The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 60 Landing Battle

Qu Xiangtian has always been very strange. Previously, secret organizations have eliminated a lot of overseas underworld forces that pose a security threat to China. There are very similar research institutions, and the difference is almost only a difference in scale. If these are all done by ghosts, then he has figured it out. Why can the presence before A-TM be reduced to almost zero?

That man is a parasite.

There is a kind of insect that lays eggs in the body of the green worm, and the larva will suck its nutrients in the green worm and grow up. When it becomes strong enough, it will kill the host and come out to see the sun again.

"So, your research has been successful."

There was a happy laugh as soon as he heard the words: "Isn't it great? Modern warfare is completely different from the era of cold weapons, and people no longer experience the weight of human life through their own hands. Scientists like me intervened in the war, and we found a more efficient way.

"Did you see it, my lovely warriors. I have found a way to reuse the human body, which will be a historic discovery, and my name will be remembered by the world, hahahaha!"

Qu Xiangtian frowned and listened, his face was terrible, and he interrupted the other party impatiently.

"Your method is only suitable for third world countries with relatively few people and weak national strength. China should not be your target. There must be someone who has reached a certain condition and secretly planned some kind of conspiracy at the top level.

When the ghost face heard the words, there was suddenly no sound, and there was a death-like silence for a long time before a quiet hoarse voice came.

"Qu Xiangtian, you really surprised me."

Qu Xiangtian snorted coldly and knew that it was just a waste of time to talk to him again. He went straight to the point and said, "Now I'm coming. Where's her antidote?"

"I thought you came with the information I wanted."

"You don't even have the courage to see me in person. Why should I keep my promise?" Qu Xiang's weather is restless, but his tone is sharp and sarcastic.

At this moment, suddenly there was a strange movement behind him. Almost the intuition exercised over the years, Qu Xiangtian turned around and raised his gun, but there was a hoarse voice in his ear: "That's my messenger." At the moment of seeing the person coming, Qu Xiangtian stopped his finger to pull the trigger.

Stand in front of him was a burly man in black. The sunglasses on the man's face almost covered most of his face, and there was a very scar on his left cheek, so he looked particularly ferocious.

When Qu Xiangtian saw the person coming, his face suddenly became murderous.

He knew this person, that is, he kidnapped Ye Zhiyu at Qu Rui's door, and later ran away in the chaos when they saved people. Sure enough, he is an A-TM person!

"Kho", there was a cold sound of guns in the air, and Qu Xiangtian's black muzzle pointed straight at the other.

"This is an antidote." The man completely turned a blind eye to Qu Xiangtian's movements, calmly took out a glass tube from his pocket, and simply threw it to Qu Xiangtian.

Qu Xiangtian reached out and took the thing, only to hear Jue Ying say, "This is my meeting gift. Please accept it with a smile."

There was a wild smile on his lips. Qu Xiangtian moved his neck, and the bones made a "pop" sound. "In this case, I'm not polite."

When something arrives, no matter what the other party's purpose is, he no longer needs to stay in this damn place.

However, the man in front of him didn't seem to be ready to stop him. Qu Xiangtian raised his arm and his eyes were full of anger: "Since you have given me a gift, do you mind taking another gift?"

The man saw Qu Xiangtian's attempt, but did not pull out a gun. He seemed to be very calm. The ghost voice sounded in the flowers: "There are also thousands of zombie warriors in the laboratory on this island. The man's heart is connected to a switch somewhere. As long as his heart stops, the switch will be triggered. At that time, no one will be able to leave the island alive.

"What--?" The man's playful voice was stained with an arrogant smile, "Did I tell you that there are only 25 people on the whole island now?"

"What--" "The first team took the order, quickly evacuated the target building, and withdrew from the command center according to the original route with Plan A!"

"Ghost face, as for you--" "Bum--" In the flower room, the gunfire sounded, and the strong rose fragrance devoured the smell of gunpowder smoke. The man in sunglasses seemed to fall back, "Bum--" again.

The corners of the man's lips raised evilly, and the crystal-condening light in his eyes seemed to be a ghost-like chill at first glance.

"Ah, the lungs are perforated."

"bang--" was another shot, accompanied by a muffled sound, bursts of smoke in the rose bushes, and the sound of "sizzling" after the speaker was burned.

"No one can threaten me with anything. You'd better remember."

In the dark room, the man's exquisite hollow mask was cast a pale cold light on the monitored screen, his beautiful jaw was slightly tight, and there was a mysterious smile on his lips. Those beautiful glazed eyes reflect the figure of the man leaving the flower room on the screen. His beautiful and slender fingers are now playing with a rose and gently caressing him.

The legendary Emperor Yan? What will happen if you want to kill people who can't be killed as soon as possible?

Qu Xiangtian, as expected, it is said that the praise of this man is very high, but unfortunately it is a false reputation. It's not funny at all.

