The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 37 The Secret of White Water

"I promised, and I won't go up." Qu Xiangtian's tone was very light and he couldn't hear emotions. Ye Zhiyu only felt cold all over.

"So, she is just my substitute. Your heart is still with me, right?

What will he answer? Ye Zhiyu couldn't help pulling out a self-deprecating smile. She didn't want to hear the following words anymore. She didn't think much about it. She rotated her heels and left there as quickly as possible.

In the night wind, the tall man stared silently at the direction of Ye Zhiyu's disappearance, and a deep emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Xiang Tian, so you are not really married, are you?" Bai Shuiqing's eyes were full of expectation, and his little face was a little red with cold, but with a happy smile. Qu Xiangtian withdrew his sight and his tone suddenly turned cold: "You have been misunderstanding two things."

"Eh?" A little stunned appeared on her beautiful little face when she heard the words.

"One, my heart is with me from beginning to end. However, I promise you that I will do it."

"Second," the words rubbed between his lips and teeth for a long time before Qu Xiangtian opened his mouth again.

"You are the substitute."

The little face, which had no blood color, turned white instantly when he heard the words, and Bai Shuiqing's face was undisguised: "...No, how can it be... Mingming..."

I didn't say it before because it was unnecessary. But if you continue to bother her, I won't care about love anymore. After saying that, Qu Xiangtian raised his long legs and walked away. Before leaving, he paused and said as if he remembered something, "Don't think you can count me. If you don't tell me the truth of what happened back then, it doesn't mean that I don't know."

Almost at the same time as Qu Xiangtian finished saying this, Bai Shuiqing's delicate body trembled fiercely in the night wind and almost fell down, but Qu Xiangtian did not look at it again and walked away by himself.

The night is dark, as if it is complicated in the ink eyes.

The night wind blew on my face, and everything was going according to plan, but why did a sense of irritation rise in my heart? When he saw Ye Zhiyu at the beginning, he had an indescribable familiarity, and this feeling became stronger and stronger later. He knew her and knew her a long time ago. However, there is no such coincidence in the world. He only thinks that he is more careful.

But that day, when he followed Ye Zhiyu to Gu's house, a clear picture suddenly appeared in front of him, forcing him to doubt his previous hypothesis. That night, he called Li Chen to ask the other party to investigate. Although he encountered obstacles, he still asked him to find out the truth, all the truth - including the car accident.

She must have just heard what he said. Why is it her?

The world is so small that I still met her with such twists and turns. If he hadn't been picked up and forced to separate, what would they be like now?

Thinking of this, Qu Xiangtian showed a slightly sarcastic smile, and there was never "if" in his dictionary. Now it's all. He is Qu Xiangtian. He has no memory of Gu Yi and will not have Gu Yi's feelings. She is the pawn he caught and tied to his side because of the plan, that's all. He warned Bai Shuiqing not to bother her. How could he not understand? In fact, he was the one who bothered her the most.

After years of training, he had already noticed her approach, but deliberately told her that kind of thing to make her understand his position.

Whether it's Jue Ying or Joker, she should play her role as a pawn, instead of sticking to him and hiding under his wings.

Ye Zhiyu walked all the way back, and the wind blew on his face, and he was so cold that he lost consciousness. His eyes were blurred and staggered, but he didn't realize that the six-inch high heels under his feet suddenly stepped on the air, and his body lost his center of gravity and fell forward.

"Be careful!!"

In the panic, there was a wind passing by my ears, with anxious footsteps, and a beautiful male voice sounded in my ears, and I was damn familiar.

Ye Zhiyu looked up, and the face of the person in front of her was blurred. She hurriedly wiped away the dampness in her eyes and subconsciously took a step back: "Why are you here?"

The person in front of him wore a slender gold-framed glasses, and his long figure made the suit straight.

"Xiao Yu."

Ye Zhiyu snorted coldly, and the look on his face was very disgusting: "Bai Shudi, are you a stalker?"

A trace of injury flashed on Swen Junxiu's face, "No... I'm just worried about you, so I came out to have a look."

"Well, I forgot that your father's complaint, how could you not come to see the joke?"

"Xiao Yu!" Bai Shudi's expression was a little anxious, and his tone was much heavier, "Do you have to make me think so bad?"

Ye Zhiyu was not surprised and shrugged his shoulders: "I thought I still thought you were too good."

When he chased her, it was the same, like a rubber candy that could not be shaken off, which made him doubt whether this guy had self-esteem and shame. Later, when she bumped into the other party and the recognized goddess of the whole school doing that kind of unsightly thing in the woods, she suddenly realized that this guy really had no shame. The girl was a famous iceberg beauty, freezing countless grass to death, but she didn't expect to put up with the grievance of not even a bed for this guy.

Now that Ye Zhiyu thought about it carefully, he almost promised Bai Shudi at the beginning, probably because he was exhausted by this man's waterless pursuit.

"Xiao Yu, I didn't mean to hide what you bumped into from the beginning. She and I have a wishful thinking, but you have to believe me, the relationship between body and soul can be separated.

