divine punishment

Chapter 18 Spiritual Practice

Stepping on the void, as if it were real, Jiang Chen swept up along the top of the mountain, and the sky seemed to be piled up with first-level invisible stairs extending to another world.

"Low creatures, don't insult the great Asura God!" Aladdin struggled furiously and shouted, "The heroic and fearless Aladdin vows to defend the dignity of the Asura God to the death!"

Jiang Chen tightened his nose and said leisurely, "Are you thinking about squeezing your nose and spraying Jiang Chen's face, right? Well, when you were seven years old, you stole the sacrifices dedicated to the god Asura, were beaten to death, and hid in the tree and cried, didn't you? Also, your nose has always been short and often bullied by the clan. No one wants to be with you*, so your greatest wish is that the long nose of the clan will be shorter, right? Ah, you are thinking that only you know this secret. Did you dream of leaking?

"You, you" Aladdin's face is getting worse and worse, his long nose is trembling, and he can't say a word. In the mirror, he was shaken, hesitated, and doubted more and more.

It is because you stole Jiang Chen's sacrifice that you fell into Jiang Chen's hands. Jiang Chen asks you, does the great Asura God know everything?

"Of course."

"Does Jiang Chen know everything?"

"It seems."

"That Jiang Chen is the god of Asura."

Aladdin looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, and his mind became more and more confused. Jiang Chen smiled and looked back. It was difficult to find traces of the demon army, and the scene of the Holy Land in the Arctic disappeared.

Going up, the wet fog rushed to his face, and Wang Shu shouted in his consciousness, "What a divine realm!"

Jiang Chen took out the small stove, called out Wang Shu, and carefully observed the divine realm after the change. The sky is hazy. The light was as dim as night, and a thick dark cloud rolled, drooping lower and lower, as if the huge demon opened its huge mouth and kept expanding. Swallow the light little by little.

The ground is constantly spewing fog, rising and spreading in all directions. Once the dark clouds and thick fog intersect, there is a sound, oozing out the colorful ** of fishy dirt, flowing along the void. It's like a disgusting poisonous insect slowly climbing over the wall, emitting a strong smell of decay.

"It's so stinky. Jiang Chen is about to vomit!" Wang Shu covered his nose, and the thief poked around and shouted strangely, "Hmm. How did the divine realm become this bird-like? The north is too empty. He suddenly jumped up, stared at the colorful ** overflowing in the air for a long time, and said in a trembling voice, "This seems to be the legendary five declines of heaven and man! It specializes in all kinds of magic weapons and spiritual objects, fairy grass and elixirs. Any monsters and soul weapons will be finished as long as they are stained with a little. It is our catastrophe!"

"Five declines of heaven and man?" Wang Shu couldn't help trembling, "Is there really such a thing in the world? No wonder Jiang Chen saw it for the first time. I just feel nervous."

Wang Shu grabbed Jiang Chen anxiously: "Good brother, let's hurry to save the winter melon. We can't stay in the divine realm."

Wang Shu also roared and shouted, "Jiang Chen, go to your hometown in Shui City with Jiang Chen and take Jiang Chen's brothers away the latest chapter of the era of summoning divine soldiers!"

At the same time, a timid voice sounded: "Wei, Wei, the great Asura god, brave and loyal and reliable Aladdin, is willing to take you to those two people."

"Save Jiang Chen's wife first!" Save your brother first!"

Jiang Chen looks at Wang Shu. Looking at Shu again, and then looking at Aladdin, it was quite difficult. Wang Shu said again, "Jiang Chen, save more creatures in the divine realm. Since you want to walk for heaven and create your own heaven and earth. There must be some strange subordinates."

Jiang Chen suddenly remembered the famous filial son title of the Tang Dynasty, to the idea that his mother and wife drowned at the same time, which one to save first? The answer is to save the mother first, otherwise it will be a felony. But the really reasonable answer is to save whoever is close.

"Lao Wangshu, how long will it take to find the water market where your brother lives?"

"Oh, Jiang Chen, look, there is a sad fog here. Jiang Chen doesn't seem to know the way."

"Aladdin, can you smell those two people?"

"The great Asura god, brave, fearless, loyal and reliable Aladdin is working hard."

"Wang Shu, how far is the mysterious treasure house of winter melon from here?"

