divine punishment

Chapter 14 Emerald

Wang Shu has been silent for a long time in his consciousness and is as silent ashes. It may not be acceptable, and the red of the morning glow is also the red of blood.

"Kill!" Jiang Chen roared and hit the leopard demon blocking the way in two, and his left leg did not look back. The angle was tricky and mysterious. A cat demon sneaking from behind suddenly shook, his front paws were still, and his head rolled down from the bloody neck cavity.

The tip of his toes borrowed a little on the cat's corpse, and his plunder suddenly accelerated, flashed more than a dozen waves of crazy interceptions, and the distance between him and Decepticons kept getting closer.

His angry face became more and more ferocious in the shadow. He thought Jiang Chen was a soft persimmon that could only be kneaded, but he didn't expect it to be so tricky.

But with the majestic demonic power of his realm and the demeanor of presiding over a city, although his expression was not afraid, his fierce eyes followed Jiang Chen's trajectory in the air.

"Dexiahu, let the uncle cut off your head today and make a tiger-headed chamber pot!" Jiang Chen shouted with a long smile and put pressure on him with sarcastic words, trying to distract him, and finally forced him to withdraw.

Jiang Chen doesn't really intend to kill him. A master who can easily kill the monster in the realm of life suddenly appears, only shocking Xiaoyou hidden in the dark. As long as the Decepticon realizes that I have the strength to seriously hurt him." In order to take care of the overall situation of Quanjinyan City, he will not gamble and break the net with Jiang Chenyu.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Chen is killed, the monster's power here will be greatly damaged and benefit Yunfu Island in vain.

"Yellow-mouthed children" sell well after getting a little bargain. Whoever offended the Arctic Holy Land should prepare the cemetery as soon as possible!" The Domineering Tiger suddenly made a stone-like tiger roar, and the building trembled. The night sky seemed to be cracked into a huge bloody tiger's mouth by the roar.

The roaring waves spread to Jiang Chen with invisible ripples, like a deep sea vortex rotating, waiting for the opportunity to devour Jiang Chen.

The frightened monsters stabilized their feet in the roar." The words of the Domineering Tiger made them straighten up and bold. Behind them is a strong unity, the Arctic holy place to conquer the cloud world, which is the Arctic holy place with the world's most master Yuntian.

"Little guys, all retreat aside." Just let him come over!" The Decepticon tore open the purple gold lock chest armor, revealing its hairy chest. Come on, boy, come here!" He roared and raised his fist and "banged" on the chest muscles with clear rock-like barriers. Black and yellow tiger spots bulged up and down from all over his body, swimming like living things.

Monsters scattered one after another, and there was a large open place left, leaving only a fierce tiger under the eaves of the building, and Jiang Chen's lightning-like figure.

The magic fetus clearly sensed that the Decepticon's fists locked Jiang Chen's figure and delicately changed the rhythm in the dark. That line seems to be connected by many intermittent lines, which is extremely difficult to grasp and control.

At the moment when he was about to face Jiang Chen, the Decepticon's eyes were wide open, and his fist finally climbed to the highest point, like a soaring torrent, about to ** and break down the dam.

With a smile, Jiang Chen's left foot was a little on the back of his right foot, and suddenly changed the straight route of rushing forward. A somersault turned up and jumped onto the tall building above the head of the Overlord Tiger.

This sudden change of direction was completely unexpected by the other party. The overlord's fist suddenly flew away, and the strength of climbing to the extreme could no longer be retained. It hit Jiang Chen's position just now, causing the blue brick ground to burst into pieces of gravel splash like flowers and rain.

Although he knew that it was not good, he suddenly turned around, turned his fist into claws, raised bursts of dazzling claws, and protected the key point in front of his chest. At the same time, a tiger's tail drilled out of his skirt armor and was tall and long in the wind, like a python rushing to Jiang Chen on the roof of the building like a python.

Unfortunately, Jiang Chen had no intention of chasing him, which made him lose his calculation again.

"Papa!" Jiang Chen's feet sank and abruptly crushed the roof. The broken bricks and tiles roared like a storm and shot at the Decepticon, firmly covering the other party's range of activities. Jiang Chen fell straight from the hole in the roof, fell into the building and disappeared from his sight.

