divine punishment

Chapter 17 Horror

As Jiang Chen expected, as long as the creatures drilled out of the hole have not died, the hole will not be closed.

As if he had noticed the invasion of a foreign body, the hole trembled and made a low roar. Jiang Chen suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, dizzy, and there were more turbulent airflows in all directions.

Jiang Chen's body tilted and fell into the whirlpool. Fortunately, six people wanted to shoot out six dazzling lights, like heaven and earth, locking the body, and Jiang Chen surveyed and stabilized his body.

There is a rolling fog everywhere in the hole, which is dozens of times thicker than the outside, and even the light of the six desires is difficult to penetrate. The fog is damp and cool, condenses into substance, touches the skin, and forms a drop of liquid beads by itself.

The crystal doll is hard to find, and I don't know which corner it has escaped to. But Jiang Chen's goal is not it. As early as when swallowing the fourth drop of psychic crystal marrow, Jiang Chen realized that the mana growth in his body was negligible, and it was futile to swallow another crystal doll. It's better to use the power of the crystal doll to enter the hole and find another chance.

The holes that can nurture many creatures should be more valuable than the creatures themselves.

"Can these fog beads improve mana?" Jiang Chen raised his hand and put it in front of him to take a closer look. The fog on the back of the hand condensed and did not disperse, shaking gently, jumping down like a projectile, and then turned into wisps of steaming smoke.

Jiang Chen shook his head: "It's just a trace of life, which can help you relieve fatigue at most. It's far from a treasure."

"Even natural treasures such as psychic crystal marrow have a great effect on you." Wang Shu muttered, "According to Jiang Chen, in addition to your fast entry and the foundation is floating, there are also reasons for humanoid retrograde pills. Your physique is so good that the bottleneck is naturally much stronger than ordinary people. Reverse pills are something that violates the law of the cloud world. That is to say, your physique has actually crossed the limit of the cloud world. How can those natural resources and treasures that have not yet crossed the limit of the cloud world help you break through?

Jiang Chen's heart sank: "In the cloud world, how can the stove find the treasure of the law of the cloud world? Unless Jiang Chen suddenly shocked, in today's world, there may be no natural treasure against the law of the cloud world, but there is a monster against the sky!

"That's right, eat Yuntian! Maybe you can break through the bottleneck!" Jiang Chen jumped up excitedly and sat down. "Now Yuntian, even if you are combined with the demon, you are not an opponent. What's more, it's easy to defeat a master returning to the ruins, and it's too difficult to kill the other party. If the master of Guixu wants to escape, he can't stop him without four or five masters of the same level.

Wang Shu said again, "So, you must find the kind of treasure that is far beyond the limits of your body to break the bottleneck in one breath."

Jiang Chen suddenly shouted, "Demon is also something that violates the laws of the cloud world!"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Old Jiang Chen, how dare you think about it. The rebellion is also so indifferent and ruthless that he has not attacked Li Sheng. How can Jiang Chen improve his mana with his good daughter? What's more, even if you step into the ruins, the Taoist realm will be destroyed. It may even make the way of * become magical and completely sink.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that it took tens of thousands of years to patiently polish his magic power, which is the right way to enter the ruins. As now, it has become slightly magical to advance purely by devouring treasures.

Demons once said that extraterritorial demons also have a * way, which can be achieved by devouring.

Jiang Chen is so eager to swallow the treasure and rush to pass can only prove that although the materialization of the six desires has enhanced Jiang Chen's combat effectiveness, it has also made the way of * too advanced, and the seven emotions and six desires have faint signs of being out of control.

But the cloud world is about to be empty, and Jiang Chen really doesn't have tens of thousands of years.

"It's not that I don't know the right way, but that I don't have a choice at all." Jiang Chen said slowly, calming a trace of confusion.

For today's plan, we can only rush to the ruins at all costs, and then slowly consolidate the Taoist realm and make up for the gap.

Although this gap may become a breakthrough for the demon's penetration into Jiang Chen's soul in the future.

Jiang Chen stood still, thinking for a long time, and a sneer slowly appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Really, on that day, Jiang Chen will have a decision to sink the boat.

The holes gradually stopped trembling, but a strange force permeated, and the connection between Jiang Chen and Liuyu seemed to be cut off by this force. Jiang Chen quickly withdrew Liuyu's body and carefully walked to the depths of the hole.

