divine punishment

Chapter 19 Sword Light

Jiang Chen suddenly felt bad! The action of Mingyang's real person drawing the sword was endless, and it did not stop until now. The three-foot curved sword body looks like there is no end, and dozens of breaths have never come out of the pipa.

However, all his mind was photographed by his flowing action, which was difficult to get rid of for a moment. If Jiang Chen forcibly breaks it, it will be as difficult as cutting off the flowing water and floating clouds, and even suffer from violent counterattack.

And the action of Mingyang's real person drawing the sword still continues, as if it will not end until the end of heaven and earth.

Should this be the third time to get off? Jiang Chen was suppressed by the mysterious scene caused by his hand, like a small fish drifting with the waves. As long as the water continues, the small fish cannot choose the direction of swimming independently.

What's more, the small fish will eventually be washed away by the increasingly rapid current.

Mingyang Zhenren's vision was really sharp and did not entangle him, but directly chose to suppress him with Taoism. This is the simplest and most labor-saving way. Since his height, this battle has actually been launched.

Just as Jiang Chen was determined to be desperate and would rather be injured than break through the other party's sword, Yichun Tower collapsed in the sea of fire.

In the thick smoke, a frightened dragon carriage roared out and galloped across the side.

The unmaned dragon carriage flew towards the center of the street, and the two dragon horses pulling the cart were nine days tall! The body is strong and beautiful, densely covered with scales, and a ball of snow-white clouds spewed out of the mouth and nose.

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's like a perfect painting being boldly added. Mingyang's endless swordsmanship was interrupted by the suddenly breaking into the running horse, and there was a trivial pause.

And his knife was extremely restrained, all concentrated on Jiang Chen, and even the dust on the ground had never been affected by the sword, and the dragon carriage was naturally unharmed.

This short pause is enough for him.

Jump, turn over, get on the horse! Jiang Chen's rhythm is united with the running dragon and horse.

The sound of the clear sword sound of "choking" was spreading his body while Xiangwan pumped the swordsman on the spot. The sword spirit was like a mountain torrent that had been blocked for a long time, rushing to the cracked embankment of Jiang Chen.

In an hour, ** the dragon horse rotted into blood mud, and the minced meat was sprinkled, and it was too late to scream. It's all because he passed on the sword spirit to it through the one-yuan string line. Without waiting to land, Jiang Chen quickly moved across, stepped on the back of another dragon horse, and sent out the remaining sword spirit.

Long Ma looked up to the sky with a painful hiss, his mouth and nose bleeding, and his front knees were soft and bent. Jiang Chen quietly sent out a fetal awakening and forcibly stimulated its potential. Longma's muscles suddenly became like an inflatable ball, bulging. Jiang Chen kicked the horse's buttocks fiercely, and the dragon and horse man stood up, suddenly broke away from the reeds, and rushed forward crazily.

Mingyang stood on a high-rise building, with picturesque eyebrows and quiet, and Xi and Jian pointed to the approaching dragon and horse.

The sound of "da Da Da" hooves brightens the street, the four hooves of the dragon and horse churn, and the mane flies back in the wind, carrying Jiang Chen like an arrow flying away from the string.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

The tip of the sword is gently raised and swings slightly with a curvature that is difficult to perceive with the naked eye. A little green light is like a firefly. The bright night Ba Mingyang is not Yuntian and reverse, and will not let Jiang Chen show his strengths. From the beginning, he exerted all his strength on Jiang Chen with the momentum of Mount Tai. And if Jiang Chen is a little careless, blood will splash on the spot.

The dragon horse suddenly lowered its neck and hissed, and the bulging muscles quickly atrophied, and blood kept oozing out of the scales.

It's about to die.

The green light is getting more and more abundant" and emerges one by one, condensing into a dazzling ball of light. The photosphere is still expanding, as if it will explode at any time.

"Come on, rush!" Jiang Chen suddenly clamped the horse's abdomen, and the dragon horse roared and rose up in the air.

In this life, it may have spent its time dragging in gorgeous and heavy carriages and has never galloped freely.

The dragon horse jumped to the tall building, and Jiang Chen flew up from the horse and rushed to the real person in Mingyang. The dragon horse fell from under his body, and his flesh and blood flew across.

This is the only and last sprint in its life.

The light ball exploded silently in front of his eyes, bursting out countless gorgeous flames, sweeping in like stormy waves.

The one-yuan string line turns into two yuan, the two-yuan differentiation is infinite, and each string line faces every wisp of sword light. Although the sword light is endless, the rhythm of each wisp of sword light is almost the same, and it is not difficult to deal with. The string line and the sword light rhythmed one after another, like an open cobweb sticking to the flying firefly.

