divine punishment

Chapter 4 Start

"I'm an artifact, not a porter." Wang Shu agreed with a sad face. When he was about to leave, Jiang Chen remembered something and stopped him: "I heard that taking emerald can improve the Taoist state, but within a year, the operation of mana is often suddenly interrupted, like a weak mortal. If you do it with others at this time, you will definitely die. This is what Tian Xing told Jiang Chen. ordinary people only know that the effect of jade is magical, and they are not aware of its drawbacks. Yunfu Island deliberately sent the jade out in order to calculate the sky.

"It's more than that." Wang Shu said casually, "Why can jade improve the Taoist realm? Because it can cleanse the mind. Do you know what washing is? That is to turn your thoughts into a blank piece of paper, and everything that happened in the past will be slowly forgotten.

Jiang Chen's expression was shocked: "Losing memory?"

"Almost. If you are alone, there is no harm in taking jade. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen already has sesame seeds. Wang Shu seemed to be sorry, but in fact, he waved his hand proudly and ran away.

Jiang Chen stood quietly for a while and walked to the depths of the jungle. From time to time, the shadow of branches and leaves covered Jiang Chen's face. Does Tian Xing know the effect of emerald washing away the mind? Why didn't he say what he knew?

If Yuntian is successfully besieged and killed this time, Jiang Chen will definitely get rid of the night ice and seize the jade. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

However, this is not the time to consider these. Jiang Chen restrained his distractions and his mind continued to extend around.

The forest sea suddenly turned bright and dark, as if day and night were mixed together and shred, and then scattered randomly. Light leaked through the cracks in the dense leaves and shone on the mud covered with moss, fallen leaves and weeds, reflecting tiny bright spots. And the place where the light can't shine is gloomy and dim, which is difficult to distinguish.

Light and darkness interweave vines, ancient trees and shrubs into a huge and complex forest labyrinth. Fortunately, Tianxing gave us the detailed map of Yunfu Island, otherwise, not to mention finding people, even he would get lost in this vast forest.

Jiang Chen pushed away the dense branches in front of him and looked for the clues that Yuntian might leave. There is almost no room for people to pass. Everywhere is full of plants, and there are thick tree roots coiled under their feet, arching out of the thick and soft pile of fallen leaves, as if deliberately trying to trip people. Occasionally, from the low bushes, you can faintly see a path stepped on by wild animals.

Although Jiang Chen's breath is running all over his body, and his toes are like dragonflies and water. From the pile of fallen leaves, there will still be a few crisp fallen leaves breaking on the soles of his feet. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to open the branches protruding from the front, and there will also be some small splits that will fall down. Even if Jiang Chen incarnates a wisp of gray fog and floats through the jungle, the branches and leaves will still show broken sections corroded by "ai".

In such an environment, Yuntian will also leave traces when passing by. But after a few days, these traces will be hidden by growing vegetation.

So even if he looks around and doesn't notice anything, Jiang Chen can't judge whether Yuntian has passed through here. He can only know that he has not been here in recent days.

Jiang Chen knew that he must seize the time to find Yuntian's injury before he recovered.

Jiang Chen explored back and forth in the jungle along the zigzag route and advanced inch by inch.

The dense layered canopy, intertwined vines, and low and dense shrubs are repeated in the field of vision. Over time, the colorful scenery is also extremely monotonous, and even the mind feels a little tired and numb.

Unconsciously, seven days and seven nights have passed, and Jiang Chen has not closed his eyes for seven days and seven nights and has not stopped searching.

So far, no trace of Yuntian has been found, and they have not heard anything from them.

The longer it takes, the less hope it will be to kill Yuntian. Even if we can find Yuntian in the future, we are already tired, but Yuntian may be at the peak of essence, qi and god. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's will is tena, and there is inevitably a trace of anxiety in his chest.

The body suddenly accelerated, and the blocked trees were split by Jiang Chen's palms, and the fallen leaves were smashed under their feet and crushed into yellow pieces.

