divine punishment

Chapter 32 sheng

Looking at the withering and old age of his beloved and going to death step by step, Yuntian's heart is like a knife stirring, and the wild Zhenyuan around him is extremely unstable, as if he is about to explode at any time.

Seeing this, Xuanye loudly advised, "Master, calm down. Now it's important to save people. It can't be delayed any longer."

Yuntian was shocked when he heard the words and immediately woke up and said to Jiang Chen, "Save her, I will promise you under any conditions."

Hearing this, Jiang Chenjian frowned slightly and his body flashed. He easily shook open the air lock that Emperor Xuan had put on his body and folded himself and walked towards Yuntian.

When Emperor Xuan saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes and seemed to want to intercept it. He could think about it and finally chose to give up.

When he came to Yuntian, Jiang Chen looked at the old and ugly Amo and said in a low voice, "Have you figured out who the world and her want in the end?"

Yuntian smiled and said unwillingly, "I want both the world and her. But if I can only choose one of them, I will choose her!"

With a slight nod, Jiang Chen said with relief, "Thousands later, the old relationship will continue. This is an opportunity given to you by God. Once you miss it, you will never find it back. Therefore, you'd better remember your words.

Yuntian said eagerly, "Don't worry, since I promised you, I will never break my promise. Now, you can save people quickly. Let's talk about it later.

After taking over Amo, Jiang Chen checked her situation and said, "As far as the situation is concerned, the infatuation curse has devoured her life. It is not that simple to save her."

Yuntian looked worried and said anxiously, "What should I do?"

Looking up, Jiang Chen looked at Yuntian and said seriously, "You should actually ask how confident I am and what conditions I will put forward?"

Yuntian's face changed, put away his anxious expression and said in a low voice, "Since you want to negotiate first, then say it directly."

Looking into his eyes, Jiang Chen said righteously, "My condition is very simple. After I save her, you will take Xuanye back to the demon realm and never invade the divine world."

Yun Tianshen's feelings changed slightly and asked slowly, "Just this condition?"

Jiang Chen said, "Yes, that's the condition."

Yuntian sighed and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will go back?"

Jiang Chen said confidently, "Don't be afraid, because you are the demon emperor Yuntian!"

With a complicated smile, Yuntian said, "In this way, how can I disappoint you? As soon as this happened, I returned to the demon realm and no longer interfered in the divine world.

Huan Ye heard the words and shouted softly, "Master...you..."

Yuntian smiled with a little bitterness and whispered, "Isn't this right? I can stay with Amo every day so that she doesn't have to worry about me all day long.

Xuan Ye's face was gloomy, and an unspeakable loss surged into his heart.

At this moment, as a strong man in the demon realm, he was very clear about the loss in heaven's heart, and realized that he gave up the world in order to save Amo.

"A thousand years are easy to pass, love is hard to break, desire to accompany for a long time, a vow!" A faint voice echoed from the mouth of the Lord of the Supreme World and echoed in the hall.

Yuntian's body trembled when he heard the words. This was so familiar, but at this time, he suddenly realized that Na Xue Tianhua had foreseen everything today, so he reminded him. Unfortunately, he did not know at that time.

At this time, Emperor Xuan came to Gusha, looked coldly at the Lord of the Supreme World, and said gloomyly, "You alone can't stop me and Gusha."

The supreme lord said indifferently, "What is destined cannot be changed if you want to change it."

Gu Sha shouted, "Worse, do you think we are three-year-olds?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said plainly, "If you are three-year-olds, many things will change. Unfortunately, you are not, so the doomed fate has never changed.

Emperor Xuan was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

The supreme lord said, "The meaning is very simple. If you are three-year-old children with simple minds and act at the beginning, many things have already changed. But after all, you are not children. You have your own considerations and plans. At this time, hesitantly, thought about it over and over again, and finally missed a good opportunity and fell into the fateful arrangement.

Emperor Xuan didn't say anything, with an angry look on his face. Obviously, he was worried by the supreme lord, which made him angry but regretful.

Lonely looked indifferent and snorted coldly, "Even so, we still have a chance to turn the situation around."

The supreme lord said, "Since you are so confident, let's wait and see."