Have you ever seen anything shameless? Have you ever seen a strange one? That's it!

Ye Zhiyu was quite speechless about the righteous melancholy appearance of the person in front of him, and even sighed that he almost followed him.

People with distorted values can't come back.

Knowing his embarrassed appearance now, he sighed. Ye Zhiyu said lightly, "I'm not in the mood to tell you this today. Make way. It's freezing to death outside."

Just heard Qu Xiangtian's words, her heart was as cold as an ice hole.

The moment she heard his serious promise to other women, her heart almost split in half, and that feeling had never happened when Brother Yi died. Yes, how old she was at that time, at most, she was obsessed with the people she liked.

She suddenly realized her mind--

She fell in love with him.

Even if you have told yourself several times that you want to keep your heart, your feelings are not rational and uncontrollable. As early as when she saw him being bullied and got angry, as early as when he couldn't help but make a bleeding hole in his hand to save her, or earlier.

Her heart was thrown into his cold eyes.

So now, my heart is so cold that I seem to forget to beat.

Qu Xiangtian fell in love with this domineering and sultry man who always makes people angry. It's not a shallow love, nor a compromise that is tired of dealing with, but a real love.

Bai Shudi looked at Ye Zhiyu's tsimistic, and a little complicated flashed in his melancholy eyes. After a long time, he said as if he had made a major decision: "Do you know what happened to Xiaoqing?"

When he was interrupted by the other party, Ye Zhiyu was slightly stunned. He came back to his senses for a long time and looked at the serious look of the White Book Emperor. The words "What do you have to do with me" still swallowed it.

"What happened to her?"

Somehow, Ye Zhiyu has an intuition that what happened to Bai Shuiqing should be related to the so-called agreement between her and Qu Xiangtian.

Bai Shudi stared at Ye Zhiyu's red cheek and took off his suit jacket and put it on her. Ye Zhiyu sensed his intention and wanted to refuse, but on second thought that what he wanted to say was obviously not something that could be said in the warm hall full of people. Since she wanted to stay here and get cold, she had no choice but to get along with her body. Her shoulders just trembled, but she did not refuse.

Ye Zhiyu's meek acceptance made Bai Shudi's face appear stunned and relieved. Then he stared at her for a long time before he said, "As you can see, the military zone compound and the government compound are not far away. There is only a street between them. The adults are familiar with each other, and the children naturally often go to their own homes. Walk around. Qu Xiangtian... is a very strange child."

A distant and strange look appeared on Bai Shudi's face as if he thought of something: "He was taken over by Grandpa Qu. At that time, we were very happy to hear that a new friend was coming, but we were suddenly told that a new friend was admitted to the hospital. At that time, Xiaoqing and others took the opportunity to visit the Qu family and sneaked under the window of Qu Xiangtian's room to peek at him... That was a scene that I will never forget.

"Mummy, the only word left in my head at that time."

"He is so thin and wrapped in bandages, as if a gust of wind can take him away from the world."

Ye Zhiyu listened to the other party's description and couldn't help picking it up. She knew that he had a hard time when he was a child, but she couldn't imagine it. The car accident, so tragically, should be a miracle of fighting against death.

Bai Shudi didn't look at her, as if he was completely immersed in his own thoughts. "It seems that since then, I have felt terrible, and the fact is that it is really difficult for him to get close to him who fully recovered later. There are only two children in the two courtyards who play close to him. One is the heartless Fengnan and the other is Xiaoqing.

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when he heard the words. The world was really small. It turned out that Emperor Bai Shu also knew Chu Fengnan. Why did he look like strangers when he was in the police academy?

Bai Shudi did not notice the change in Ye Zhiyu's mood, but just said it himself. The story is so long that he finally has someone to confide in. That secret has been in the bottom of his heart for so many years. If he didn't want to see Xiaoyu sinking deeper and deeper, he wouldn't have said it anyway.

"Qu Xiangtian is difficult to get close to, but he seems to like to be close to Xiaoqing. Occasionally, I can see her and I don't know what she is thinking. Speaking of Xiaoyu, you and Xiaoqing are still a little similar. If it hadn't been for the completely different temperament, I wouldn't have been moved on the first day I saw you.

Ye Zhiyu was shaken by the other party's numb words and said, "The person I like is so happy like my sister. Mr. Bai, you have a strong taste."

Bai Shudi was used to Ye Zhiyu. He just smiled when he heard the words and shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "Actually, Xiaoqing was not as capricious as he is now at first. Because at that time, except for Feng Nan's cousin, she was the only girl in our two courtyards. Everyone let her, especially men like Qu Xiangtian, were willing to spoil her with her as the center. It's about spoiled. I don't know when she became like this.

Ye Zhiyu sneered from the bottom of her heart, "Your sister is really noble. It seems that only she has a brother, and it's not her fault that the princess's disease was developed."

Ye Zhiyu's words were as sharp as knives. Bai Shudi was stunned when he heard the words, smiled bitterly, and nodded: "Yes, that's why what happened later should be called retribution."