The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 8 Have you been on a blind date?

The next day, Qu Xiangtian was woken up by Li Chen's knock on the door.

The man with a cynical smile stood at the door carelessly, looking at the gloomy man standing at the door with ambiguous eyes.

" boss, if you don't answer your mobile phone, if you knock on your door, you will smash a hole and no one will come out. It can be seen that the gentle village drowned." Unexpectedly, an eye knife was directly cut over.

Qu Xiangtian quickly closed the door and blocked the sight of someone looking straight into the room.

"Check 5,000 words tomorrow."

The evil face smiled unabated, and answered "yes" very simply.

In fact, Qu Xiangtian himself felt surprised. He never slept lightly, but also always had nightmares. The sharp brakes and collisions stained him with the blood left along the woman's neck.

The extremely simple car accident scene has haunted him for 22 years since he was 5 years old.

I don't know how long it has been since I slept as well as last night. That woman seems to be unexpectedly useful.

The eyebrows sank and suppressed the ridiculous feeling. Qu Xiangtian went down the stairs and said, "Have you found out?"

"The terrorist who attempted to sniper the chief last night is still unknown, but it is certain that he is not from FBK." Li Shen said.

Qu Xiangtian pulled his lips and smiled coldly when he heard the words, with some contempt.

There are thousands of people who want him to die, but there are not many people who are so desperate.

"Then check it out, find it out, and kill it."

Li Chen looked at Qu Xiangtian's more gloomy face than usual and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

They dealt with countless domestic and overseas terrorist forces, and there were many assassinations, large and small. Not to mention that this time, it was obvious that the other party was just a little bit of water and did not really want to do it, but this time the boss seemed to have an amazing temper.

The brown pupil inadvertently slipped to the master bedroom with the door closed, and Li Chen immediately raised his eyebrows.

Well, there is another mystery.

Qu Xiangtian looked at the narrow smile on Li Chen's face and sat down directly to turn on the computer.

The mailbox prompts to receive a letter. The sender is unknown, and the sending time is just a few minutes ago. Mo Ran's eyes became gloomy at the moment of reading the letter.

Li Chen poked his head curiously and happened to see the signature of the "jue shadow", with surprise in his brown pupil. He silently watched Qu Xiangtian sitting motionless in front of the computer, and his whole body was terribly quiet.

For a long time, Qu Xiangtian said, "I sent you an email and follow that to check."

explained that the intention of driving people is already very obvious. Qu Xiangtian closed his notebook and shot his sharp gaze at the closed door of the master bedroom.

Jueying, did that man send this kind of thing to openly provoke him?

In the room, Ye Zhiyu, who had finished washing, inexplicably cooled his back and shivered.

was caught here and married. Yesterday, it was a car crash and a gun attack. Too many things confused her. How can Qu Xiangtian, such a big person, hold on to a small hacker?

It's not that she can't run away, but she has an intuition that she should stay patiently for a while to observe the situation.

She just logged into the "Sky Eye" program with the computer in his room while the big white goose went out. What this program is proud of is that the login is fast and traceless. As long as there is a network, it can be derived from any DNS and password login.

The slender fingers quickly entered the code on the keyboard, but Ye Zhiyu was annoyed to find that yesterday's sniper's hiding could not be traced at all.

was about to give up, but Miss Ye's head suddenly flashed - maybe she could find the record of the vehicle that hit their truck at the beginning yesterday. Sure enough, Ye Zhiyu quickly followed the video of the truck that attacked them yesterday, which surprised her to find out the cross-border records of the two trucks.

How can ordinary terrorist attacks leave a record of vehicles crossing the border? There is only one possibility--

Finger quickly typed a string of codes on the keyboard, and a picture was immediately called out.

Black background, blood-red font, written in English: "Comingforyou."

staring at the screen, the delicate eyebrows couldn't help frowning.

Sure enough, the other party deliberately left clues for people to find out.

"What is this? Declaration of war? A prank?"

was puzzled, but the action in his hand was not careless. He tracked down the code source and broke through two layers of pseudo-source addresses and embedded subnet firewalls. The final result made Ye Zhiyu very stunned.

is a terrorist organization called A-TM.

"At the border of Country X, did the big white goose rob his daughter-in-law or step on his tail? Forget it directly. What was that intimidation yesterday?

Obviously, the A-TM is declaring war, but it sets a clue very viciously, as if throwing bread crumbs to attract you.

Because of her brother, she tried several times out of curiosity to explore the secret of Emperor Yan, the leader behind the viper. In the end, she only knew the name Qu Xiangtian and some basic information. Every time the other party found that her invasion began to reverse tracking. The technique was very domineering. She was afraid of revealing her identity and did not dare to do more entanglement, so she did not find much.

