The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 83 Strange Dreams

The body has already been extremely**, and the man on his body can easily move the owner of this body without trying to flirt.

Ye Zhiyu gritted his teeth and tried to make a final struggle while there was still a trace of reason, but he was sealed by the other party...


"You let go...ah... I..." The simple sentence was moaned. The collision was fragmented.

He did not slow down and seemed to be able to do it, but one of the forces in his hand was much more rude at the beginning.

"If I let you go now... you will have a hard time..."

His deep laughter shook her chest and made her tremble through the close chest.

This posture can't resist. I can only feel him more deeply at once. I was pressed on the table and rubbed fiercely. It was a little painful, but mixed with inexplicable pleasure.

Ye Zhiyu's head was really a little blurred, and there were bursts of dizziness inside. He could only subconsciously dance to his rhythm, as if his body was no longer his own.

Somewhere was scratched, causing a sudden electric current on her back, followed by a hum on her lips.

A bright light flashed in the deep eyes of the man behind him, as if he knew that he had found the right place and changed his way to rub against that special position.



Finally, when all the waves gathered to the most magnificent state, the man behind her suddenly bit her shoulder and stopped moving.

The emptiness that fell from the clouds in an instant made Ye Zhiyu's reason slightly recover a little. This man... deliberately tortured her...

"...small...heart..." The body was so soft that Ye Zhiyu's voice could be charming as soon as he said it. He obviously wanted to scold him, but it sounded more like begging or coquettish.

It was already annoying enough to be bullied by this bastard big white goose casually, but now she can't even scold!

The dark pupils seem to be burning fireworks at this moment, which is particularly bright and fascinating.

Qu Xiangtian only felt that his throat was tight, but he still suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said in a hoarse voice, "Now, give me an explanation."

It's really for revenge!

Ye Zhiyu narrowed his eyes and tried to ignore the emptiness and anxiety in his lower abdomen. He pulled his lips and smiled, with no intention of admitting defeat at all: "It seems that your current situation is more urgent... Are you sure you want to wrong yourself?" She took a mean look at the fierce little white goose and spoke leisurely.

He looked at the promiscuous smile on her lips, and his anger rubbed in his chest again - this damn woman... is still not soft...

Very good...very good...

Ye Zhiyu looked at the mysterious light of interest in the other party's eyes and couldn't help but beat. Before she could open her mouth, her body was filled again and pushed to the deepest part, making her cry uncontroll uncontroll.

"Ah ah ah..."

In his ear, his deep voice was like a devil's whisper, with seven points of evil and three points of anger.

"You will die today."


It turns out that Emperor Yan is a man of his word. Ye Zhiyu himself didn't remember how many times she fainted in the office. Later, she didn't know why she moved to **. Every time she woke up, she found that the man was still working hard on her. Her unconscious body betrayed her, and her shameless underground consciousness responded enthusiastically.

He is simply crazy. Ye Zhiyu now feels weak, not to mention a finger.

Qu Xiangtian's office has a separate room with a bathroom surrounded by frosted glass and a big bed. Later, she learned that this guy used to sleep in the office for months when he was a workaholic and didn't go home. Now, she is held in his arms. Although she is not restrained, she also lazily let him clean himself up. The water temperature is very suitable, as if it can wash away all fatigue. She simply adjusted a comfortable angle in his arms and served him.

I have to say that there is a difference in the physical structure of men and women in the sky. Now he has not killed her. It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge, let alone a woman! When she wakes up...hum...

The man restrained his eyes and looked at the expression on her face, as if he was unwilling, with a trace of resentment, but his soft body obediently leaned on him, allowing him to move, and couldn't help laughing secretly, and his eyes were as deep as mud. If Li Chen could see his boss's current gentle eyes to drown, he would be scared and sent directly to the hospital.

Ye Zhiyu didn't sleep well last night to play tricks on his brother Tian. He was severely tossed by a crazy man for a long time without eating at noon. He had been exhausted for a long time and soon fell asleep and slept deeply.

She had a dream. In the dream, there was still a gentle boy's back, holding her hand, and behind him was a blood-red remnant sun.

The boy's hands are very warm, much higher than her, and he walks step by step. She felt that it was a little difficult to follow her, but he did not let go of her. Instead, he stopped and slowly turned his head.

"......Brother Yi..."