As Jiang Chen continued to deepen, the thick fog around him became thin, but the ground under his feet gradually became wet. Later, it turned into a layered, thick and thick paste, like swamp mud, slowly wriggling to an imperceptible degree to the naked eye.

Jiang Chen's leg involuntarily fell into the paste. When he pulled it out, the sole was covered with shiny liquid silk, which was exactly the same as the liquid silk stained by the creatures in the hole.

As you move forward, the paste is thicker and thicker, gradually beyond the knees. There is also a wet and thick paste above the top of the head, like a falling *, showing various strange shapes. Further forward, the accessible passage also became narrow, and the four walls were full of wriggling paste. Jiang Chen almost had to push forward hard to barely walk through.

Jiang Chen suddenly caught a glimpse of a crystal doll crawling over from the opposite side. It is covered with wet paste, lowering its little head, and moves slowly and clumsily like a baby who has not yet learned to crawl.

It struggled to climb for half a day before moving less than half an inch.

"It's not the one who just escaped!" Jiang Chen shouted. The facial features of this crystal doll are blurred, like a ball of crystal mud. The soles of the feet and palms are not formed, just angular crystal drills.

Jiang Chen walked over, and the crystal doll's head did not raise, as if he didn't realize it. Jiang Chen grabbed it, and the crystal doll struggled instinctively. The force was extremely weak and there was no sound.

"When it slowly climbs to the mouth of the hole, it should be able to grow into shape." Jiang Chen looked at the crystal doll for a while, left it and continued to move forward.

Along the way, Jiang Chen met several crystal dolls, one was weaker than the other, and the human figure was more blurred. They struggled to crawl on the paste for a while and had to rest for half a day. A crystal doll seemed to have exhausted its strength and lay on the ground, and its breath gradually dissipated.

"How can there be so many psychic crystals?" Jiang Chen said in a horrment, "The crystal that can produce wisdom is not only rare in material, but also has to undergo a very long period of pregnancy and transformation. How did you get here like pigs everywhere? Does it look like it's still giving birth?"

Jiang Chen was shocked: "Is this against the law of the cloud world?"

Jiang Chen was stunned and suddenly shot a strange light. He shouted, "Jiang Chen, the time limit for the rise of the divine realm is one day. This is the iron law of the cloud world!"

Jiang Chen immediately understood Jiang Chen's meaning: "But in this empty city, if you owe debt, it will be difficult to leave even after a day!" In other words, this empty city has violated the law of the cloud world!"

"Is it also against the sky?!" Jiang Chen and Wang Shu stared at the big eyes and didn't know what to say for a moment. Looking at the crystal doll crawling under his feet, Jiang Chen had an incredible guess in his heart. If this empty city is really intelligent, then what it does is really appalling.

In the vast cloud world, countless creatures, in addition to Yuntian, there are other lives going against the sky!

Perhaps this is the real reason why the cloud world is bound to be empty.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think about it.

In addition to Yuntian, is there any other creatures quietly doing the same thing besides this empty city? In the divine realm, in the divine realm, how many lives are hidden on Huangquan Road that are unwilling to be bound by heaven and earth?

At the high tide of the Nether River, is the lonely ghost who escaped from Huangquan Road also a violation of the law of the cloud world?

Extraterritorial demons will appear in the natural disaster of breaking through the ruins, which is not called by the cloud world.

So the demon was thrown into the cloud world and began to resist in the way of extraterritorial demons?

Jiang Chen suddenly understood. In this world, there will always be people who will reverse the law and break the rules. Without Yuntian, Lin Tian, Zhao Tian and Wang Tianjiang Chen will not destroy it, and others will destroy it. If people and demons are not destroyed, spirits will be destroyed.

"Kkakaka" A crystal doll lying on the ground became extinct, cracked by itself, turned into fragmented crystal fragments, fell into the plaster mud little by little, and finally disappeared.

Jiang Chen stood silently for a long time, suddenly laughed and walked forward.

From the birth of wisdom in life and the idea of "Jiang Chen", it is doomed to be unsatisfied. Because "Jiang Chen" can be an ant lying under the mud and rocks. "Jiang Chen" can also fly proudly in the sky and take advantage of the wind and sunset. Jiang Chen wants to evolve and break through the limit of Jiang Chen's idea of infinite breadth until it transcends the shackles of heaven and earth.

