divine punishment

Chapter 29 Against the Sky

Ling Yun wondered, "Don't mention it at this time, when will you wait?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Some things will have a different ending if you say it earlier or later."

When Yu heard this, he snorted coldly, "Don't you want me to know?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "The story of Gusha has nothing to do with you, because you don't have the opportunity to be his enemy. It's just that if you are really curious, I can also tell you something.

Yu said coldly, "Really? Are you sure I can't fight against Jiang Chen?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said without saying, "Won or wrong, all ideals. Whoever wins and loses has its own destiny.

Yu snorted coldly, "In this way, everything is settled early, and it's useless for me to be anxious, but I should listen to something about loneliness."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Since you want to hear it, I will tell you about the past and let everyone know the situation of the world in those years."

When Gu Shi heard this, he said harshly, "Don't mention it, or don't blame Ben for being ruthless."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Gusha, don't you want to know who really sealed you back then?"

Gu Yan said angrily, "Don't be clever. Who else would you have in those years?"

The Lord of the Supreme World shook his head and said, "You are wrong. It was not the emperor who sealed you and Emperor Xuan in those years. I remember that it happened thousands of years ago. At that time, there was only the capital of heaven, and there was no upper world. At that time, you and Emperor Xuan suddenly appeared in the world and swept the world with great strength. In three months, they killed tens of thousands of monks, making the world shaken, the world pale, and no one dared to be an enemy. At that time, you and Emperor Xuan were in one south and one north. The relationship between the two was complex, and they neither joined hands nor against the enemy. The wanton killing of people in the real world attracted anger and resentment, and countless people rose up to fight back. It's just that the strength of you two is amazing. During that time, you are invincible. Any creature that meets you has never died, which makes you bear the notoriety of loneliness and earthly. With your prestige, you don't stop, but become worse and want to destroy the world. In this way, they angered the two hidden immortals. They sent masters to fight fiercely with you and finally sealed you.

He said angrily, "Nonsense, there is no immortal school at all. It's all because you are tampering with the facts."

Emperor Xuan said, "Gu Shi is right. In those years, the masters in the world of cultivation, including the spiritual master of heaven, have appeared to fight with us. Have you ever seen any immortal masters?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "In those years, the Supreme World had not been created. But it was only after you appeared that there was a heaven. We know the reasons for this in our hearts, so let's not mention them here. As for the person who sealed you, you have always believed that it was me, because the people who met you at the beginning were all people with profound cultivation and have always been covered with clouds all over their faces, which is very similar to me, so it made you misunderstandings.

Emperor Xuan snorted coldly, "Misunderstanding? Do you think we are three-year-olds? At that time, you were the only one who had the highest cultivation and fought fiercely with us. May I ask who in the world can compare?

The Lord of the Supreme World shook his head and said, "It's wrong, it's all wrong. In order to deal with you, I did appear in a war. But later, for the sake of the affairs of the world, you no longer have the energy to be distracted, which you know. When I founded the Supreme World, you had already been sealed. I investigated many parties and finally knew who sealed you.

Gu Ba questioned, "Are you serious?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "What's the point of lying to you after many years?"

Emperor Xuan said, "Who was the person who sealed my emperor in those years?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said: "In those years, in order to deal with you, the masters of the world and the masters of the sea joined hands to attack, but they couldn't help you. At that time, a mysterious master suddenly appeared and sealed you with a holy dragon charm after hitting you hard. Is that so?

Emperor Xuan said, "Yes, that's the situation in those years. I always thought that the person who sealed me was you."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "This person's origin is mysterious. When I trace it, he has disappeared. All I know is that he comes from the far north and is the legendary master outside the cave. The holy dragon talisman is said to be the treasure of the town outside the cave outside the sky."

Emperor Xuan was surprised and said, "Outside the cave? I have heard of this name, but who can be sure that you didn't mean to lie to me?

Gusha said, "Emperor Xuan was sealed by the master outside the cave. Who is the person who sealed the evil?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "The person who sealed you comes from the sea, and he is known as the most mysterious fairy school in heaven and earth - the master of Tiandaomen!"

Gu was shrill and said, "Tiandao Gate? What evidence do you have?

The Supreme Lord said, "There is no evidence, because I didn't see that person."

Nearby, Jiang Chen, who has been listening silently, said, "I can prove this, because Tianweiling comes from Tiandaomen."

Gusha roared, "So, we have been kept in the dark for thousands of years?"

The supreme lord said, "That's the truth. Just like your identity, it has always been misunderstood.

Emperor Xuan said coldly, "It's too late for you to say this at this time. Since we have come, we won't leave."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "If I'm afraid that you will come here, why hide these things?"

Emperor Xuan sneered and said, "Are you really not afraid?"

The supreme lord laughed three times and asked, "What do you think?"

Emperor Xuan said nothing and looked at him coldly, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Yu and the demon emperor looked strange. Obviously, after understanding what happened in those years, they were in a somewhat strange mood.

Jiang Chen looked calm, looked at Yu's face and said indifferently, "After listening to the story, it's our turn next."

