The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 71 Writing for fun, read it as cough

The sky is covered with gunpowder smoke, the sky is covered by black fog, and the places that can be touched by the eyes are full of tragic scenes. If a person is still conscious, he must feel that he has seen hell.

There were bullets and cannons in his ears. His face was covered with oil paint on the ground, and his body was pressed with the bodies of his comrades-in-arms.

"I will lead Team A to cover your departure!" After being stopped, the man ran out on his own initiative. Guns and bullets, fire and smoke, and weapons are out. Almost desperately waiting for rescue. All the trapped brothers understand that if someone chooses to go out, they can no longer come back alive.

But the back of everyone in Team A was so determined that he didn't have time to stop it.

The name of "Junmo" got stuck in his throat.

Countless raids, this is the most tragic war Li Chen has ever fought. They successfully repelled the A-TM attack, but the death toll of Chiyan's elite troops was 1254, a death toll that had never occurred in any large-scale battle. The reason why the Red Blade is called the miracle force led by Emperor Yan is not only that it is like a hot east wind, and it is domineering everywhere, but also because of its incredibly low number of sacrifices.

Every brother's life cannot be easily sacrificed to give his life to the Red Blade and the country, but he cannot lose if he fights for them. This is the tacit understanding and pride of all Red-edged soldiers.

But this time, they lost Junmo.

A soldier disappeared on the battlefield for more than ten hours and was almost in a state of hopelessness, not to mention that Gu Junmo had been shot, and the wound was in danger of infection at any time. Bullets are flying on the battlefield, and the bodies of all the people in Team A have been found. There is no Junmo... Maybe it's because of a large-scale explosion in their direction... If the body becomes debris, how to find it.

Originally, the motive of A-TM's departure from this incident was very suspicious. Not to mention anything else. If they don't take action this time, although Qu Xiangtian can break free from the political mud, it is obviously not so relaxed.

But the other party doesn't have it, that is to say, it can get greater benefits through this.

Li Chen fell into a painful memory, his face turned a little pale and his eyes flashed. Ye Zhiyu looked quietly and could only guess that the war was cruel, but he understood that it was a kind of pain that she could not understand anyway.

Usually, they laughed and scolded and lived around them with flesh and blood. When at a certain moment, they suddenly turned into corpses, or even hid behind the cold and numb death toll, without even their own names. At this time, she realized that they were all soldiers. She still doesn't feel real now, but she feels cold all over.

Li Chen seemed to think of something unbearable to recall. His whole body was suppressed and trembling, and his eyes were painful. It was heartbreaking. Soldiers should be reinforced and tenacious. But on the battlefield, walking down the battlefield, they are just ordinary young people, but the fetters between comrades-in-arms has become a double-edged sword, and in the unknown darkness, they have become a sharp blade against wounds.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help frowning and reaching for another cup.

The nails are round and the fingers are slender. Li Chen looked at the glass handed over, was slightly stunned, and then took it without saying a word. He drank it very slowly, as if he was suppressing his emotions with the action of swallowing. When he finished drinking a glass of water, his eyes turned as usual again, as if the pain had just been an illusion.

Ye Zhiyu looked at him like this and felt a little distressed, but still didn't say anything. He closed his cup and asked, "Do you know that there should be some high-level officials inside the Red Blade in this battle? Even if you haven't been to the battlefield, you know a little about your intelligence.

When Li Chen heard the words, his eyes seemed to meditate slightly, and then nodded and said, "Yes, but I'm very confident in this." The soldiers at the largest base and end of the army may be installed, but these high-level officials are all old subordinates who have been with the boss for more than ten years. The friendship formed in the war is the most difficult to shake and corrupt.

Ye Zhiyu's eyes slightly swept over Li Chen's firm face, and there seemed to be a trace of emotion in his eyes, which was quickly suppressed by her.

"Is it possible that the leakage of intelligence has nothing to do with my consciousness."

Although Li Chen was used to being careless, he was also a smart person. He immediately realized that there was something in Ye Zhiyu's words and twisted his eyebrows slightly.

"What do you mean, sister-in-law?"

She shouldn't have said that. Because what she is saying now is speculation. Even if she holds some evidence in her hand, she can't show it due to identity cover-up. Second, this kind of target may be misunderstood as deliberately provoked or jealous of women.

But now, at a critical juncture, the goose's brain was probably stunned by Gu Junmo's disappearance. Her suspicion could be cleared by time. After a while, she believed that even the goose's brain could calm down. However, the enemy will not give them so long, and the next wave of attacks may be in a moment.

After going through all the interests and possibilities in his heart, Ye Zhiyu lifted the weight lightly and said lightly, "I think you can investigate Bai Shuiqing to see if she has been closer to any red-edged executive recently." Women are always the weakness of men.

