divine punishment

Chapter 25 Hit

"Nowadays, the void explodes frequently, and no one dares to take up and fight except for the top high. The Tianjing army can only advance inch by inch along the foot of the mountain. Long Ming talked, and the dragon's eyes were full of golden light, with strange whirlpool ripples.

"In the Forbidden Mountains, the fish-shaped Forbidden Peak is the highest, and the two-wing mountains are high, so Tianjing must concentrate on attacking the fish tail first. Longyan, that place is guarded by you, be sure" Long Ming kept ordering, and the generals took orders one by one.

A group of dazzling lights rose and appeared all over the Forbidden Mountains. All the magic weapons and magic arrays were stimulated, shining the sky brightly and colorfully.

Subsequently, Long Ming led 10,000 mountain ridges and commanded at any time. All kinds of monsters, magic weapons and soul weapons rescued in Lingbaotian were also subdued by Jiang Chen and handed over to Long Ming for unified dispatch.

In front of the towering and spectacular demon master's palace, only Jiang Chen was alone isolated. The string line explores in all directions, connecting every warrior buried in the spiritual seed by Jiang Chen. Millions of momentum merge into one and continue to expand and climb to heaven and earth.

"Wangshu!" Jiang Chen shouted softly and looked at Shu leaping out of his consciousness and turned into a beam of gently flowing flames. Jiang Chen gently held the flame and waited for the four people to appear.

The war is imminent.

"Wow!" The high horn sounded around, and the sky was arranged into a triangular formation. The vanguard troops were like sharp spearheads, fiercely * into the lowest fish tail of the Forbidden Mountain.

The brilliant aura of a circle of magic arrays lit up and rippled outward. The heavenly spirit rushing to the front was shaken away and thrown out one after another, and the heavenly spirit in the rear immediately filled the gap and continued to attack fearlessly.

Every time the magic array is stimulated, there will be a short pause in the middle. However, in a few breaths, hundreds of heavenly spirits seized the opportunity to cross the defense line of the magic array.

The rear has already built a tall and strong fortress with rocks. The front row of demon soldiers guarded the hole in the stone wall, set up bows and arrows, and the middle row of demon soldiers holding knives and shields, lying all over the wall stacks. The rear row of demon soldiers are scattered on the highest tower, holding all kinds of magic weapons and ready to go.

"Wuff!" Arrows are like rain, covering the sky. These arrows come from Yunfu Island. The arrows are made of the best snowflake black iron, which is sharp and heavy enough to penetrate explosive rocks. But Tianjing's body is too strong. Unless the arrow directly hit their throat and heart, the arrow will be blocked when it enters the meat. Only a wisp of blood will be splashed, and then it will be pulled out by Tianjing and thrown back.

Many strong heavenly spirits are full of arrow rain, still walking vigorously and the momentum remains unchanged. The most fierce ones have grabbed the rock and climbed to the fort wall.

The archers and arrow soldiers there immediately retreated, and the middle platoon demon soldiers came forward in time, waved their knives to cut the heavenly essence, and began to fight with short soldiers.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the surroundings lit up, colorful, and the waves were stirring. The demon soldiers on the tower drove the magic weapon and bombed wildly at the heavenly spirit running to the fort wall. No matter how rough the skin is and the meat is thick, it is also bombarded into a splash of minced meat.

With the short pause of each round of the magic array, tens of thousands of heavenly spirits rushed to the stone castle with the light of the magic weapon bombardment. Many Tianjing fell halfway and were blown up. The surviving Tianjing rushed to the fort wall and jumped on the fort wall. Fight with the demon soldiers. Even if it is more than one, the demon soldiers are still at a disadvantage and are slaughtered by the heavenly spirit like cutting melons and vegetables.

Seeing many heavenly spirits rushing over the stone wall and shouting to enter, cloud caves with white clouds suddenly appeared in the stone castle, engulfing the heavenly essence. That was a thousand elite Yunfu Island elders, ambushed in the fort. Strike a fatal blow.

The momentum of Tianjing's charge was gradually curbed, and fewer and fewer Tianjing rushed into the fortress, which was quickly cleared by the elders of Yunfu Island. Immediately, the demon soldiers accelerated the pace, the arrow rain flew all over the sky, and the magic weapons bombarded one after a time. It was difficult to get close to Tianjing for a while.