Gu Sha's face turned cold and shouted, "You don't have to walk and see, you can see it right away." The words shook, and the fierce spirit flew in all directions, making the whole hall tremble.

Seeing Gu Sha started to break through, the Lord of the Supreme World shouted softly, and drew a circle in the void with his hands, gathering the aura of the four directions around him to form a colorful light screen, isolated between Gu Sha and the light cloud.

At this time, the lonely attack was blocked by the light screen and immediately paused.

The Lord seized this short time, staggered his hands, urged the true element in his body, emitted a colorful flame from the palm of his hand, and sucked the light cloud into the palm of his hand, making the center empty.

At that time, Emperor Xuan launched a sneak attack, but was found by the supreme lord and cleverly avoided it.

Jiang Chen, who was not far away, suddenly looked back and looked at the Lord of the Supreme World in surprise, with a little confusion in his eyes. He said to himself, "Why is the breath so familiar?"

Yuntian took a look at them, with an indifferent look on his face and said indifferently, "Jiang Chen, it's important to save people. What's going on there has nothing to do with us."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen withdrew his eyes and whispered, "I came up with a way to save people, but I need you to protect the law for me."

Yuntian was slightly happy and blurted out, "There is no problem with the protection of the law. You just have to do your best."

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed, as if he was touched, but he never spoke.

Put away the distracting thoughts, Jiang Chen's eyes appeared colorfully, the blue light flashed all over his body, and a vibrant force lingered outside him.

Around, all kinds of light fluctuate and swing, like waves, deeply attracted by the blue light and automatically rotate according to certain rules.

Soon, a large amount of light gathered outside Jiang Chen's body, mainly blue, full of infinite vitality, like holy flowers blooming, emitting a pure and flawless atmosphere, making Emperor Xuan, who was originally willing to sneak up, and the lonely people watching, full of disgust.

This is the power of rebirth, with vitality and the ability to nurture everything. It is just against the evil power in the body of Emperor Xuan and Gu Ya, so it makes them feel extremely disgusted and have the idea of innate rejection.

Yuntian is not very powerful for rebirth**, but Xuan Ye is a little unhappy, which is related to the demonic spirit in his body.

Collecting the aura of the four directions, Jiang Chen began to save people.

He first lifted Amo's body in the air, and then introduced the aura that was integrated with the power of rebirth into Amo's body, making her whole body flash, and her body automatically rotated in mid-air.

This scene lasted for a moment, and later Amo's body turned faster and faster. Finally, the whole person was submerged by the blue light and could not see anything.

In place, Jiang Chen stood with a smile. He, who seemed to be motionless, was actually controlling the aura outside his body with consciousness, making it continuously input into Amo's body, to expel the infatuation and heartless spell planted in Amo's body with the art of rebirth, awakening her sleeping soul step by step, activating her stiff body, and letting her Slowly rejuvenate and get rid of the shadow of death.

Jiang Chen's method looks ordinary on the surface, but the key point lies in the power of rebirth. It can nurture everything, nourish health, have the power of dead wood in spring, and come back to life.

Time will pass quickly.

When the high-speed rotating light dissipates, a beautiful girl appears in mid-air out of thin air.

The girl had a smile on her face and surprised her eyes. She was looking around in consteration. Her eyes finally fell on Yuntian's body, and she couldn't help but let out a *.

Seeing this, Yuntian was overjoyed and appeared beside the girl in a flash. He held her tightly in his arms and said excitedly, "Amo, are you all right? If there is anything wrong, please let me know."

Amo cried with joy, hugged Yuntian's neck, and cried, "I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry."

Seeing this, Xuanye was full of joy and smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, thanks to Jiang Chen."

Yuntian woke up when he heard the words and quickly took Amo to Jiang Chen and said solemnly, "Jiang Chen, thank you. I will remember this kindness for the whole life.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "A lover will eventually become a couple. I'm very happy to see you like this. Next time I go to the demon realm, remember to treat me well.

Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry, you are welcome to visit the demon realm at any time." After saying that, he stared at Jiang Chen for a moment, and then turned around and walked out of the hall.