Beautiful fingers are tightened little by little, the rose petals are twisted into a twisted shape, and the air is filled with a strong fragrance, which is so strong that it is suffocating.

When Qu Xiangtian retreated to the hall, he was surprised to find that the soldiers of the first team were still there, not only them, but also many zombie soldiers emerging from nowhere, rushing up layer by layer to besiege them.

Seeing this, the handsome face covered with oil paint showed a surprised look.

He pierced the man's lungs, which caused a fatal injury and did not stop his heart immediately, giving them plenty of time to retreat. But why did he come up from the ground for only three minutes? Could it be that the man broke himself?

However, there is no time to think about that kind of thing now. Qu Xiangtian raised his wrist to the zombie soldier who flew over. The plasma was splashed everywhere, and there was a rain of bullets and some kind of beast-like roar from zombies.

"Brothers! Kill a bloody road!"

With his shout, everyone's faces showed the color of death. Their firepower was limited, and the other party had an absolute advantage in terms of the number of people. The protracted battle was obviously extremely unfavorable. Qu Xiangtian and others retreated and jumped directly out of the building from the window. 25 people kept their formation and fled into the jungle and immediately disappeared.

"General ginseng, the zombies behind you are still chasing!"

Qu Xiangtian looked at the black pressed thing behind him. The only difference between that thing and living people is that they can't die without hitting their heads. The sensitivity and speed seem to be no different from ordinary people. Qu Xiangtian couldn't help frowning and said in a low voice, "Remove quickly."

At this time, Gu Junmo and Li Chen, who had been anxiously waiting in the command center, finally heard Qu Xiangtian's voice: "Put the position of the two helicopters A and B as the coastline as the standard as 200 meters inland, and put down the suspended ladder and ready to meet us at any time!"

Yes! Chief!"

"A and B will listen to the order!"

Li Chen suddenly looked up at Gu Junmo's command, and his heart beat fast. So the boss successfully completed the task and came back safely? Great!

However, everyone saw chasing Qu Xiangtian and others about 100 meters behind the screen. After those black and huge number of unknown creatures, their faces showed a shocked look.

"What...what are these...?" A technician asked in horror.

Gu Junmo's expression also became solemn. Is this what attacked them? Are they all zombies?

The first team successfully got on the suspended ladder, and the command center was on the D machine where Gu Junmo and others were located. Li Chen first walked to Qu Xiangtian. His body was a little stiff, but his eyes were particularly firm.

"General ginseng, I will apply for punishment for my impulse."

His sharp eyes swept over the other party, and Qu Xiangtian said in a low voice, "Let go of this first. We still have something to deal with, that--" "General reference! The situation is not good!"

Qu Xiangtian's words were not finished, and Gu Junmo's voice over there intervened, "There are too many zombies, and some of them even began to try to water!"

"Water? That's the sea!" Li Chen felt even more incredible when he heard the words. Can zombies still swim?

Gu Junmo stared at the screen with a worried look. If the number is so large, it will not die easily. Although this island is remote, it is not impossible to land in other countries. The nearest country here is China! If this kind of thing occurs in large numbers in China, the consequences of this situation are simply unimaginable!

Qu Xiangtian also understood Gu Junmo's worries. His black eyes narrowed slightly. Tut, the man with a ghost face was not only shrewd, but also perverted. It turned out to be calculating. That is to say, whether he killed the man or not at that time, it would be like this.

"What should I do, boss?" Li Chen was also a little anxious. Although the Red Blade was an armed force, the mobilization of heavy weapons still required the approval of the Ministry of Defense. At that time was urgent and there was no time to follow those standard operating procedures.

However, the man didn't say anything, but his eyes stared at the monitoring screen for a moment, his jaw was tight, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Generalcan! What to do! You should say something!" What happened today was so strange and terrible that several technicians also panicked. Otherwise, they would not dare to speak like this at ordinary times.

Everyone watched the zombies jump into the water one after another, and the situation was almost uncontrollable. Suddenly, the voices of several helicopter pilots came from the radio: "There are unidentified flying objects behind them approaching at a very fast speed! Repeat! UFOs are approaching at great speed!"


Gu Junmo immediately called out the monitoring picture and saw several fighter aircraft diving forward. That model was obviously not owned by the government. He remembered that he had seen the latest female M55 fighter somewhere!

"Generalcan!" Obviously, the other party is not good, and the situation has become that there are tigers and wolves in front of them. What should they do?

Gu Junmo looked up at Qu Xiangtian with an extremely solemn look, but was surprised to find that the tall man put his hands around his chest and squinted at the screen, with a calm smile on the corners of his mouth.

After a long silence, the man finally said, "Along with our people to make way, and the reinforcements have arrived."

This was like a blockbuster, and the people in the command center were shocked. Among them, the most shocked was Li Chen - he recognized the fighter planes and the names they represented - which were beasts that had been lurking in the dark, representing the dark name - FBK!