The sound of long and short horns came from the Tianjing camp, and the tide of Tianjing, which served as a pioneer, receded. After a while, the Tianjing army array changed, and the Tianjing in the front row gave way to both sides one after another. The Tianjing of the three different ethnic groups gushed out and once again formed a new vanguard.

One of the heavenly elites has short limbs and a round body. Like a huge meatball. They opened their mouths one after another, spit out transparent bubbles, wrapped the other two groups of heavenly spirits, and swallowed them into their stomachs.

When a round of void appeared, the meatball spirits rolled quickly and rolled up a whirlwind across the magic array defense line and went straight to the stone castle.

Before the arrow rain approached, it was shaken by the whirlwind rolled up by the meat ball. Lost the right head. Although the magic weapon blew them up bloody and bruised, most of the impact was offset by the rapid rolling. Before long, a large amount of meatballs had rolled under the stone wall.

Bubbles were spit out one by one, and the other two heavenly spirits jumped out one after another. A family of heavenly elites have dark skin, muscles like iron, and red unicorns on the head. The back has narrow wings. They jumped up the stone wall, vigorous, powerful, and grabbed their arms at will. Then tear the demon soldiers in half. The sharp axe cut on them, jingling and splashing a little spark in vain.

The defense line of the demon soldiers in the middle row was torn in an instant, and the demon soldiers screamed and fell into a pool of blood. The heavenly spirits killed fiercely and showed no mercy. Thousands of elders of Yunfu Island were forced to come out and resist this wave of heavenly elites.

The Tianjing of the third tribe did not directly participate in the attack, but squatted at the base of the wall, cracked its back, and drilled out rows of dense teeth shining with cold light. Countless teeth bite the stone wall, like chewing broad beans, quickly crushing the solid rock and turning it into debris.

The "rumbling" stone walls fell and collapsed, and the dust and limes were permeated. The majestic fortress was bitten out one by one, and it staggered down and sank into a pile of ruins. The demon soldier above howled and fell down and fell into the dense teeth waiting below, and blood flowed out through the teeth.

A gray war flag appeared over the ruins, which was a retreat order issued by Long Ming. The remaining demon soldiers fought and retreated and retreated to the second stone castle behind. Thousands of Yunfu Island elders also rushed out of the stone castle to receive the remnants and struggled to resist the rapid impact of the heavenly spirit.

At the same time, a pot of sticky poison was poured on the second stone castle and flowed along the stone wall, condensing a colored shell on the surface of the rock. Long Ming's response is not unpleasant, but it is still unknown whether the poison is effective for tooth essence.

"The evolution of Tianjing is completely different from that of people and demons." Jiang Chen looked down at the war-raging meat grinding field below and said calmly.

The string line sends countless fluctuations of desire into the heart mirror. Jiang Chen felt the cruelest and strongest painful joy between life and death and integrated into the undulating spiritual world of the demon soldiers. At the same time, he absorbed desire and nourished and sharpened with a detached and peaceful mentality. No matter how fierce and bloody the battle is, it can't move Jiang Chen's heart. Heaven and earth are like a game. Heavenly spirits, people and demons are just struggling pieces, and Jiang Chenye has become a chess player who controls the chess game.

"Although people and demons strengthen themselves with magic, they more or less need to use tools such as blades and magic weapons. Tianjing completely abandoned this road and completely relied on his own power to evolve magical powers to replace tools. The devil is in his mind.

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, looked high above, and said calmly, "Since the patriarch of Qida is here, why hide and be stingy?"

After a while, the void fluctuated, and the graceful and beautiful shadow appeared in the air, and a trace of uncontrollable surprise appeared on his delicate face: "Jiang Chen, you are really unusual. You have repeatedly recognized Jiang Chen's void magic power. No wonder the heavenly spirit will die on you."

Jiang Chen is light, and the string line has long been like a cobweb, covering around. Any creature that touches the cobweb will be perceived by Jiang Chen. There are too many unusual heights. Mingyang Zhenren of Lingyin School, Luo Shengtian's traceless, and Yuntian of the Arctic Holy Land are extraordinary. When the clan grows up, they can see it in person.

Qi Dajiao smiled and said, "But they don't have anything that Jiang Chen is interested in." With her laughter, three figures rushed up below and surrounded Jiang Chen.

