The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 66 White Goose Essence

There continues to be noise on TV, but there has been no Qu Xiangtian in the camera for a long time.

Ye Zhiyu was still stunned and maintained a stiff posture. It was not until the remote control slipped down the sofa and made a loud noise on the solid wood floor that she suddenly shook her mind.

Ye Zhiyu understands in his heart. The big white goose contacted Jueying before departure and asked FBK to provide military assistance, which is indeed a strange thing. Imagine that the largest anti-terrorism armed forces in China will one day join hands with the largest gang-related organization in the country. Even if the existence of FBK is more used to maintain the order of the dark world, it is still a last card of the government, but after all, it is something that operates secretly behind the scenes. How can it really be said on the table, not to mention that the big white goose's action this time did not contact the other party directly without the consent of the superior military commission... This is a big taboo.

Ye Zhiyu bit his lip, and a rare feeling of self-reproach appeared in his eyes.

It's all because of her. If she hadn't been cautious and her life was in danger, he wouldn't have made such a risky move. He was almost desperate. Although he successfully saved her, he still got into trouble.


Ye Zhiyu still felt that something was wrong and couldn't help staring at the report on the TV. Although the content of the report has been changed for a long time, she still seems to recall what the previous reporter said.

Generally speaking, it will take more than ten days for this series of standard operating procedures to come down from the submission of the audit report to the procuratorate of the Military Commission to collect relevant evidence, and finally the military court to determine the trial. And it has only been four days since then. How can it be so fast? The big white goose took a dangerous move, which is also a strange move. It is impossible to be foreseen in advance. If there is really any hidden situation in it, I'm afraid there is only one possibility left - someone from the military or the top of the government aimed at Qu Xiangtian and inserted eyeliner around him, so that the program began to execute the middle part directly after the incident. It's to smear him.

If it is explained from the organizational process pattern of the standard operating procedure, this is the most likely situation at present.

What should I do... It started at 9 o'clock this morning, "It's... 8:40!"

The frequency of the heart beating disordered, and Ye Zhiyu felt at a loss for the first time.

Unexpectedly, it was not framed by A-TM, but the big white goose was put in the hands of his own people... Although he usually behaved arrogantly, he firmly carried out his justice. He can also be a hooligan and a scoundrel, but the glory of the red blade is more important to him than anything else. Ye Zhiyu couldn't help sneering. What an irony it was for the man who regarded the general's discipline and principle as an iron law.

Her heart ached slightly, and she slowly took a breath. Ye Zhiyu understood that she felt that she was not worth it for Qu Xiangtian.

So what should we do now? If the operation of the big white goose is being monitored now, will the Qu family still sit idly by? ...Wait a minute, Qu family...

Somewhere in his mind the logic was suddenly connected because of this word, Ye Zhiyu immediately took a deep breath and was stunned there.

No, it's not.

The Qu family is also a big hit. There is such a big political force behind Qu Xiangtian's military power, so such an obvious goal will inevitably become a target. But looking at today's Qu family, three generations are safe in such a place as cannibal eating people and spitting bones. It can be seen that they also have their own means.

Ye Zhiyu picked up the juice squeezed for himself, raised his head and poured it several times. He doesn't believe her. It's okay. He has never believed her, and she is not annoyed at all.

"Bastard white goose spirit."

"White goose essence?" Ye Zhiyu's gritting whisper was still heard by Li Chen. The latter was stunned for a moment, and then showed a smile that seemed to be tasting. His eyes seemed to gather light, and Ye Zhiyu trembled disgustingly.

"sister-in-law, are you talking about the boss?"

Ye Zhiyu's face remained unchanged, and he calmly took a sip of juice and nodded.

"Well, you saw him earlier than I did. Remember to congratulate him then."


"Well, congratulations on his upgrade."


Li Chen's forehead twitched, and his eyes swept over Ye Zhiyu's calm look without a trace, but his heart was dark. This woman knew that the boss had something to do, and she could still be so calm. She is not unpathetic to the boss, so there is only one reason why she can do this so far - she has seen through the boss's thoughts.

This consciousness made Li Chen shudder, so that he subconsciously felt that he should think too much. Although Ye Zhiyu kept surprising him, if her mind was deep enough to figure out what was happening now... then this woman... was too terrible. And such a woman's unclear position may bring an almost devastating blow to the boss's plan.

Ye Zhiyu made breakfast for herself. Li Chen said that she had eaten it, so she poured another cup of tea for the other party. The two sat on the sofa and chatted.

In the middle of the conversation, Li Chen seemed to suddenly remember something. His peach blossom eyes swept around before he said, "Sister-in-law, where are the servicemen at home?"

Ye Zhiyu didn't expect the other party to ask such a question. He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help thinking of an unbearable past.

It was not long ago that one night, after taking a shower, she remembered that her pajamas and the clothes she hung today were put downstairs and forgot to take them up. At that time, Qu Xiangtian was not at home, and she was the only one at home. So Miss Ye wrapped a big bath towel and went downstairs boldly. Who knew that there was such a coincidence in the world? As soon as she took out her clothes from the pile of clothes, the door over there opened.

Not only Qu Xiangtian came back, but also the little servicemen who followed him seemed to be listening to Qu Xiangtian's mission. When the other party saw her, his face turned red in an instant. He quickly covered his eyes and shed his nosebleed before he could escape in a panic. At that time, the face of the big white goose was really... tut... black. She almost thought he would jump on him and bite her to death.

From then on, Ye Zhiyu has never seen them again except when there is no one at home.

Oolong is such a thing... or let them be buried by time forever.

So Ye Zhiyu thought about it, and finally just laughed a few times and casually perfunctorily. Li Chen swept over the embarrassed look on the other party's face, and a trace of contemplative light in his brown eyes passed away.

At this moment, Li Chen's mobile phone rang. Ye Zhiyu watched the other party answer the phone incidentally, and then successfully captured the solemnity on his face.

quietly waited for Li Chen to close the phone. Before Ye Zhiyu opened his mouth, the other party said first: "The military court finally found that the evidence was insufficient, saying that the adjournment was postponed for the trial."

Ye Zhiyu was also stunned when he heard the words. The evidence was not enough for her to expect, but...

"Do you still want to review it?"