The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 70 His Fury

Qu Xiangtian has been without news for three days. Ye Zhiyu pays attention to the news every day in an attempt to get even a little bit of information from it. But no, nothing.

The mysterious man has never taken the initiative to contact her since then. Everything seems to be the source of torrentially and suddenly stopped. It can be said that it is very uncomfortable to be hung up and down.

No one made breakfast for him, so Ye Zhiyu simply skipped it. Obviously, the ingredients of a refrigerator, but looking at the empty hall, she still prefers to choose instant noodles. During this period, Miss Ye silently broke countless cups and plates, so that the servicemen began to come over intentionally or unintentionally and asked her if she needed help.

Ye Zhiyu did not plan to contact Ling Yaoyang again. She wandered around the house several times without doing anything. Finally, she found the drawings from Qu Xiangtian's study and planned to continue her weapon design at home. However, I don't know if there is no atmosphere. She always seems to draw smoothly and will take a pen for a while. Distracted.

Finally, someone who had been tossing for a long time looked at the progressless drawings on the table, got up and stood on the balcony impatiently. On the second floor, you can see the sentry and guards outside, and there is no car on the smooth road.

With a chill in the wind, Ye Zhiyu will wake up a little. He thought of the legend that the ancient woman became a Wangfu stone, and immediately had a chill.

Finally, on the fourth night, half asleep and half awake, Ye Zhiyu was woken up by the noise downstairs. At this point at home, there is only one possibility of movement - he is back!

Almost at the moment she realized this, Ye Zhiyu's whole body was reflexive. Huo Ran sat up from ** and listened to the sound of low footsteps gradually approaching. She almost felt that her heart was also following his voice, and she was about to jump out the next second.

Her hands unconsciously grasped in the dark and sweated slightly. She didn't know how to describe her mood at this moment. His appearance must be very dangerous, but listening to the sound, there should be no broken hands and feet made up by his brain when he was bored before. Listening to the footsteps, the other party seemed to be a little eager.

Is he the same as her... This kind of... Maybe it should be called an impatient mood.

Ye Zhiyu never felt that the time could be so long. As if every second has been infinitely extended into eternity, she wants to run out of bed to meet him and let his body temperature iron her. I have never been like this, missing a person's heartbeat and a person's taste. Since when has he been buried so deeply in her heart that it can affect every deepest emotion of her.

In the dark, a tall figure has appeared at the door of the bedroom. He did not turn on the light and could only see the outline against the light. The perfect proportion stood in danger, as if he were the ancient legendary god of war. For a moment, Ye Zhiyu felt his breath.

His clothes were messy and his breathing was particularly heavy, and he walked towards her step by step.

The last word of "Big White..." was swallowed into her throat.

It seems...

Realizing that something was wrong, Ye Zhiyu sat stiffly and stared at the man who was constantly approaching her with a pair of flustered apricot eyes. The other party was shrouded in a fierce pressure, as if he was angry.

He approached her without greeting or even a word. He directly reached out and squeezed her jaw, almost crushing it.


Regardless of the pain, Ye Zhiyu looked at the angry man in consternation. At such a close distance, he clearly saw the frost in the other party's eyes, and his heart trembled fiercely.

"You betrayed me."

He spoke very harshly, as if it was her who rubbing between his teeth instead of these words.

"...what did you say?" Ye Zhiyu was confused, and his heart suddenly became cold, and his tone became cold.

"Did you leak the information about the Red Blade?" He didn't give her a chance to breathe. He pressed step by step, and his men's strength was a little harder.

"Why do you suspect that I did it?"

"So have you done it?"

"I didn't!"

In the dark, anger jumped in the beautiful eyes, "Qu Xiangtian, listen, I, no, there is!"

Mo Ran's eyes flashed with an unknown emotion because of her persistence, but it was soon covered by anger.

"You'd better not let me find out."

The jaw loosened, and a force directly threw her to **. In his ear was the sound of his footsteps gradually walking away. **, the small figure maintained a lying posture, biting his lips, and couldn't see his expression clearly. Only his slightly trembling shoulders leaked his emotions.

Another voice sounded downstairs, " boss, A Ling is already waiting for you at the headquarters. Are you going there now or..."

is Li Chen's voice, which seems to be worried about something. What else can you worry about? Ye Zhiyu sneered. Qu Xiangtian's appearance of rushing into the bedroom and covering his face was to ask questions. Li Chen was probably worried about how she was doing now. However, before he could finish speaking, the man's footsteps sounded. Li Chen seemed to trot to follow, swung the iron door and returned to the silence.

