divine punishment

Chapter 24 Eve

Jiang Chen had a smile on his face, looked back at the eight-horned well, and said strangely, "Where did you come from? Where did you go? The journey of Jiuyou is like a dream. If you don't gather around your lover, you can only say that the preface is old. Yingyuejing, at the end of the month, Yingyue Legend realizes the dream. The third reincarnation will gather in this life, just ask for regret and don't accompany.

Hearing the words, Jinming** sensed a trace of strangeness and couldn't help saying softly, "Jiang Chen, what's wrong with you? Why are you full of feelings?"

Retracting his eyes, Jiang Chen smiled and said angrily, "I have been here, just after I came back from the cloud world. At that time, the turn of the full moon of love not only completed the couple in the cloud world, but also let me find my lifelong love here. How can I not feel anything?

After listening to this, Jinming was a little moved and said, "I really want to see that couple and say a blessing to them. At the same time, thank them. It was they who opened the full moon of love that made us get together today.

Jiang Chen said, "You have this intention, and I believe they will feel it. It's morning now. It seems that I have spent one night looking for you. We'd better go back quickly so that everyone won't worry.

Jinming smiled elegantly, said hello, and then flew to Fulong Valley hand in hand with Jiang Chen.

One night, Li Sheng and Luo Yan stared silently at the window.

The night sky in the distance is dark and lightless, like an ominous omen, which makes the two people feel heavy and faintly vicissitudes.

Looking back on the past, from the moment when Yiyuan got together, the fate of the three women was intertwined. Who wants to stand up for Jiang Chen, Jinming resolutely stood up to block the arrow of destruction. A cruel reality makes people sigh.

Now, Jinming's call comes from afar. Can Jiang Chen bring back the deceased deceased and retrieve the touching love?

There were some expectations, some panics, and complicated moods and contradictions. It was not until the window was bright that Li Sheng and Luo Yan woke up from their worries. Turning around and walking out of the door, the two women looked at each other.

A faint sadness emerges in my eyes, and even if I smile, it is sentimental. Luo Yan, you haven't slept all night."

Aren't you the same?" With a shallow smile, the two walked out together.

With Mo Rubai, the earth dragon returned to the heaven of the upper world. When crossing the gate of the upper world at the entrance, Mo Rubai's body trembled and opened his mouth and spit out a stream of blood, but finally held on.

It turns out that although this heaven is composed of aura, living in it can not be old or reincarnation.

But if it is not for the strong cultivation, it can't withstand the destructive power at the entrance.

Therefore, for thousands of years, many practitioners have dreamed of flying here, but they can't do what they want.

Of course, the mystery of this is much more than that. But one thing is certain, that is, people with insufficient cultivation will never enter the upper world.

With Mo Rubai's weak body, the earth dragon moved forward quickly. As soon as he crossed the magpie bridge, he found the figure of the supreme lord.

"Lord, I have done what you ordered. How should this woman deal with it?"

The Lord of the Supreme World glanced at Mo Rubai and said indifferently, "You put her in the Tianji Hall first and come back to see me later."

The dragon answered and hurriedly picked up Mo Rubai and left.

The Lord of the Supreme World stood still and looked at the entrance. It was a changing wall of light, changing colors all the time, giving people a sense of unfathomable depth.

"In a short time, this door will open. At that time, how much will be left in the upper world?"

Is it a feeling? Is it a question? I still want to express some meaning.

For a moment, Dilong came back and asked, "Lord, what should we do now?"

The Lord of the Supreme World slowly left and said indifferently, "I have opened the Xingluo Wanxiang array. The next step is to place Mo Rubai inside and wait for their visit.

Dilong followed and said worriedly, "Lord, if those masters come, they will regard us as the first strong enemy. If we want to fight against the five masters in this way, I'm afraid we will be powerless."

The supreme lord said conceitedly, "How do you know they will come together?"

Dilong was stunned and said, "I'm also guessing. Of course, I don't want them to come together."

The Lord of the Supreme World smiled and said, "Don't worry, they are hostile to each other. How can they come here together? Now, let's go to the magic wall to see if there are any hints on it.

