divine punishment

Chapter 27 Supreme

But next, can the weak him escape the destruction of Emperor Xuan?

With a sneer, Emperor Xuan said, "I can't see that you still have some ability, so you won't die. It's just a pity that you are destined to die in the hands of this emperor. After saying that, the palm of his right hand sank and emitted a strong suction, pulling Ling Yun's weak primordial spirit to himself.

Struggled hard, and the weak Ling Yun tried to get rid of the suction. Unfortunately, how could Emperor Xuan allow him to escape?

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the danger is getting more and more urgent. Ling Yun can't help roaring and roaring. Unfortunately, the faint voice only adds a little sadness.

Looking at Ling Yun approaching, Emperor Xuan said coldly, "Go back to the West. If you can die in the hands of this emperor, it is also your creation."

With a turn of his right hand, a spinning black light rolled out, covering Ling Yun's Wonshin.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed, and the master of the supreme world came silently, easily taking away Ling Yun's yuan god and destroying the good deeds of Emperor Xuan.

Then, Gusha appeared, glared at the Lord of the Supreme World, and shouted, "Don't hide if you have the ability."

The supreme lord held Ling Yun's weak yuan god in the palm of his hand and said indifferently, "Gu Shi is known as the strongest and peerless. If he can't even catch up with me, won't he get a false reputation?"

"Sent, you blindly avoid it. How can you say that I don't have the ability?" He was a little angry and said harshly.

aside, Emperor Xuan laughed and said, "I haven't seen you for many years. It turns out that you have lost your domineering and a little more timidity. It's really gratifying and pathetic."

The Lord of the Supreme World was not angry and replied lightly, "To be honest, I really don't want to see you in general, so I have never fought back."

Gu Yao asked, "Are you afraid of death or losing?"

The Lord of the Supreme World shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of death or losing. I just don't want to waste my energy."

Gu Shi questioned, "What do you mean by that?"

The Lord of the Supreme World looked at the two, moved his eyes to the strange array of Xingluo Wanxiang, and said strangely, "The Witch God and the Rift Sky are almost close to the midpoint. Some people, some things should also be over."

Emperor Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said gloomly, "What kind of person? What's the matter?"

Looking back, the Lord of the Supreme World looked at the entrance and said indifferently, "People who come from afar are all old friends. What should be done is all important."

Emperor Xuan snorted coldly, "Don't make a mysterious lie. At this moment, who will come here?"

Gu Ba shouted, "Don't talk nonsense. We will join hands to attack and never give him a chance to escape." After saying that, he flew in front of the servant, and the speed was amazing.

He moved a few feet horizontally and waved his hand, "Don't worry, why don't you two take a look at the entrance and then make a decision."

When Emperor Xuan and Gu Shao heard the words, they hesitated for a moment, and then both turned their attention to the gate of the upper world at the entrance.

At first glance, everything is calm and there is no movement, which makes the lonely and dark feel deceived. But just as the two were ready to be angry, the light flashed at the entrance. After five consecutive fluctuations, five people really appeared.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Jiang Chen was a little surprised, but it was not revealed. The three women of Lisheng were slightly shocked, not for the existence of the yin and lonely earth, but for the beautiful scenery of the upper world.

The sea girl looked curious and shouted, "Master, this place is so beautiful. It's really worthy of the supreme world."

Touching the sea girl's hair, Jiang Chen's eyes swept across the four fields and finally fell on the supreme lord, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Gusha and Emperor Xuan were shocked when they saw Jiang Chen appear, and both roared, "It's you!"

Withdrawing his eyes, Jiang Chen smiled indifferently and said, "That's right, it's me. You two are very surprised."

Gu Shi said angrily, "Jiang Chen, the last time you were lucky and had a divine order. This time, I won't give you another chance."

Emperor Xuan shouted coldly, "Jiang Chen, why did you think of coming here?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently, "I am against the emperor. Why can't I come here?"

Emperor Xuan was stunned and was thinking about how to answer, but the supreme lord said, "Jiang Chen, welcome you."