"Brother, your question is a little silly. The closest distance in the world is the distance between Jiang Chen and Donggua. Besides, how can there be a distance between a lover's heart? Wang Shu's tentacles poked out their hats, pointed to the southeast, and said excitedly, "Thieves are not afraid of the long journey, and thousands of rivers and mountains are only waiting for leisure. Go with Jiang Chen, it will be very fast!"

Jiang Chen weighed the pros and cons, and still followed Wang Shu and rushed to the mysterious treasure house first. Lao Wangshu Road couldn't figure it out. Huaiyan and Muyan entered the divine realm for several days. If they wanted to find them, they could only have great luck.

Along the way, most of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the past were hidden in the clouds and fog, revealing only a little thin outline. The verdant peaks, trees and lakes seem to be soaked, faintly revealing a thick black ink color, which looks dead.

"The creatures in the mountain are mostly gone, and they are waiting to die." Wang Shu shook his head and kicked Aladdin. "It's all your damn heavenly spirits, which has aggravated the evil of the divine realm."

"You lowly creature, don't move! Brave, loyal and reliable Aladdin is working hard. Aladdin sniffed his long nose, explored the jungle in front of him, and said in horror, "The great Asura god, there is the breath of the royal family in it. Do you want to find them and preach the majesty and glory of God?"

"Let's take a detour. Asura God is not free now." Jiang Chen shook his head, avoided the jungle, and crossed a winding Yulu Creek. This stream is full of spiritual dew, crystal clear, and is a good medicine for healing wounds. Jiang Chen was about to put some on it, and a drop of five-failing pulp suddenly fell from the air and splashed into the stream. The jade dew juice all over the stream suddenly became colorful and earthy.

For good, Tianren's five decay pulp has no lethality on people and demons. If you accidentally stain it, it will only sting the skin at most. Under the leadership of Wang Shu, Jiang Chen passed through a collapsed stalactite forest and jumped onto the rainbow bridge across the sky.

"Brother, Jiang Chen should avoid the limelight." Wang Shu sneaked into Jiang Chen's arms, revealing only two thief's eyes.

The rainbow bridge has already become dull, full of holes, and breeds spots and rust stains. From time to time, large pieces of Tianren fell on the bridge, corroding holes, and the whole rainbow bridge became crumbling, as if it would collapse at any time.

Looking down, the empty cities are tightly wrapped in clouds and fog, like isolated islands trapped in the waves. The five decay of heaven and man keeps dripping on the wall, corroding and penetrating along the cracks.

"The mysterious treasure house of winter melon has arrived! Brother, jump!" After walking for a few hours, Wang Shu suddenly shouted.

"The great Asura god, brave, loyal and reliable Aladdin smelled the smell of the royal family again! They are down there!" Aladdin also shouted.

Jiang Chen's mind moved, and the string line turned from virtual to solid, and his whole body turned into a thick cloud sky, wrapped around Aladdin and Wang Shu, and landed down.

The empty city below is shrouded in dark clouds, and the carved beams and paintings are like insects, which are corroded and devastated by the five decay of heaven and man. On the decadent pavilions, magic weapons, herbs and blades are scattered on the ground, all of which are dilapidated, like a pile of broken limbs, and the fractures are wriggling with gorgeous dirt**.

"So many companions have died." Wang Shu said in a low voice and walked around anxiously in his consciousness. These magic weapons, herbs, and blades are all open spirits. They are stained by the five decay of heaven and man, and then they will be severely damaged and die, revealing their original shape.

Wang Shu sighed, "They should have fled into this empty city from the outside to avoid the five declines of heaven and man, but unfortunately they still can't avoid it."

More than a thousand heavenly spirits are searching in the city, picking up the damaged blades on the ground from time to time and waving them a few times. These heavenly spirits are obviously from the royal family. Their armor is exquisite and gorgeous, inlaid with tempered colorful gems, which are surrounded by dense vine patterns. A pale cyan cloak is tied outside the armor, as if it is woven from many wide and thin leaves, which intersects with unique leaf veins. When walking, it floats like clouds and emits fragrance. Their ears are sharp and long, their skin is white and tender, their facial features are beautiful, and their eyes are green like shiny emerald.