Although it successfully defended the sword light, the string line wanted to trigger a counterattack on the real person of Mingyang, but it could not.

Out of the wave of sword light, Jiang Chen is less than three feet away from Mingyang.

Mingyang's real person's eyes were slightly surprised, and Xihe's sword trembled slightly, sprinkling fine and shattered light.

These shining lights are not as concentrated as before, but in their own arrays. Some are turned in arcs, some cut straight in, and some are like living things... It seems that the concubine is curved or straight, and the ever-changing and unpredictable, but the final point of the trajectory points points to Jiang Chen.

"Change the soup without changing the medicine! If you only have such a routine, I will be really disappointed!" Jiang Chen did not dodge and maintained the momentum of rushing up, and the string line extended along the dazzling shining route and climbed directly to their source - the tip of the sword.

In an instant, the string line melted with the rhythm of the tip of the sword. Jiang Chen jumped out magic martial arts like a ghost in midair, and his fist passed through the sky and directly hit the real face of Mingyang.

"What?" Mingyang's real face finally showed a surprised look. In a hurry, Xihe Jian turned to attack and defense, and the tip of the sword shook out waves.

"Bum!" Jiang Chen's fist happened to hit the tip of the sword, and the sword body was clear. Jiang Chen was shocked by an electric shock and flew away far away by the power contained in the tip of the sword.

Mingyang Zhenren snorted, staggered and slanted into the Zhu column. With a click, the red column broke and hung down, swaying "squeaking" in the air like a swing.

Mingyang seems to be about to slide down a tall building, but the soles of his feet are firmly withered at the end of the railing, swaying gently along the shaking of the broken railings, like a little flying catkins stained with willow branches, as light as nothing, and wonderful and erratic. People and high-rise buildings form a picture of perfect harmony and unity of heaven and earth, which makes Jiang Chen's attempt to attack again fail.

Jiang Chen landed in the heart of the street, secretly soothing the surging qi and blood that had not yet subsided.

He relied on the appearance of the dragon carriage to skillfully break free from the sword power of the real person in Mingyang, forcing him to reveal a gap in his Taoism and had to vent the sword spirit that had not yet reached the peak. Then the momentum of the dragon horse's sprint and the chord line unexpectedly carried out a magic attack, which can be said to have seized all possible opportunities, but still haven't earned any advantage.

Without the cooperation of demons, Jiang Chen's mana can't be shaken with the master of returning to Ruins.

But before the critical moment of life and death, Jiang Chen will still try his best to avoid combining with magic. With his refinement and enlightenment of Taoism, the federations of the two sides became more and more convenient and powerful. If it goes on like this, it is inevitable to eat skeletons and have a sense of dependence on demons.

Didn't you say you wanted to invite me? Why did you drive us down instead?" Jiang Chen looked up at the real person in Mingyang and shouted jokingly.

"Brother Jiang's spell is really wonderful and unparalleled, unprecedented, and different from the road in the cloud world. Could it be that Brother Jiang has found another way to create his own skill? Mingyang's real man said, and his long hair was gently raised in the wind, as if it were deeply embedded in the deep starry sky behind him. The gorgeous purple hair and starlight are reflected, shining like a dream. If so, Brother Jiang is a well-deserved master. With your magic power, why do you pretend to be a reckless man?"

At this time, Jiang Chen was full of energy and could not wait to have a good fight with him.

At present, he said rudely, "We don't have anything to do to create our own skills. We just read a few more rare secrets in the world. I am a reckless man, and I only believe in my fists in my life. Don't waste your saliva on my bottom. It's easier to use your habits.

Mingyang's blue eyes stared deeply at him: "Brother Jiang, who the hell are you? If it is a latent elder of Yunfu Island, there is no need for you and me to fight." Please don't look at me like that. I'm not interested in you. Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and secretly dealt with it in his heart. He had been sneering at Mingyang, and he was never angry. Did he cultivate people, or did he disdain people and demons as aliens?

Jiang Chen couldn't help but move and laughed a few times: "But we are very interested in beautiful immortals."

As soon as the words fell, Mingyang's real face suddenly sank, and the Xihe sword in his hand automatically sounded, and the thin and sharp murderous atmosphere overflowed from the sound of the knife, making Jiang Chen's neck unconsciously chill.