Yu sneered and said, "Their story is wonderful, but unfortunately it is not complete enough. I hope the story between us is wonderful and complete.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Wonderful stories are often incomplete."

Yu hummed, glanced at the people present, paused a little on Bai Rushuang, and then returned to Jiang Chen and asked in a strange tone, "Jiang Chen, what do you think will end between us?"

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and asked, "In your heart, what kind of ending do you want?"

Yu muttered, "Actually, in my heart, I admire you a little. Maybe it's because of your identity as the chosen person that I can see my figure when I was young. For this reason, I won't kill you, but I won't forgive you easily, because you ruined my good deeds and disrupted my plan.

Nodding indifferently, Jiang Chen said, "The heart of feather still retains a little nature in the evil, which is really gratifying and sad. If you had changed your way back then, maybe you and I would not have been hostile now.

Yu said indifferently, "What happened back then, no matter right or wrong, I don't want to mention it again. Now, it's time to end this story between us and let it come to an end.

Jiang Chen said, "Okay, don't mention the past, just talk about the present. For the sake of an acquaintance, you might as well mention it first.

Yu stared at Jiang Chen and saw that he didn't seem to talk and laugh. He was a little touched and said, "If I lose in the end, I hope you won't embarrasize He Zhe."

Hearing this, He Zhe was moved and whispered, "Master..."

Jiang Chen looked at Yu, with an incomprehensible look in his eyes. He nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you that I won't embarrass him."

Yu smiled and said, "In this way, I will no longer care about you and can compete with you. Come on, let's bet on our fate now and see who can laugh at the divine world? After saying that, a faint light flashed all over his body, and a powerful momentum permeated the Supreme World Hall.

Nearby, Diyin, Gusha, Demon Emperor and Supreme Lord retreated separately, leaving a space for the two people who are about to fight.

At that time, what happened between Jiang Chen and Yu? Will there be an unexpected situation on the way?โ€”โ€”

glanced at the people around him, Jiang Chen's eyes returned to Yu's face and said indifferently, "After three meetings, the situation is different, but now you have to be high or low. You are somewhat resentful. It's just that fate is so predestined, and it can only be blamed by God.

Yu said indifferently, "Since you want to do it, there is no need to say that. In this life, I have been cursed by heaven. Why don't you, Jiang Chen?

With a faint smile, Jiang Chen said with some emotion, "Yes, we are all cursed by heaven, but unfortunately, we have our own fate and choose different lives."

Yu hummed, "You have a choice in your life, but there is no choice in my life. This is where you are luckier than me."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "You are wrong. My life is not luckier than you, but I refuse to accept my fate and fight back. But you are convinced by fate on the way forward. When I regret it, I want to resist, but unfortunately it's too late.

Yu's face changed. Is it really like this?

It was a little bitter. At this moment, Yu took off his long-standing mask and said to the vicissitudes of life: "Maybe at that moment, I was not calm enough to lead to being cursed by heaven for a lifetime. But now, I don't regret it. Even if I can't get rid of the curse, I have nothing to fear.

Jiang Chen sighed softly, "Actually, as far as I know, your life is not as evil as that handed down in the world. You just become a little extreme and evil after losing what you want most, and have taken the name of evil from then on."

When Yu heard the words, he immediately laughed and said wildly, "Evil? Extreme? I didn't expect that someone would hold back for me after a thousand years? Haha..."

Jiang Chen looked calm and whispered, "How can a lonely heart be willing after a long time and unwilling feelings?"

He Zhe comforted: "Master, a thousand years have passed, why do you have to be sad about the past?"

Yu was very excited and said with resentment: "A thousand years are easy to pass, but the old love is hard to leave. If it hadn't been for that year, why would I have done so?"

He Zhe shook his head and said, "The past is gone. What's the point of being sad?"

Yu said harshly, "My life has not come to an end. As long as I live, I will have a chance to turn the world around." At that time, Zhenyuan's whole body turned into a strong storm with the ups and downs of his mood, setting off a storm in the Supreme Hall.

Seeing this, the onlookers set up defenses one after another, and the lord of the supreme world waved his right hand. A breeze stroked by, and the wild air wave of Yu unexpectedly calmed down in an instant.

The behavior of the supreme lord attracted everyone's attention. He could easily suppress the explosive power of Yu's anger. Even Jiang Chen was shocked by this cultivation, not to mention others.

Yu was a little shocked, and his excitement quickly calmed down. After meditating for a moment, he turned his eyes to Jiang Chen and said coldly, "It's getting late. It's time for us to start."

Jiang Chen said, "Well, the doomed fate is not righteous to escape. After all, there will be an end between us."

The wind rose all over the feather and said coldly, "Take action. You take the first move first."

Jiang Chen looked strange and said indifferently, "Before we started, I made it clear that we had met three times before, so today we agreed with three moves. If you are undefeated in three moves, the enmity between us will be written off."

Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Jiang Chen, don't you think it's too arrogant?"

Jiang Chen said, "Isn't my arrogance a good thing for you?"

Yu nodded and said, "Well said, since you have this confidence, I will promise you. I hope you won't regret it then."