"This is the great wonder and horror of life." Jiang Chen stepped over a dead crystal doll and had mixed feelings in his heart.

Wang Shu asked thoughtfully, "Why is it a big horror?"

"Because Jiang Chen, when surpassing, means that other Jiang Chen has to be trampled.

"Jiang Chen, stand high, and the other "Jiang Chen" is naturally short. When Jiang Chen is strong, the demon will be weak. Wolves have evolved, and sheep, chickens, rabbits, etc. will follow a large number of bad luck. When Mingyang has evolved, he can control other soul weapons. The bigger the gap between the two sides, the greater the horror.

"A life that is too strong has the power to bully other weak lives, so will the latter feel horrible?"

"It's not just bullying." Jiang Chen laughed dumbly and "waves, manipulates, enslaves, changes and even exterminates. With the thought of "Jiang Chen, swallow it up" Jiang Chen,. As Yuntian Bingfeng pointed out, the cloud world is turbulent, and it is difficult for everyone to be alone. The ghosts on Huangquan Road will increase, the herbs of Shenhuangjing and Shenhuangjing will be greatly reduced, and more soul weapons will be captured." Jiang Chen stopped his footsteps, and the holes were on the verge of the end, and a wonderful and magnificent nest was shining in the field of vision.

The huge nest is shaped like a honeycomb, colorful, wet like frozen dew, densely covered with holes. Every once in a while, a dead crystal doll rolls out of the hole. Most dolls fall into pieces as soon as they fall to the ground. There were also some crystal dolls that were unable to crawl, their limbs trembled a few times, and their breath turned weak and disappeared. Several crystal dolls will be slowly drowned in thick plaster because of their slow movements.

"All psychic crystals are born! No wonder there are so many." Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes in surprise, "God, is this empty city desperately giving birth to pigs? What the hell is it going to do?"

"It is not just a psychic crystal marrow. All the spiritual objects in the moon rhinoceros horn, Guwa and cave underworld grass are conceived in this way. Wang Shu, you are right. Once the intelligence of these creatures is completely mature, the store will be their destination. And those spirits that have failed to transform should be the goods that have been sold. Jiang Chen approached the huge nest, looked carefully, and smelled a faint fishy smell. The store accepts human flesh and soul, which is also necessary to nurture spiritual things.

Jiang Chen said in a daze, "Isn't the creation of creatures in the empty city the same as heaven and earth?"

Wang Shu said in a trembling voice: "It's not as simple as wanting to break the law of heaven and earth. It's about wanting to become its own world!"

Jiang Chen also guessed some empty city ideas: "So it puts its rules above the laws of the cloud world."

Wang Shu continued: "It is self-contained, and it needs its own independent universe, as well as all living things that reproduces in circulation."

Jiang Chen was surprised and said, "Does it belong to you? Is there any difference between the passage of time in this empty city and the divine realm? Jiang Chen has been in the empty city for a long time, but in fact, it is only a short moment for the divine realm? The reason why these crystals can frequently transform into psychic crystal marrow is because of the universe of the empty city? Jiang Chen pointed at a beehive in the huge nest and carefully probed his arm into it.

In an hour, his arm seemed to reach into a strange time and space whirlpool, which was clearly connected to Jiang Chen's shoulder, but he could not feel it. When Jiang Chen pulled out his arm, it was like a change.

The arm stained with solution gently wiped off a layer of old skin. The nails are bent and drooping, as long as the calves, as if they have grown crazily for many years.

"Sure enough, it is the power of the universe. No wonder the source of psychic crystal marrow is endless." Jiang Chen sighed and cut his long nails, knowing that as long as this empty city was willing, he could control the time and permanently besieged the people who entered the city until he died of old age. Unless Jiang Chen has a charming fetus, people who also transcend the laws of the cloud world can escape.

Wang Shu said excitedly, "Jiang Chen, put your hand into the hole and touch it more. This experience is very good for Jiang Chen.

Why does this sound a little awkward? Jiang Chen did as he said and did not return to the ruins. Jiang Chen was confused about the mystery of the change of the universe and did not have much understanding.

After a long time, Jiang Chen turned around and left. In my heart, if I want to improve my mana, I'm afraid I can only think of this empty city.

However, this empty city is more powerful and terrible than Yuntian, and it is no less than the resentment. At other times, Jiang Chen can only be a fool to talk about dreams.

But now there has been a little change.