Moving his eyes to the Lord of the Supreme World, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Welcome me? True or fake? Do you expect me to destroy the earth, or do you want me to deal with the demon emperor and the witch god?

The Lord of the Supreme World laughed and said, "Are you satisfied with both?"

Jiang Chen said, "I don't care, but after I clean them up, you may not be very satisfied at that time."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Some things are often unimaginable. Some people are mysterious all their lives.

Jiang Chen was surprised and said, "Are you talking about yourself?"

The Lord of the Supreme World smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Emperor Xuan was a little unaccustomed to this tone and said disdainfully, "It's arrogant to pretend to be mysterious. What's so proud of?"

The Lord of the Supreme World looked at him and said coldly, "This tone is much softer than before. It seems that the arrogant arrogance is restrained."

When Emperor Xuan heard this, he said angrily, "Don't talk there. If you have the ability, you can stand up and compete with me."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Don't worry, it's a matter of time, but there are more important things to deal with now."

Emperor Xuan glanced around and asked, "What's the matter?"

The Lord of the Supreme World threw his right hand, and the glory of the palm of his hand flashed. The body of the Yuanshen condensed into the previous appearance. It can be seen that it has recovered and the situation has stabilized a little.

"The strength of the wonderful array is that the closer it is to the center, the more power gathers. When the people who break into the array enter the center position, they will be destroyed by ten times the power of the array.

Emperor Xuan said contemptuously, "So what? It's nothing more than a few people killed. What does it have to do with us?

The Lord of the Supreme World ignored his words and continued: "In terms of the current situation of the split sky and the Witch God, the two have been very difficult. It can be seen how powerful the array is? Once they enter the center position, can they afford ten times the explosive power of destruction?

Gonely said angrily, "Don't show this in front of us. Even if the witch god and the split sky are destroyed at the same time, you can't escape the world today.

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "Some words don't listen to, but they don't mean listening to you. Why do you care about being so lonely?"

He took a look at Jiang Chen and said, "Did you say this to Jiang Chen?"

The Lord of the Supreme World hummed, "What do you think?"

Looking at the strange array of stars, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed colorfully, and a mysterious light fluctuated endlessly.

Jiang Chen knew the intention of the supreme lord and knew that he wanted to use this array to lead himself into it and trap himself.

But for the way to break the array, this is my specialty. Although the stars are very complicated, how can it be difficult to stand yourself?

In thinking, Jiang Chen found a way to crack it through analysis. It's just that the method is very mysterious, which makes him feel a little strange and seems too coincidental.

Aware of Jiang Chen's change, Luo Yan asked with concern, "What's the matter? Is the formation too complicated and laborious?"

Jiang Chen said, "No, on the contrary, the cracking of this array is very simple, but only I can solve it."

Luo Yan said in surprise, "Is it so strange?"

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I also think it's a little too coincidental."

Li Sheng said, "Since you can untie it, are you going to untie it?" This question was a little strange, but it happened to hit the thoughts of Gu Shu, Emperor Xuan and the supreme lord.

Withdrawing his eyes, Jiang Chen looked at the Lord of the Supreme World and asked, "Do you remind me that you want to trap me or die here?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Why do you ask this? What's your basis?"

Jiang Chen said, "It's very simple. The relationship between me and Riftian is complicated. You should know this, so it's normal to use it."

The Lord of the Supreme World laughed and said, "Even so, it's up to you if you don't get fooled."

With a proud smile, Jiang Chen said, "Since you are here, you naturally need to see the mystery of the heaven in the upper world."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "I am full of confidence and worthy of praise. It's just that if you save the split sky, the situation here will be more complicated at that time. I'm afraid these two won't agree.

When Emperor Xuan saw that the supreme lord brought the topic to himself, he couldn't help sneering and said, "The complex situation is not only against us. What should I worry about?"

The Lord of the Supreme World laughed and said, "If it's not good for me, why should I remind Jiang Chen?" This was a little contradictory, but it stopped Emperor Xuan and made him not know how to fight back for a moment. At the same time, Emperor Xuan was also confused and didn't understand the purpose of the supreme lord.

