The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 19 Evil Fate Can Be Encountered Again

Ye Zhiyu finally sat in Qu Xiangtian's car, and the two drove all the way for nearly 20 minutes before reaching their destination.

"Are you sure you want to eat in such a place?" Ye Zhiyu's forehead twitched and looked at the gorgeous building in front of him. This is not a restaurant, it's just like an art museum.

"Is there a problem?"

Looking at each other for a few seconds, Ye Zhiyu sighed and shook his head to squeeze out a word: "No."

She just came to make up for a night snack, but this man brought her to this kind of rich local restaurant... Do you want to exaggerate so much...

Qu Xiangtian helped Ye Zhiyu untie his seat belt and handed the car to the hotel waiter. Looking back, he found that his daughter-in-law was still staring at the door of the store and frowned. She couldn't help laughing.

As soon as he stepped on his long legs, he walked to Ye Zhiyu in three steps and two steps, hugged her waist and put him into his arms.

"Let's go, I'm starving."

Un until the table, Ye Zhiyu was a little speechless. She looked at Qu Xiangtian, who seemed to be very familiar with the dishes, and silently waited until the waiter left before laughing twice.

"Hey, big white goose, are you sure we can get out of here after eating?"

The man raised his eyebrows when he heard the words and didn't seem to understand what she meant.

Ye Zhiyu coughed gently and said, "Are you sure they won't take us down and wash the dishes?"

This time, Xiang Tian understood. What's in this woman's head?!

"Not enough."


It's not enough to leave you to wash the dishes. Get ready to sell yourself."

Ye Zhiyu looked at the man seriously telling cold jokes and was silent.

The dishes were served quickly, and Ye Zhiyu found that he should have been hungry before he didn't realize anything else. Now with a bite of food, the hunger on an empty stomach surged up in an instant. So he no longer doubted him and struggled with food.

The remnant wind swept away the clouds. When Miss Ye was full, she picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth. Then she looked up and remembered the man sitting in front of her, but found that the other party was also looking at her. Their eyes met in the air, as if a spark had flashed by. Ye Zhiyu's heart beat and looked away with a little guilty.

Oh, it's so close! How many times, why does she think this man is very electric tonight?

Adjusted his breathing without trace. Ye Zhiyu said righteously, "The food here is delicious."

"This is your brother's choice." The implication is that nonsense can not be delicious.

Ye Zhiyu choked for a moment before he became serious: "So in the future, we can cook at home in three or five, and come here in two or four or six. Ah, Sunday... depends." She said this on purpose. This place looks like a local tycoon. He brought her here today to show off his vanity in Ye Zhiyu's eyes. If he really did what she said, this man would absolutely not be able to stand it.

Sure enough, there was an expected sentence from there: "No, the situation is special today. We will eat at home in the future."

When the other party took the bait, Ye Zhiyu immediately smiled proudly when he heard the words, and his eyebrows were bent, but it looked charming in the man's eyes.

"Look, you can't support me, so I advise you to measure the importance."

The man raised his eyebrows and looked disapproving: "I said we would eat at home. When do you want to cook here? Let the cook cook it at home.

"Well, let the cook go home... huh?!"

Miss Ye emptied her head a few times before saying, "You're kidding."

The man put his hands around his chest and looked at her with the corners of his eyes. He was obviously saying, "Try to see if I'm joking."

He stared at Qu Xiangtian for a long time, but Ye Zhiyu waved his hand.

"Oh, it's boring."

She can't really let him confirm what he said. It's just cheating!

Quickly organizing the language in his head, Ye Zhiyu was preparing to fight back when suddenly Qu Xiangtian's mobile phone rang.

The man looked at the phone number and suddenly became serious.

"I'll answer the phone. If you don't want to stay and sell yourself, just wait for me here."

Ye Zhiyu Khan... I thought how confidential and serious it would be to talk on the phone behind her back, but this person still had leisure to bully her.

Qu Xiangtian has been away for a long time. Ye Zhiyu looked at the many dishes left on the table and touched his stomach.

It's not that she said that the food in this restaurant is really good, and it's no wonder that the picky white goose chooses here.

Just as Ye Zhiyu was struggling with whether to fight again, a hesitant male voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"...Yes, Miss Ye?"

Huh? This sound sounds familiar.

Looking back in surprise, a familiar face came into his eyes. The other party obviously saw her clearly, and the expression on her face changed rapidly, from hesitation to astonishment to surprise, "Great! Just now, I felt that my side face looked like you, and I came over to have a look. It's really!"

The man in front of him is dressed in a straight suit, wearing a light tie, and a just right smile, which makes him look particularly gentle.

This smile!

A name slipped through Ye Zhiyu's mind, "Mr. Xiao?"