With a bang, holding the lime flying all over the sky, Jiang Chen smashed the wall and rushed out to the side of the Decepticon tiger and punched him in the waist and eyes.

The tiger's throat is stuffy. Many, staggering several feet, spewing out a blue-black blood. Jiang Chen was slightly surprised. He thought that he would kill at least half of his life, but it was like a golden stone, which only made him spit a little blood, and even Jiang Chen's fist was faintly painful.

In particular, the rhythm of the other party is like a small vein, with thousands of changes, making it difficult for Jiang Chen to control all of them.

These thoughts just flashed in his heart without any hesitation. Jiang Chen followed the Decepticon and kicked out his legs.

A ferocious smile oozed the corners of the bloody mouth of the overlord. He did not flash, and stared at Jiang Chen's tiger eyes to show off, like two snow-white beams of light piercing the night.

The terrible tiger!

The body of the Decepticon is actually a gemon tiger!

In Dongzhou, Jiang Chen once met a night tiger and was almost turned into a tiger by it. But this one in front of us is a real human-shaped monster, which is more than a hundred times more powerful than the former? No wonder his rhythm is so complex and changeable. The evil tiger is transformed by the evil spirit of heaven and earth, and it is naturally difficult to easily capture and use the rhythm.

The white brilliant light is about to cover Jiang Chen, and it is too late to dodge at this time. This nightmare tiger was really cunning. It had been hidden until now that he suddenly withdrew his copper, which made Jiang Chen deeply trapped and unprepared.

If you rely on the spiral fetal ether of life and death, you can melt this broken wind and broken eyes. But since Jiang Chen decided to hide his identity, he could not use it.

The magic fetus circulates, and the dazzling white light turns into the string of another world.

Thousands of string lines beat wildly.

They are screaming, wailing, and crying!

Every string is twisted, like painful twitching tendons like unbearable bones, epilepsy shaking human skin like desperate dry blood!

Come on, the string line laughed miserably. Come on, tear open the hidden wound and let it splash!

This is a rhythm of anger.

This is the darkest abyss in the hearts of all creatures in the cloud world.

It makes Jiang Chen's bloodline open and irritable, and he can't wait to vent hysterically.

The Luoyang splashing skin that slapped Jiang Chen in the face, killed it! The old dove in Yichun Building is not respectful enough to Jiang Chen. It's time to kill him! Heaven's punishment does not take the initiative to offer jade, it should be killed! Those two high-ranking and self-righteous rebels and Yuntian all killed...!

Come on, the string line is creepy to join this destruction carnival!

No matter what kind of life, no matter how long it takes, it has been more or less bullied.

Bullied by fists, bullied by gold and silver, bullied by contemptuous and indifferent eyes, abandoned by you, but bullied by lovers who are willing to wait. A grass will be bullied by footsteps, a rabbit will be bullied by hunters, the river will be bullied by the dry season, promising to be bullied by the years, and Yuntian will be bullied by the ancient legends of the Arctic holy land...

All the bullying turns into deep and shallow wounds, hidden under the scars you think you have healed.

Come on, come on, the string line cried heartbreakingly. Come on, come on, come on, enjoy this revenge banquet!

In this violent string world, the mania in his heart was uncontrollable. Jiang Chen knew that it was not good, and countless thoughts turned around at this moment.

It is not so much that the evil tiger is transformed by anger, but rather that it is countless trauma. The devil's regret may be filled with beauty and destroyed by forgetting, but trauma cannot.

The deeper the wound is filled, the more damaged it is.

Therefore, Yuntian and Inverse will pursue the unpredictable supreme state and the "me" above Jiang Chen who has crossed the limit of life.

That is a force, not just a force.

Jiang Chen suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Jiang Chen must cater to the rhythm of anger, otherwise my consciousness will be completely shattered by it and then become a puppet-like tiger. However, Jiang Chen has to refuse to be angry, otherwise he will become a psychopath and revenge on the whole world.

Wang Shu doesn't know what to do. Jiang Chen has grown to the point where it can't guide.

Every next step depends on Jiang Chen's own thinking and breakthrough, just like a real master who opened a mountain and established a school.