Gu Shi said, "Speaking of which, is it bad for Jiang Chen?"

The supreme lord laughed and said, "If it is not good for Jiang Chen, will he save people?"

He was stunned and roared, "So, what's your intention?"

The Lord of the Supreme World smiled and said, "To put it bluntly, it's meaningless. It's better to keep a little."

He was so angry that he shouted angrily, "Damn it! I've had enough of it. It's rare to talk to you.

Seeing that Gu Shi was enraged, Emperor Xuan reminded him, "Don't worry. It's not too late to deal with him later."

Gu Shi was unwilling to say, "Such a cunning person is simply not worthy of the name."

Emperor Xuan sarcastically said, "For thousands of years, it is normal for him to be afraid of death at this moment."

When Ling Yun heard this, he shouted in a low voice: "Hold up, there is no one who is afraid of death in the upper world."

Emperor Xuan said disdainfully, "Aren't you afraid of death? Joke. At that moment, if you were not afraid of death, would you scream so sadly?"

Ling Yun was angry and wanted to refute but was stopped by the supreme lord. Don't fight with him. There will be an end later.

Ling Yun said puzzled: "I don't know what the so-called ending of the Lord means..."

The supreme lord smiled and said, "No, no, right and wrong, fate reincarnation."

Ling Yun was puzzled and lost in thought. Emperor Xuan and Gu Ba were coldly speechless.

Beside Jiang Chen, Jinming said in surprise, "The Lord of the Supreme World is very strange, as if there is something hidden."

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "This is the only person I can't see through. He has a familiar but strange atmosphere, which makes me feel very strange."

Li Sheng said, "There are many things in the world that can't be figured out, but they must be completed. Therefore, at the critical moment, put aside everything, identify your original goal, and strive for progress.

Luo Yan agreed: "What Li Sheng said is reasonable, and we can't know everything. You can do what you should do. You don't need to worry too much.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, I know what you mean." After saying that, he slowly moved forward and approached the strange array.

The three daughters of Lisheng did not follow. They stood still with the sea girl and fixed their eyes on Jiang Chen's figure. Guxiao and Emperor Xuan were silent. Both of them looked at Jiang Chen, with a little curiosity in addition to the light of hatred in their eyes. Can Jiang Chen break through the array?

The Lord of the Supreme World can't see his expression, but Ling Yun is a little worried. Obviously, he doesn't want Jiang Chen to break the array. Just looking forward to it, how can it change things?

Jiang Chen's footsteps are gradually approaching. Next, what kind of ending will Jiang Chen's actions bring to the people present?โ€”โ€”

Choose to break through the array has two intentions for the Witch God.

First, it can avoid loneliness and earth shadow, so that they can have no scruples and concentrate on the confrontation with the supreme lord.

In this way, no matter who loses and wins, it is a good thing for the Witch God.

Second, once you break the array of stars and save Bai Rushuang, you will be able to leave the demon emperor to split the sky, so as to use his power to fight against the lonely evil, the earth, or the upper world.

In that case, the chances of winning are also greater.

It is so attentive that it is good and bitter, but the witch god's wishes are not satisfactory.

Because when he entered the Star Array, he, who was seven or eight sure, soon realized the seriousness of the problem and was trapped in the array.

In addition, between Gusha and the supreme lord, they were not defeated as he expected, but was disturbed by Jiang Chen.

In this way, the witch god did not count others, but put himself in trouble.

Faced with the current situation, the Witch God was a little angry. However, after all, he is a witch god. His power comes from Jiuyou and knows many things in the world. For the way to break the array, he is far better than the split sky.

As far as he sees, the most amazing thing about this array is that there are thousands of changes and combinations, of which only one is correct.

Only by finding out this unique correct change can we break the array smoothly.

After understanding this, the Witch God began to analyze it.

He quickly explored and screened with Jiuyou's unique mysterious skills, and soon gained some things.

