The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 3 Evidence? Stop it!

There seemed to be a thunderbolt in his mind, and Li Chen almost subconsciously blurted out: "So much sacrifice for a unique shadow? Boss, are you confused or are you crazy?

The knife-like eyes came straight over.

Li Chen shrank his neck and quickly changed the topic: "Report to the head, what if the Civil Affairs Bureau does not cooperate?"

There has been silence for a long time, as if waiting for the low pressure to condense.

In the darkness, two words floated over for a long time, gritting their teeth.

"Exercive pressure."

Li Chenfei answered quickly, "Yes!" He ran away with oil on the soles of his feet. No, he will either laugh to death or be killed by his boss!

How could Qu Xiangtian, who stayed alone on the balcony, not hear Li Chen's last "yes" strange tone?

The room is quiet again. Qu Xiangtian's sword frowned slightly, and the woman's bright and innocent eyes inexplicably floated in front of her at this moment, causing the most ** and unknown string at the bottom of her heart to tremble gently.

That woman is definitely not simple. Although he doesn't know martial arts, his head is not bad. In the situation just now, he has the courage to adapt to others. The shadow woman is interesting.

Those eyes were amazingly beautiful when they were angry, as if they were flowing fireworks. Somehow gave him an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if the two had known each other a long time ago.

The night wind in the early winter of Dijing blew on his face with a chill.

Qu Xiangtian got rid of the ridiculous idea in his mind and took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it again.

The bright light that disappeared clearly is very deep in the night.

Ye Zhiyu has been sleepless all night since Qu Xiangtian left, during which the cold woman came to help her wear clothes again. The cold eyes swept over her red with a trace of contempt. The naked body makes it look like she is seductive. Woman.

Damn it, your boss **, what are you worried about with me?

Miss Ye is sad and indignant.

I think that if she is put in ancient times, she should also be a chivalrous woman who eliminates violence and peace. She has not even done anything to rob the rich and help the poor. She is very conscientiously taking the meager salary of the newcomer of the traffic police station.


Miss Ye frowned slightly.

Is it...

After Miss Ye cleaned up the male color in her mind, her IQ was finally online - as a peerless shadow, there was only one thing she had done to do with the army, that is, out of curiosity, she secretly investigated the information of the anti-terrorism secret force "venomous snake" that had been fighting with her brother - Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but The shrewd, capable and introverted upright officer is associated with the man who exudes cheetah-like danger.

The little face turned red in an instant.

Damn it! Where does that guy look like an officer except his uniform**?! That's obviously a ruffian!!

The next day, she met the man again. The latter was still in a straight military uniform, but this time he did not wear a military hat. His short hair was more rigid and masculine, which was very suitable for his tough and resolute facial features.

"Good sir!"

Her voice is no longer so hoarse. She can freely make up her sweet voice, and her heart is happy and enthusiastic: "Let's say why she was suddenly refused service last night. It turns out that the officer likes the morning."

The man's face became ugly in an instant.

Miss Ye looked at it and felt happy in her heart! Encouraged by the continued efforts, "I know best about cooperation! In fact, I also like the morning, which is exciting! Besides, you men are also easy to get excited in the morning, right~

The man's sharp eyes narrowed fiercely, directly approached and pinched Ye Zhiyu's jaw, forced the big bewitching eyes to look at him, gritted his teeth and said word, "Woman, don't play with fire."


Ye Zhiyu endured the pain of his jaw and made an exaggerated and surprised expression. He smiled like a dusty woman in the TV series: "Women like us like to see men crazy for us, sir, look at you - um!"

The tender lips were put into the man's mouth, biting and licking fiercely, and the domineering soft tongue was even more ** raging in his mouth, as if he was going to eat her with so much force!

Ye Zhiyu stared at the thick eyelashes in front of him and couldn't believe that he kissed her?!

This kiss is unruly, but it seems to have ignited the dormant instinct in the heart of the beast, as if it is going to swallow up Ye Zhiyu! The tongue in her mouth wrapped her tender tongue, and the back of her neck was strongly pressed by the man. She could not escape, so she could only be forced to deepen the kiss and swallow the smell of strange men. Liquid.

Her head was hot and dizzy. She unconsciously moaned, and her charming voice seemed to be a catalyst in the man's ears, making the rhythm in her mouth even more crazy.

This feeling was so crazy that when the man let go of her, Ye Zhiyu came back from her frenness for a long time.

This is her first kiss, but it was given to a strange man who did not know each other and was domineering.