The boy has soft black hair, covered with warm and broken sunset. His facial features are delicate and deep, slightly tender. His silver-gray eyes were looking at her with a smile, as gentle as the most difficult mud in the world.

She was stunned for a moment and was stunned in an instant - "...ghost face..."

"Ghost face!"

I suddenly opened my eyes, and what I saw was a vast darkness in my eyes. The chest heaved greatly, as if he didn't use enough air in his lungs.

Consciousness gradually returned, and she suddenly realized her dream.

The person in the dream is Brother Yi, but why did he turn around and become a ghostly face? It can't be wrong. Although she looks like a teenager, she won't be wrong with those eyes. The silver-gray pupils, with a little sick melancholy, hidden cold frost and snow, but always smile, light and confused.

About Brother Yi, Ye Zhiyu was surprised to find that she hadn't thought about him for a long time, perhaps because her heart had really been taken away by that man.

When Brother Yi left, she was only 5 years old and couldn't remember what he looked like for a long time. It is very strange that a group photo of two people can't be found at home. The clues on the Internet are either too long to be traced, or the household register has been deliberately destroyed.

The only thing she is sure is that the one who adopted Gu Yi must not be an ordinary person. That time, the big white goose followed her home. She thought it would be him. Although it was such a coincidence, she still married the person she wanted after so many years. She was surprised, but surprised. He lost his memory and naturally won't remember. The two are now husband and wife, and she doesn't feel the need to know the truth.

But why did she suddenly dream of Brother Yi's face, and this person is not someone else!

Ye Zhiyu frowned, but there was nothing to waver, but a little confused.

People say that dreams are all contrary, and how can they take what they casually imagine...

...However, dreams are also a reflex of the subconscious.

Ye Zhiyu lay on ** and closed his eyes again. When he opened it again, his eyes were already clear.

It doesn't make sense for her to worry about this kind of thing now. Besides, it's not surprising that Alan just took action and dreamed of him.

Ye Zhiyu cleared his mind and began to realize his current situation. The touch of some rough quilt cover directly rubbing her skin made her heart beat - countless fragments suddenly passed through her mind. What the bastard had done to her before made her cheeks red, and she didn't know whether it was because of shame or anger.

She reached out and turned on the light, just like the location at home, and was surprised to find that she was not at home now. With a neat and clean casual military uniform beside her pillow, Ye Zhiyu suddenly remembered that the suit she wore into the office had been torn to pieces by a crazy goose disease patient, and the ten fingers in the quilt couldn't help tightening again.

That man didn't forget to help her clean up the medicine, damn it! Who cares about giving sugar after it's finished?

"Hush--" Miss Ye blushed slightly and put on her clothes angrily, but found that the soreness all over her body was so painful that as long as she moved slightly. So... someone was scolded again.

The body's reaction was far more than before. The moment she stood up, her legs softened and sat back **. She couldn't help but secretly remember that she would be eaten in the future, and never use that posture again!

No, in the future, she will go to chop off her fifth limb to make it bad.

With a sad smile in her heart, Ye Zhiyu pushed the door open, and the familiar interior layout finally made her clear - dare she still be in his office...

......and so on......

Fuck! What time is it now? How long has she been in this damn place?!

The hour hand of the clock on the wall approached nine o'clock, and Miss Ye felt that the whole person was not very good in an instant. That is... Everyone got off work... She went to Qu Xiangtian's office and disappeared directly... This is so fascinating!!

What kind of face will she take tomorrow!!!!

In fact, there can be another explanation for this matter, but someone was guilty at that time and stunned.

Looking around the empty room, Qu Xiangtian is not there, " it a meeting..."

Ye Zhiyu muttered, and his stomach suddenly grunted. Ye Zhiyu glanced at the bookcase. Sure enough, the lunch box was lying motionless in the old place of the bookcase. She squeezed her lips and finally stepped forward to open the bookcase.

Ye Zhiyu was reaching out to hold it, but found that a printed report was exposed next to the lunch box. She was not interested, but the words "FBK" at the beginning attracted her attention, and her fingers almost subconsciously pulled out the report.

However, looking at the content, Ye Zhiyu's eyebrows gradually twisted.

This is a strategic plan deployment to attack a secret base of FBK. The implementation time is half a month later, her birthday.

But what puzzles Ye Zhiyu the most is... Why does the big white goose still think about his brother in this situation... Moreover, why did he put such an important thing in such a place?