In this way, the Witch God slowly moved forward with He Zhe, stopped thinking from time to time, and occasionally encountered obstacles, but it was still smooth. Soon, the witch god caught up with the split sky and Xuanye.

After the four met, Ritian looked indifferent and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Witch God smiled and said, "If I say I'm here to help you, do you believe it?"

Ritian snorted coldly, "Do you think I will believe it?"

The Witch said, "Of course you won't believe it. But I'm here to help you."

lie tian shouted, "Don't do this. Tell me directly what the purpose is."

The Witch God did not hide it and said indifferently, "In addition to helping you, I also want to see the power of this array. Of course, another purpose is to avoid both sides and give them a chance to win. This is the beauty of adults.

Rift Tian sneered and said, "It turns out that you want to enjoy your success and make a profit, that's why you came here as an excuse."

The Witch smiled and said, "Anyway, I came here and helped you more or less. Why do you have to hate me so much?"

Riftian said indifferently, "What are you? I know very well in my heart. If you didn't want to make the emperor's idea, would you come here?"

The Witch God's tone was slightly cold and hummed, "So, are you a little afraid of my god?"

Rift Tian was furious and wanted to refute, but was persuaded by Xuanye beside him: "The master doesn't want to have the same knowledge as him. Since he likes to come here, let him go. Anyway, he can't crack this battle, and he can't leave. At that time, even if he had a conspiracy, he could not use it. Why should the master worry too much?

Hearing this, Ritian calmed down a little and hummed, "Well, I don't care about you now. You'd better not go too much."

The Witch God laughed and said, "If you don't go out of this battle, I will never embarrass you." Rift Tian didn't say a word, and turned around and continued to break through. The Witch God assisted and temporarily stopped the quarrel with each other.

When he came to the strange array of Xingluo Wanxiang, Jiang Chen stopped and said nothing. After observing for a moment, he said, "Xingluo Wanxiang is extremely complicated. If it is solved by routine, he will be puzzled by his life."

Ling Yun said, "This is even the first strange array in the upper world, which is naturally not easy to crack."

Jiang Chen ignored his words and continued: "The complicated things are actually simple, but the world is blinded by its appearance and thinks it is very complicated. From then on, it has fallen into endless exploration."

Ling Yun snorted coldly, "It's easy to say. It's not too late to show off after you have the ability to crack it."

Turning around, Jiang Chen looked at the crowd, his eyes fell on the supreme lord, and asked, "Before I take action, don't you want to say anything?"

The Lord of the Supreme World smiled and said, "Some words are more meaningful until you break the array."

nodded indifferently. Jiang Chen seemed to understand what he meant and whispered, "Well, it's more interesting to say something in public." The words fell back, and his eyes moved to the split sky in the array, with a little deep thought on his face.

Looking at Jiang Chen's back, his lonely and dark eyes are hateful. Ling Yun is hateful and worried, while the supreme lord is mysterious.

At this moment, when Jiang Chen showed a quiet breath all over his body, everyone felt the unusual smell on the eve of the wind and rain, and the surroundings suddenly became silent and quiet.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen flew up and paused over the strange array of stars. His whole body sat in the air, emitting colorful light all over his body, shining extremely brightly around him.

This situation continued to blink. Later, Jiang Chen's sitting body automatically rotated. With his rotation, the colorful light outside gradually formed a colorful whirlpool, constantly absorbing the aura of all directions.

This scene surprised the audience. Is Jiang Chen showing off or breaking the array?

While thinking, Jiang Chen's rotating body suddenly accelerated, which was so fast that it was impossible to see in the blink of an eye.

Around, affected by it, the airflow immediately produced a deafening whistling sound, and its suction increased dozens of times, making the stars running below tremble. The high-speed flowing gorgeous light on the surface vibrate violently. After persisting for a while, it turned into a cloud and was sucked in by the colorful whirlpool above the head.

At that time, Jiang Chen's rotating body suddenly stood still, and his whole body sat in the air, facing everyone with a confident smile on his face.