The tip of her nose inexplicably used the bitterness of grievance, but she did not cry. Instead, she smiled softly with a still unstable breath: "Tut, sir, it seems that your kissing skills still need to grow."

When the man heard the words, his eyes were a little dark, and his emotional eyes swept over her smiling face.

The air suddenly fell around her, and his big hand grabbed her jaw again. With an incomprehensible depth in his eyes, he said fiercely:

"In this case, you might as well practice with me."

Ye Zhiyu looked at the man with a more gloomy face than before. Somehow, she just felt his anger again.

The two looked at it like this. For a long time, Qu Xiangtian took out a red book from his pocket and threw it by Ye Zhiyu's pillow. His tone was cold.

"Since you are already my wife, restrain your previous habits. You are shameless, as long as I know it alone.

Damn it!

Miss Ye slamed a rude sentence in her heart - how aggrieved this man made him marry her! She also wants to--

...and so on.


There seemed to be a thunderstorm in his head, and it went blank in an instant.

"What, you, what are you talking about?" The shout was so hard that it hurt her chest and lungs.

Qu Xiangtian looked at the woman in front of him grinning and panicked with pain, and moved the corners of his lips without a trace. He patiently turned over the marriage certificate and shook it in front of her, word by word: "From now on, you are my Qu Xiangtian's wife."

Two photos are clearly attached to the marriage certificate. The man's handsome and criminal but has no expression. The serious face is in sharp contrast to the petite woman's sweet smile, which are arranged side by side, but it looks unexpectedly harmonious.

Bah! What kind of harmony!

Miss Ye's eyes turned from the photo to her name, and the three big words "Qu Xiangtian" stunned her fiercely.

She is so familiar with the name

! Isn't it the viper commander she inquired about the information, the leader of the armed forces of the Dijing Military Region, and the deaf-named Emperor Yan?!

Miss Ye is completely messy at this moment.

Qu Xiangtian looked at the little woman's stunned expression and raised his eyebrows with satisfaction, but a trace of shadow flashed in Mo Ran's eyes.

He trapped the woman in the headquarters for half a month and would never be unaware of her. The reason why he was late was that he expected that there was no actual evidence in his hand and he could not really do anything to this woman.

But now he makes such a move, how will you take it?

Miss Ye, who couldn't move and lay on the corpse**, knotted her head and turned around twice before holding a sentence.

"Damn, you are robbing a people's girl!"

Her scolding full of Jianghu breath made Qu Xiangtianjian frown. The latter had not spoken yet, and he said, "You big white goose!" At this moment, the little woman seemed to become a kitten and stretched out her claws, gritting her teeth, and her eyes were hateful.

The omnipotent Yan Emperor in Beijing roared in panic when he raised his arms, and the king's hegemony was self-evident. Even if he was insulted by the other party's dead man when killing the enemy, he never said such a thing.

Emperor Yan frowned, his voice was low, and his tone was a little dangerous.

"What did you say?"

The man's ice knife-like sight is very horrible, but Miss Ye is really angry and can't care about anything.

Deep breath, inhaled until the ribs hurt, and Miss Ye roared back energetically--

"Your 'singing song to the sky' is big! White! Goose!!"


Li Chen, who originally came to find his boss to report the emergency that had just happened, walked to the door at the right time and did not hold back when he heard such a sentence.

Damn this girl is so fucking funny!

The cold and hard-faced man's face was ugly, and Li Chen's sound made the two sword eyebrows twist out of the dead knot, and he cut it fiercely with an eye knife.

"Slander's superiors and contempt for military discipline, and you are not allowed to eat tonight!"

"You are narrow-minded and shameless to avenge privately!"

Despite the awry of the woman behind him, the man pushed open the empty door, and his eyes were as cold as the cold wind of Siberia.

"Supervise her! You don't care about military discipline to eavesdrop on intelligence! Hand in 5,000 words tomorrow!"


Li Chen looked at his boss's trembling back that had gone far away, and his heart was already laughing with internal injury.

Since ancient times, heroes have always been saddened by the beauty, but he never thought about what it would be like to his boss.

However, if you are happy, you still have to do serious things. Li Chen ran all the way and caught up with him, and immediately stood up:

"Report the chief! Captain Gu is back! On the way back, I had a fire with FBK people, and now I'm waiting for you outside the commander's room.

Qu Xiang's eyes were so sharp that he couldn't see what he was thinking, but he obviously accelerated his steps under his feet.