The dense and tangled strings finally rushed up.

"A hundred twists and turns, the heart is not chaotic!" Jiang Chen chanted, and his heart was unconscious.

Intentionally, the rhythm is unintentional.

On the one hand, the magic fetus combines with the string line with a violent rhythm, fully feeling the stormy world; on the other hand, the heart in the depths of the spirit is like a stranger, snowing in the flames and watching coldly.

"I" among me, like a swimming fish swallowing bait, full of the endless sorrow and joy of the reincarnation of life, seeking that little true meaning. "In addition to me", a quiet wise man stands on the other side of absolute objectivity, watching the tide rise and fall and thinking calmly. Although it can't be crossed, it won't be deep.

This is the necessary stage of Guixu Avenue, and it is also the first time that Jiang Chen has a yearning for the supreme Taoist realm from his heart, not to defeat anyone.

From then on, even if Gan Ning really died in front of my eyes, it would make me sad at most.

There is no one else, nothing can hurt my hope.

This is not the supreme realm of Taoism, but his first step on the master.

Jiang Chen has vaguely grasped the key to defeating demons. As an ignorant me, Jiang Chen should have been muddle-headed and was innately controlled by an intelligent demon, but there must be a third "me" outside the demon and Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen and Mo will find the third "me" first, who can devour the other party and complete the final combination.

This is also a way to break through and return to the ruins. Jiang Chen praised that Moshi is a unique genius in the cloud world. Although he is far less than Yuntian in terms of simple magic power, he is not inferior in his understanding of Tao.

And on another Jiang Chen, all this has been compensated, which may be because the devil can work hard on Huangquan Road and wait for the power of the well.

Jiang Chen made up for his regret, and he rewarded me by devouring me, which is an unimaginable alternative respect. It has nothing to do with interests, because these are two goals he pursues together. For that wisp of flame that attracts moths, he can sacrifice, he can sacrifice!

With a punch, the white light flew out.

The world of the string line was restored to the dark Dongzhou Long Street. The domineering tiger stood in place, screaming thrilling, and two winding blood stains oozed from the fragmented eyes.

His eyes were severely damaged by the power of God, almost half blind, and could no longer exert the power of destruction. Jiang Chen was not soft-handed and approached him, hitting his right shoulder with his elbow.

"Bang bang!" Jiang Chen's elbow shook with a dazzling degree and hit the overlord dozens of times in an instant. His thick shoulder was punched with holes, and the blue-black blood splashed out, turning into a wisp of irritable and dancing smoke in the air.

The Decanthusian tiger staggered and fell back, and the tiger patterns of his whole body twisted quickly, turning into green and black tigers. They flew out and bit Jiang Chen's arm one after another to stop his mercury-like pursuit. And his own body also made amazing changes and turned into a huge and ferocious tiger.

Jiang Chen was surprised and suspicious, and the magic fetus vibrated thousands of times to cater to the rhythm changes of the attacking tiger.

A tiger flew away, floated out of the void again, and roared at Jiang Chen.

The tiger roared and shook the sky, the sand flew away from the rocks, and the tiger's fists were like wind and clouds, driving countless broken bricks and stones, shaking with me. Although Meiwu is powerful, it can only hurt him and can't completely lose his combat effectiveness.

"Tiger!" Jiang Chen kicked him away and recalled the hard feeling of hitting him like defeating grass. He couldn't believe it, "You are not a night tiger at all. You are a tiger, a tiger that devoured the night tiger!"

Under the turbid night like an undercurrent, the Decepticon tiger stared coldly at Jiang Chen and stared coldly with bloody eyes.

All the tigers stared at Jiang Chen coldly.

"That's right, I'm a tiger, a tiger that swallowed the nightmare tiger."

"This is the new life given to us by the demon lord, and this is the hope after the blame and despair."

"This is a hope that no state or anyone is allowed to trample on. For such hope, we can live and die for the demon at any time.

The hoarse and angry roar echoed in the night sky, as if even the faint stars in the sky were shaken slightly and were about to fall down.

There was a sense of absurdity in Jiang Chen's heart. At this time, the expression on his face must be very strange.