His eyes passed by the pile of scattered fallen leaves. Jiang Chen's pupils suddenly contracted, and his body retreated. He stopped his footsteps, squatted down, and carefully pushed away the fallen leaf powder piled on the ground, revealing a few inconspicuous dust powder below.

These gray-black dust powder are mixed in the soil, which looks not much different from the end of the soil. If Jiang Chen hadn't been angry for a moment and stepped on the fallen leaves, it would have been difficult to find such a strange thing hidden under the thick pile of fallen leaves.

Jiang Chen stretched out his finger, picked up the dust powder, sniffed deeply, put it in his mouth and licked it, and tasted a trace of green vegetation.

Jiang Chen looked around carefully. This is a rare open space. The nearest ancient banyan is also five feet away. Only a dozen slender green vines climbed over from the trunk of the ancient banyan with phoenixtails and drooped all the way, twisting into a ring on the ground.

In the colorful embroidered forest sea where an inch of land must compete, the emergence of open space made Jiang Chen feel a little abnormal. Because the vegetation here is dense and crowded, every tree is desperately competing for soil and nutrients, and will not let go of any open space for growth.

Unless - there is a big tree growing here, and the thick tree should be about five feet, next to the phoenix-tailed ancient banyan. After the big tree disappears, this open space will be left.

Jiang Chen wiped off the dust powder from his fingertips. It is almost certain that this powder is the wood ash left by the tree. In other words, the tree was forcibly destroyed. The destruction time will not be long, otherwise the wood ash will have been integrated into the soil long ago, and other vegetation will gradually occupy it.

However, who would destroy a tree so meaninglessly? If it is done by a beast, it should leave broken branches and stumps.

With a slight meditation, Jiang Chen shot a magic gun and dug down from the original place.

Wang Shu blushed: "Jiang Chen is so angry. How can you drive the old man to do this kind of dirty work of digging?"

Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear until he dug several feet deep and found several broken roots. The withered gray roots have circles of threads, wrinkled dryly, and the curled velvets emit a dark silver glow.

Jiang Chen is right. There used to be a tree here.

"This is starwood," Wang Shu shouted, "its tree juice is sweet and bitter, and has the effect of nourishing vitality. Judging from the threads on the roots, this starwood is at least a million years old.

Jiang Chen urgently asked, "Can Yuntian heal his wounds with Xing Maomu?"

Wangshu shook his head: "It is very troublesome to extract the tree juice of Xingmao wood. It not only needs to add a variety of special herbs, but also takes time and effort. Yuntian was seriously injured and escaped. It is impossible to spend a lot of time and energy to extract tree juice.

"No, besides Yuntian, who else will destroy this star hairy tree?" Jiang Chen said decisively, "He must have sucked the juice of Xingmao wood to avoid exposing his whereabouts, so he destroyed the traces." Jiang Chen's mind changed rapidly. What is the fastest and most labor-saving method Yuntian used to absorb the essence of tree juice?

Jiang Chen has inherited the spells that Yuntian has learned from her master. A book of secrets flashed through Jiang Chen's mind. Jiang Chen suddenly shook his palm and patted him far away. The phoenix-tailed ancient banyan shook violently, suddenly broke through the ground and threw a strand of soil splashed from the roots into Jiang Chen's palm.

The palm of his hand pressed against the trunk of the tree, Jiang Chen operated the magic, and wisps of anger came out of the ancient banyan with phoenix tails and sent them into Jiang Chen's body. The thick tree quickly shrinks, and the branches and leaves become dry and with the roots.

Jiang Chen's spirit of "fetalization and long-life magic" has been boosted. Only the fetalization and long-life magic can absorb the essence of life of Xingmao wood so domineeringly without any refining process. The vitality of Xingmaomu was emptied, and the withering signs were too obvious, so it was destroyed by Yuntian.

Over the years, Jiang Chen's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the fetalization and long-life demonism has long been abandoned. Compared with the vast mana in the body, the forced essence of life is just a drop in the bucket, and the essence is not pure, which requires effort to purify into mana, but the gains outweigh the losses.

But Yuntian is different. His demon body is originally a wooden saros iron tree, and there is no obstacle to absorbing the essence of trees of the same origin, and it also has the effect of solidifying the original.