There are also dozens of heavenly spirits surrounding the golden steps in the center of the city, holding all kinds of strange tools, knocking on the steps to try to break the organs. A handsome and long Tianjing stood beside him and stared at it. His snow-white robe was spotless, which was the spiritual cultivation patriarch Jiang Chen had seen.

seemed to sense the peeping gaze, and Ling Xiu suddenly turned around and stared in the direction of Jiang Chen for a while. But I didn't get anything, so I had to frown doubtfully.

Aladdin trembled with fear, covered his eyes with his hands, and couldn't help peeking at the spiritual cultivation from his fingers, showing greedy eyes. Ordinary Tianjing is suppressed by the blood of the royal Tianjing. Fear and desire to devour each other and evolve. The great Asura god, please hurry, hurry, hurry. Suppress these ignorant royal families. His voice was wrapped in a dark cloud string and would not leak out at all, but it still attracted Ling Xiu to look back again.

The spiritual consciousness is surprisingly sharp. Jiang Chen controlled the string elephant, blended into the surging clouds around him, and quietly approached the golden steps.

"Hidden evil, come out. Don't hide your head and tail. Jiang Chen knows that you have come. Ling Xiu suddenly sneered and stared at Jiang Chen's original position with sharp eyes.

Jiang Chen didn't say a word, and secretly thought that this guy was obviously bluffing and mistook Jiang Chen for hidden evil. According to the situation, these royal tribes are also fighting in secret. It's not a piece of iron.

The spiritual practice paused for a moment and said, "Come out, hidden evil, you Jiang Chen may not be unable to cooperate. This boy's sand bloodline is so pure that it's enough for the two of us to use. Why fight for your death?

Jiang Chen was shocked. Does this boy mean Huaiyan? Listening to Lingxiu's tone, Huaiyan won't escape here, will he? Unfortunately, the emotional fluctuations of spiritual cultivation are blurred in the heart mirror, and they can't get a glimpse of it, and they want to explore the string line. And afraid of shocking each other.

"Since the patriarch of the Shamai clan lost his life and vacame the position of King Asura, who ruled the heavenly essence," Ling Xiu suddenly raised his snow-white jade-like fingers and pressed them through the void with lightning. Boom!" The air ripples that can be recognized by the naked eye ripples from the fingertips. It was like a Thunderbolt rushing, bursting into clouds and fog, tearing a big gap. This blow is as fast as lightning, domineering, and the power has been at a great level in the ruins. If Jiang Chen hadn't moved away, he would have leaked.

Ling Xiu stared at it for a long time without blinking, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Is it Jiang Chen's mistake?" He looked away and told the heavenly spirits around him, "You move faster! Other royal tribes are looking for this boy. It's just that they are still evil. If they are found here by the Shamai family, it will be troublesome. Humph, a humble bastard, what right does he have to be our king of Asura!"

"Boom!" The dazzling strong light rushed straight to the sky, and a crystal door suddenly emerged from the highest golden steps. The spirits shouted happily, "Ps patriarch, we have opened the organ!" Looking up and glancing at the hundreds of strange-shaped door locks hanging on the crystal door, he was stunned.

"A bunch of idiots!" Wang Shu and Ling Xiu scolded with one voice. Wang Shu shook his tentacles disdainfully: "With these days of rotten technology, I can't unlock Jiang Chen's wife's door lock in ten days and a half."

"Listen to Jiang Chen, open this lock first!" Uneducated! These locks need to be opened together, otherwise the door lock opened first will be closed again. A dry spirit quarreled endlessly around the crystal door.

"Let Jiang Chen get out of the way." Lingxiu drank away, went to the crystal door and meditated for a while, grabbed his hand in the clouds, picked up a large pool of heavenly and human slurry, and poured it on the door lock. The shimmering door locks suddenly dimmed and fell down one by one. The spiritual monk pushed the door and entered, and the spirits behind him rushed up.

"Go in and save the winter melon!" Wang Shu was stunned for a moment and shouted eagerly.

After the crystal door opened, the dark clouds and thick fog in the distance were attracted by magnets and rushed over like a tide. Jiang Chen also took the opportunity to sneak in and wait for the opportunity. With Jiang Chen's current strength, it is still a little better than spiritual practice, but once the two sides fight head-on and attract hidden evil spirits, Jiang Chen can only escape obediently, let alone save people.