The four heavenly essences are distributed in all directions in the east, west, south and north, and different momentums rise on their bodies at the same time, like four intertwined chains, locking Jiang Chen.

Thunder clouds roared in the air, the fire waves rolled, and the dazzling light flashed from time to time, shining the faces of the four people, like ghosts.

Jiang Chen was unmoved. His eyes slowly swept over the hot sun and fell down. He fell on a handsome old man in the west and said, "Is this the head of the Hewasha family of the sand vein? Just looking at his appearance, I thought that the patriarch was a true human being.

Hewasha shook his head when he heard the words: "The patriarchs of Shamai are all inherited by the Asura king. The old man is just a servant who serves the king of Asura. How can he be qualified to steal this position?" His voice is as thick as a bell, his skin is ruddy and smooth, and his eyes seem to have endless sand flowing slowly, making people unconsciously indulge in it.

The other three heavenly spirits looked a little unnatural, and the sun roared impatiently, "What's the nonsense with him? Kill him early and take back the inheritance of King Asura.

Jiang Chen said leisurely, "How can I have the inheritance of King Asura?" Are you all wrong?"

pulled down and sneered: "As the lord of the cloud world, why should you be confused? You have a bastard named Yan Huan who stole the sacred inheritance of King Asura. If you hand him over obediently, they can consider keeping your life. Otherwise, I will wash the Forbidden Mountain with blood and kill all you despicable and inferior creatures!"

When listening to "Yan Huan's bastard", although He Washa's face did not change, his mood fluctuated significantly, and his dissatisfied thoughts clearly reflected the heart mirror. The string line immediately inserted a needle, and quietly penetrated into the other party's spiritual world with the help of Hewasha's mood fluctuated for a moment.

"Blood washing? It's a big tone to pull down the patriarch. Jiang Chen pointed to the entangled battlefield below, "Who is blood-washed and who is not sure."

The scorching sun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "This boy really thinks he is the lord of the cloud world. Tida. Stop playing and let him see it."

Tida seemed to smile, and there was a continuous scream in his mouth. Below, the Tianjing array changed sharply. The former army moved out and turned into two wings. The Chinese army rushed out ten teams of Tianjing one after another, and rushed to the stone castle like an angry dragon.

A group of dwarf-like heavenly spirits rushed to the front. They want to get up. The navel is big and deep, spewing like a spring, and the waves emitting a circle of whistling ripples. These ripples touch the array and collide with each other, immediately disrupting the normal operation of the array method. Behind, the nine teams of Tianjing rushed through the magic array, and a team of Tianjing opened their bloody mouths that occupied more than half of their heads, aimed at the stone castle, and roared loudly.

The roar was deafening and resounded through the clouds, drowning all the fighting. I can't even hear the thunder in the sky. The stone castle shook with the amazing volume, the rocks oozed cracks, countless demon soldiers had ear and nose bleeding, and their muscles were shaken like a pile of mud and collapsed softly.

The other team of Tianjing rotated at a high speed like a hurricane, and the air waves formed violent storms and rolled towards the stone castle. Rumble!" The stone castle trembled and collapsed, and the rubble and bricks splashed everywhere.

In just one cup of tea, the stone castle was destroyed. The remaining teams entered bravely. Some of them are magnificent and invable; some are shaped like flames and rising; some are as fast as lightning. Move like a ghost, slaughtering the demon army like a dead man. The elders of Yunfu Island desperately cast various spells, blocking the front to cover the retreat of the Demon Soldier Festival.

In a blink of an eye, Tianjing rushed to the third stone castle, followed by the fourth one. In the wailing of the monsters, the tenth team of Tianjing was like a broken bamboo. Invincible, he attacked hundreds of feet of mountains in one breath and approached the end of the fish tail.

The sun smiled proudly: "You idiot, you just figured out your details and played. How can their noble race of killing be compared with a weak group like you?

Tida smiled and said, "No matter how strong you are, it is difficult for you to play a role in such a big battle. They don't want to kill you. As long as they hand over Yan Huan, they will let you leave safely.

Lawed down and said sadly, "You probably think you are very powerful, but unfortunately, there are no four people in the world that can't be killed by Dacheng."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I already have it. His name is Yuntian. You are still a little wrong. It's not four Huixu Dachenglian, but three.

