The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 43 I want to go home

The atmosphere that was originally warm because of the discussion of Ye Zhiyu was instantly frozen after seeing the gloomy tall man. It is difficult to imagine that the burly and strong soldiers are straight in front of Qu Xiangtian, and their faces turn pale.

His sharp eyes swept over the cold men in front of him, and Qu Xiangtian slowly said, "All of them are there. Run 30 laps around the playground!"

Yes! Chief!"

was neat and vigorous. The captain was ordered to immediately complete the team. More than 20 men ran to the playground without saying a word.

Qu Xiangtian didn't look at them at all. He gave orders on his mouth, but his eyes had already focused on the small figure. She staggered in the cold wind, and her little face saw the cold red from afar.

Ye Zhiyu only felt that her footsteps were floating. She tried to empty her head so that she would not feel so much pain in her lower abdomen. Her eyes were a little black, as if she could not breathe the next second. But all these, compared with the sadness in my heart, are nothing at all.

A distracted, his left foot rubbed against the ground, and his center of gravity was unstable and he was about to fall down. Ye Zhiyu secretly shouted bad in his heart and wanted to reach out to cushion, but found that his body was so heavy that he could not control it at all.

I subconsciously closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come, but unexpectedly fell into a warm and strong embrace. The man's deep voice sounded above his head, and he couldn't hear the emotion.

"You're damned." This is not an interrogative sentence.

Ye Zhiyu looked up in surprise and saw the familiar resolute jaw. Looking up, there were tight thin lips, high nose bridge, and dark eyes like a deep pool brewing a storm.

His heart beat, but Ye Zhiyu still suppressed the throbbing of his chest and looked away: "As a soldier with the red blade, obeying the order of the chief is more important than life." She spoke word by word, and there was no superfluous emotion in her rigid attitude.

Qu Xiangtian looked at her slightly red eyes and frowned.

"Go back to rest, no need to run anymore."

"Don't run anymore?" Ye Zhiyu seemed to hear some joke, and the next second he pushed Qu Xiangtian away with all his strength. "In your words, I came down and ran. Now what is this? Do you pity me? Give me Ma Wei and tell me what absolute obedience is. Just to protect the female demon, you can be cruel to me. Thank you for your kindness. It's just too much. I don't need it, and I dare not do it. Ye Zhiyu's voice was very soft, but with sarcasm. After running down so many circles, she cried and cried, and her physical strength was exhausted. She also figured out many things.

This man is like this, always superior, and naturally accustomed to control. She actually felt that she could rely on him and change him... Trust was abandoned. If now he thought that giving some benefits could make her wag her tail to him again, it would be a big mistake. She loved him, but she was not so cheap.

Qu Xiangtian looked at her cold reaction, and the irritability accumulated from just now almost rose to a fixed point in an instant. It was the same feeling that he wanted to catch something to fear that it would slip away from his fingertips.

Da Damn it!

Her cheeks were red, but she looked pale and sick. Qu Xiangtian suppressed the displeasure caused by self-esteem and slowed down her tone: "Now you go back, you don't need to apologize to Minister Ling. Have a good rest." Well, since she can be stubborn to this extent, he will step aside. Now, it's time for her to give in. Thinking like this in his heart, but Ye Zhiyu hooked the corners of his cracked lips with a slight taste of mockery.

"Ley me alone, I'll finish running."

"Daw, when do you want to lose your temper? Obviously, his mother has made it such a virtue. Do you know that women are so hard will only make people hate it?

"Okay," she looked at him, and there was a fog in front of her almost instantly. She endured the pain in her heart and tried not to let her voice be stained with crying: "What about disgust? Do you think I care?" With a palm swinging him, Ye Zhiyu raised his already heavy lead-like leg and continued to run forward. At the moment he turned around, tears fell down.

In this case, it's better to hate it.

Disgust, at least, is a kind of emotion.

Bai Shudi, you are wrong. This man is not heartless, but that he has only one heart, and she can't distinguish it.

Whate...she is also satisfied...

...But why are you so sad that you are going to die?

It was dark in front of his eyes, and there seemed to be a "dead hell" behind him, and then Ye Zhiyu lost consciousness.

Wake up in a daze with a strange voice in my ear.

"She doesn't matter, she has hypoglycemia. Also, it's not me that Xiang Tian, during the physiological period of other girls, this kind of strenuous exercise training is particularly harmful to the body. If you encounter this situation again, you can't be so reckless. The voice was gentle with undisguised rebuke.

"Is this also the reason for the fever?" The familiar low voice sounds very respectful. Ye Zhiyu knew that it was him.

