The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 68 Li Shen was replaced?!

It was the fifth night of the Chinese New Year, and the sound of firecrackers was far and close. On New Year's Day, she had a fever because of the virus, and later did not pay New Year's greetings to her parents. This is the first time in 23 years that she hasn't gone home for the Spring Festival. As a result, I didn't want to spend the first few days in the hospital, and my parents were so scared by the news that they called me directly.

Rolling back and forth in **, finally, the little figure sat up like a deceptive corpse from **.

"...the sound insulation..." In fact, it was not the cause of the firecrackers. She seemed to be unable to calm down from this afternoon, and her temples kept jumping, as if she had foreseen something was going to happen.

To be honest, her recent intuition is unusually sharp.

In the dark, only her breathing can almost hear her heartbeat. Only in this case will one irresistibly hear the voice in their hearts.

... Obviously, the other party is well prepared this time. He will live in the headquarters, which can be seen that it is also out of the plan.

What does he do now? Can't he sleep like her?

Miss Ye rolled a few more times in **. Finally, she couldn't help it. She touched the mobile phone on the bedside table, edited a text message, and her fingers stopped on the send button for a few seconds. Finally, she threw the mobile phone aside and lay back with some chagrin.**.

What's wrong with sending him such a message!

Wrap your head, as if you can eliminate all your senses. So, the next day, when Miss Ye woke up in a daze with two big dark circles, the scene in front of her still had a double shadow.

She was woken up by the ringtone of her mobile phone and vaguely said "Hello", but the other end of the phone responded to her with a silence.

Ye Zhiyu picked up his mobile phone and looked at it strangely. It was an unknown number.


The delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and the tone had escalated to dissatisfaction. Talk, don't talk about it."

"I'm Ling Yaoyang."

Simple five words, cold and frosty tone gathered Ye Zhiyu's scattered consciousness in an instant.

There is no ups and downs, and every word seems to be an ice bead directly hitting the nerve, which makes people suspect that the other end of the mobile phone is just a cold manual program.

However, with that familiar voice, Ye Zhiyu was convinced that the other party was Ling Yaoyang.

I sat up from ** and coughed gently. After waiting for her to speak, a voice came again from the other end of the phone: "From now on, I will take over Li Chen's work. If you need to go out, call this number. I will definitely be there in ten minutes."

"Ah, then Li Chen--"Dudu..."

Miss Ye raised her eyebrows and looked at the phone that had been cut off and was silent. How unsnable is she?

She has long been used to Ling Yaoyang's uninhabited attitude. So without much entanglement, he silently closed his mobile phone, but his eyes became solemn.

Yesterday, the big white goose came to explain that Li Chen was responsible for her safety. Why did it suddenly change to Ling Yaoyang today? It's not that she doesn't trust her, it's just...

Ye Zhiyu thought about it and still touched his mobile phone and called Qu Xiangtian and Li Chen in turn. However, strangely, neither of them answered the phone and the mobile phone was turned off.

"Why is this?" Ye Zhiyu gritted his teeth and thought for a moment, and finally dialed Ling Yaoyang's number. The phone was quickly connected, and there was a cold female voice: "What's the matter?"

"What happened at the headquarters?" This is the only possibility, and it's a big deal that Qu Xiangtian can't cope with it alone and wants to pull Li Chen to help. At this juxta, any variable is very dangerous, not to mention the ominous foreboding she has been haunting since yesterday.

At the other end of the mobile phone, there was a long silence. Just as Ye Zhiyu couldn't wait to open his mouth and add another sentence, the sound of "dududu..." came again.

Miss Ye stared at the mobile phone screen, narrowed her eyes dangerously, and the corners of her lips were held, and the curvature was a little gloomy.

This woman... is very, good, hang up her phone and play with her character, right...

She was not annoyed. She smiled in her dark apricot eyes and pressed the call button again. The moment the phone was connected, Ye Zhiyu said lightly, "I'm going out to buy vegetables later. Will you come?"


Knowing that she had successfully choked each other, Miss Ye closed her mobile phone happily and raised the corners of her lips.

Tut, don't worry. I'll see her later and see if she won't say anything.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Ye Zhiyu washed and changed his clothes and came downstairs, and a tall woman in casual clothes appeared at the door. Ye Zhiyu opened the door and wanted to welcome the other party in. However, the latter's cold eyes swept across the room, and his eyes seemed to flash a trace of emotion, which made Ye Zhiyu think it was his own illusion.

"I won't go in. I'm leaving now. Go and come back quickly." Ye Zhiyu looked at a frosty face in front of him and did not force it. He raised his eyebrows and closed his door and followed him into the car.

Along the way, Ling Yaoyang stared at the road conditions for a moment. Ye Zhiyu sat in the co-pilot's seat boredly with a smile on his lips.

