divine punishment

Chapter 3 Fierce Battle

At the same time, the demon "banged", the corners of the mouth overflowed, the blood in his eyes were lax, and the demons outside the region howled and sank into the blood light one after another. Mingyang's real body shook violently, and a pathological red light flashed across his white jade-like cheeks.

"It turned out to be Brother Jiang Long. I don't want you to be good at Yi Rong Qishu." Mingyang real person waved a curved moon sword arc, intercepted Jiang Chen's approaching figure, and looked at the demon lying on Jiang Chen's body in surprise, "Extraterritorial demon! Are you possessed by the devil and controlled by your mind?

Jiang Chen suddenly moved horizontally, avoiding the sword arc, and almost laughed and broke his stomach. The more misunderstandings, the better. It is best to influence his judgment and tactics against the enemy.

"Jiang Long, this pig demon is Jiang Long!" The Decepticon roared like waking up from a dream, " Stop it, you idiots, he hurt Jiang Chen!"

The chaotic situation of people and demons eased slightly, and there was a voice from the crowd: "It turned out to be a bitter meat trick! No wonder he killed the beautiful man, but left your life.

"He has nothing to do with Jiang Chen's Arctic holy land! Is your mind full of *? Jiang Chen will peel your skin again!" The overlord was furious, and the people and demons around him were ready to move, and there were signs of confrontation.

"You don't need to argue and keep your mind. This is the way for foreign evil demons to shake people's hearts." Mingyang real person roared, like a golden hit on the jade rock, singing and playing loudly, appeasing **'s shemale.

The two sword arcs burst out in sequence, staggered in the air, and roared to Jiang Chen. Mingyang's real eyes ejaculated the cleansing blue: "Jiang Long, who the hell are you?"

Jiang Chen didn't say a word and faced the sword arc. The two sword arcs are fast and slow, and the scissors echo. Every time they hit each other, they change immediately, and the rhythm changes, which is dazzling. The sound of Qingyue's impact was even more continuous, directly hitting Jiang Chen's consciousness.

It's just how powerful the vortex of Jiang Chen's consciousness is, and the sound shaking his mind has no effect on him at all. He only needs to deal with the unpredictable sword arc in front of him.

"Cry!" The two sword arcs had just staggered in the air, and it seemed that the distance became farther and abruptly closer. They collided with each other about three feet in front of him, splashing a bright blue ocean and pouring towards him.

Jiang Chen calmed down and did not panic. The surging blue light is just a cover-up and abluff, which is not worthy of Jiang Chen's distracting. The real killing is the two rounds of sword arc hidden inside it.

The two sword arcs seem to have been submerged by blue light and disappeared. However, the string line accurately detected that a round of sword arc surged, cutting Jiang Chen's head straight, like a mountain upside down: the other round of sword arc turned from fast to slow, cutting Jiang Chen's waist horizontally, as if the river was blocked.

The string line immediately turned into a lightning string image, smashed the mountains, and steamed the river with the fire string image. In the loud noise, two sword arcs rotated and flew out. Jiang Chen's facial features overflowed and rushed to the Mingyang real person inexhaustably. The latter snorted, and his body trembled slightly, but insisted on not retreating.

He also knew that once he retreated, under the guidance of the air machine of both sides, it would help Changjiang Chen's momentum.

"Cry!" Two rounds of sword arcs obliquely turned and then chased Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang Long was able to speak on that day, but why is he stingy now?" The soft voice of Mingyang's real person roared in Jiang Chen's ears, and every word was like a heavy gate, shocking his heart again and again.

Old man, do your useless work. At this time, how could Jiang Chen be stupid enough to say nonsense to give him a chance to breathe? He urged his power with all his strength and approached it.

Mingyang real person had an injury. After receiving Jiang Chen's attack, the injury was added. If this situation is Jiang Chen, he will definitely avoid the enemy's edge first and wait for the other party to decline before calmly fighting back. But this man had to counterattack directly and tried to escape with a sword. As a result, he was attacked by a demon and added new injuries.

This is a mistake of Mingyang. He didn't expect Jiang Chen's injury to recover so quickly, and the demon was out of his expectation and gave him a good opportunity to fight back. If Jiang Chen doesn't grasp this opportunity, he will help the lord of the cloud world in vain.

"Jiang Chen, his mind is so strange that he can't seem to find a place to put his mouth." The demon sucked the blood and stared at Mingyang Zhenren fiercely. Instead, the injured extraterritorial demon was provoked to be fierce.

"Ji Ming." Jiang Chen responded to her in his consciousness. The spiritual world of the artifact is different. What's more, it's not surprising that the monster like Mingyang Zhenren didn't make a profit. Anyway, Mingyang Zhenren also suffered losses.