The gentle voice seemed to sigh before slowly opening: "The little girl may not have eaten well recently. Acute gastritis, fever is inflammation in the body. I hung water on her and the fever subsided. Go back and drink more porridge and eat lighter. However, as you know, if you don't pay attention to it, it may turn into chronic gastritis in the long run. Like you, it will be troublesome.

"Well, I know."

"I said Xiang Tian, isn't the Red Blade Women's Corps training in the second district? Why did you lead people to come to me? Your face is still so scary that I'm so old that I thought something was wrong."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Hao."

"Well, not to mention this, I have watched you grow up. That little girl, your girlfriend?" The gentle voice was obviously stained with the smell of ridicery.

Hearing the words, he suddenly fell silent, and it took a long time for the man's deep but firm voice to sound: "She is my lover."

"Are you married?! When did it happen? Why don't you tell Dr. Hao that you don't think I love your money?"

Then there was laughter, and the atmosphere of the conversation obviously improved.

Ye Zhiyu lay on **. Although there was no expression on his face, countless emotions surged up because of his words "She is my lover". Those feelings that she finally suppressed came back to life in an instant because of his simple words.

She knew that he was just stating a fact without superfluous emotional elements, but she was still involuntarily moved and softened.

When Qu Xiangtian opened the curtain and came in, he saw Ye Zhiyu staring straight at the ceiling with his eyes open. His ink-dyed eyes were much deeper than usual, and he didn't know what was surging inside.

Ye Zhiyu noticed that he came in, supported himself, and looked straight into his eyes. He was wronged and complained. Countless emotions and words hovered in her chest, but in the end, she chose to gently pull the corners of her mouth and smiled at him.

It's so shallow that it's almost imperceptible, like transparent glass, but it's like a hard blow to Qu Xiangtian's heart, which he thought was as hard as iron.

He never cared about her menstrual period and didn't know it was not his fault. Let her come to the red blade, life in the army is not easy, and it is often the same for him as the leader to have three meals a day. There is no reason why she can't. A Ling said that she neglected her work, but he didn't believe it, because he saw with his own eyes how hard she worked these days, but it disappointed him to bump into his superiors and threaten her. Her temper is a little bitter, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Everything, everything is fine. But Qu Xiangtian is now fucking trying to kill himself.

Why did she look so bad, but he didn't see it, and why did he fiercely attack her?

Why did he know what would happen if he neglected his stomach, but he still let her abuse himself?

Why can't he let her be more if he knows that she has a strong temper?

Qu Xiangtian couldn't forgive himself most because he had always been by her side, but he watched her become like this.

The emotions in her eyes are so obvious that he knows what she thinks about him. Although he didn't know how much it was towards him and the red blade, he still took advantage of it. Let her enter the Red Blade. On the one hand, she can protect her from the purposeless A-TM, but more importantly, she is deliberately exposed to the Red Blade's internal intelligence, and why she is divided into the department responsible for electronic password deciphering and translation. He knew that she had been contacting Jueying through some method, and this move was to wait for the opportunity to contact Jueying to give the latter a fatal blow.

But now, she is as proud as she is. Although she doesn't know what she has figured out, she obviously forgives him.

The person in front of her used to open her teeth and claws like a kitten in front of him, but now she is as pale as a fragile flower, but even so, she still wants to comfort him that he is fine.

The words rolled between their throats, but Qu Xiangtian didn't say anything, and neither did she. The two looked so quietly until Dr. Hao came in and pulled out the needle.

I found that the atmosphere between the two was strange. Dr. Hao, who was middle-aged, naturally had the eyes and experience of the elderly. He knew that most of the young couple were uncomfortable and didn't say anything. After receiving the bottle and explaining a few precautions, Dr. Hao walked out of the infirmary and left the space for the two people.

Finally, it was Ye Zhiyu who opened his mouth first.

"Is it allowed to ask for leave in the army?" Ye Zhiyu said, "I want to go home."

The sword's eyebrows sank, and almost blurted out the word "no" was swallowed into his throat the next second.

"What do you do when you go home?"

"I suffered a setback in the outside world and went home to complain to my mother for comfort." Ye Zhiyu said half jokingly, but there was obvious fatigue in his eyes.

Qu Xiangtian stared at her and was silent for a long time before saying again in a cold voice: "Your home is in Dijing."

Ye Zhiyu shook his head when he heard the words, and his eyes were stained with Qu Xiangtian's incomprehension but unhappy light: "No, my home is in N city, and it has always been in N city." The only people she can rely on are her real relatives.