"With Brother Jiang's skills, it is indeed Mingyang's delusion to want to capture you back to the Lingyin School. In this case, it's better to send you to Huangquan as a guest." Mingyang real person was silent for a moment, and finally released a naked murderous intention in his eyes.

"...I heard that the scene of Huangquanlu is strange and gloomy, and I'm really interested."

Jiang Chen stared at the Xihe sword slowly raised in the hands of Mingyang and was on guard.

In addition, there is no psychological weakness. The sword body trembles gently, turning into a clear and quiet light, rotating around the fingers of Mingyang's real person, transforming into a variety of postures.

Each posture is flexible and erratic, and the wings like birds cross the sky one after another, leaving traces of feathering. But if you want to identify it carefully, it is elusive.

Jiang Chen knew that the real person of Mingyang was manifesting the Taoist world again, absorbing his mind with wonderful movements without fireworks. Fortunately, he is prepared this time and will not fall into the passive as before. At present, his body suddenly moved and kept moving on the street. This is the step of the magic battle. It is fierce and sonorous, strange and tricky, and the green brick ground opens up cracks.

Each step is accurately embedded in the interval of the change of the knife, neither late nor a breath, giving full play to the natural advantages of magic martial arts in rhythm.

If the sword light of Mingyang's real person is a bird flying in the sky, the step of magic martial arts is an arrow from the string. Arrows shoot birds, making it difficult for them to maintain their ethereal posture and have to leave heavy traces.

For a while, the knife moves step by step and changes remotely. Although the two sides did not have direct contact, the air machine is entangled and locked in a mysterious way, and the two artistic conceptions are more dangerous than the close-fitting real knife*.

Although the Taoist realm of Mingyang is better than Jiang Chen, on the one hand, the magic and martial arts are unpredictable, and he is not yet used to it. On the other hand, Jiang Chen's artistic conception blends with Jinyan City, which can be said to be a certain degree of harmony between heaven and man. Because today's Jinyan City is full of secret fighting and killing everywhere, Jiang Chen's magic martial arts are in line with the artistic conception.

Looking up to the sky and roaring, Jiang Chen stepped out in one step, like a drum ringing, and the horn broke through the air, shaking Mingyang's real sword light stagnation, like a bird's wings being brushed by arrows, and there was a brief imbalance. I was pulled by the air machine, and the momentum of killing suddenly soared to the sky!

Jiang Chen moved at will and rose to the sky. A punch turned to the Mingyang real string line into thunder and lightning, wind and dark clouds and other terrible strings, and the surging murderous atmosphere swept through the sky.

In this doomsday string, Jinyan City seems to be felt, strangely giving birth to an invisible and qualitative murderous atmosphere.

The two murderous gases are like spirals.

The killing force reached the strongest peak at this moment.

In an instant, Jiang Chen and heaven and earth merged into one point.

This is the smallest point and the most infinitely huge point.

Jiang Chen seems to have entered a mysterious and strange cosmic level, traveling with the stars, and enjoying countless visions of heaven and earth with the sun and moon. No! At this point, he is the universe, allowing the years to flow and the world to be born and destroyed.

A trace of enlightenment surged into his heart, and he suddenly realized a little mystery of the cloud world.

The whole cloud world has been in operation for countless years, and now it has come to the "bad" opportunity of war.

Although Mowu was created by Jiang Chen, it is also in line with the change of heaven and earth. When the cloud world is formed and lived in, it is impossible for it to appear in the world. If Jiang Chen wanted to create magic weapons at that time, he could only go against the sky and take a step to break through the ruins.

Because returning to the ruins is the limit of this world.

This trace of enlightenment is fleeting, but Jiang Chen is one step closer to the realm of returning to the ruins.

"Boom!" The fist knife was beating, deafening, and the fierce rolling waves pulled Jiang Chen out of that point.

Mingyang Zhenren snorted, and the corners of his mouth slowly oozed blood and was injured by Jiang Chen, a boxing symbol of God's will. Jiang Chen was overjoyed and was about to chase after the victory, but he suddenly felt strange.

Jiang Chen's fist actually dried up tightly on the front of the sword, and Xi and the sword had a strong and strange suction, which made it difficult for Jiang Chen to break free for a while.

Knowing that his heart was going to be bad, Jiang Chen was waiting to pull out with all his strength and a quiet sword sounded in his ear, destroying his heart and liver, and pointed to his mind to cut off the process of his strength.

The sword body trembled thousands of times at this moment, smashing all the invisible sword spirit of the strings and images infiltrating from the fist, cutting Jiang Chen's body trembling. If he was late, it was too late to change the rhythm of the string line.