The earth dragon answered and disappeared into the clouds with him-

To the upper world, it is the most mysterious place in the seven worlds. The space here is not large, but there is a door, two bridges, three stranges and four halls, a total of ten miracles.

The so-called door is the gate of the upper world at the entrance, where there is a mysterious power. Anyone who enters will die there if they don't have enough cultivation.

The second bridge, one is the magpie bridge and the other is the rainbow bridge.

The former is near the entrance, close to the gate of the upper world, and is the place to welcome new people in the upper world. Although it is not much magical, it has a special significance.

The latter is a colorful cloud bridge near the Fountain of the Holy Spirit, which is a bridge that every master of heaven in the upper world.

Sanqi refers to the magic wall of the supreme world, all the stars, and the spring of the Holy Spirit.

The so-called upper world illusion wall is a changing light wall, magically suspended in mid-air, just like a door of time and space. From time to time, some patterns or scenes will be revealed on it, which predicts the future and replay the magical power of the past.

Xingluo Wanxiang is a mysterious ancient array, composed of hundreds of stone peaks. Each stone peak is not big, only three feet. The top is inlaid with a crystal stone, which can emit fluorescent light. From a distance, it looks like countless stars blinking, so the stars are named.

The Spring of the Holy Spirit is a little magical. It consists of a rockery several feet high, a three-foot pool, and a rainbow bridge. The spring came down from the top of the mountain and curved through the rainbow bridge and fell into the pool.

Every master of the Supreme World who has been washed by the Fountain of the Holy Spirit will never be born, never die, and harmoniously integrated into this magical space.

Therefore, this is an iconic key to becoming a master of the supreme world. Only after the washing of the spring of the Holy Spirit can you be regarded as a real person of the supreme world.

The four halls refer to the Tianji Temple, the Thousand Fantasy Hall, the Zichen Temple and the Supreme Realm Hall respectively. The first three halls are the places where the masters of the supreme world usually live, practice and entertain. The latter will only be opened when there are major things that need to be discussed.

In the first three halls, the Tianji Temple was built according to the five elements of gossip, with the power of mustard seeds, which is the best place to calculate some unknown mysteries in the upper world.

The Thousand Fantasy Hall is unpredictable and contains many mysteries. It is a place for masters of the supreme world to practice and understand.

The nature of the Zichen Temple and even the place where the Lord of the upper world lives is different, and the mystery can only be known by the Lord of the Supreme World--

Through the layers of fog, the master of the upper world came to the magic wall with the earth dragon. The two stopped outside and watched carefully.

At this time, clouds and fog are shrouded on the magic wall of the upper world, and the colorful clouds fluctuate and fluctuate, faintly hiding some mysteries.

Seeing this, Dilong frowned and said, "It seems that he wants to show something, but..."

The supreme master said flatly, "I want to see it clearly. In fact, it's very simple. As long as you input the true element into the magic wall, the fog on the surface will gradually dissipate."

Dilong questioned, "I have tried this method for a long time, but it has never worked."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "It's not that it doesn't work, it's your improper method."

The dragon was puzzled and hurriedly said, "Please give me some advice."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "When entering the true element, don't focus on dispelling the fog, but be mindless. Then it will naturally work."

Dilong was a little surprised and immediately said, "I'll try it now." After saying that, he adjusted his mentality, and later stretched out his right hand and shot a colorful light from his palm, connecting to the magic wall of the supreme world.

At first, the magic wall of the upper world was no different, but later it gradually changed. The clouds on the surface gently dispersed, revealing a smooth magic wall, showing some pictures.

Looking carefully, I saw two sets of patterns on the magic wall. The first group is the Yin Emperor and Tiansha, and the second group is Wu Zhu and the Demon Emperor. There is nothing else.

After waiting for a long time, the earth dragon saw no change, so he took back Zhenyuan and asked, "Lord, what do these two sets of patterns want to express?"