"Hee hee, Jiang Chen knows how to eat." The demon's eyes were full of blood, and he loomed out the appearance of Jinming.

Jiang Chen's body suddenly sank, and a round of sword arc from behind rubbed over the top of his head, and the other round of sword arc was repelled by Jiang Chen with string lightning. The sword spirit has obviously weakened, and the injury of Mingyang's real well will never be light!

Two sword arcs collided crisply in the air and attacked again. Jiang Chen sneered. No matter how entangled the sword arc was, his route to Mingyang Zhenren remained unchanged.

The people watching showed a brief silence, and then shouted one after another: "Come on, stop the assassin! It's not Jiang Chen, it's you! Jiang Chen is responsible for the more difficult command!"

"Jiang Chen wants to move the deadly curse on Jiang Long! Everyone, make way, this is a unique curse of the family, and we must find a quiet corner. There is a pit in the back door, which can be cursed by dirty air. Jiang Chen will also go.

"Jianglong jumping sorghum clown, what's the matter? Jiang Chen and others joined boldly, but interfered with the head of Mingyang. It's better to wave the flag and shout in the rear to cheer for the head of Mingyang!"

"The farther Jiang Chen and others stand, the more unfathomable they are, the more unpredictable they are, and the greater the mental threat to Jiang Long. Well, when you reach the level of Jiang Chen, you will naturally understand.

"You all do your best for the head of Mingyang. How can you sit and watch? Jiang Chen went to copy Jianglong's back road so as not to be escaped by him. Everyone, the wind is bleak and the water is cold, and you will come back after catching the river dragon alive. See you later!"

The crowd pushed each other and kept retreating, leaving a large space.

"Mingyang real person! No one will help you, and you will be lonely in your life!" Looking at the increasingly clear lonely figure below, Jiang Chen made a strange sound that seemed to be intermittent, like crying and laughing, which secretly contained seven emotions and six desires.

The devil also distinguishes a wisp of spirit, winding strange sounds and resonance.

At this time, this scene is the perfect time to pry up the spiritual gap of Mingyang.

Mingyang stood in no one's place, like a green bamboo silent in the wind and rain, allowing the cold rain to wet his eyes.

Jiang Chen suddenly added and integrated with the vast rainstorm rhythm. The string line disappeared in the tens of millions of rain whips beating the earth and stabbed the human throat of Mingyang.

With the sound of "Xin Ding", Xi and Jian jumped over the lake and automatically popped from the palm of the Mingyang real person, accurately splitting the middle string line.

Jiang Chen suddenly came to a sense that although Xi and Jian were the body of the real person of Mingyang, after all, they originated from the real person of Mingyang, and the two always maintained a subtle and intimate feeling. Even if Jiang Chen and the devil play the heartstrings of Mingyang, Xi and Jian will instinctively protect the Lord.

The string swords hit each other, and Jiang Chen was electrocuted, and the blood in his mouth was shot. The corners of Mingyang's mouth oozed blood, and the sword were blue. The rain steamed into fog with the sword body rising from 1iao and floated out. The light of the sword trembled, cutting the string to pieces, and the rest of the momentum was still disappearing. The tip of the sword obliquely picked Jiang Chen's chest.

At the same time, Mingyang Zhenren also made a counterattack against demons, and the vastness of stars and green mountains emerged in his eyes. The demon suddenly trembled, and blood splashed on Jiang Chen's cheek and slipped down the rain.

Jiang Chen punched the tip of the sword, and the sword spirit shook Jiang Chen's body. Only by taking advantage of the opportunity to retreat can the power of this sword be completely resolved.

With a fierce roar, Jiang Chen forced the blood surging down. Yuke touched the old wound and still did not retreat. His right elbow followed his fist and hit the Mingyang real person with the most fierce thunder and lightning string.

Xihe's sword sank down, patted the string elephant, and knocked Jiang Chen's elbow. Bang!" The sound of the rupture of the elbow bone trembled crisply into the ear. A wisp of sword spirit drilled into the bloody elbow and stabbed the inner part. Xi and the sword bounced up and cut Jiang Chen's forehead from top to bottom, without giving Jiang Chen any chance to breathe.

Jiang Chen snorted in pain, fell down with his head back, kicked out dazzlingly with his legs, and turned into a sudden rain and clicked on the sword body.

"Puff!" Jiang Chen's throat sprayed blood and fell to the ground. He suddenly rolled over and kicked Mingyang's real waist and eyes relentlessly.

Xi and the sword suddenly disappeared and broke out of the void, just sealed on the waist of the real person of Mingyang.

The time was accurate to the top, as if waiting for Jiang Chen's leg to be sent to the door.

