divine punishment

Chapter 14 Calm

All of a time, the candle went out, and I could no longer feel any emotional change. Jiang Chen looked down, and the pig was demonic and died. He grabbed Jiang Chen's boots and never relaxed.

Jiang Chen was stunned and stood in place for a long time. Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable confusion in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, he is dying. You still use him to study Taoism, and you are getting colder and colder. The devil whispered to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was silent. What the devil said was right. The more refined the Taoism became, the less the smell of "human" Jiang Chen's body became, and he couldn't help but look down on all sentient beings with a divine mentality.

For a moment, Jiang Chen said: "Because I am used to the coldness and warmth of the world and have experienced too much life and death, my mentality will naturally be as hard as a rock. Life is just a process. If you have the wisdom to understand it, how can you be tired of emotions?

The devil laughed: "But what's the point of living like that? Jiang Chen may become another more powerful cloud world, but will you be happy? You will no longer feel the frivolity, hesitation, timidity, excitement and excitement of your youth. No matter what they think, they will be clearly exposed to your heart mirror. One day, you will even lose your love for them. To put it bluntly, love is just a fluctuation of desire.

Jiang Chen hummed, "Demon, do you want Jiang Chen to imitate the devil's method of controlling desire?"

He kissed Jiang Chen's earlobe sweetly and said, "Jiang Chen is so smart! When we foreign demons play with people's hearts, we will feel extremely happy. If Jiang Chen practices this method, he will definitely feel the fun. This satisfaction is not comparable to that of Taoism!"

"Demon, you'd better die as soon as possible." Jiang Chen said lightly. How can Jiang Chen change his course when he comes to this point today? The demon's incitement again and again can only make Jiang Chen's Taoist heart more firm.

At this time, many monsters passed through the sky one after another, and the remaining thousands of disabled demon soldiers still lay in a pool of blood and struggled. The whole void has climbed full of flames and shaken like waves. Jiang Chen knew that he couldn't wait any longer. At present, he vibrated the demon fetus and went straight through the sky.

On the side of the Arctic Holy Land, Li Sheng and others have been anxious for a long time. The sky burst, and the Holy Land of the Arctic was also affected, and many monsters were injured as a result. Jiang Chen had no time to say more. He commanded the army all the way and fled away from this area.

For some reason, the climate of the Holy Land in the Arctic is very different from that of Dongzhou. Not only does it not drop rain, but it is dry and hot, and the air seems to be filled with suffocating hot smoke. The originally green trees emerge withered yellow, the leaves are curly, the weeds on the hillside are sparse, and dry riverbeds can be seen everywhere.

"The Holy Land of the Arctic has also changed, and the end of the cloud world cannot be changed." He looked gloomy and sighed heavily. Although the cloud world is about to be destroyed, most people still have a chance. Until now, they really accept the doomed fate.

"The demon lord will lead us to find the divine world." Long You hesitated and peeked through the mirror that she didn't even believe this sentence.

"Jiang Chen will let most of you survive." Jiang Chen said in a low voice that as long as the way of desire is perfect, Jiang Chen can take the last step and become the supreme existence of the cloud world.

"It's not good, some soldiers are evil!" The longan chicken suddenly caught up from behind and shouted.

"Evil?" Jiang Chen felt awe of heart and hurried over. The evil monster was on the ground, his skin wrinkled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his hair gradually turned white. Before long, he was like dozens of years old, with his muscles shriveled and thinly wrapped around his bones, like a skeleton.

The monsters around exclaimed one after another and retreated repeatedly, daring to approach this evil monster. Someone whispered in horror, "We must be angry with God before we are punished by God!"

"Hit!" Jiang Chen saw a riot in the demon army and immediately shouted to stop.

"Look carefully, this soldier is by no means evil, but shocked by the time law when the heaven explodes to accelerate aging!" Jiang Chen raised the evil monster high and showed it to the demons. The monster was so old that he didn't even have the strength to speak. His throat mumbled a few times and died.

A rabbit demon in the demon group shouted, "When the sky exploded, he seemed to be swept into the air waves and hurt his waist!"

