The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 24 Her ability can be stabilized

When Ye Zhiyu woke up, the scene in front of him was still shadowed, and a mass of paste in his head seemed to be not his own.

For a long time, she calmed down and gradually recalled what happened before she fell into a coma.

Su Jin!

She was shocked and looked for it in private until she found that Su Jin was beside her, but she still didn't wake up, so she was relieved.

"Su Jin, Su Jin wake up."

Under Ye Zhiyu's soft call with his voice, there has been no response for a long time. After suppressing the panic in her heart, she shouted a few more times, and finally saw the other party's butterfly-like eyelashes tremble twice, and then slowly opened, with some moisture in her eyes.

"Well, what is this place?" Ye Zhiyu glanced up at the room when he heard the words.

The room closed to them is not small, but the light in the room is very poor. Their hands were not tied, either the perpetrator's negligence or the other party was too confident.

He stared at the seemingly broken and scrapped machines in the room. Ye Zhiyu frowned and said faintly, "This seems to be an abandoned workshop or factory."

Su Jin also looked around when she heard the words, but her eyes were gray.

"Is there no window in the room? How can it be so dark?" Ye Zhiyu looked at her strangely when he heard the words, "No, isn't it?" Pointing to the small window not far away, Ye Zhiyu looked at Su Jin's face strangely, but found that the other party's eyes were empty and blank. I was stunned for a moment, and a bad feeling surged into my mind.

She stretched out a hand and shook it gently in front of Su Jin, but Su Jin seemed to be unaware. Her eyes were like a beautiful glass, but she sucked in all the light, leaving a bottomless black hole.

Biting his lip, Ye Zhiyu tried his best to make his voice sound normal, and then shook his voice and said, "Well, the light here is not good. In fact, I can't see it clearly."

Su Jin frowned gently when she heard the words, and then sighed slowly, "My eyes can't see." The tone was soft, as if he were saying something irrelevant, but it seemed that a needle had stuck in Ye Zhiyu's heart.

"No! No! You won't be able to see! It must be for some reason... It must be..."

"Zhiyu," Su Jin groped and stroked her hand, with a gentle and calm smile on her lips, "Don't panic."

"Don't panic, find a way to get out of here first."

The soft tone seemed to inject a spring into his heart, making Ye Zhiyu's impetuous mood gradually calm down.

Su Jin is right. At present, the most important thing is to find a way to see if she can save herself. The other party doesn't know who it is. She was finally targeted once she went out? Is it the people who attacked her last time?

Even if she is a hacker, she thinks she has done nothing wrong to the people of her motherland, and now she is repeatedly targeted...


A strange guess suddenly flashed in Ye Zhiyu's mind.

The first person to stare at her was not someone else, but Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian learned about her relationship with Jueying through some channels, and determined that Jueying had some connection with FBK, so he wanted to find out Joker's true face. And does this mean that if other organizations that have a grudge against her brother also know the meaning of her existence?

The wife of the largest leader of the imperial military region, the biological sister of FBK leader Joker. As long as you catch her alone, you can seize the weakness of China's two supreme forces of black and white. Although she doesn't think she has such influence on Qu Xiangtian, it is not the case in the eyes of outsiders. Catching her is equivalent to stopping the two knives of the motherland at the same time. From now on, you can have no scruples about what you want to do. Speaking of the last attack at home, if you really want to kill her, the long-range combat will take less time and accuracy, and although Qu Xiangtian's private house has its own armed police, there are not many people. If you seriously want to deal with her, the other party's means are obviously too soft.

The shooting didn't mean to kill her. Instead, he forced her out to come out and get a chance to capture her alive.

So implementing such a plan requires not only a very long-term vision and strategy, but also the speculation and insight of people's hearts. What's more terrible is the calm and waiting for the opportunity to fight. Trigger other things with subtle things, which are interlocked and move the whole body with one hair. Think about it carefully, how terrible it would be if there was such a person.

If such an organization really exists, its ambition is almost ready to come out. Suppress China's armed forces, but... what do you want to do?

Thinking about this, Ye Zhiyu's fingertips couldn't help feeling a little cold.

Su Jin saw that the people beside her had not spoken for so long and thought that something had happened to her. She opened her mouth and gently called her, and Ye Zhiyu shook her mind.

Since the other party can trap them here without ropes, there must be a tight armed force outside the door. Maybe it's all around the wall. Although she was from the police academy, she was ashamed of herself, not to mention that the other party had a gun.

His head turned quickly, and Ye Zhiyu suddenly thought of the mobile phone Li Chen gave him. I couldn't help rubbed my hand in my trousers pocket - my heart was ecstatic - but it was still there!

Without time to think about why the other party didn't take it away, she quickly called out the phone book and found Qu Xiangtian's number.

When I pressed the call button, my fingers trembled a little because of excitement. However, to her disappointment, she couldn't get through.

There is no signal here!

No wonder those people are not abhorred to leave their mobile phones on her.

Ye Zhiyu moved to Su Jin's side with some frustration and found that the other party's face was always with a shallow smile, and his out-of-focus eyes stared at the front.

Su Jin's face... Isn't it too pale...?

Only then did Ye Zhiyu realize that something was wrong. He hurried up and stared at the smile on the other party's face for a moment. She laughed so deliberately that her already white skin is now as white as paper, and the light coming in from the window is almost transparent on her face.

His eyes were subconsciously attracted by the light, and Ye Zhiyu noticed that the ochre black at the other party's neck was not hair, but blood!!

Ye Zhiyu was shocked in an instant and was so panicked that he could hardly make a sound.

"Su Jin, why do you... have blood stains on your neck...?" It's not yours, right?