"This empty city is decaying." Jiang Chen thought of the traceless words and thought about it.

The cloud world will never allow such aliens as empty cities to appear. Once the empty city becomes its own world, it is bound to leave the cloud world, which is equivalent to digging out a piece of meat from the cloud world, and the bad emptiness produced can be imagined.

So the cloud world will inevitably attack the empty city, creating an obstacle similar to Jiang Chen, and attacking the empty city like attacking Yuntian.

This obstacle has obviously been generated and is destroying the empty city little by little. And the empty city also made a counterattack, that is, forcing every time people who enter the empty city to clear this obstacle for the house.

This is a chess game between the empty city and Tiandao. The owner of the key and the obstacle are just pieces of both sides.

Jiang Chen passed by a crystal doll. It was on its back, trembled, and looked up at his companion who was trying to crawl in front of him. Although it has no facial features on its face, Jiang Chen can still feel the deep despair.

"There is no crystal doll that successfully climbed out of the huge nest. How many of them can climb out of the hole?" Jiang Chen stared at the crystal doll on the ground and slowly stiffly. "When he looked at the back of others going further and further, the wonderful life turned into a great horror."

"Wang Shu, Jiang Chen sometimes thinks, what is the idea of the cloud world? Where does the law come from?

Jiang Chen said slowly, "Is it possible that this great terror gave birth to the law of the cloud world? In other words, countless other "Jiang Chen has nurtured the wisdom of heaven and earth. This intelligence instinctively sets up obstacles and increases disasters for those who surpass "Jiang Chen". This kind of behavior is called "balance of heaven."

The hope of Jiang Chen is another disappointment of Jiang Chen.

So, it is life itself that wants to hinder the transcendence of life.

If Jiang Chen wants to break through the bottleneck, he has to attack the empty city.

It hinders the transcendence of the empty city because Jiang Chen wants to surpass.

Such obstacles are even involuntarily unintentionally. Just like the ghost hun at the bottom of the fragrant river, Gan Lisheng hindered the rebellion. Hai Qinyan hindered Jiang Chen from crossing the corpse of the last crystal doll, standing at the entrance of the hole and looking down at the fire-like light of the original fire below.

This is a majestic and gorgeous river of life, with great and wonderful waves. When Jiang Chen splits the water and sings bravely, they will not

Nashimi falls on the mud and sand at the bottom of the river.

If there is really a fate in the world, then what manipulates Jiang Chen is actually not the heavenly way, but the fate of others.

Mingyang's fate was manipulated by Jinming's fate, Jinming's fate was manipulated by Jiang Chen's fate, and Jiang Chen's fate was manipulated by the devil's fate "Jiang Chen" and "Jiang Chen" intertwined together, intertwined into a chain that is difficult to break free.

This chain is the destiny of heaven.

"Even if you understand your heart, it is difficult to break your fate." Jiang Chen roared loudly and flew down to the shining sea of creatures.

The wind passed quickly from the side. At this moment, Jiang Chen's Taoist perception completely surpasses that of his master. However, what surged into my heart was not joy, but deep loneliness.

If you understand your heart, you can only see the road under yourself and your feet. But this road has long been completely different and deviated from the direction.

This road,

Is this the way Jiang Chen was going to take?

As a link in the chain, Jiang Chen must be restrained by other chains.

Jiang Chen can't decide the road of other locks to make way for Lou's heart. It is also impossible to control the fate of all life to surpass Jiang Chen alone.

Then there is only one way left. A lonely road away from all sentient beings and not affected by the fate of others. Just like a chess piece if you want to jump out of the game, you must first get rid of the fetters of other pieces.

This road means cutting off the chains of other chains, pulling out and moving forward alone.

Six wants to jump out of the body and fight with the creatures who rushed to fight. Endless roars and endless flames tear open the fog and splash.

The essence of the creature was swallowed up by six desires, swallowed up by Jiang Chen, and swallowed up by the empty mystery. The fierce battle is endless, and no amount of essence of life can help Jiang Chen break through the bottleneck.

Liu wanted to return to his body. Jiang Chen kicked hard under his feet, jumped out of the siege, broke away from the wall of the cave, and fell straight down.

Stay away from all living creatures, and one person is in the void.

Falling, falling all the way, Jiang Chen asked himself in the circling fog, this road,

Does it take one person to go?

This is the great loneliness after the great excitement and horror.