The spoiled hacker bride


There are two legends in Dijing.

A heroic armed special forces of the Imperial Military Region, Red Blade.

This sharp knife of the motherland is a brave warrior and elite army, which is the strongest shield and weapon in the heart of the motherland. Qu Xiangtian, the man who directly commanded this team, is only 27 years old, the youngest major general in history.

It is said that his third generation of military family, Gen Zhengmiao Hong, took over the Red Blade at the age of 19 and personally commanded and arranged training exercises. He is the largest leader of the Imperial Beijing Military Region and the Chief of the General Staff of the Red Blade.

There is a legend about Qu Xiangtian like this. At the age of 19, he led a battalion of 500 people and was ambushed by a terrorist organization that tried to infiltrate into China by a foreign country A, and the combat power of nearly two regiments ambushed and an armed conflict. Under the command of Qu Xiangtian, the troops fought out of the siege, and their men went all the way back to the border line without entering for three days and nights.

Surprisingly, a week later, there was a live broadcast of sensational news on the border of country A: this arrogant and domineering terrorist organization that gave the local government a headache, and the fighting power of a brigade was completely destroyed overnight.

Some people say that this was done by the viper of the secret anti-terrorism force secretly trained by Qu Xiangtian.

Venomous snake!

This terrible name is like an animal that can be associated with, lurking in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move and kill with one move. It is Qu Xiangtian's most powerful trump card. Things in the dark are not necessarily clean. No one was sure that there was such an army, but everyone respected Xiangtian. Because of his hot temper, he secretly called him Emperor Yan.

It's not for the political power of the Qu family, just to keep what's on your neck.

There is light, nature and shadow.

The leader of FBK, the largest black-related force standing on the opposite side of the Red Blade, is probably born with Qu Xiangtian. Rumor has it that he doesn't know his real age. Some people say that he is just a young man under 20, while others say that he is a middle-aged man with a fat brain and intestine. FBK is the most eye-catching nail of instability in China. At the age of 19, the young Qu Xiangtian has just taken over the red blade. For the purpose of rectifying the atmosphere, he designed to cut off the two lifelines of FBK's business in Latin America and Italy and destroyed half of its country.

And there are more legends about FBK, and its whereabouts are unpredictable. It is said that a criminal gang of more than a dozen people carefully planned to rob a large bank in Dijing. Dozens of hostages were kidnapped and their lives were in danger. The guard urgently prepared for rescue and negotiation, but the situation was not optimistic.

The unbelievable development is that five minutes later, more than a dozen robbers came out to surrender without an inch of their bodies.

The hostages were not hurt at all. They only said that a young man saved them, and the man's sunglasses covered his face and could not distinguish his true face.

Everyone feels that this is a miracle.

However, soon rumors came out from the dark world. At that time, it was a backbone of FBK who was relieved in the bank.

The times are changing, and the current Joker manages FBK no longer to control the dark world, but to maintain stability.

Such a huge organization with mixed roots and roots will only cause chaos in the social order. It should be strictly managed to contain the unstable factors of the dark world.

Coupled with Joker's outstanding management ability, today's FBK has regained its vitality. It is not only re-ruling the domestic dark forces, but also rumored to have signed an agreement with the top government.

The government secretly put pressure on the military and naturally understood it. However, he is always unwilling to catch Joker's true face hiding in the dark.

The two fight against each other because of their personal complex, but at the same time they will become the double knives of the motherland in a critical moment.

And the dark world is changing rapidly, and the evil spirits have gradually revealed their minions...

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