Xuanye came forward and held Jiang Chen's arms and said gratefully, "Thank you. I hope I can return your favor next time we meet."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "My kindness is not good. You'd better be prepared to owe it for the rest of your life."

Xuan Ye laughed and said, "If I owe my whole life, I won't pay it back." After saying that, he strode away, followed Yuntian and Amo, and disappeared for a moment.

"Lord..." Seeing Yuntian leave, Ling Yun couldn't help shouting softly.

The Lord of the Supreme World said indifferently, "Ling Yun, do you think we should stop them?"

Ling Yun said blankly, "I don't know. Maybe this is also an ending."

The Lord of the Supreme World was silent for a moment and suddenly asked, "Ling Yun, if you leave with Yuntian, would you like it?"

Ling Yun shouted, "He is the demon emperor. How can I be with him?"

When his tone paused, Ling Yun suddenly felt something was wrong and hurriedly asked, "Lord, why did you think of asking this question?"

said to the Supreme Lord, "Don't worry, I'll tell you later. Now let's take a look at the matter between Jiang Chen and Gu Yao first.

After sending Yuntian away, Jiang Chen's eyes returned to Gu Sha and said calmly, "The unexpected event is over. Let's continue the unfinished things before."

Gu Shi glared at Jiang Chen angrily and said hatefully, "There is nothing between us except hatred. Let's win or lose." It is said that his breath turned cold, and a fierce evil breath shot Jiang Chen.

As soon as his body shook, Jiang Chen's whole body was as light as rain. Under the attack of the lonely and fierce evil spirit, his whole body was like a burning flame, emitting a large number of sparks around, giving people a sense of stability like Mount Tai, like a god.

"There is nothing between me and you, but I have a close relationship with the owner of this body."

Gu Shu said coldly, "Now this body is under my control. If you want to find the original man, I will win first." The words spread with wings, and the wild airflow roared, making the whole hall full of black gas and full of destruction.

Around, the flashing light was pressed down in an instant. In the pure black space, the lonely spirit is like the god of domination, and the agitated wings and the nine tails behind them reflect each other, showing perfect and shocking power.

Seeing that Gu Sha is ready to go, Emperor Xuan came behind Jiang Chen in a flash, and a faint green strange light appeared all over his body, which perfectly combined with the strong power of Gu Sha to form a strong and soft force, distributed in the hall, firmly locking Jiang Chen's body.

"Jiang Chen, all the enmity is over. You'd better die obediently."

With a faint smile, Jiang Chen was not surprised at all. Obviously, he had already expected all this. It's a good choice to work together, but the final victory or defeat also depends on the strength.

Emperor Xuan said coldly, "Your cultivation is indeed amazing, but under the joint attack of me and Gusha, you will definitely die!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Really? Then let's compare." As soon as his mind moved, his body flew up. A king's spirit took Jiang Chen as the center and turned into golden light. In an instant, it filled the hall, suppressing the evil spirit of Gu Ya and Emperor Xuan.

With his hands on his back, Jiang Chen stood proudly, and layers of golden light fluctuated and fluctuated, transforming into various golden Buddhas and immortals in the hall, suppressing the momentum of Gu Sha and Emperor Xuan.

With a cold hum, he waved his wings on his back, and the black storm surged out, like two light wings, rushing towards Jiang Chen with a fierce spirit.

In the hall, the roaring airflow hits at a high speed, and the forces of good and evil intersect, producing countless sparks and dense Thunderbolts, wandering between the two.

Seeing this, Emperor Xuan sneered and waved his hands in the air, urging the powerful Zhenyuan in his body to turn into two rotating light wheels, flying towards Jiang Chen while devouring the power around him to strengthen himself.

In this way, in the blink of time, the two light wheels approached Jiang Chen and began to merge with him as the center, forming a dazzling whirlpool, which immediately swallowed Jiang Chen.

Facing the attack of the two masters, Jiang Chen looked cold, raised his hands on his back and made a French seal. In the palm, the green and red light flashed, and the forces of yin and yang converged to form a Taiji eight array map, hovering on Jiang Chen's head, rotating brilliantly, forming a yin and yang boundary from top to bottom, protecting Jiang Chen.