The room was so quiet that you could hear your heartbeat, as if nothing had happened just now.

Ye Zhiyu sat silently **, with a dull expression on his pale little face, and his dark eyes had no focus. He stared straight ahead and didn't know what he was looking at.

The bad premonitions of the day before yesterday have come true. Looking at what he looked like just now, a wild beast that wanted to tear her to pieces was furious, with a fierce murderous intention all over his body.

She pulled her lips and burst into astringent smile in the dark.

How long will she and he have to deal with each other repeatedly like this...

Ye Zhiyu sat like this** until the door rang in her ear and her thick eyelashes trembled slightly. She tilted her head out of the window - she actually sat straight all night.

She ignored the doorbell outside, but the latter was persevering and had a tendency to go to the end. Ye Zhiyu didn't sleep all night and was troubled by the noise. He gritted his teeth and went downstairs. Li Chen outside the door saw the people inside the door and was so scared that the smile on the corners of his lips stiffened.

Ye Zhiyu glanced at the other party angrily and sneered, "Well, do you think if your boss sees my current virtue, will he directly ask for a divorce?"

Li Chen reacted quickly, leaned in with a smile and closed the door. "No, the boss is nervous."

The woman in front of her has long hair casually spread behind her, and she is lazy and tired. She speaks silently about last night's sleeplessness, and her face is even worse. The original slender figure, covered under the loose pajamas, now looks like a wisp of ghost.

suppressing the emotions in his eyes, Li Chen opened his mouth again, but this tone was rare and serious: "Junmo is missing."

Ye Zhiyu's hand pouring water paused and put down the cup. She turned her head unbelievably. Li Chen looked heavy and joking, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed to freeze.

After a long silence, Ye Zhiyu found his voice and opened his mouth dryly, almost whispering.

"How did you disappear?" Gu Junmo, Li Chen, Ling Yaoyang and Qu Xiangtian's three tough generals have been born and killed by more than ten years of friendship. They are not only their right-hand men, but also extremely profound fetters.

For Qu Xiangtian, what Gu Junmo's disappearance means. Ye Zhiyu will not understand that such a big thing happened. No wonder the man was out of control yesterday.

Li Chen is not going to hide Ye Zhiyu, and the purpose of his trip is also here.

"Four days ago, I was urgently recalled to the headquarters by the boss. A-TM carried out a terrorist attack, destroying two secret military experimental bases and causing hundreds of millions of losses. In order to prevent serious consequences, the superior had to postpone the military ruling on the boss and let him lead the Red Blade to fight against A-TM.

A terrorist attack at this time? If A-TM does not take action, the senior military officials will have to mess around with the big white goose, and the latter will also be very tricky. But now the attack of A-TM just gives the big white goose a reason to make contributions. Even she could understand such a simple truth in an instant. How could a person with such a deep-hearted ghost face not see through it...

Ye Zhiyu subconsciously frowned. Li Chen seemed to understand her mind and skipped the process and said directly: "The boss has been preparing for a clean-out of A-TM, and has also made a plan for this purpose. This incident happened suddenly and there was no time to make a strict plan, so I directly used the preparatory plan. But I didn't expect..."

"Is the information leaked?"

Li Chen nodded: "The other party seems to know our number, weapon configuration and the secret code of wireless communication, which is completely exposed to the enemy."

The number of people, weapon configuration and the secret code of wireless communication...

Ye Zhiyu was shocked, and the water cup in his hand almost fell to the ground. These... Aren't these all the courses she learned when she was trained at the Red Blade Command? So Qu Xiangtian would run around crazily last night and ask her if she had betrayed him?


"Even if I know it, it's only the most basic. Your platoon should not be able to break through as long as you know such a simple thing..." Joke, she is possible. Is it impossible for the others in the headquarters? In the final analysis, it's because he subconsciously doesn't believe her.

Li Chen nodded, "So, I believe it's not the source of information leaked from your sister-in-law. Besides, it's too obvious that it's deliberately targeted."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when he heard the words, and then pulled out a pale smile on his lips, with a little play: "You trust me."

"I have always trusted my sister-in-law!" With a straight face on his face, Ye Zhiyu smiled and did not intend to expose him.

Someone tried to provoke the relationship between her and Qu Xiangtian, and even Li Chen, who had been embanking her, could see it... Why didn't he understand?