The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 76 The good man is him, he is the big white goose

The big white goose hasn't been right recently. This is not Ye Zhiyu's illusion.

He suddenly withdrew her security surveillance without saying anything. The day after returning from N City, he put her back to work in the technical department. Ye Zhiyu couldn't describe his thrilling mood when he saw the big man suddenly appear at the door of his office with a lunch box at noon.

For the first time, her tone was a little panicked and embarrassed, and she asked for a long time, "What are you doing?"

Who knew that the man was not embarrassed? In addition to her, there were many colleagues working in the office, all of whom looked narrow. "Let's have lunch with you." He took it for granted, and his ink eyes glanced around faintly and stared back at those interested inquiring eyes.

Miss Ye looked at the drawing that she only had left, and shook her head crazily: "No, I'll eat after drawing."

"Bang!" A lunch box was directly patted on the table, followed by a man's expressionless face, and his tone was still very light, but with an indescribable strength: "I've done it for you, and I'll eat it here directly. I'll leave after you finish eating.

"Wow..." There was a small moan in the office, which made Ye Zhiyu blush inexplicably and stared at the lunch box at a loss.

What does it mean that he did it for her? Doesn't he know how to cook? She still remembers the strange soup noodles last time, and what's more strange is... when did he cook...

Ye Zhiyu, the light in Qu Xiangtian's eyes, understood that if she dared to refuse again, this faceless man might beat her on the spot. Therefore, in order to protect the harmonious atmosphere in the office, she bit her lip and put down the drawings in her hand and opened the lunch box. Ye Zhiyu was so rich in vegetables. The man's face seemed to have a trace of annoyance on his face, and he knocked lightly on her forehead: "Eat."

Miss Ye was choked... Why are you so shy...

Obviously, even Miss Ye was frightened, and people in the office had already felt that they had hallucinations about their long-term work.

However, this does not count. Our Emperor Yan also provides afternoon tea service and on-site pick-up service after work. Ye Zhiyu's identity was low-key at the beginning. Only the people in the technical department and a few other people knew about it, but when Qu Xiangtian made such a fuss, everyone at Red Blade knew her existence - the eldest who did not enter. People married a capable and beautiful wife, and even broke out their wife and slave attributes after marriage. These days, the technical department is very lively, always "by" passers-by, and then they stay at the door for a long time, especially when the chief came to deliver lunch and love afternoon tea. Even the chief's ice rays seem to have lost their power. Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but be ashamed. The big white goose is really psychologically good, and he can even stick to this greasy behavior without changing his face.

Every day, the dishes are changed without repeating, and the overall atmosphere in the headquarters is extremely happy. Finally, after Qu Xiangtian's behavior lasted for a whole week without fatigue, Miss Ye decided to change the dining place to Qu Xiangtian's office to prevent onlookers.

So near 12 o'clock, she dropped her pen in the surprised eyes and went straight to Qu Xiangtian's office. Knowing her identity, the little serviceman at the door let her in with a smile, with unmasked ambiguity in his eyes.

Miss Ye was also too lazy to explain. She pushed the door blindly and entered, but found that Qu Xiangtian was not in the room. She was a little surprised.

I'm not here... Then wait for him. Just as she walked to her desk and was about to sit down, the corners of her eyes suddenly swept over a book. The colorful colors were very inconsistent with the simple and neat style of the office.

"100 Family Cuisines...?" She picked up the book, but found that there was still a book under it, "... Delicious Home-cooked Cuisine..." Picking up this book and found another book "Nutrition Matching Common Sense", so all kinds of magical books were turned out, especially the one at the bottom. The moment she saw it, Ye Zhiyu's eyes almost came out of her eyes. Falling from the eyes - "What you must know to be a good man"


Help! What is this?

Miss Ye's heart was simply a thunderbolt. Her fingers couldn't help opening the book, but found more frightening - the book was densely full of comments and supplementary notes carefully written after reading...

The whole person... is not very good...

Ye Zhiyu's head was still in a state of failure, but the little serviceman's powerful "Hide!" suddenly sounded outside the door, which scared her to be unstable--

"Crackling - Bang!"

The tall man pushed the door out and saw him standing there at a loss, staring at his daughter-in-law and the messy books scattered on the ground. His resolute face showed a slightly surprised look.


"Well, I'm coming to you for lunch! I just accidentally touched it, coughed and knocked it off!"

Qu Xiangtian swept her slightly red cheeks, and a smile flashed in his eyes, but he didn't expose her. He quietly walked to the bookshelf aside and took out a lunch box from the second floor. "I just finished the meeting. I'm not too hot yet. Wait a minute."

Ye Zhiyu looked at him as usual and ordered the serviceman to come into the office again. His long legs approached her step by step, but she never felt like this - her heart was beating violently and she didn't know where to put her nervous hands.

He collapsed directly from the pile of books and wrapped his arms around her waist.

His palms seemed to have a hot temperature. Ye Zhiyu stiffened slightly. He looked away and pushed him, "Let go of me... This is the office."