"Boom!" The light and feathery sword body suddenly became as heavy as a mountain, hitting Jiang Chen's calf fiercely, and a large piece of flesh and flesh was crushed by the sword spirit. The diffuse blood foam was quickly washed away by the heavy rain.

Jiang Chenu did not retreat. His half-damaged calf bent inside, hooked the sword body, straightened his waist, leaned forward, and turned his right fist into a round of fierce sun, slamming Mingyang's real face.

Mingyang's real man's left palm met, and his crystal five jade-like fingers were like waving strings, popping up in turn, and lightly pointing at the scorching sun. Each round of fingering resolves part of the strings and penetrates the wisps of finger force into Jiang Chen's fist. In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood on the fist were scraped off layer by layer, and the crystal clear finger bones came out.

Jiang Chen roared, and his finger bones twisted like a snake. He twisted the five fingers of Mingyang's real person. His left fist was silent, turned into a trace of water mist in the pouring rain, and continued to attack the real person's face of Mingyang.

No matter how painful it is, Jiang Chen will exchange pain for pain and exchange injury for injury!

Mingyang's real eyes showed a trace of surprise.

"Dang!" Xi and the sword are like slippery loach, swimming out of Jiang Chen's legs"

Cut Jiang Chen's fist in time. Jiang Chen was shocked by the surge of blood, and still held on to hold on a step. He bowed his head and bent down. A strong hammer turned into a string like thunder, and suddenly bombarded Mingyang's real chest.

"Bum!" Jiang Chen and Mingyang sprayed blood together. Mingyang Zhenren drifted back and unloaded his remaining strength. Jiang Chen ignored it and rushed up against the anti-shock force. At the same time, blood surged in his mouth, and the injury intensified: at the same time, he used charming pursuit, punched and kicked, and changed into a stormy string image.

Mingyang real person kept retreating, and Xi and his sword waved around his wrists, sprinkling layers of green light to block Jiang Chen's pursuit. And Jiang Chen was like a maggot attached to the bone. He did not give up the tactics of swimming in the air and avoiding reality in the past, and carried out crazy hand-to-hand combat!

"Bum bang!" The dense sound of fist and sword light is endless, sometimes as bright as a golden stone, and sometimes as dull as thunder. Countless raindrops ejected like star pills outside the battle circle, shaking Zhu Jiangchen. Cuizhu broke one after another.

A long and melodious roar suddenly sounded from the real population of Mingyang. Xi and the sword turned into a colorful and gorgeous green light, covering the real person of Mingyang, and he also turned into a little blue light and integrated into the green light rain.

The light and rain full of sword spirit roared and rolled around Jiang Chen. The brilliant light spots were like mercury falling, penal, and every green light jumped with a ever-changing rhythm. Jiang Chen knew that the other party began to fight back. His back, shoulders, elbows, arms, fists and feet all turned into strings radiating outward, and launched a fierce battle with the light and rain.

The rabbits on both sides rose and fell, and suddenly fell together. In just half a cup of tea, Jiang Chen's body was full of blood, adding thousands of wounds of different depths, but also hit Mingyang hundreds of real people.

The gorgeous light and rain suddenly changed, and the strong green gradually faded away, and the light spots turned clear and beautiful, fluttering, as if twinkling in countless layers of different spaces, making it difficult for Jiang Chen to block.

The magic wings dance wildly, and the bright seals are facing the light rain one after another. Jiang Chen simply ignored it, only attacked but did not defend, and the string leaked out like a crazy tiger.

In the fierce battle, blood came out from the whole body, and the inside was shaking endlessly. Jiang Chen's eyes gradually darkened, and his heart beat wildly, giving birth to a sense of powerless weakness, and he knew that he had reached the end of the crossbow.

Even if the fetal ether is used against the sky, it is far too late to heal Jiang Chen's miserable injury.

With all his strength, Jiang Chen punched out a thunder and fire string, and at the same time turned into a string line and flew back.

The impenetrable light and rain moved closely with Jiang Chen and always covered it.

The demon screamed, and tens of thousands of extraterritorial demons roared out of the blood light and rushed to the light rain one after another, abruptly rushing out a gap.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate to pass through the gap and turned into a shock. The demons were twisted into wisps of blue and black smoke by the light rain, screaming one after another.

Thous wisps of sword spirit chased after him, cutting Jiang Chen's flesh and blood on his back, staggering to break a piece of Zhu Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen rolled to the ground.

At the moment he touched the ground, Jiang Chen's feet were connected and gave a formula, intending to escape with the help of the ground vein array.

The resilience of Mingyang real people is really amazing. Jiang Chen had the advantage of sneak attack and was still beaten away by him.

