The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 51 Brother Tian is too black, too black

Because someone was pestered last night, when Ye Zhiyu got up this morning...

"Ah! Damn Qu Xiangtian is still not a human-h-h-h!"


It turns out that Emperor Yan still has absolute power in this family.

When Ye Zhiyu could come down from ** freely, it was already noon again, walking on the underground building, but Ye Zhiyu found Qu Xiangtian cooking in the kitchen with an apron.

She still remembers that when she first learned through Li Chen that this man could cook, she was so surprised that her eyes almost fell off. Later, she went to the supermarket to buy an apron and get one free. She stared at the apron with yellow duckling and white lace next to her, and mischievously wanted to buy two identical ones, but his one was blue.

She still remembers how interesting someone's cloudy face was at that time.

"Return." The two words are like clenching their teeth.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

The man seemed to hear her movements, and naturally knew what the other party was thinking. His eyebrows were twisted violently, and he threw a "go wash his hands" like an ice knife and didn't see the warmth in the bed at all.

However, a man of 1.9 meters wears a cute blue lace apron and holds a spoon in one hand. No matter how the ice knife over there is put, it still not fierce. But Ye Zhiyu still held back his smile with face and turned to wash his hands obediently.

She doesn't know why. Although she clearly looks disgusted, since then, as long as she cooks, he will still consciously wear it.

The same couple's apron...

"Papa!" A handful of cold water was poured on Miss Ye's face, and the person's cheeks in the mirror were slightly red. I don't know if it was because the tide of love has not returned or the lust has arised again.

Ye Zhiyu howled and stepped her head into the towel - she must have thought of buying this kind of thing before she had her brain pumped!

So Miss Ye struggled in the bathroom for a long time. When she came out, two bowls of noodles were already lying on the table.

She did hear Li Chen mention that this he could actually cook, but he was so happy that he pretended to be stupid with her before. But strictly speaking, it is not pretending to be stupid - because His Majesty Yan has never cooked normal home-cooked dishes - which can be seen from his first common sense in the supermarket. Li Chen's so-called cooking is, such as escaping in the wild or crossing 500 kilometers of uninhabited forest. During that kind of strict special forces training, he will make a fire and roast a hare or something.

However, now that she has given him ** to be able to cook, what a gratifying thing!

So Miss Ye sat down thinking about Shiran and casually put a mouthful of noodles into her mouth-


Is it too salty... No, there is also a strange sour taste. It seems that there is too much sugar, which is a bit like sweet and sour. Isn't it a little bit to eat such a heavy-flavored noodles early in the morning...

With a gudu, Ye Zhiyu still let himself swallow those things. No, she wants to have encouraging education... encouraging education...

The dark eyes looked at the distortion of Ye Zhiyu's facial nerves at that moment, but the man was unmoved. He patiently watched the other party eat the noodles he cooked. A little emotion flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his lips moved without a trace.

Then, he silently pushed his bowl of noodles in front of her.

Ye Zhiyu looked at each other in a daze, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

"I'm not hungry, I'll give it to you."

Looking at the evil flashing light in those eyes, the originally pale little face instantly appeared with some kind of frightened look.

Miss Ye was completely sad and indignant - he, he was absolutely intentional!!

Of course, in the end, he still didn't really let her eat the bowl of noodles, but from now on, no matter what time he will come back at night, the rules of her coming back to cook every night are so strong.

Ye Zhiyu wanted to cry without tears for a long time before he realized - what does it mean by "she comes back every night"? Where did you come back from?

The car stopped, and Ye Zhiyu looked at the bell tower on the side of the Red Blade Command. Ye Zhiyu didn't come to his senses for a long time.

"We... are coming back... No, do you want me to come back and continue to work?" And he drove here in person without avoiding suspicion?

The other party's silent eyes were as deep as usual and did not answer, but leaned over to help her untie her seat belt.

"Get out of the car with me."

Ye Zhiyu didn't say anything when he heard the words. He came down obediently, but his expression was a little complicated.

She said she wouldn't do it at the beginning. As the leader, he certainly can't be so unprincipled, especially this kind of man who can "kill relatives" at any time. It's not easy for her to take the initiative to come to her for a while.

What's more, through the last time, she suddenly felt that she seemed to be more mature and could be much calmer than before. However, she is a female demon, but she is not afraid of her. In addition to being tired of meeting, if she dares to bully her again, Ye Zhiyu will also repay her.

Qu Xiangtian silently looked at the woman around him as if he was going to go to the battlefield. Suddenly, he looked serious. There seemed to be a smile in his black eyes, but it was fleeting, but he just said in a low voice: "Let's go."

Qu Xiangtian's position in the headquarters reflects the reputation of "Yan Emperor". Countless soldiers and officers who passed by rubbing their shoulders stood upright and shouted "Good chief!" several times, which scared Ye Zhiyu a jump.

It's just... What makes her uncomfortable... Why did those people look at her after looking away from Qu Xiangtian? Is it possible that the matter between her and the female demon has been known to the whole headquarters?

It was a little embarrassing. Ye Zhiyu had to stare at the heel of the person in front of her all the way. Unexpectedly, Qu Xiangtian took her to his office!

leaving her stunned, Qu Xiangtian sat down at the table in no hurry, and Mo Ran's eyes quietly looked at the stunned look on her face.

"You..." She looked a little solemn, and she continued for a long time, "Do you want to rule me?"

Qu Xiangtian was almost breathed out of blood.

Pressing down the color of his eyes, someone said tevely, "I'm waiting for you to ask for it."

"Requires to be unspoken?" Miss Ye's eyes were still a little scattered and full of doubts.

However, Qu Xiangtian said that he would probably be killed by this woman.

After sorting out the emotions, the chief's distorted look was more normal.

"I'll give you two choices. First, being a correspondent is just the most ordinary correspondent equivalent to a secretarial position, following me to convey instructions and waiting for instructions."

"follow me", the five words made Miss Ye's forehead twitch fiercely, and she couldn't help thinking of someone this morning. The insect's appearance immediately laughed twice: "What about the first and the second one?"

Qu Xiangtian looked at the other party's strange look, and naturally thought of something strange to the other party. His eyes were a little gloomy. After a long time, he opened his mouth again, and his voice was cold.

"Go and follow Li Chen. He is in charge of the technical department."

"Technical department?"

"Yes," the low voice was not slow, "weapon design."

Miss Ye was even more stunned when she heard the words. She pointed to the tip of her nose and looked a little funny.

Weapon design? What do you mean by me?" What's this man kidding?

Unexpectedly, the man sitting at the desk looked unchanged and unexpectedly said patiently, "I saw those gun models in your house. You know those things very well."

Ye Zhiyu was a little surprised when he heard the words, and his expression changed slightly, but he still disagreed: "You can't let me do such an important thing because of this!"

"What are the characteristics of the WT500 sniper gun?"

stunned for a moment, Ye Zhiyu almost subconsciously said, "2.9mm caliber, 3.5P recoil, strong accuracy and penetration, ballistics are designed with external rotation and other axes, suitable for long-range sniping." After saying that, Ye Zhiyu came to his senses when he saw the other party raise his eyebrows.

Pressing down the strange color in her eyes, she said lightly, "You know I like this."

The other party also answered bluntly: "Yes, I know. I also think you are suitable for this job."