Jiang Chen said indifferently, "Three moves are enough. You get ready." After saying that, a colorful light spread all over his body, forming a colorful cloud at his feet, forming a halo on his head, and forming seven colorful defensive light circles around him, which looks very shocking as a whole.

Yu's face was alert, the gray fog fluctuated all over his body, and the powerful momentum flashed in an instant. When he met the colorful light outside Jiang Chen, they fought fiercely with each other, and the dense sound of Thunderbolt, accompanied by dazzling sparks, kept ringing in the hall.

Around, the wind rises, and countless whirlpools swim back and forth, involved in many small sparks, making it shine faintly.

In place, the dark light surged on the feather's body, and countless strange charms appeared from time to time, like thousands of monsters, sometimes roaring and flying out, devouring the sacred power emitted by Jiang Chen's body, sometimes hidden and turning into strange boundaries to protect Yu's body.

Looking at this situation, Jiang Chen said indifferently, "The first move, the sword breaks through the world!" After raising his arms, the light flowing around him quickly gathered and flew out from the palms of his hands, forming thousands of rotating colorful rays in the sky, distributed above the feather head.

These lights are very magical. After leaving Jiang Chen's palm, they quickly became bigger and turned into thousands of swords, with different colors, and attacked the feathers according to certain rules.

Looking at Jiang Chen's attack, Yu had a strange feeling in his heart.

According to the three moves, Jiang Chen's attack should be very fierce, but at present, although the appearance is gorgeous and shocking vision, it is obviously weaker for the master of Yu, which makes both Yu and the spectators feel a little surprised.

Of course, the first move may only be a tentative attack, and the people watching the battle don't care.

But Yu has been speculating about Jiang Chen's thoughts, because he doesn't think Jiang Chen will be so simple. Since he has agreed on three moves, how can it be wasted?

With this concept, Yu did not dare to take it lightly. First, he laid a seven-fold defensive boundary outside his body, and then stimulated the real element in his body, making the strange charms on his body fly out, turning into all kinds of rare monsters, and rushing towards Jiang Chen.

In this way, the colorful lightsabers fought against the mythical beasts of the feathers, and the two sides fought fiercely in the supreme hall. The dense light and shadows rose one after another, and lasted for a long time.

Looking at the situation of the two, Emperor Xuan, Guxiao and Ritian are all analyzing the strength of the two sides and calculating the final outcome.

He Zhe and Li Sheng at the door and others looked anxious, and their worries lingered.

Ling Yun was a little happy. Jiang Chen and Yu finally fought. No matter who won or lost, it was beneficial to the Supreme World.

The Lord of the Supreme World remains mysterious. He just watches silently. From time to time, he will look away and look at the white frost, which seems to be faintly aware of it.

In the first confrontation, both masters retained some of their strength. But even so, the battle between the two worlds is still shocking.

First of all, the feather monster is transformed by the evil spirit of nine ghosts, which can restrain and devour the general sacred power.

Secondly, in addition to being dazzling, Jiang Chen's light sword represents seven sword formulas such as Buddha, demons, ghosts, Taoism, Confucianism, demons, and people, which are the great collection of sword formulas in the divine world.

They defeat each other and automatically combine them into a perfect offensive, which can increase their power by seven times.

In this way, when the two meet, the opposite force hits at a high speed, and changes in a blink of an eye, resulting in a highly concentrated vacuum boundary, which quickly spreads to the four directions.

At that time, the wind is like waves, the sparks are like rain, and the colorful whirlpool gradually disperses.

During the battle, the gray fog outside the feathers fluttered endlessly, and those thousands of monsters roared and broke one by one in the terrible light waves, revealing the dark green defensive light world outside the feather body.

Yu was surprised by this. The light sword, which he didn't care about before, became more and more fierce. At a geometric doubling speed, it instantly raised to a terrible height and shattered his layers of defense in one fell swoop.

Jiang Chen looked as indifferent as before, his raised hands glowed, and endless swords gushed out. Under the control of his thoughts, waves after wave after wave, and soon enveloped the feathers in a colorful world of light.

This light world vibrates endlessly, and all the light faces inward, with invincible sharpness, tightening while destroying the feather's final defense.

In the light world, Yu's face is extremely ugly. He never thought that this attack, which had been invisible to him before, would force himself into a desperate situation.

Of course, Yu did not know that Jiang Chen had entered the realm of free will at this time. For him, any attack was just a simple process such as the generation, execution and completion of consciousness in his mind.

With a roar, Yu didn't care about retaining his strength. The powerful Zhenyuan exploded ten times and turned into a gray light world. At his urging, he instantly opened out and collided fiercely with Jiang Chen's tightened light world, immediately causing a devastating explosion.

At that time, the loud noise in the hall was like thunder, and the terrible shock power turned into light waves, and everything was destroyed wherever it went, and it wanted to devour everything.

In the face of this situation, Emperor Xuan, Gusha, Rift Heaven, and the Lords of the Supreme World all defended one after another, and their powerful forces were connected with each other to forcibly control this scattered airflow within a certain range.

In this way, Yu and Jiang Chen in the war are in a space of continuous explosions and continue to be threatened by the power of shock.