Jiang Chen put down the monster's body and said, "Don't worry, as long as it is not affected by the explosion of the heaven, nothing will be fine."

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was also hit by the air wave!" A simple-like bear demon general trembled, and the monsters around him immediately dodged an open space and hid him far away.

The bear demon became more and more panicked. Hu** held his face and screamed, "What's wrong with Jiang Chen? What has Jiang Chen become? Why did you run away and tell Jiang Chen what Jiang Chen looks like now?

His cry became more and more sharp. Speaking of the latter, his voice became thin and sharp, like a woman. Jiang Chen watched the roots of his beard fall off, and his rough skin became shiny and gradually became white and tender.

"You, you have become a banshee!" The rabbit demon pointed to the bear demon and screamed.

The bear demon's face was as pale as paper. He reached out and touched ** in a panic, and his movements were frozen. He looked around in a daze and burst into tears: "How could this happen? Jiang Chen's leap wood is a single biography of the 10th generation!"

The demons became more and more frightened, and many monsters that had been injured in front of the sky became frightened birds, manic and restless. The atmosphere of panic spread like a plague.

fan raised his eyes and saw something wrong, and immediately said, "It's just a conflict of laws. You don't need to panic and wait and watch it change. Who dares to confuse the crowd again, be killed!"

Under the forced order of Fanti and Longyou. The army continued to gallop all the way. Jiang Chen gathered the demon soldiers who had been affected by the heavenly rave and formed a team of himself, separated from other monsters, led by Jiang Chen himself.

Before long, most monsters have begun to change, and the situation of variation is strange: some are only affected by the law of time. Either aging, or regressing into a laughing child; some become a big fat man like an inflatable, so fat that they can't even walk on the road; some grow all kinds of organs, or have an extra eye, or have wings; some become nagging, claiming to have acquired the superpower of natural and human induction. Predict good or bad luck and cut off bad luck.

They are all full of traces of the law. In the name of healing their wounds, Jiang Chen experienced the mysteries of various laws and examined each other with the inheritance of the Taoist wheel. At the same time, he sharpened the mirror and peeped into the desires of the spiritual world.

"Demon Lord. Can Jiang Chen change back? Xiong Yao Lunmu followed Jiang Chen's buttocks, crying with a sad face and asking endless questions.

Jiang Chen glanced at his slightly bulging chest and said, "It's difficult! However, becoming a woman is also a rare experience, which may be beneficial to your level.

Runmu said sadly, "As the demon lord said, there are still dozens of hungry mothers-in-law in Jiang Chen's family. Do you want Jiang Chen to experience how to wear a cuckold? Even if it is beneficial, other male bears have to go. Good job, let Jiang Chen regain his power!" He raised the tip of his eyebrows. The eyes were full of flow, which made Jiang Chen feel a chill.

The reason why leap wood changed from male to female is that it has been impacted by the law of yin and yang. There are some in the essence of the Taoist wheel, and there are also some in the I Ching Sutra that Yan Caizi felt. However, Jiang Chen is flat about this. I don't know how many years it will take to practice to change the leap wood back.

From Runmu and these mutant monsters, it can be seen that the law of the cloud world is all-encompassing and mysterious. If it hadn't been for the bad air and the failure of heaven, Jiang Chen would have no chance to win.

"If you want Jiang Chen to cast spells to heal you, you must open your heart and trust Jiang Chen wholeheartedly. Can you do it?" Jiang Chen meditated for a long time and said to Lemu.

Throughout the law of the cloud world, it is basically based on matter, and its essence is "real". And Jiang Chen's way of desire is rooted in the spirit, and the essence is false. If you want to subvert the law of the cloud world, you can only focus on it from the "virtual".

Long You said that the essence of everything comes from the spirit. Although this sentence is biased, it is true that material and spiritual are two sides. When Jiang Chen tracked the night ice, he accidentally saw a pure spiritual universe, where it must be materially virtual and spiritually true.

It can be seen that real and virtual are just the difference between the palm of the hand and the back of the hand. In this case, Jiang Chenda can turn his hands into yin and turn his hands into yang with his spirit.

"Lord Demon Lord, do you really want to do this?" Lemu hesitated for a long time before stammering, and his face turned red and blue.

