The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 47 Escort

Looking at Qu Xiangtian and his brother coming out of the study, Ye Zhiyu was still a little stunned.

Qu Xiangtian is a thoughtful man. His brother always provokes intentionally or unintentionally, and I don't know if he will find any clues.

Mo Ran's eyes swept over Ye Zhiyu's stunned face. The tall man silently walked to the sofa and sat down, while Ye Jun Hall walked towards her slowly.

"Do you think you don't have enough to eat? Come back for a meal, and don't forget to bring one more mouth. In the man's warm eyes are flowing light waves, as if they are gentle to drown people, but the words on his mouth are merciless.

Ye Zhiyu understood that the other party's words were not aimed at her, but he still trembled when he heard the words. His eyes subconsciously looked at Qu Xiangtian, but the latter seemed to have heard nothing and read the magazine in his hand.

Retracted his sight and laughed twice. Ye Zhiyu knew that the way his brother loved people was that the more he loved you, the more he would bully you, so he didn't say anything. He left the sentence "I'll help my mother" and oiled the soles of his feet.

"Tut," looking at the back that basically fled, there was a cool tone in the living room of only two people, "I don't even want to mention it, and I'm completely disliked." The voice is not big or small, and I don't know if it was deliberately said that someone heard it.

With Ye Zhiyu's help, the meal will start soon. The family sat eating, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. At the same time, there was also Qu Xiangtian's mobile phone.

The word "Li Chen" jumped on the display screen, and Qu Xiangtian frowned and connected it. Before he could put it next to his ear, Li Chen's voice came: " boss! Don't open the door! Boss! Oh, damn it! Damn it, let go of me! You - Dududu..." Without saying anything, it was a busy voice.

Li Chen's voice was very loud and almost hoarse. Even if Ye Zhiyu and others didn't open it, they all heard it.

For a moment, the room was silent, leaving only the sound of the door being knocked, cold and ruthless, with a silent sense of oppression. Qu Xiang looked at the direction of the door grimly and finally said, "You wait inside. I'll go out and have a look." As soon as he raised his left leg, he felt resistance behind him and looked along doubtfully, and a momentary astonishment appeared in his cold look.

Ye Zhiyu was stared at by the other party, and his body was one step ahead of his head. Li Chen, who has always been cynical, will lose his temper like that. Although he doesn't know what's going on outside, the situation must be serious, and there may be danger...

It seems that this thought came together, and his body subconsciously grabbed him.

A light flashed in his black eyes, and Ye Zhiyu quickly let go of his hand as if he had been burned.

Qu Xiangtian withdrew her sight, and Ye Zhiyu only felt a "reassuring" floating in her ear in a trance. When she recovered, the other party had already walked to the door.

Almost the moment he opened the door, Qu Xiangtian heard Li Chen shouting outside, and the shouting sound probably made the whole community watch around.

He found that she was missing this morning. His first reaction was that she contacted Joker, or worse! A-TM attacked her with a clear goal. It was just that the evil spirit that had been lurking in the dark showed his minions, which must have caught the weakness of him and FBK at the same time. Otherwise, how could he be so calm? His recent behavior was so high-profile that he seemed to be afraid that he would not know their intentions.

And if she is really Joker's woman, then everything makes perfect. Why did she be traced through the residual information* of the shadow? If Jueying is just a cover, then her identity is much worse than he thought.

He had a lot of work and urgent documents on hand, but he had no time to care about it at that time. There was only one thought in his mind - to find her and ask her where she stood - and even forgot what the old man asked him to go home today.

But he looked everywhere she might go, and even went to the woman named Su Jin. But he couldn't find it, and he couldn't find it anywhere... Only then did he suddenly realize that Qu Xiangtian would be at a loss one day. However, he suddenly remembered another possibility and asked Li Shen to check the ticket transaction record of the railway station - she actually went back to N City as he thought! He came at rush hour, and the car was blocked. He did something that he felt unbelievable in retrospect - a woman with a bunch of money and rode away her bicycle and pedaled all the way. He wants to see her.

You can't wait, not even a second!

I saw her standing in front of him, but the words behind me could no longer be found by my hair to ask.

Qu Xiangtian restrained his mind and opened the door. Even if he already knew it, he still twisted his eyebrows tightly when he saw the battle outside the door, especially the man with a strict look at the leader.

Ye Zhiyu in the room was still worried. He couldn't help running to see the situation, but he was so scared that he took a breath - there were more than 20 armed soldiers with oil on their faces standing straight outside the door. They were powerful. Li Chen was pressed by four people on the front cover of the car beside him and could not move, and the leading middle-aged man Although people look a little thin, their eyes are like bright lights at night.

The person who came is not good.