After completing these, Jiang Chen's mind turned around, the phantoms on the surface of the boundary flashed, and the light of various colors formed different patterns, including charms, magic seals, golden Buddhas, golden immortals, sword awns, whirlpools and so on. These patterns automatically divergent, like ghosts, and spiritually fly towards Gusha and Xuandi.

From afar, the attacks of the three masters are integrated at this moment.

The lonely black light wings carried the power of destruction. When they approached Jiang Chen, they were sucked into the dazzling whirlpool of Emperor Xuan. Their forces superimposed each other and completely acted on Jiang Chen's defense boundary, posing a great threat to him.

In place, Jiang Chen's yin and yang boundary cooperated with various formulas to exert amazing offensive and defensive power, resisting the attack of the two and gradually counterattacking.

In the corner of the hall, Ling Yun stared at the three fighting people and asked in a low voice, "Lord, how long do you think Jiang Chen can last?"

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "Why don't you ask me, who loses and who wins?"

Ling Yun said, "I think Jiang Chen will be invincible with one against two."

The Lord of the Supreme World said, "In that case, why do you care about it sooner?"

At the door of the hall, Luo Yan looked worried and said worriedly, "I'm a little worried."

Li Sheng said, "Nour can see the depth of Jiang Chen's current cultivation. Since he dares to fight, he should have a certain certainty. We should trust him."

Jinming said bitterly, "That's how to say, but after all, the opponent is the most powerful enemy in heaven and earth. In addition, there is a supreme lord staring at him. How can it not be worrying?

The sea girl said delicately, "Don't worry, the sea girl is going to help the master."

Luo Yan did not allow it and told him, "Don't be reckless. This is not the sea. You can't be careless."

The sea girl is speechless, with obvious displeaness on her face. On her shoulder, the four spirit beasts sensed her situation and said, "Don't worry, Jiang Chen's current strength is beyond imagination, and there should be no problem."

Li Sheng said, "In this case, let's not worry and see the situation before making a decision."

In the center of the battle, Jiang Chen suspended in mid-air, his body did not move, and a large number of true elements in his body gushed out. Through the yin and yang boundary, they were transformed into various attacks, slowly opening the dazzling whirlpool outside him and trying to tear it up.

On the periphery, Gu Shi and Emperor Xuan each issued a defensive light world, while isolating Jiang Chen's attack, while increasing the pressure to compete with Jiang Chen with all their strength.

In the first confrontation, the three began to compete for strength, which was a little surprised in their hearts.

However, all three of them were arrogant, and no one would stop, so a silent fight was fought in the hall.

At that time, Jiang Chen fought against two, and in terms of pure strength, could he compete with Gu Ya and Emperor Xuan?

aside, the supreme lord of the war is hidden. What will he have to do with the two sides of the war in the end?โ€”โ€”

In the divine world, the battle between the demon army and the cloud world is in full swing.

At first, there were many people in the demon realm and occupied a dominant position. Later, with the passage of time, the masters of the alliance gradually showed amazing strength, which soon suppressed the arrogance of the demon army and changed the war situation, and the victory tilted towards the cloud world.

For this, the three-eyed dragon wolf was extremely angry and repeatedly ordered a counterattack, but the public's strength in the demon realm was limited. In front of Yaoguang, Yangtian, Beifeng, meteor and other masters, it could not play a decisive role at all, so the situation became more and more unfavorable.

Seeing that the general trend was about to go, the three-eyed dragon wolf couldn't help screaming wildly, and the result was unexpected. This was something he didn't want to admit.

Before, he was ambitious and believed that his side was strong and should be absolutely sure of ten-to-one. But now, he knows it's wrong, but it's too late.

Chen Yuluan stared at his expression and said coldly, "Wolf King, admit defeat. You have no chance to turn around."

The three-eyed dragon wolf roared and said in a hateful voice, "Chen Yuluan, you can do it, but it is impossible for me to admit defeat. Now, I will see how many skills you have. After saying that, he flew up and rushed up, and his five fingers of his hands were slightly bent, like wolf's claws, emitting golden light, attacking Chen Yuluan.

With a shout, Chen Yuluan's figure flashed and counterattacked, saying, "Since the Wolf King has the intention to teach, I will take you a few tricks to try."