Jiang Chen's face darkened: "Can't you trust me without reservation?" To reverse yin and yang in the way of desire, it is necessary to penetrate into his consciousness, and the spirit of the two sides are integrated, and then Jiang Chen is the main one to transform desire spiritually. In this process, Lewwood must cooperate fully and cannot produce any resistance. Otherwise, he will become male or female, and Jiang Chen will be damaged and his mind will be covered.

Runmu's face was bitter: "Within no reservation?"

Jiang Chen said with a serious look, "There is no reservation."

Runmu gritted his teeth: "Okay, Jiang Chen risked it!" He suddenly tore his shirt, revealing his white and sharp breasts. He closed his eyes and said, "Lord Demon Lord, Jiang Chen has opened his chest without reservation!"

Jiang Chen's scalp suddenly became numb: "What are you doing? Wear it quickly! I want you to be mentally unreserved!"

Runmu was stunned for a moment and howled, "Do you still need to be mentally? Lord Demon Lord, although Jiang Chen's body has become a woman, Jiang Chen still likes women! If you want Jiang Chen to treat you spiritually, Jiang Chen can't do it to you.

Several little demons on the side subconsciously dodged and whispered, "Lord Demon has a strong taste." I heard that the realm of not seeking desire but only seeking spirit is called contemptment**.

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to explain in detail to Runmu. He is Jiang Chen's battlefield for testing the small knife in the cloud world, and also an experiment to study the way of desire. Naturally, he should be careful.

Even so, Runmu still doubted: "As you say, Jiang Chen can really change as long as he wants to become a man? Lord Demon Lord, you have not been affected by the heavens, have you?

There is no need for heaven, and you are also affected by the brain. Jiang Chen stared at him and sighed in his heart that the height was extremely cold. However, these ordinary people can occasionally bring Jiang Chen a little fun.

In retrospect, as the Taoism deepened, how many days did Jiang Chen not laugh?

All the way, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the vegetation passing by is gradually sparse. The mountain is yellow and brown, and a large area of rattan trees withered and withered, ** and the cracked burnt yellow soil appeared, as if it had been smoked at high temperature.

"Boom!" A fireball the size of a house suddenly exploded in front of the left side of the army. The fierce flame stars splashed on the hillside and ignited the dry grass. In a blink of an eye, a sea of fire spread over the hillside, reflecting a red light in the sky.

The monsters did not panic. Most of them looked dull, dragged their tired and heavy legs, bypassed the sea of fire and continued to move forward.

This is not the first time that such a fire has been encountered. The deeper you go into the Holy Land of the Arctic, the more frequent the fire will appear every hour. Looking up into the distance, the birds frightened, the land of the Arctic Holy Land emitted thick smoke from time to time, and the mountains and forests fell into the fire one after another.

The flames are born out of thin air, and the water cannot be extinguished without warning. This is the fire coming out of the void, with purple in the red, dazzling, and contains the power of law. Only when the power of the law in the flame is exhausted will it automatically extinguish.

"Demon Lord, it's too late, and the soldiers have been exhausted for so long. Why don't you camp nearby for a night and leave for Kunpeng Mountain tomorrow morning? Fanti hurried over and proposed to Jiang Chen.

Although he looked calm, his inner anxiety could not escape the mirror. Jiang Chen casually said, "Is A Weng worried about the low morale?"

Fan Ti smiled bitterly and said, "The demon master is clear. I thought that the army's return to his hometown for rest could revive morale and refresh their spirits. But today's Arctic holy places are also exacerbating the bad air, the land is dry, the fire is raging, and the homes are full of ecsolation. The soldiers are in a bad mood, and their morale will inevitably continue to decline.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Jiang Chen heard that many people shouted that they wanted to disband the army. I went home and didn't want to go to Kunpeng Mountain again.

"It's just a few ill-good kids talking nonsense in private." Fan Ti's face showed a trace of embarrassment, "It's my subordinate's weakness, and I hope the demon lord will forgive me."

"The world is about to collapse, and everyone is panicked. This is also normal." Jiang Chen shook his head slowly, "In the end, they have no confidence in Jiang Chen, the demon lord. The blame is Jiang Chen. Why does A Weng need to take care of Jiang Chen?