Without the severe pain, Jiang Chen straightened his waist and flew up and kicked Xihe Sword.

The sword body turned again to avoid Jiang Chen's wolf-like foot. The cold sword light slid against his fist and kept sending it into the thin and sharp strength. He shook like an electric shock, but finally grasped the rhythm of the sword, and the strings wrapped up and combined with the sword light. And the secretly powerful left fist rushed out like a poisonous snake, and the string line flashed a lightning vision and stabbed the human throat of Mingyang.

Unexpectedly, Mingyang Jinren suddenly drew his sword back and took the initiative to remove the suction. Jiang Chen's sword light rhythm became useless.

The retreating Xihe sword was unexpected again. Halfway, it suddenly changed direction, split straight forward, and changed naturally. There was no gap. The action of pulling the sword and retreating seemed to have never happened at all.

"Bum!" The sword light smashed the lightning and hit the left fist. Jiang Chen could no longer withstand the ever-changing attack of the other party's rabbit. He threw down like a broken kite and spilled blood all the way.

Even if it was created, Jiang Chen did not forget to fight back, and the string line created a stormy vision to roll up and down. Mingyang's real man returned to the sword to block it, and the broken railing under his feet was smashed in an instant. Obviously, he had changed all over the sword and could no longer chase him.

"Oh, come on. Jiang Chen fell directly on a roof, and the rubble splashed, and the remaining strength was still unsipated. Jiang Chen rolled to the ground and slid out of the ground for more than ten feet to investigate and stop.

Mingyang stood in the air, and Xihe Jian inadvertently trembled several times in front of their chests and calmed down.

Jiang Chen's tense mood relaxed a little, and his throat was sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of blood again.

In the confrontation, Jiang Chen's one punch of Tianren had made a lot of money, but unfortunately, Mingyang's real experience was rich. Taking advantage of the short gap of his fist, he was entangled regardless of his injury. Finally, he turned defeat into victory with his deep background, which made Jiang Chen's injury more serious than him.

Mingyang Zhenren pulled out a white towel and gently wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his mouth. The action was perfect, elegant and flawless. Jiang Chen couldn't help smiling bitterly. He was calm, but he didn't dare to make any superfluous actions, so as not to be caught by him and take advantage of the loophole.

"Brother Jiang Long, do you know that you just missed an excellent opportunity?" Mingyang Zhenren looked at Jiang Chendao, and the blood-stained white scarf in his hand was like a red plum, shining in the night wind.

"I don't understand what you mean. How about asking the real head of Mingyang to explain it for us regardless of the past? Jiang Chen said quietly, and the fetus in his body woke up and circulated crazily. The powerful effect of the humanoid reverse pill was completely stimulated when the body was severely damaged, and he was healing the inner body's dark injury at an amazing speed. The longer it drags, the better it will be for him. And his body is strong and seems to be bleeding, but in fact it does not hurt his muscles and bones.

Mingyang Zhenren smiled faintly: "I suffered a murderous blow from Brother Jiang before, and my qi and blood have never been flat. Brother Jiang can seize the opportunity to flee when he lands, and I am powerless to pursue him. Why didn't Brother Jiang seize this rare opportunity to escape? Do you know that once you miss it, you will never have a chance to turn over again?" Jiang Chen clearly understood that Mingyang Zhenren's words were not good intentions. It's nothing more than taking advantage of his victory to dispel his fighting spirit and induce himself to have the idea of escape. If Jiang Chen is really fooled and wants to escape, he can take advantage of the situation to attack.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen was suspicious of Ning Zhan and spying on me with words.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen is used to the master of returning to the ruins. He is well aware that in this level of struggle, words, expressions, subtle movements and psychological changes will attract the spiritual mood and become the weight to determine victory or defeat.

"You won't understand." Jiang Chen grinned at him.

With the flow of energy in my body, most of my injuries have healed, and the awakening of the fetus continues to make up for the wounds everywhere.

"I can't avoid your sword light."

"Because your sword light is a wonderful scenery on my way." Whether this sword light is awe-blow or warm, I will enjoy it." So even if I leave, it's up to me." Jiang Chen's eyes fought with him in the air: "Do you understand now?" Mingyang Zhenren stared at Jiang Chen for a long time and sighed, "I understand. Brother Jiang, please." The white scarf in his hand broke silently and scattered.

Jiang Chen was surprised to find that the silk scarf fragments turned into leisurely white clouds, floating and sinking. In an instant, they were as vast as the sea, and the blood stains on them disappeared.

The figure of Mingyang suddenly lost responsibility in his vision.