The Lord of the Supreme World turned around and said in a flat tone, "This is to tell us that the four masters have been divided into two groups, and the situation has changed somewhat." Ling

Heaven followed and said in surprise, "Two groups? How can it be? If the Yin Emperor and Tiansha said that it would be a little possible to join hands, but it seems unlikely for Wu Zhu and the Demon Emperor, right?

The supreme lord said, "The world is changeable, who can predict it. Now, let's settle Mo Rubai and wait for their great drive."

When Dilong heard the words, he felt strange. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of the reason. Is it rare to be afraid and have a psychological illusion? Or is something really happening that you didn't notice?

The earth dragon did not show these. He just followed the Lord of the Supreme World, passed through layers of fog, and came to the outside of the Tianji Temple.

In the sky of the upper world, the gate of the upper world is facing the Xingluo Wanxiang array, guarded by the left and one right of the two halls of Tianji and Zichen, and there is a design to prevent invasion from other places inside.

Stop outside the Tianji Temple and said to the earth dragon, "Go and bring Mo Rubai out. I'll stop the stars first." Dilong followed his words and soon brought Mo Rubai out.

The Supreme Lord glanced at Mo Rubai, pointed to the starry Wanxiang array that had stopped and said, "Just put her in the middle of the three stone pillars in the middle."

Dilong asked worriedly, "Lord, can this really resist the attack of a master like the demon emperor?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "You will know later whether you can or not." Dilong noticed that the tone of the Lord of the Supreme World was different, so he immediately stopped opening his mouth, obediently put Mo Rubai in the designated position, and then quickly withdrew.

Seeing the earth dragon coming out, the left sleeve of the Lord of the Supreme World danced, and a spinning spirit roared out. In the process of moving forward, it emitted seven kinds of light, blue, red, purple, gold, blue, green and yellow one by one, and automatically stopped in the sky where Mo Rubai was. As he rotated, it emitted colorful glow, making the whole star Wanxiang. The strange array is shrouded in a mysterious light world.

This scene lasted for a moment, and later the rotating light suddenly broke up and turned into a strong power and shot into the array.

In this way, the static array began to rotate, and in the blink of an eye, it entered the stage of high-speed operation. Thousands of brilliance flew in all directions, making the nearby glow as bright as the sun.

Seeing this scene, Dilong's face changed greatly and he was shocked and said, "What a domineering array. Why did I never know it was so powerful before?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "This was originally designed to deal with the cloudy earth, and its power is naturally extraordinary. Well, the next thing we have to do is to wait for the arrival of the enemy. After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the Magpie Bridge--

Above the clouds, the wind roars. Looking at the changing sea of clouds around, Rift asked, "Is it definitely near here?"

Wu Zhu said, "The information extracted from the memory of Bai Guang shows that it should be near here."

Hearing this, the sword frowned slightly, the sharp detection wave dispersed silently, and searched carefully. Next to him, Xuanye reminded: "The supreme world is the most mysterious existence. Its entrance must be very hidden and not easy to detect."

He Zhe snorted coldly, "Do you still need to remind me of such an obvious thing?"

Xuanye stared at him and shouted, "If you don't like to listen, close your ears."

He Zhe was furious and was about to refute, but he was stopped by Wu Zhu. Well, now is not the time to turn against each other. After entering the upper world, it is not too late to vent any dissatisfaction. At present, we...huh..." The voice stopped, and Wu Zhu suddenly looked up with a trace of surprise on his face.

Riftian also noticed the abnormality and shouted, "That's it. Let's go." After saying that, the whole body flashed colorfully, and the whole person instantly turned into light, shooting straight above with Xuanye.

Wu Zhu was not eager and said with a yin smile, "This breath is strange and seems to have some intention."

He Zhe asked, "Master, shall we leave first and come back later?"

Wu Zhu shook his head and said, "If you leave at this time, you may not be able to enter later, because I guess that the entrance to the sky is likely to move."

He Zhe said, "Well, we can only go in."

With a conceited smile, Wu Zhu said, "Why don't you go in?" After saying that, the faint light flashed and the figure dissipated.

Through a space-time tunnel, the split sky and the dark night come to a specific space. In front of him, a door of time and space flashed with colorful light, attracting the eyes of the two.