The Decepticon is actually a tiger that swallowed the gemon tiger, but which one is the one? Is it the one that has been injured by Jiang Chen?

"It's not that there is no possibility." Wang Shu recalled, "At that time, Yuntian seemed to be also in Dongzhou. The nightmare tiger fell asleep and inevitably exposed a trace of anger. Yuntian showed it and subdued the tigers to help them eat the nightmare tigers and achieve a new life, which is completely reasonable.

"That's most of the case. The evil tiger gathered in the cloud world and became angry. One of them is already rare. How can there be another one? It is precisely because these tigers came from Dongzhou that they were sent to guard. The general suddenly felt extremely ironic. He exerted at least half of his strength, but Yuntian easily picked peaches.

In the past, Jiang Chen would definitely scold Yuntian, and then appear and publicize the truth, so as to vent his depression. But after experiencing the confinement career of eating souls, Jiang Chen's frivolous and casual nature has changed a lot.

Although the sharpness of the heart has become stronger, it has learned to hide in the sheath.

Jiang Chen knows that if he can't defeat Yuntian in front of the monsters of the Arctic Holy Land, even if Jiang Chen's tongue is bright and lotus flowers are useless.

What a pity. Jiang Chen took a deep breath and slowly walked to the Decepticon Tiger. The air machine locked him firmly, "Your hope blocked my hope. So either you are trampled or me."

The Decepticon's eyes flashed fiercely, bowed on top of its top, and was ready to attack. Just as Jiang Chen jumped high and dived into the air, he suddenly fell softly, closed his eyes and fell into a coma. The tigers around also gathered back to their bodies and turned into mottled tiger patterns.

It turned out that he just fought with Jiang Chen without giving in, and he had been secretly injured for a long time. I can't stand it anymore at this moment.

Looking at this, Jiang Chen's figure in mid-air deliberately took a pause, and his inner body forcibly forced out a stream of blood and spewed it out, pretending to be a severe loss of magic power, which was the result of both sides.

"Why don't you get out of here?" Jiang Chen shook slightly when he landed, and his left foot seemed to be unable to support it. His right foot slipped and turned back. He beat several little demons who slipped over to pick up cheaply and broke their muscles and bones, and his blood sprayed wildly. The rest of the monsters were so scared that they dared not approach it any more. At the same time, they raised the Decepticon in panic and fled without looking back. At the same time, they shouted for Jiang Chen to look good-looking, and there were scenes like don't leave.

The street is gradually empty, and only the wreckage of the amputated limbs are scattered everywhere. The blood flows into the shadow of the wall and condenses into black, and only the strong blood gas floats in the air.

The empty and dull sound came from afar. It was faintly on the top of the high pavilion for four days. Luoyan appeared from time to time, like a wandering night bird, making it difficult to grasp her accurate position.

Jiang Chenyao exchanged glances with her, cleared his throat, and shouted at a row of dark buildings on the street: "Is it still enjoyable to watch the play for a long time?"

Without answering, the building seemed to be empty, and the falling crystal curtain swayed slightly with the wind, with a slight tinkling sound.

Jiang Chen yawned heavily: "If you don't want to trouble our brother, please forgive us. I've been busy all night, but I haven't closed my eyes yet. He waved to Luo Yan and gestured to pull out his legs.

"Even if you want to leave, you have to leave the jade first." Behind a closed window, there was a slow but undeniable male voice, as if there was still a burning sound of flames.

A sneer oozed from the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth and looked away. If there was a deep intention, he glanced at another inconspicuous pavilion in the neighboring building and hummed, "At least you are also a famous elder of Dongzhou. Don't talk like a fart. Um, we planted the goods for our two brothers, but there is no door!"

"Bang!" An angry laughter opened the window, and the cyan flame lit up in the air, and the whole row of pavilions seemed to turn into swaying flames. The beautiful beard stood at the head of the window, brushed the beautiful beard, and looked down at me with contempt: "A low-class thief has just offended the Holy Land of the Arctic and wants to fight against Dongzhou. I really don't know whether to say whether you are bold or ignorant and fearless?"

He brushed his sleeves, like shaking off a bored fly at will: "Let me say one last time, leave what we want, and I promise you two can leave Jinyan City safely."