When the person in front of him heard the words, the smile on his lips condensed, and his eyes were helpless to hide things and be found.

"I don't know. When he was knocked unconscious, the man was a little angry and didn't matter."

"Dizzle? Isn't it faint?" How come? Ye Zhiyu stood up and wanted to walk behind Su Jin to have a look, but his body softened and knelt on the ground again. His knees collided with the ground and made a loud noise. Then he realized - damn it! Those drugs!

Su Jin quietly listened to the other party's movements, and the smile on her lips was pale and transparent, as if it would disappear at any time. Ye Zhiyu was shocked. Regardless of her physical weakness, she knelt down and climbed behind Su Jin and lifted her long hair like a waterfall, but she gasped fiercely when she saw the scene in front of her.

Su Jin's injury should be on the back of her head. It can't be seen how serious it is, but the back of her neck has already been wet, and all the clothes on her back are also stained with scarlet, which looks shocking.

"Actually, it's not as serious as it seems."

"Faling!" Ye Zhiyu's tone was irrepressively stained with crying, "Why didn't you say it just now?"

In the quiet room, Su Jin smelled a low sigh.

Ye Zhiyu also noticed it after saying it. What can Su Jin say? It just made her more frightened. It was because the other party believed that she didn't say anything. Then the eyes are the same, probably because of the sequelae left by the heavy object hitting the head, and I don't know how serious it is. If she doesn't deal with it in time, maybe... she dares not think about it any more.

Taking a few deep breaths, Ye Zhiyu gradually calmed down.

She wants to find a way, at least--

barely supported her body, and she walked to the door step by step.

"Hey! Is there anyone?"

"Is anyone there! I want to talk to you!!"


You can never run hard. Looking at the sky outside, Li Chen should also notice that something has happened to them. It's just that it's difficult to figure out the purpose of the people who kidnapped her and Su Jin. Negotiations take time, and Su Jin can't wait so long.

With a deep heart, Ye Zhiyu decided to take risks.

"Hey! Do you want to know the secret of the poisonous snake? Come out to negotiate in a minute! Otherwise, I swear, I swear you won't get any benefit from me!"

After she shouted this, it was still quiet outside the door.

This is her last killer, but even if she sacrifices a poisonous snake...

Ye Zhiyu was a little frustrated.

However, just when she was almost desperate, the door was suddenly opened and the cold wind poured in. The man wearing sunglasses was wearing a black windbreaker and his tall and burly figure stood against the light.

The breath emitted by men is very cold, and Ye Zhiyu inexplicably feels that it may be the "taste of the dead" described in countless novels. The courage to shout just now suddenly retreated, but Ye Zhiyu still stood up and looked directly at the other party, but was stunned there.

This person is a little familiar... She seems to be there...

A thunder exploded in Ye Zhiyu's heart - isn't this the man she almost hit in front of the coffee shop in the supermarket last time? At that time, there was Bai Shuiqing who was with him!

Is this person sent by Bai Shuiqing to teach her a lesson?

Ye Zhiyu's thoughts became confused in an instant.

The huge sunglasses almost covered the man's face, and he could only see the scar on his side extending from under the sunglasses to the corners of his mouth, which looked very scary.

After a long silence, the man first said, "You just talked about the poisonous snake."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned for a moment and immediately realized that no, this person is not simple. This matter is not Bai Shuiqing's plan, and more likely, Bai Shuiqing also plays a role similar to a chess piece. The other party should have woven a large net. There is still a deeper conspiracy here.

After clearing his throat, Ye Zhiyu tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, and his nails were almost pinched into the meat.

"I know the secret of vipers. I can tell you whatever you want to know."

"What about the conditions?"

Although the other party seemed to be very calm, Ye Zhiyu still caught his suddenly trembling body. It seems that what she said now should be a surprise for the other party. Since she was surprised, she might have the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos of the other party.

"I have two conditions. First, you should treat my friend urgently first."

When he first said the conditions, Ye Zhiyu seemed calm on the surface and his heart trembled long ago.

The scar man stared at her silently and looked at Su Jin behind her. I don't know how long it took before he said, "The second condition."

Ye Zhiyu felt awe of heart when he heard the words. Did he agree or not?

"Give us some food and water. If the hostage dies, you must be in trouble.

The man in front of him seems to have eased from the shock, and the breath on his body has once again become impenetrable and harsh. He moved slowly and walked towards Su Jin. Ye Zhiyu was weak because of drugs, but his intuition was not good, but he didn't have time to stop it.


"What are you doing! Let her go!"

Ye Zhiyu couldn't believe that the man directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Jin's neck fiercely, getting tighter and tighter, but there was no sign of let go. Su Jin raised her head, and her pale face was strangely red.

"You let go! Let her go! I'll tell you whatever you want! Please don't torture Su Jin!"

"...I'll tell you, please let her go."

At that moment, Ye Zhiyu never felt so powerless. He seems to be as small as an ant, and the other party can easily kill him with a little effort.

Su Jin moaned in pain. Yin was right in his ear, and Ye Zhiyu seemed to feel that it was himself who was being tortured, and his heart was broken. Because of her, it was because she casually provoked these people that Su Jin was involved.

The man seemed quite satisfied when he heard the words, and the corners of his lips evoked a cold and proud smile.

"Little girl, learn from others to negotiate, you must first determine whether you have chips. If you don't know what's good or bad, I will pinch her to death in front of you.

The man's tone seemed to come from the empty body, cruel and ruthless, but it directly cut on Ye Zhiyu's heart.

"It is easy for young people to be impulsive, and it is not incomprehensible. However, you need to know who you are talking to.

"I'll forgive you for this offense. I will also give you what you want."