The jade flower field is empty, and the winter melon is missing, let alone Huaiyan and wood smoke.

"Search carefully and pry up every piece of jade here! Jiang Chen saw the boy enter the empty city with his own eyes. He must be hiding here!" As the spiritual practice gave the order, he kept grabbing the five declines of heaven and man and sprinkled it on the ground.

"The great Asura god, brave and faithful Aladdin smelled and smelled the two people." Aladdin shrugged his long nose and said secretly.

What a coincidence? Jiang Chen never thought that Huaiyan really hid in this mysterious treasure house. On second thought, Muyan also came here in those years, which can be regarded as familiar with the way. However, this woman is also short of brains. Unexpectedly, she is as wise and stupid. She not only remembers the road to the empty city, but also remembers many ways to unlock the door?

"Good brother, you can't watch Tianjing fuck your sister-in-law! Hurry up and kill them. Jiang Chen will collect the body for you. Wang Shu urged like a burning eyebrow.

"How can winter melon be so easy to deal with? Don't forget that even you, the master of thieves, can't find the dark library of the mysterious treasure house. If it had been destroyed by brute force alone, the dark library would have been first, and it would be your turn?

"It's useless to destroy brute force?" Wang Shu was stunned, said a few words repeatedly, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Jiang Chen understands that there is no dark library under this jade field at all! Winter melon is the dark library, and winter melon is the dark library of the mysterious treasure house!"

"What led to the 6,000 secret rooms that launched the whole world turned out to be used to hide people's ears! If Jiang Chen really cracks it, it will be in vain. Wang Shu said with lingering lingering, and then became complacent again. "However, under the grand master of Jiang Chen's thief, oh no, under the bright method of the god of thieves, all the carving and insect skills are invisible. In fact, Jiang Chen had already guessed it, but he just deliberately pretended not to know, so as not to hurt the heart of Donggua.

No way, this humble three-inch is also a god? Aladdin is completely confused.

Before, although Jiang Chen suspected that the dark library was related to winter melon, he did not expect that winter melon itself was the dark library.

All the treasures are hidden in her body, so the body of the wax gourd is so big that it can be hidden - two people? Jiang Chen quietly stretched out the string line, avoided spiritual cultivation, and explored carefully in the jade field.

"Puff!" Dozens of sharp arrows suddenly shot out of the smashed jade field, tying a heavenly essence into a hedgehog. Bang!" A piece of jade field in the center was corroded by the five decay pulp of Tianren and suddenly overturned, crushing more than ten days on the ground and crushing them into minced meat. Wheops!" Thick smoke spewed out from the cut-down Qiong tree stump, covering a large area of Tianjing. In a short period of ghost-like screaming, Yutian organs launched successively and killed hundreds of Tianjing in one fell swoop.

Jiang Chen waited for the opportunity to explore the string and pierce into the spiritual world of a heavenly spirit. He fell into a pool of blood, his mind was weak, and the pictures of his memory were bright and dark, and scenes flashed into the heart mirror: the heaven and earth were about to be destroyed, and the king of Asura of the Shamai tribe resolutely decided to rush out of Asura Island and break out of the life of the heavenly spirit. On his own, he forcibly broke through the sky, abruptly smashed a gap, and himself was extinguished.

The heavenly spirit has been rampant everywhere since then. The royal spirit began to fight in secret and out to seize the empty throne of King Asura. They accidentally met Huaiyan and were stunned to find that this human had the purest sandy bloodline and inexplicably obtained the inheritance of King Asura.

The chase has begun

Tianjing swallowed his last breath. The picture was cut off.

The Yutian organs are still launching slowly, and the jade has turned over the group one after another, changing deadly traps one by one. Tianjing was frequently injured and suffered heavy casualties. Some Tianjing killed each other like crazy.

"Jiang Chen said it early. How can Jiang Chen's wife be so easy to deal with? Wang Shu's eyebrows were flying and his hands were dancing.

"Get out of here for Jiang Chen and don't get in the way here." Ling Xiu drank off the surviving Tianjing, and his cold eyes swept around, and his white and slender fingers pressed through the emptiness.

The air crackled, and the spiritual finger pressed where. Where it was crowded, and before the organ could start, it broke into a mass of diffuse tobacco powder.