Who knew that she underestimated the thickness of the man's skin. He not only turned a deaf ear to her words, but also buried his head in her neck, sucked her smell deeply, and took a heavy breath on his collarbone, deliberately making a lot of noise.

Ye Zhiyu was immediately ashamed and annoyed. He screamed and was about to push him away, but the other party noticed that he grabbed his wrist one step in advance and came up to kiss the corners of her mouth.

"The meeting is really exhausting..."

He suddenly came up with a brainless sentence, which made her slightly stunned. This is not like what Qu Xiangtian would say at all, okay?

Speakingly, she thought that she seemed to have seen something in the book "What You Must Know to Become a Good Man"... Article X, good men should learn to be soft, and occasionally acting coquettishly to their female partners appropriately can also reap unexpected results... There seems to be some comforting comments from this guy later.

Miss Ye only felt a creepy hair behind her back and swallowed her saliva.

Qu Xiangtian looked at the woman in his arms and stared at himself with a look at the monster. His expressionless handsome face seemed to appear a touch of uncomfortable red. Then he coughed and said, "I said it's very tiring to have a meeting." Then he stared at her, as if expecting something.

She still stared at him for a moment, looking dull.

Finally, Uncle Qu seemed to have exhausted his patience and brought her to himself with some angrily, grabbed her small jaw and directly sealed her slightly open tender lips with his lips, waiting for the opportunity to enter, teasing her and his rhythm, and kissing her warmly and hotly.

The door was not completely closed, and the servicemen probably guessed that his meticulous and serious chief would perform such a ** scene in the office, and directly pushed the door out and screamed in horror.

This sound successfully attracted the attention of the two people who kissed the sky and earth. Qu Xiangtian frowned and his face immediately darkened. The sharp displeasure in his eyes made the serviceman's heart jump immediately. He quickly put down the lunch box in his hand and shouted, "Yes, I'm sorry!" Chief!" Without waiting for Qu Xiangtian's response, he rushed to the door and fled in panic.

Unlike Qu Xiangtian's calmness, Miss Ye's skin is thin. At this moment, her face is already hot enough to cook eggs. A force struggled out of the man's arms and stared angrily.

He glanced at the obvious color on her face, obviously angry, but his eyes were amazingly beautiful. His heart moved, he leaned over, imprinted a kiss on her eyelids, and then immediately turned to get the lunch box that was put at the door.

It's just that there seems to be a problem now...

His lady... seems to have been petrified.

Ye Zhiyu really felt that he took the initiative to go to his office for dinner, giving the man with yellow waste a chance to do it openly.

She returned to the office all the way. As soon as she stepped into the office door, she felt a strange atmosphere. Almost everyone was staring at her and smiling ambiguously, looking narrowly. But when she looked over one by one, those people turned away as if nothing had happened. Miss Ye immediately had a bad feeling in her mind... Damn it... That serviceman...

It turns out that men are also amazingly capable of gossiping. One afternoon, she sat on pins and felt, and finally saw the point where Qu Xiangtian was coming to deliver afternoon tea... It was very aimless to urinate.

As the saying goes, you can't avoid the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

In the evening, he picked her up from work.

Qu Xiangtian drove in person. Ye Zhiyu sat in the co-pilot, stared at the night scene outside the window, thought for a moment, and finally broke the silence and said, "You've been very strange recently."

"Real?" He seemed to smile, which annoyed her inexplicably. Is this man still pretending to be her?!

Ye Zhiyu sneered and deliberately said a little sarcasticly, "Do you know what others say about you?"

He made a nasal sound and motioned her to continue talking. Miss Ye snorted coldly, smiled a little, and said, "The leader who said that their mighty and brave leaders are fearless is--" paused and gritted her teeth with two words: "Fear, inside."

He said that he was afraid of women, so he should give some reaction.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhiyu took a dose of medicine, but she laughed a few times, and even her voice was stained with a smile.


She turned her head to his relaxed appearance and made sure that the man around her was not saying the opposite, and was stunned again. What's wrong with this man recently? He said he was afraid of him and still laughed so happily?

Qu Xiangtian seemed to see her confusion. An unpredictable light flashed in his eyes, his lips squeezed, and the corners of his lips moved again imperceptiblely.

Ye Zhiyu looked at his softened side face in an instant and only felt that his heart beat irregularly.

She looked away with some anger and didn't dare to look at him anymore.

After driving all the way absent-mindedly, Ye Zhiyu suddenly recovered, looked carefully at the roadside building, and was suddenly stunned.

"...Where are we going?" This is not the way home.

Over there, Qu Xiangtian also explained simply: "Go to the Bai family, Uncle Bai's family will have a New Year's party today. The old man asked us to go." He couldn't help ringing the previous phone call in a serious tone, saying that he was a little concerned about the people who had "important people" to introduce and could make the old man pay so much attention to.

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when he heard the words... Uncle Bai's house? That is to say, Bai Shuiqing and Bai Shudi are both?!