly, there was a silence around, and the shower disappeared out of thin air. The fish spirit jumped over the dragon sky and entered Dongzhou.

The water splashed, the fish essence fell into the lake, Jiang Chen swept up along the explosion, and the gray fog floated into the air.

There have been a large number of demon armies waiting around, looking down, and the continuous demon camps are high and low, all over the canyon. Half an hour later, all the goods transported were completed, loaded with prepared animal carts, and slowly drove out of Vanilla Gorge. The demons and demons will escort the battle on both wings of the convoy, with a number of about 50,000 people.

Jiang Chen followed quietly and carefully passed through thousands of troops and horses. Luo Yan hugged Jiang Chen's neck, and his concave and elastic chest squirmed on his back from time to time, bringing exciting strangeness.

This area is like the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of the Arctic. Out of the valley, it is full of a team of patrolling demons, and the heavy footsteps subvert the silence in the middle of the night. Countless towering and strong towers and fortresses were built along the way, and the hanging red lanterns swayed in the dark, like a giant beast opening its bloodthirsty eyes.

On both sides of the "oral" road, a series of screams sounded on the high treetops, and the thick branches and leaves oozed the cold light of the arrows, and the tight creaking of the bow strings clearly came to the ears.

Every time the "green tree" transport team passes through a checkpoint, it has to stay for a long time, accept strict inspection, and obtain the next new pass. The procedure is extremely cumbersome. Luo Yan muttered suspiciously, "At such a turtle climbing speed, you can't reach the front of the battlefield in a month, can you?"

"What are you talking about? Say it again" Jiang Chen's heart was shocked and seemed to notice what he had missed.

"The big battle with Yunfu Island is imminent. Normally, the front line is tight, and the convoy should be in a hurry. How can it be dragged like playing in the mountains and rivers?

"You're right," Jiang Chen suddenly woke up. "It's not only that, but nearly 10,000 vehicles of goods are lined up in a long line, and heavy soldiers are sent to guard, which is really too ostentatious. With such a significant goal, are they not afraid of the people of Yunfu Island waiting for the opportunity to rob? If I put all the materials into a Ruyi bag, won't it be convenient and easy to carry and hide people's eyes and ears? Although the magic weapon of storage is very rare, can't you find one or two of the great Arctic holy places?

Luo Yan was surprised and said, "You mean there is something wrong with this batch of goods?"

"Of course there is a problem." Jiang Chen suddenly stopped, urged the gray fog to sweep to the ground, and looked all the way along the rut when he came. Under the dark moon, the traces of the wheels run over the road and sink into the earth. From the marks left by the wheels, it is estimated that each car has at least 1,000 catties, and the weight of the car itself is about 800 catties.

Jiang Chen sneered and said that the grass has always been very light, not to mention the sun-dried inventory. A car is full, and it can't reach 800 catties. Hey hey, if you hadn't reminded us, we would have been busy in vain.

Luo Yan suddenly said, "This batch of goods is not medicinal materials."

"I guess it's some stones, but there should be a small amount of grass in it, so it smells a little fragrant, so it can be fake." Jiang Chen took a deep breath, "We were fooled. This batch of goods is clearly a bait."

"Is there no medicinal materials at all, just a trap that leads to Yunfu Island or our hook?"

"There must be real herbs that we sent on the same day." Jiang Chen muttered, "If there is a bright plank road, there will be a dark crossing of Chencang. Since the material has not been sent out of the Vanilla Gorge, it must still stay there. The current transportation fleet is just an attractive cover. Among the monsters that are suitable for climbing over the dragon sky, there must be someone who secretly hides the magic weapon of storage. After the front-piece motorcade, the monster that really carries the material will come out. We don't have to continue to follow the motorcade and stay here and wait for the rabbit.

Luo Yan questioned, "The demon army here has frequent exchanges. How do we know who is the person carrying the material?"

"In order to avoid swaggering, the number of monsters escorting materials will not be too large. A combat team of about ten people is the most suitable, but they must be strong, and the demon power of the leader must at least die." Jiang Chen calmly analyzed that in this way, it is easy to distinguish the target.