The man smiled happily as soon as he heard the words and stood a few steps forward. "That's great, I didn't expect Miss Ye to remember Xiao." He just came in. When he first saw her, he thought he had recognized the wrong person.

Looking at the man's face, Ye Zhiyu sneered at the bottom of his heart, and his skin seemed to have goose bumps involuntarily. Really? She doesn't want to see him.

This man used to be a blind date that her mother had entrusted with several layers of relationships to find for her. He seemed to be a member of the Military Commission of the X Armed Forces Department. His mother praised him as a man with an easy-going personality. Originally, this man's first impression of Ye Zhiyu was not bad. However, the night after he met, he began to flirt with her, even trying to kiss her in the car, and even hinted at her.

She has a hard temper and naturally can't control anyone on the other party. She slapped directly when she was unprepared and didn't let the other party take advantage of her at all. Later, she never saw this man again. She didn't want to tell her mother about this, mainly because she was afraid that she would blame herself. However, to her surprise, she met this man here again today.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu sneered and said, "It's not that enemies don't get together, and it's rare to meet Mr. Xiao."

The man heard the sarcasm in her words, and a trace of confusion flashed on his face, but he still laughed: "Miss Ye is really good at joking. It's not just to speak beautifully. If a bitch does it, don't think you can set up an archway. He refused me at that time, but now he hasn't climbed to Gao Zhi?

"What do you mean?"

"Ha!" As the man spoke, his obscene eyes swept over the shadow of her neck, "Isn't it the best proof that you can sit here and eat now?"

At that time, his colleagues recommended him a blind date. The woman in the photo is beautiful and touching, especially those eyes, which are confused and innocent and particularly seduce the man's soul. He happened to be bored, so he went with a playful mentality. Otherwise, how could he like her background? Damn, this bitch shamelessly pretended to be high with him and beat him.

Later, when he went back, he wanted to teach the woman a lesson. Unexpectedly, the computer in his office was suddenly attacked by an unknown hacker, and a large amount of information was leaked, which made him almost suspended because of this mistake. After being tossed around for more than half a month, I was dizzy. He thought about it, this bitch was unlucky, so he didn't pursue it any more.

I didn't expect that it was really a greathui that let him meet her here. Today, he is not going to let her go so easily.

The lewd eyes slowly swept Ye Zhiyu from top to bottom through the glasses. The man's smile made Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but think of some kind of fat worm and frowned.

"Miss Ye, I once gave you a chance, but now I can still give you another chance regardless of the past. If you are willing to serve well for one night, I will treat those things that have never happened before. We can still continue to make friends."

The sven face looked at Ye Zhiyu a little disgustingly.

clothed beasts and scum.

With a fierce sentence in his heart, Ye Zhiyu snorted coldly, "Don't bother, I already have the right master."

"Master?" The man was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed, and his eyes became more and more obscene. "Miss Ye, it's not good to lie. Do you know that this hotel is a membership system, and ordinary people can't come in at all? And the person who can bring you here for dinner will never be your master.

Ye Zhiyu narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and his face was already pale.

"What do you mean by that?"

What does it mean? It's hard to say! Think about your own weight, and you should know what you are!" Damn, is this woman still pretending to be him? If he hadn't looked at her face and figure, he would have slapped her! Wh!

The man's words were a great insult. Ye Zhiyu stood up and his eyes were full of anger. "You'd better apologize to me."

Who knows that the man grabbed her wrist and tried to take her into his arms, with impatient and undisguised ** in his tone. Desire: "If you want to welcome it and refuse this move, it will be boring after playing for a long time."

Ye Zhiyu looked at each other in disbelief. She is now in a corner surrounded by green plants. The shadow happens to block other people's sight. In addition, it winds through the artificial canals of the hall, and the sound of running water covers her quarrel with the man. Ye Zhiyu struggled hard, but he couldn't get rid of the man's restraint. After several times, she couldn't help but panic.

"What are you going to do! Let go!!"

"If I really can't let go, it's you!" Obscene. When the blasphemy words came out of the other party's mouth, Ye Zhiyu only felt a nausea in his stomach. She was also a man. Although her heart beat violently when Qu Xiangtian touched her, she did not reject or disgust at all.

was distracted, and the man's restless hairy hand attacked her waist. She immediately pinched the other party fiercely, and the other party screamed in pain.

"Damn it! Bitch!"

A sudden force made Ye Zhiyu lean back, and his center of gravity looked unsteadily at the man's raised hand as he was about to fall. Almost subconsciously, she turned her head and closed her eyes tightly.

"Who is it? Let go of me! You fucking - chief, chief?!"

The expected slap did not fall, and it was replaced by the man's instantly panicked voice. Ye Zhiyu opened his eyes and saw the man's frightened side face. Qu Xiangtian, standing behind the man with a head high, was clasping his wrist with one hand, looking like a bloodthirsty Shura.