The middle-aged man and Qu Xiangtian's eyes exchanged their eyes, and the cold winter night wind poured into the door, as if mixed with sparks and current, making his eyes astringent, but Ye Zhiyu did not dare to narrow his eyes at all.

" Uncle Qin, the old man actually called you out." The deep voice is still calm and calm.

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when he heard the words, old friend?

Looking at the signs on the shoulders of those soldiers, Ye Zhiyu was not stupid in the headquarters these days. Naturally, he recognized those special numbers of the red blade, and he was even more confused - his own people? Then why are you standing in front of your house so fiercely?

The middle-aged man called "Qin Bo" had a gloomy face and said coldly, "Xiang Tian, what you have done recently is too countless. Mr. Qu entrusted his troops to you, not for you to play!"

The tone of the man's lesson was very harsh, and his sharp eyes swept Ye Zhiyu behind Qu Xiangtian, who suddenly shivered. However, in front of her, a tall figure stood in front of her and covered her tightly.

" Uncle Qin, something is coming to me." The deep tone is still respectful, but there is no previous politeness. Li's eyes swept aside, and Qu Xiangtian said again, "Let him go."

Ye Zhiyu seemed to hear the man snort coldly, as if he was quite disdainful, "When I fought with Lord Qu, you didn't know where it was!" Now you dare to say so."

"There is no need to involve women in men's affairs. Moreover, Xiaoyu is not in good health these two days, and it is easy to catch a cold when the door is open. Please ask Uncle Qin to make a short talk.

Ye Zhiyu stood silently behind Qu Xiangtian and looked at the familiar tall back, and his heart was a little confused. It's too cunning. At the critical moment, he suddenly became considerate. What is this? He played a good husband and persuaded Uncle Qin to buy her by the way?

What's more ridiculous is that she is really a little moved.

What did my brother say? The more he grows up, the less promising he becomes.

"Qu Gong asked me to find you back. He has something important to tell you. I made an appointment, but I waited for you not to see anyone for a long time. I didn't know until I knew that you were not in the headquarters? I left my job and ran to find a woman! Mr. Qu is so angry that you know that his old man's high blood pressure is still such a bastard! Come back with me." The harsh voice was tough without rejection. Qu Xiangtian seemed to be unmoved at all. He pondered for a moment before saying, "Of course, but I'm still eating. You must have scared my parents with such a big noise. I have an obligation to explain to them."

"Fad! My own grandfather can't remember filial piety! What nonsense! You guys, go up and press him and take him away!" The man was very strong, but several soldiers seemed to be a little embarrassed when they heard the words. The man understood that they were scrupulous about Qu Xiangtian's identity and shouted again, "Mr. Qu's order, I don't believe anyone dares to deal with you!" The soldiers seemed to have some confidence, but they still looked at each other. The man was ready to get angry.

"No, I will go by myself." When the atmosphere was deadlocked, Qu Xiangtian's loud voice interrupted. Mo Ran's eyes seemed to inadvertently glance back at Ye Zhiyu. His eyes were a little complicated. He opened his mouth again for a long time, but this time his voice was very low, and only he and Ye Zhiyu could hear it.

"Come home with me."

Ye Zhiyu looked up at him in disbelief. He couldn't see any emotion on the other party's face, but... this asking for her advice?

Come home with me.

He has been talking and stopping since the afternoon. Is it because he has been holding this sentence?

"Xiaoyu, if you are full, just go. It's cold outside, so don't let people wait. Ye's mother and Ye's father came out with a smile at this time, but their faces did not look frightened by ordinary parents, and they were very calm.

Ye Zhiyu suddenly felt very guilty when he remembered it. I ran back silently, and now I don't know what happened, but it turned out to be like this. The movement is indeed too big. So far, no one has been onlookers. I guess they have been scared to hide at home by this battle. When they leave, I'm afraid their parents will have to explain.

However, the expression on Ye's mother's face was very understanding, "Go ahead and come back with Xiang Tian next time."

Ye Zhiyu hesitated to look at his mother and then at Ye's father. It was strange that Ye Jundian did not come out.

biting her lip, she also knew that the situation was out of control and she couldn't help it. She sighed and smiled an apology: "Well, I'm going back. Take care of yourself." Reaching out and holding the man's big hand, she took a step forward, "Let's go home."

Qu Xiangtian seemed to hear something impossible when he heard the words. He looked at her with consternation, and his body suddenly shook.

His hands were very cold. Ye Zhiyu didn't say anything, but just clenched the other party, said goodbye to his parents with a light smile on his lips, and then followed Qu Xiangtian and Li Chen into the car.

Looking at the posture, I'm afraid there will be more things to do tonight.