Fan Ti sighed: "The demon body observes the feelings and is open-minded, but the time to enter the main magic brake is too short after all. It is difficult to capture people's hearts for a while. Jiang Chen is worried that the army will continue to be lax, and many soldiers will leave the army and escape without permission. I don't know what the demon lord has any good strategy?

Jiang Chen sneered and said, "Do they think they can survive by escaping home? This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and no one can escape it. Tianjing must have entered the holy land of the Arctic, if the monsters don't form a group. It is bound to be killed by Tianjing one by one. You don't have to worry about the collapse of the army. Jiang Chen has his own way to drive them. Jiang Chen summoned the demon and said a few secret words. The demon laughed several times and turned into an indistinguishable red light to the sky.

Not long after, the former army suddenly made a noise. A towering mountain formed by flames is blocked in front of you, the flames are swallowing and swaying, and the firelight soaring to the sky. The heat wave spewed everywhere with smoke and fire, surrounded by thousands of miles of land, magma flowing, and the air shaking like a water wave.

Jiang Chen looked at it for a moment. If he wanted to bypass this huge flame mountain, he had to climb through the red rock plateau to the north. The plateau is steep, mostly rocky, and it is extremely difficult to climb over. Seeing that the dusk was getting heavier, Jiang Chen had to order the army to be stationed.

"In the past, there was no flame mountain here at all. It should be formed by the fire of the void." There must be many such flaming mountains. Alas, I hope Jiang Chen's Taoyuan Valley is still there." My seven-star cave is hidden behind the White Dragon Waterfall. As long as the little kids in the family don't run out, nothing will happen." It's hard to say. Didn't you see the 800-mile Biluo River dry into a small pond? How good can White Dragon Falls go?

A demon will get together. He looked at the flame mountain in the distance with a sad face and talked about it. The momentum of the destruction of heaven and earth is becoming more and more fierce. If it goes on like this, the great mountains and rivers of the Arctic holy land will fall into the sea of fire and burn them up.

"Lord, there are not many rations for the army. Should we temporarily limit the quota of soldiers?" Long You whispered. Because of the drought, the fruit forests along the way are desolate, and the beasts are difficult to find a trace of, unable to supplement the supply of the army, and many ordinary demons still need to eat and survive.

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment and waved his hand: "Now is not the time. Just distribute the grain and fodder without any reduction."

Fan Ti frowned and said, "But in the future"

Jiang Chen said, "Isn't there still a heavenly spirit? They will appear soon."

Long You was shocked and looked at Jiang Chen with a frightened face. Fan Ti also turned pale and his lips trembled slightly: "The demon master said he wanted to eat and eat heavenly essence?"

Jiang Chen said quietly, "Every time there is a war, people can eat people, not to mention Tianjing? They are food delivered to the door, which is just pickled and used as military food. The Holy Land of the Arctic is rich in products and food sources, and these monsters have not experienced any troubled times at all. In the Tang Dynasty, Jiang Chen heard his father say that whether it was the scuffle of the Three Kingdoms or the chaos of the Five Huhua, many poor families were forced to eat. What was it good to eat some heavenly essence?

Leaving behind two jaw-dropping demon kings, Jiang Chen inspected the camp and went to Lisheng and Jiu Danmei for a few hours before returning to his camp.

Runmu stayed outside the tent all night and looked at Jiang Chen with resentful eyes. His full chest and buttocks were so stiff that his armor was about to crack.

"Come in." Jiang Chen summoned Leap into the tent, let him lie flat on the ground, relax his mood, and gave him a calm Anxiang Dan pill. When the drug slowly melted, Jiang Chen sat down cross-legged, calmed down, and made the heart mirror to the best state of cleanliness and transparency.

"Jiang Chen will go deep into the depths of your consciousness with divine consciousness. You should open your mind and listen to Jiang Chen's instructions to visual your thoughts. Don't cover up resistance and think nonsense." Jiang Chen spoke softly, and a string slowly stretched out the heart mirror, like a flexible and light vine, exploring the spiritual world of leap wood.