But she can easily get the mailbox of the big white goose. For so long, she was sure that the stinky swan had not really found anything.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu couldn't help raising a mischievous smile. I don't know why she moved her finger, and Miss Ye directly packed all the information she found and sent it to Qu Xiangtian's mailbox.

Gently wiped off the fingerprints on the keyboard with his clothes, and Ye Zhiyu smiled proudly at the corners of his mouth.

I washed out of the room, and breakfast has been placed on the table.

Ye Zhiyu grabbed a sandwich and spit it out as soon as he chewed it twice.

"Oh, pooh, what is this!"

"Waste of food, do you know what will happen?"

Ye Zhiyu stared back directly with one look. Sure enough, he saw a man in military uniform standing quietly not far away, with a knot between his eyebrows.

Ignoring the other party's face, Miss Ye acted unrestrainedly and threw the sandwich directly into the trash can beside her.

"This can't be called food."

"You woman!!"

Qu Xiangtian was about to be angry, but the little woman over there put her hands on her waist, raised her chin slightly, and said seriously, "Let me tell you what it is called food."

Three steps and two steps to the arrogant woman, Qu Xiangtian looked at the other party condescendingly, with a terrible anger in his eyes.

"Women, do you know your position?"

Miss Ye followed her hair and said, "I know, your daughter-in-law. So I have to help you cook."

The angry man seemed to be stunned when he heard the words. After a long time, he said with a gloomy face: "There are servicemen here, and you don't need to cook."

"But I think this is my wife's duty."

Ye Zhiyu rolled his eyes in his heart as he spoke. Fortunately, she didn't eat anything just now, otherwise she might have spit it out for herself.

Qu Xiangtian was completely silent when he heard the words, and his eyebrows were entangled. A pair of sharp eyes stared at her in an instant, and his eyes were a little deep.

"I thought my wife's obligations should be in other aspects."

Ye Zhiyu didn't understand at first, and his face turned red when he reacted.

Damn it!

Looking at that expressionless and serious face, does this man have a whole beast!!

trembled, and Ye Zhiyu just took over, but what he said was a little stattering.

"You, you are bored!!"

With the owner's anger, the little deer's eyes were covered with bright anger, and the shallow blush on his cheeks was unknown whether it was because of anger or shyness.

Qu Xiangtian stared at Ye Zhiyu for a long time before he opened his mouth in a low voice.

"There are no vegetables at home. I'll ask someone to go out to buy them." After saying that, turn around and leave.

Ye Zhiyu was stunned for a moment. Wait, did she just see the corners of the mouth of the ten thousand-year-old man's mouth move? It's not a twitch, but... he laughed?

After recovering, Ye Zhiyu quickly followed, "No! I want to buy it myself!"

Qu Xiangtian immediately turned around and stared at each other angrily. Why is this woman so measured?

"You know, the quality of dishes has a great impact on the taste of food. I'm responsible for what I cook.

Miss Ye has a lot of crooked principles, and she can give a lot even if she closes her eyes.

Decently ignoring the increasingly twisted faces of the men around him, Ye Zhiyu took a lot of energy to suppress the curvature of his lips.

This man looks uncertain and grumpy on the surface, but it may be a coincidence that he chose to protect her safety more than himself yesterday, but he didn't have to sleep alone on a restless thunderstorm day. Although he "taught" her and treated her, cough... But in general, she knew that he would not really hurt her.

This man, under his hard appearance, may be unexpectedly soft in his heart.

I don't know if I can't stand her chatter, and the ice knife-like voice over there sounded coldly.

"Shut up, I'll drive you there."

It took a long time for Ye Zhiyu to know that due to work reasons, Qu Swan's car is generally Li Chen as the driver. However, on that day, she went out to buy vegetables and Li Chen happened to investigate the A-TM car attack and sniper attack, so she had a chance to get in the car driven by Uncle Qu himself.

This time during the day, Ye Zhiyu finally had the opportunity to watch Emperor Yan's private house from outside.

However, at a glance, the girl was shocked.

The original house is a two-story villa covering an area of about 200 square meters. If she guesses it well, it should be bulletproof glass and iron bones of ferocious quality. There are four sentry towers in the four corners of the house, guarded by sentries. There are also strong walls outside the sentry tower, which are wrapped around the high-voltage power grid. Reaching outside the door through the only iron gate is a secluded path, and you can see the roadblock after driving for about ten minutes.

Miss Ye looked back with some emotion. Did she dare to say that this half of the mountain belonged to the men around her?

Thinking of marrying this man, Miss Ye suddenly had a complicated mood for bureaucracy.

Qu Xiangtian looked at the unpredictable faces of the people around him with a cold look, but the corners of his mouth moved without a trace.

The two soon arrived at a large supermarket in the city center. Ye Zhiyu didn't feel real until she stood at the door of the supermarket. She didn't expect that she could go to the supermarket so calmly with this man to cook like a normal newlywed couple.