The four heavenly spirits were slightly stunned. Jiang Chen laughed, the sleeves of the robe trembled, the universe in the sleeves launched, and Yan Huan fell out of Jiang Chen's broad cuffs.

He grabbed Yan Huan's neck and put his five fingers deeply into his throat. Jiang Chen did not look at his sad face and said lightly, "Hewasha old man, you can retreat. If he is not obedient, Jiang Chen will kill Yan Huan immediately.

The sun couldn't help taking a step forward, greedily staring at the hourglass circulating on Yan Huan's forehead, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Don't give him to them!"

Jiang Chen said calmly, "Only living Yan Huan is useful to you. If he dies, the inheritance of King Asura will automatically leave to find the next host. Maybe, everyone is lucky. The inheritance of King Asura will come to you.

"Did you threaten them?" Pull down your face and change your face and say, "If you dare to kill him, they will smash you into ten thousand pieces and slaughter every creature in the Arctic holy land."

Tida glanced at the silent He Washa and said, "Your Excellency is dead. Jiang Chen and others can't accept the threat. Why do you have a life-and-death feud with Jiang Chen and others for the inheritance of King Asura that you can't get?

Jiang Chen said indifferently, "Jiang Chen is not interested in any verbal quarrel. Jiang Chen counted to three, and if the river baby did not leave, Jiang Chen immediately killed people. One!"

"How dare you!" The sun pulled down his face full of anger, his spirit fluctuated violently, and the string line took advantage of the gap to sneak in.

He Washa stared straight at Yan Huan and muttered, "Sure enough, it is the sand blood of the Jiangchen clan, which is purer and more perfect than Jiang Chen imagined."

"Two!" Jiang Chen shouted without expression, and the string line magnified it with the help of the emotional fluctuations in He Washa's heart and created mysterious changes.

"Three!" Jiang Chen's fingers tightened, blood splashed out of Yan Huan's throat, and his eyes bulged like a dead fish.

"No!" Four days of spiritual change suddenly, shouting in unison.

He Washa sighed and said to the three people, "I can't carry the bad reputation of killing the inheritor. Everyone, the previous agreement can only be abandoned. Jiang Chenshamai clan withdrew from this war.

Turning his head, He Washa took a deep look at Jiang Chen and swept away without looking back. The remaining three heavenly faces looked at each other.

Jiang Chen thought to himself that this old guy would really seize the opportunity to withdraw the sand vein family. In the end, he does not want the inheritance of King Asura to fall into the foreign clan. Since the death of the previous king Asura and the fall of the power of the Shamai clan, he can no longer control the other three royal families. Jiang Chen threatened Yan Huan, and He Washa just pushed the boat and withdrew from the battlefield, allowing Jiang Chen and Qi Da to fight and take the opportunity to weaken the power of other royal spirits. However, the other three heavenly spirits could not object in order to get the inheritance of Yan Huan.

Jiang Chen's sleeve rolled up and put Yan Huan into the sleeve. Yan Huan touched the bleeding wound on her neck and shouted strangely, "Didn't you scare them? Why are you so cruel? Jiang Chen really thought you were going to kill Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, used the string line to explore people's hearts, and magnified his desire to be controlled by Jiang Chen, which was the biggest gain of this battle.

The Shamai clan turned into rolling yellow sand and followed Tianhesha to evacuate the battlefield, accompanied by only three or four scattered Tianjing tribes. The Tianjing army did not lose morale because of this. On the contrary, they breathed the strong blood surrounding them intoxicated and were extremely excited, and their eyes flashed with hunger and bloodthirsty.

"Does this stubborn old man think it's time for the Shamai clan to rule Asura Island?" Tianwax's face showed sarnoy, and his eyes turned to Jiang Chen, "If you have walked a few insensitive things, can you escape this disaster?" How wonderful and touching it is to listen to the painful cries of the ants below.

Tianjing, with the momentum of wildfire, destroyed the fort all the way and rushed to the last stone castle at the fish tail. The retreating demon army, led by the auspicious elders, fought hard to resist.

The blade was sonorous, and the flesh and blood flew like rain. People and demons fell one after another, and a broken limb piled up on the fort wall, and blood flowed along the stone wall.

The yellow war flag shines in mid-air, which is the order issued by Long Ming that is not allowed to retreat.