Driving up the gray fog, Jiang Chen slowly floated close to a towering ancient tree, hiding a sentry demon soldier in the depths of the canopy. The time for the materialization of mourning is limited, and he has to find a hiding place as soon as possible. In the blink of an eye, the demon soldier disappeared into the gray fog, and Jiang Chen and Luo Yan took his place.

"We still have three or four hours to wait. At dawn, demon soldiers will come to change the sentry." Jiang Chen lay on the tree branch, staring closely at the direction of Vanilla Gorge.

The night wind made the branches and leaves rustle, casting a shaking shadow on the ground. If everything goes as you wish, kill Yuntian and unify the cloud world, and then what? What else do you want to do?" Luo Yan suddenly asked.

"Then?" Jiang Chen subconsciously wanted to answer, but he couldn't say anything, and he was at a loss. How does he have time to think about this? In the past few years in the cloud world, in the years of the Tang Dynasty, how did he really look forward to and fantasize about the future? There is always an invisible whip beating behind him, chasing him out of breath. At first, this whip was called life, and later, it became himself.

"I don't know, just do something." Devouring demons and pursuing the ultimate of heaven? Or with you? Jiang Chen pulled down a piece of tender leaves and chewed numbly in his mouth, giving birth to a sense of loss in his heart.

Luo Yan smiled and said, "I thought you were going to dominate the world and sweep the cloud world."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "Right is only a tool to use, not an end. The way of my cultivation does not allow me to sink here. I don't want to be an emperor. What should I do to conquer the cloud world?

Luo Yan looked at Jiang Chen for a moment and stroked his cheek: "So you just want to prove yourself."

Jiang Chen was stunned for a long time and said, "I can't help it anymore."

Luo's fireworks clung to his arms: "You still have enough time to think slowly."

"Coming" Jiang Chen suddenly turned over and got up, and a line of dark shadows in the distance slowly came, and a faint outline appeared in the half-bright and half-dark dawn. There were a total of seven people, wearing loose cloaks and hanging hoods covering most of their faces. In the frequent demon army, they are inconspicuous and their appearance is no different from that of human beings. However, the light footsteps, the rhythmic breathing, and the condensed momentum.

"It's actually him." Lu Yan stared at a slender and straight figure in the center of the team, and Luo Yan was shocked.

Jiang Chen almost thought he had lost his eyes. The lower half of the hood's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, bending into a cold and evil arc. Under the edge of the hat, the cold eyes flashed, full of mockery and arrogance. He turned out to be Xiaoyou. Jiang Chen was overjoyed. The whereabouts of Jiang Chen's material here is already the lice on his bald head - it is obvious.

He must have sneaked into the vanilla gorge in the barracks for a long time, and the material arrived tonight, and then turned to his hand. It is naturally safe to be escorted by the demon king himself, and it will be unimpeded all the way to avoid the time spent on strict inspection of the checkpoint.

"Oh, I really want to kill him now." Looking at the approaching night ice, Jiang Chen's tone was regretful. In the five demon kings, only Xiaoyou can be called Yuntian's loyalist. Breaking the dog's leg is equivalent to breaking Yuntian's right arm.

Luo Yanyue y-try: "Then do it? I'll block the other six monsters for you, and at worst, use my magic weapon."

"Forget it, after all, this is the territory of the demon army, and I'm not sure. It's not worth the loss." Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and decisively gave up the idea. The six monsters accompanying each had their own lives and could haunt them for at least a moment, and the surrounding demons had enough time to come to support them.

The loud whistle suddenly sounded, and a group of demons trotted over with a slow police whistle, quickly dispersed on both sides of the road, and went straight to the bushes. The demon soldiers jumped out of the thick shade, yawning lazily and exchanging tokens with the coming demon soldiers.

Jiang Chen secretly shouted that he didn't come late, but he changed his post at this time.

"Little leper, why don't you come down?" A chubby demon soldier came to their tree and shouted loudly.

Jiang Chen's heart was slightly heavy and he thought about countermeasures. He suddenly turned several thoughts, but he couldn't find a good way to deal with the emergency.

The demon soldiers who changed their posts began to gather a team and count the number of people.

"Little bitch, you're fucking asleep again. Get down and go back to the camp to sleep and change your post." The fat demon soldier kicked the tree trunk impatiently, shaking the branches and leaves.

Xiaoyou and his party happened to come here, and several monsters subconsciously looked up.