No wonder Yuntian will escape into the sea of colorful embroidery. There are trees here for more than a million years, and the essence of wood is inexhaustible, including rare ancient trees such as star hair wood. For Yuntian, the endless Linhai is a treasure house of resources for. Even if he fights here, he occupies the absolute land advantage.

A flame appeared from Jiang Chen's palm, and the whole phoenix-tailed ancient banyan turned into scorched black flying ash and scattered everywhere. Before long, these wood ash will be covered by fallen leaves and will be difficult to detect.

Jiang Chen's eyes crossed the dense forest and threw into the gap in the distance. Now that the trace of Yuntian has been found, it will be much easier next. Jiang Chen tracked along the way in accordance with the law and found traces of fetalization and elongation magic one after another. Rough estimate, a total of 10,000 trees have been destroyed, all of which are trees that are more than one million years old and contain the magic effect of benefiting qi and blood. Where the trees disappear, some of them have grown young saplings and shrubs. If they are not deliberately careful, it is absolutely impossible to find the secrets.

All the way to pursue and track, Jiang Chen keenly sensed that the frequency of ancient trees being plundered is getting lower and less, which only means that Yuntian's injury is recovering faster.

After another seven days, there was no trace of fetalization and long-life magic along the way. Jiang Chen stayed in a forest land intertwined with vines and completely lost the clues to continue tracking.

But Jiang Chen knew that he should be very close to Yuntian.

"Yuntian, don't hide like a shrinking turtle, you, a hopeless bastard, will you become a homeless dog?" Jiang Chen turned his eyes and shouted loudly. His voice passed through the thick branches and leaves and echoed around for a long time.

No one answered Jiang Chen, and Yuyin gradually sank in the jungle.

"Yuntian, Jiang Chen knows you can hear it." Jiang Chen drove the string line and cut it out like a blade. The trees fell down one after another, causing the ground to roar and tremble.

There was a bare area in all four, and there was silence for a moment, and Yuntian never appeared.

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, simply gave up the investigation and sat on the ground.

"Call Yuntian your name directly. Jiang Chen is too rude. In fact, Jiang Chen should be called a master." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and the thoughts in his mind flew around.

"No matter what Jiang Chen's resentment is, this reputation is a solid fact. Even the fox demon can't deny it.

"So my master and nephew are polite." Jiang Chen calmly bowed deeply into the air, and there was silence around him, only the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.

"In the past, the head of Orange Island, when I first saw my master, I was shocked by the power of the mountain. At that time, compared with his master, Jiang Chen was just an ant and not worth mentioning.

When he met the master again, he did not use his best to defeat Jiang Chen and the three women, forcing Jiang Chen to become a prisoner of the master. Jiang Chen often remembered his master's words at that time, "The peaks become famous because of the sun, the sun increases color because of the peaks, and all things in heaven and earth complement each other."

Isn't Jiang Chen and his master the same? The master took the name of Jiang Chen to ascend to the throne of the demon lord; Jiang Chen borrowed the power of the master and won the favor of the cloud world, which is also a complement to each other.

Actually, this is all bullshit. Whether they complement each other or compete with each other, what does it have to do with everything else? If Jiang Chen wants to become a peak, the sun can only be colored by the peak. If Jiang Chen wants to become a peak, the peak can only be named because of the sun. Today, it doesn't matter who the demon master is. If the master wants to get rid of Jiang Chen, or if Jiang Chen wants to get rid of the master, there is no need to any reason.

The master wants to kill Jiang Chen's 'breaking the road', and Jiang Chen wants to kill the master 'Zhen Jiang Chen', that's all. Any means during this period can be used without investigating right or wrong. Master, Jiang Chen just wants to ask, can you step on the master's body and ascend to the so-called supreme realm?

Jiang Chen stood up slowly and said, "Master can hide until you recover from your injury, and then break Jiang Chen and others. But Master can't hide. If Yunfu Island knows the whereabouts of Master, do you think the dragon whale in the world and the sea can run away?

"So, master, please come out and see me."