Ye Zhiyu said while observing Li Chen's expression and made sure that he saw a trace of consternation and vigilance in the other party's eyes. She understood, but be vigilant... Ye Zhiyu thought about it for a few seconds, and immediately tightened his heart. It seems that her intuition was not nonsense at that time. Looking at Li Chen's reaction... At that time, she watched the video and guessed that Bai Shuiqing's transaction with the mysterious man had become so rigorous. The later traces were simply handled too carefully. Maybe it was because another group of people were monitoring Bai Shuiqing.

I just didn't expect that it would be the person on Qu Xiangtian's side.

Why... Could it be that the big white goose has already noticed the movement of the white water? Or is it just a simple protection for the old lover?

Li Chen saw that Ye Zhiyu's eyebrows did not speak, and his eyes seemed to fall into deep thought again. The shock in his heart was almost that he restrained all his expressions but was too powerful to completely hide it.

Monitoring Bai Shuiqing is an extremely confidential task assigned to him by the boss. Even he doesn't know what the boss wants to do. Originally, like Ye Zhiyu, he also felt that the boss might want him to secretly protect Baishuiqing to prevent someone from intending against her. But... Later, he thought about it carefully and felt that the boss was really not like a flower cherisher who knew women so well. Although Bai Shuiqing was indeed a little special to the boss, it didn't seem to be very special, especially after his sister-in-law appeared, he felt that the boss's previous attitude towards Bai Shuiqing was not an attitude at all.

But it's strange. How did my sister-in-law notice that she clearly had nothing to do with this matter, and even with the army? Women's intuition?

Li Shensha's eyes were a little narrow. Ye Zhiyu looked at the other party's old and cute appearance and was too lazy to complain. He snorted coldly: "A long time ago, I saw her sitting with a scar man wearing sunglasses and gave them a big envelope, which I don't know what was in it. That man was the main criminal who kidnapped me later. Then two days ago, I bumped into Bai Shuiqing and was robbed, but looking at the scene and Bai Shuiqing's reaction, the other party seemed to be deliberately standing there and waiting for others to rob, so I was still wondering if she was threatened.

Ye Zhiyu briefly described the scene at that time. She did not say that Bai Shuiqing covered her whole body like the return of the mummy, which deliberately misled Li Chen and made him think that she was recognized by looking at her face. Anyway, the video at that time must have been deleted by the other party. Except for a backup in her hand, no one but the person concerned should be able to prove the situation at that time.

This has a great advantage. Ye Zhiyu can disclose information without hesitation, and obviously has a big drawback - as long as the other party does not admit it, she can't prove that what she said is true. Once she takes action, her identity is exposed. Even if she is not suspected to be the shadow, Qu Xiangtian's white goose spirit will definitely be aware of it. If he does something on the computer at home or installs a camera in the room, she can't prevent it at all.

After listening to Ye Zhiyu's description, Li Chen looked slightly condensed.

"sister-in-law, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I forgot."

"Forget?" Ye Zhiyu also knew that her words were not convincing, but so many things happened later, and she really forgot.

Li Chen's eyebrows tightened when he heard the words. The Bai family is also a powerful family in politics. Although its power is gradually declining, the thin camel is bigger than the horse. If you want to investigate Bai Shuiqing, there is still no way to start without evidence.

Ye Zhiyu was not as optimistic as Li Chen. He said lightly, "In fact, you don't have to do anything. Just tell Qu Xiangtian what I told you, and he will tell you what to do."

"Sister-in-law, you are very confident in the boss!"

Someone sneered, "I don't think that man's goose head is so stupid."

Li Chen's forehead twitched, and his sister-in-law really hated it... This must-have woman certainly can't let go of the boss so easily. Yesterday, he said that he would stop the boss from coming. Tut, he was obviously eager to see him, but he didn't admit that he was still under such a bad excuse.

Boss, boss, he has been following him for so long and he can't understand it more and more.


Ye Zhiyu looked at the heartless appearance and understood that Gu Junmo's disappearance still made him painful. However, people can't stop walking in pain. On the contrary, living people should continue to move forward instead of those who have left, carrying their lives, and their steps should be more firm.

But everyone knows the truth, but it's really hard for me to live. No matter how happy it is on the surface, the bloody wound in my heart is still painful.

However, this can only be done by himself, and she can't help him.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhiyu did not confront each other and said coldly, "I'm going to the bar and I will call Su Jin. Are you coming?" She is still under security surveillance. This was originally purely according to the procedure and meant nothing else.

However, the man's face immediately changed when he heard Su Jin's name, but he pulled out a smile and asked, "What is your sister-in-law doing in the bar?"

The cat-like apricot eyes glanced gently for a moment, and a trace of charming color passed, and the curvature of the lips was rarely frivolous.

Miss Ye calmly left three words.

"Let's have fun."

Write for fun and read it as a whoring man.