Lifeyu is really wonderful. Who would have thought that the two of them are now sitting in the same car, and Minister Ling is still her driver.

So after a while of silence, Ye Zhiyu also felt that the time was almost ripe. She still looked out of the window, but her careless voice sounded in the car: "Dabai... Well, Brother Tian led the soldiers out. Why didn't he take you with him? At least there is a better chance."

All the way, he looked directly at Ling Yaoyang in front of him. Hearing the words, he turned around. His eyes were brilliant, and the sharp pole shot at Ye Zhiyu. The momentum was magnificent, as if the flames were coming, and ordinary people were afraid that they would be shocked immediately.

"Who leaked the news to you?"

However, what answered Ling Yaoyang was Ye Zhiyu's calm look and a smile on his lips from beginning to end.

Although Ling Yaoyang can't talk about her meticulousness, she can still be instantly transparent in such a simple situation in front of her. The frosty woman withdrew her sight and gritted her teeth because of annoyance.

"You set me up."

Ye Zhiyu shrugged his shoulders, "It doesn't count, at least I guessed the greatest possibility." There was only one chance, and she won the bet.

There was an extremely disdainful sneer in my ear: "Smart."

When he got the answer he wanted, Ye Zhiyu was not angry. He thought thousands of times, and his brain began to run fast.

Qu Xiangtian has not lost his personal freedom now. At most, it is inconvenient to move. He didn't go home and lived in the headquarters because of procedural needs. Therefore, the reason why Li Chen can't come should not be sent to do anything, but to accompany him as the most reliable tough general. It is something that Qu Xiangtian can't do alone, and this matter is so urgent that Li Chen doesn't even have time to say hello to her.

Qu Xiangtian is under surveillance, and the mobile phone must be required to keep it open 24 hours a day. But she called and turned off the phone. Not only his, but also Li Chen. This further convinced Ye Zhiyu of their idea of being together at this moment. So what will it be for? It is not difficult to guess that Qu Xiangtian is the largest head of the imperial military region, and there is only one thing the headquarters can do - command the battle. Li Chen fought together, and the war came quickly and urgently. Not only was Qu Xiangtian unprepared, but it was also serious enough to shock the Military Commission, making the senior military emphasize the other party to command the battle despite Qu Xiangtian's surveillance procedures.

Qu Xiangtian is indeed very strategic, and his strategic experience can be said to be unmatched, but there are a lot of talents in the army, and it is not impossible for him to command a war. So according to this inference, the enemy should be a Qu Xiangtian who is very familiar with or has fought, and is not clean and very difficult to handle... If the above conditions are met, the name is about to come out.

"What else did A-TM do?"

Ye Zhiyu said and carefully observed the expressions of the people around him. However, this time, Ling Yaoyang obviously did not intend to let her ask anything more, but he was probably shocked and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but beat his heart. Sure enough... She guessed right.

Now the military suspects that the White Goose and FBK are colluding privately. Although this charge can be said to be a crime, it is not fabricated and there is indeed evidence. Under such distrust of the military, the big white goose was still sent to carry out the mission. It can only be said that the scale and seriousness of the incident are not small.

... Didn't he just come back from the battlefield... It's only a few days, and he went to fight again before a good rest... Is it okay...

Thinking about this, Ye Zhiyu suddenly regretted why she didn't simply send that message last night. Although it is possible that he was already preparing to leave at that time, as long as he sees... even if he just sees...

The people around him suddenly calmed down, and Ling Yaoyang glanced at him without a trace. The noisy woman looked out of the window without saying a word, as if she was lost in thought. Ling Yaoyang had to admit that this woman really surprised her. The first time, when she was in the commuting department, she took a wireless reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance course. Later, the woman was transferred to the technical department. One day, the leader of the Viper Technology Department asked her if she knew a technical staff member named Ye Zhiyu, saying that Li Chen had given him some amazing design drawings. He wanted to ask her several places. Thoughts. She has always felt that this may be just this woman's luck, but she doesn't want to find that today she is deep-minded and good at design, not the woman she has always thought that she has no brain and relies on her body to confuse men.

No wonder... he will protect her so much.

When I think of that person, I inevitably feel a little astringent. Pressing down the complicated mood without a trace, the two of them had arrived at the supermarket in a blink of an eye.

The scene in front of him passed by little, but he vaguely felt a little familiar. Ye Zhiyu, who had been immersed in his thoughts, suddenly recovered and looked a little trance.

"Where is this?"

A trace of sarcasm appeared on the frost's face. I didn't want to talk nonsense with her, but I couldn't help saying, "I won't take you to a strange place in the underground garage of the supermarket. You can rest assured."

Unexpectedly, the other party's face was still a little absent-minded, as if he hadn't heard the ridicism in her words at all. He just shook his head and muttered strangely, "No, I look familiar. Where is this place..."