The air shook like water, and a blue shirt appeared silently on the opposite side. Yuntian seemed to break out of another universe, with a pale face and deep eyes, staring at Jiang Chen without saying a word.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and after years, we finally saw each other again.

Looking at the great success of Jiang Chen's return to the ruins, if there is nothing at this time, it seems that it can come to this world at any time and disappear at any time, in an extremely mysterious state.

Is this about to break through the realm of returning to the ruins? If it were in the past, Jiang Chen would feel a surge of pressure, such as facing a big enemy, but at this time he only felt a kind of joy.

Only such an opponent can help Jiang Chen climb his own path. Therefore, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to spread the news to Galan Tongxin Lotus. Since Yuntian appeared, he could not easily get rid of Jiang Chen's lock.

"She really received a good disciple." After a long time, Yuntian said.

"Master doesn't have to be sarcastic. After all, it's just that you can't trust yourself. Jiang Chen smiled and said, "The master thought that Jiang Chen would betray his master, so he was forced to appear. But why did the master believe that Jiang Chen would betray the master? Just like a person who loves to lie, he is bound to doubt whether others will lie to him. It's your own idea to speculate on the other party's intentions!"

Yuntian suddenly smiled: "That's right. After several years in Kunpeng Mountain, Jiang Chen has really made progress and is quite heroic. So, if Yun doesn't show up, will his nephew betray her?

Jiang Chen also smiled: "Masters have always been arbitrary. When do you need to know other people's answers?"

"Because she is the only person Jiang Chen cares about in the world." Yuntian said indifferently.

The fist kept approaching, and at the moment when he was about to hit Jiang Chen's chest, Jiang Chen's footsteps flashed, moved, turned and turned upside down in a strange magic posture, and then circled behind Yuntian and punched him on his broad back.

The sky is as stable as a mountain, motionless. The distance between the two fists and Yuntian suddenly pulled away inexplicably, as if there was a chaos in the space. Jiang Chen's attack was obviously running for Yuntian, but he went backwards and farther away.

Layers of space are separated between us, giving Jiang Chen the absurd feeling of being close to the world. Yuntian suddenly moved, turned around and waved his fist, as fast as lightning, hitting Jiang Chen's chest, and the opportunity to counterattacked to the top.

And the space around Jiang Chen changes with the turbulence of this punch, giving birth to layers of Yu. No matter how Jiang Chen dodges and moves, he will send Jiang Chen to Yuntian's fist.

If it goes on like this, Jiang Chen will only be passively beaten step by step.

Jiang Chen's heart was shocked. Unexpectedly, Yuntian could now change the space in the palm of his hand, which also meant that he was not far away from breaking through the largest universe in the cloud world.

Suddenly, the magic fetus in the body shook, and the spirit seeds of the demon emitted a strange fluctuation. Suddenly, Jiang Chen sensed the layers of space in front of them. Their size, location and distribution were clear and must appear.

There is no longer any gap between Jiang Chen and the layers of Yu. If they are vertical and horizontal rivers, Jiang Chen is a flexible swimming fish. You only need to jump gently to swim in it. Jiang Chen suddenly fell in his mind, and even the devil could easily cross the heaven, not to mention the Yu that Yuntian's magic power intensified?

With the spiritual seed of demons, Jiang Chen is like the demon of rebirth, and Yuntian's set is no longer useful. It's easy to avoid his punch, but you can deal with him with the help of layers of Yu.

But what Jiang Chen wants is not a roundabout, but a counterattack.

His mind flashed, and Jiang Chen couldn't hold on. The spiral tire of life and death was secretly condensed in his chest, seemingly helplessly crossing his palms and blocking Yuntian's fist.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen's palms were clearly aimed at their fists, but in the end they staggered each other and touched each other empty.

"Bum!" Yuntian shook Jiang Chen's chest firmly with one punch, which made Jiang Chen spit blood and throw it back, falling into layers of chaos.

Yuntian followed like a shadow, chasing reluctantly, and his fists came like a storm. Jiang Chen pretended to be embarrassed and injured, struggled in the turbulent space, and let Yuntian fight all the way.