Looking at the front, Xuan Ye said, "Master, if this is the entrance to the upper world, what do you think we will encounter after we enter?"

Rift's eyes flashed colorfully and said coldly, "No matter what happens, as long as someone hinders me, I will destroy him."

Knowing that his heart was as anxious as Bai, Xuanye was inconvenient to hit his morale. He said euphemistically, "Master, don't be anxious. Now Miss Bai is in the hands of the other party. We must calm down so as not to hurt her."

After listening to Xuanye's words, Ritian calmed down and whispered, "I'll try my best." If I'm too excited for a while, remember to remind me not to let me make an impulse mistake and hurt me like frost.

Xuanye said, "Master, don't worry, I will. Now..." Before he finished speaking, Wu Zhu and Hezhe came.

With a smile, Wu Zhu said, "It's really difficult to find the entrance to the world. If we hadn't been lucky, we didn't know when we would have found it."

Riftian groaned coldly, "Once this door is passed, our agreement will be invalid. You'd better not mess with me at that time, or you'll regret it." After saying that, without waiting for Wu Zhu to answer, he grabbed Xuanye's arm and shot at the door of time and space.

Snorted angrily, Wu Zhu didn't say anything, but just stared at the situation of the two and found that their bodies trembled slightly when they crossed, and then disappeared.

In response, He Zhe asked, "Master, this door is a little mysterious. Do you think we will be attacked or restricted when we cross?"

Wu Zhu muttered, "It's hard to say about this, but since the two of them can pass smoothly, even if there is any mystery, it will not be difficult for us. Let's go." After saying that, he grabbed He Zhe, flew away, and passed through the door of time and space in the blink of an eye--

Farewell to his parents, Jiang Chen left Xishu with four women and two beasts.

On the way, Jinming asked, "Where are we going on this trip?"

Looking ahead, Jiang Chen said indifferently, "Go to a place you have never been to."

Jinming was stunned and looked at Luo Yan and Li Sheng. Seeing that she was also confused, she couldn't help asking, "Where have we never been?"

The sea girl shouted, "Master, is that place fun?"

Jiang Chen looked complicated and said indifferently, "To the Supreme World, do you want to see it?"

Li Sheng was surprised and said, "To the supreme world? I don't even know the entrance of this place. How can you get there?

Luo Yan said, "Jiang Chen, why did you suddenly think of going to the upper world? At present, the enemies we are going to deal with are all in the divine world. Aren't you turned upside down?

Looking at the four women, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "The question about you is actually very simple. First, I got the entrance to the world from his mind when I was against the earth dragon. Second, our enemies are no longer in the divine world. After saying that, his right hand stretched out, and the palm of his hand emitted a mass of light, transforming into a transparent light sphere in front of everyone, which clearly showed the scene of the cracked sky and Wu Zhu appearing on the clouds.

Seeing this, Jinming asked, "When did this happen?"

Jiang Chen said, "Just a moment ago."

Jinming was surprised and said, "How do you know what just happened?"

With a flat smile, Jiang Chen said, "My world is infinitely the ninth, and it is called whatever you want. As long as it's something I want to know, nothing can't be done.

Luo Yan listened and questioned, "Then what you are doing now, and let us see it."

His eyes turned slightly, and a mysterious smile appeared at the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth and answered, "Okay, you have taken a closer look." After saying that, the color of the photosphere in the palm automatically appeared the figures of Tiansha and the Yin Emperor, and the two of them were also above the white clouds.

Seeing this, Li Sheng doubted, "This environment is a little familiar, and it seems to be similar to the previous position of Split Sky and Wu Zhu."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "It's not similar, it's in the same place at all, because they have also shifted their goals and put the upper world in the first place."

Jinming shouted softly, "In this way, with us, isn't it that all the masters gathered in the upper world? In that case, can the heaven of the upper world withstand it?

Luo Yan said, "I think if the world knows about this, we will definitely take advantage of our discord, take advantage of the opportunity to differentiate, and then choose the right time to take action. In this way, there is no one who is strong or weak, and everything depends on wisdom.