But he will not get better, and the injury will get worse again. With the current situation of Mingyang Zhenren, he did not dare to leave the city immediately, and Jiang Chen's purpose of delaying the trip was successfully achieved. When Jiang Chen recovers from his injury, he will definitely be harassed again.

The rainstorm is swirling, and Zhu Jiangchen is still shaking in his vision. Jiang Chen's heart was so frightened that he was almost shocked.

The vein array can't be used!

The emerald light rain immediately came, like a big net hood.

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly sank, and his thoughts flashed.

A series of ecstasy and bone-eating trills came out of the devil's throat, and blood light sprayed from his eyes, and two magical big hands suddenly emerged from the inside. In one hand, the frost skin dragon scales, and the fierce demon turned into a tendon bone armor. The other hand is crystal bright, and the fairyland is like a glimpse in the mirror.

The two hands work together and go out to tear the cracks in the optical net. Jiang Chenxun jumped up and jumped out of the crack. It seemed that he was about to get out of the net, but his lower limbs suddenly sank. He withdrew his upper body and took the initiative to give up this opportunity to escape.

Sure enough, it is not as expected by Jiang Chen. The light net suddenly contracted outward and suddenly exploded in front of the crack. The blue light splashed, and the sharp and dense sword spirit hit the ground with hundreds of bowls of large pits.

Jiang Chen turned upside down, curled up into a ball, suddenly rolled out diagonally, merged with a splash of raindrops, and ejected out again.

"Wow, Jiang Chen is so powerful that this is also accurate by you!" A demon's whisper came from her ear, and her voice was slightly hoarse, which was obviously very exhausting.

When the demon broke through the sword light gap with the devil for the first time, Mingyang was caught off guard. The second time the old skill was repeated, how could a master like Mingyang Zhenren be unprepared? Once Jiang Chen is determined by him, it will be doomed.

The scattered blue light suddenly gathered, condensed into a winding and twisted blue line, chasing Jiang Chen like a snake.

The raindrops fell to the ground, Jiang Chen was unwilling to give a trick again, and the ground vein array still did not respond.

Jiang Chen scolded secretly. It is unknown that the vein array of Jinyan City has been temporarily blocked! Maybe Mingyang has met the senior management of the Red Dust League, or maybe it was led by He Saihua's death. However, no matter how much I think about it now, it's useless. I have to try my best to break through the world.

Life and death are hanging on the line, and Jiang Chen's heart is full of fighting spirit and completely throws away the idea of luck.

The blue line suddenly hit, like a poisonous snake.

A gray splash splashed in front of my eyes.

"Fear" rose out of the divine consciousness and turned into gray-black water flowers to wrap Jiang Chen's string line and at the same time biochemically countless water sprays, "pop" splashed with rain flowers all over the ground.

Jiang Chen moved cleverly in every rain flower, advancing and retreating. The combination of string lines, fear and real sky and rain scenery has brought the wonderful Taoist realm to the fullest level.

The blue line fell down and fell empty. A canopy rain flower is like a wave split by an angry boat. It flows along the blue line to both sides and is covered by rain lines falling from the sky.

Jiang Chen moved with the countless splashes of water around him. He was not panicked or impatient. Although he turned into "fear", he was not afraid. The collection is a natural part of the rain curtain. "It is born and the cycle is endless. Today's Jiang Chen is tomorrow's high-sky clouds. How can we escape from fear?

"Jiang Chen, you really control the complex and incomprehensive lightness of fear of God.

The blue line temporarily lost its lock on Jiang Chen and dispersed into a blurred halo, and the figure of Mingyang holding the sword appeared in it.

From his indifferent expression, he could hardly see the pain caused by the injury. Even if both sides' clothes are blood-stained, there is a little red on him and Jiang Chen's body.

"Brother Jiang Long has not only been brave enough to assassinate and fight to death, so why did he give up halfway and hide the rat?" The voice of the prince Sakura is like a knife, and the sound bo is rippled to spread the whole rain curtain, shaking every splash. As long as I show a little abnormality, I will be detected.

Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear and said that you had to take a detour when you encountered a dangerous peak, but you wanted me to hit the wall. How could there be such a good thing?

At this time, a group of people saw that Mingyang had the upper hand and chased Jiang Chen and fled, and they also hesitated to follow. At first, he cringed and looked around. Later, he became bolder and eager to look forward to him: "What are you waiting for? Surround and listen to Zhuxuan, making Jiang Chenlong's little thief difficult to fly! Why do you have to bother with the real head of Mingyang for such a trivial matter? As the saying goes, "When the rain rises, the cherry blossoms fly, and the red dust returns to the blue fall."