The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 87 Memories of the Snow End

She took good care of it. It's only been five days. Although she still doesn't move very well, Gu Junmo can move freely. During this period, the most embarrassing thing should be to change the medicine and purify her body. Every time he let her move, she looked indifferent and felt as if she was facing a human model, but he was a little uncomfortable.

On the sixth day, he opened his eyes. It was already noon, but she still fell asleep against the door.

The man looked at the woman leaning against the door and couldn't help frowning slightly. It seems that he hasn't seen her go to bed these days and has been resting against the door like this. Isn't she also injured? How can she be so reckless?

A little unhappy irritability surged in his heart, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't realize that his body had moved to her side. Her face was still pale, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her breath was long.

Gu Junmo finally realized that something was wrong and hesitated for a moment. He still reached out and touched his shoulder, only to find that her body was very hot. No matter how carefully you look at it, your delicate cheeks also have an abnormal blush.

Gu Junmo's heart tightened inexplicably, and he didn't have time to immediately pick her up in the air. The moment he picked it up, the man's narrow eyes couldn't help showing some surprise.

The little man in his arms, "light as feathers" is exaggerated, but she is indeed much thinner than he thought. It's really hard to imagine how such a body can burst out such a powerful force.

She doesn't look like she is in her early twenties. What kind of things did she experience before she chose to play for FBK? Such a tough skill can't be practiced overnight. He can't imagine her childhood.

The temperature on her body was a little frighteningly high. There were no medical conditions here. Gu Junmo thought about it and slowly tore off the uniforms that were messy on the ground. The force was greater, and he may have torn the wound on his shoulder by the way. He noticed these military uniforms a few days ago. They are Red Blade, with the special number of the Red Blade Soldier on them. He has been wondering why these clothes appear in this room.

The moment he put down the clothes in his hand, Gu Junmo suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something in his pocket. He put it in and touched it. It was a small hard object.

The black eyes stared at what was in his hand, and his narrow eyes couldn't help but feel a little deep.

What he is holding at this moment is actually a mobile radio emitter specially configured by Xiang Tian for the Red Blade warrior.

This kind of thing was also developed by the viper's technical department and is specially used for emergencies. As long as you enter your own code, you can send a mobile signal to determine the location, and once the headquarters receives the transmitted radio waves...

Gu Junmo stared at the little black man in his hand and looked at the person with a fever, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

She should not know the existence of this thing, but she brought it back by mistake. She has taken good care of him these days, otherwise she wouldn't have been tired and had a fever. Although she is the enemy...

Gu Junmo thought for a moment, but he carefully put the small black box in his pocket for the time being.

The snow outside the door has stopped, and the road in front of the door is almost blocked. Gu Junmo was slightly stunned and couldn't help looking back at her. Does this woman clear these feet of snow before going out to fish every day?

reached out and held the snow into the military uniform he had torn off, and went back to wrap it in several layers and put it on his hand to confirm the temperature. Then he carefully placed the temporary ice bag gently on her forehead. Her fever was partly due to fatigue, and more likely due to the infection caused by the wound on her shoulder that had not been treated well. There are no medical facilities in this room, and the drugs originally stored have been used by her to treat him. Now he can only rely on physical cooling to ensure that her temperature does not rise again.

Food... is also a big problem.

Thinking of this, Gu Junmo's stubborn face suddenly flashed in his mind and couldn't help but be stunned. These days... she doesn't eat at all, does she?

At this moment, a silver chain slid out along the woman's slightly open neckline, with an oval pendant hanging under the chain. The pendant has been looking for some years, and the lid above has also slipped away a little because of gravity. It seems to be a photo inside, but the photo is quite new. From this half, it can be seen that it is a man's face.

...a man...she cherished it so much that she took his picture close to her.

At the moment he realized this, a strange boredom suddenly rose from his chest, wrapped in a little anger, and came without warning, which made Gu Junmo stunned.

He stretched out his hand and slowly and completely pushed away the hanging lid, revealing the complete appearance of the man. As expected, he was indeed a handsome man, but with a little evil spirit between his eyebrows.

He frowned and stared at the photo for a long time. Gu Junmo closed the lid and didn't know why. He put the pendant on her neckline with a guilty heart and let it slide back safely along her collar.


The head is dizzy, and Bingling must admit that after struggling in the past few days, his body has reached its limit. Last night, she obviously felt in poor spirits. Originally, she thought she could recover after sleeping. Who knew that her body was getting colder and colder in the middle of the night, and finally she lost consciousness in shame.

She received such harsh training since she was a child, and she couldn't believe that her spirit would really lose to her body one day.

When Gu Junmo came over with fish soup, the ** people had already opened their eyes, but their eyes were not as clear as before. At this moment, he was a little confused and a little foggy because of a cold. His eyes were quite lovely.

Realizing what he was thinking, the throat knot rolled. Gu Junmo's hand holding the fish soup couldn't help but stiffen slightly, but his handsome face looked calm and slowly sat down by her bed.

The current scene is a little funny. Five nights ago, the two of them were still exchanging their current roles. At that time, she looked cold and arrogant, but now she has become a patient lying **.

Bing Ling seemed to smell the familiar fish soup, and her eyes gathered in an instant. She looked at the man beside the bed in disbelief and said, "How did you catch the fish? There is nothing you can do if you don't chisel it..." At this, she seemed to suddenly think of something and choked in an instant. , swallowed the words back into his throat intact.

His light eyes slowly swept over her, and his eyes looked at the fish soup in his hand. The corners of his lips gently raised an imperceptible arc, as if he was self-deprecating and said, "Yes, I want to chisel the ice, put my hand into the bone-piercing ice water, and quietly wait for the fish that almost sinking at the bottom of the lake to pass by. Hairwood's hand is still agile enough to catch it... I missed it several times and didn't catch it for the fourth time. What about her? Every time she helped him fish, she had to soak her hands in ice water for how long, and then came back as if nothing had happened to fight against him mentally. Not to mention, there was such a heavy wind and snow outside a few days ago.

Her illness can be said to be the disaster he brought.

He looked deeply at the woman who bit her lips and didn't say anything, and sighed as if sighing: "...I didn't know that this fish would be so difficult to catch." In the words, there seems to be a little apology.

Bing Ling couldn't help frowning and said coldly, "You don't have to feel that you owe me. I have my own plans."

"What are you going to do?" He looked at her lightly and didn't mean to force her. Her eyes were clear, as if quietly waiting for her answer.

Bing Ling only felt a choked in his throat, stared at him coldly, and smiled contemptuously: "You are an important hostage. Only by letting you live can I maximize the benefits of adults."

He understood that the adult in her mouth naturally referred to Joker. However, Gu Junmo always felt that he suddenly heard the absolute words about a man from her mouth. For a moment, he couldn't say the reason, so he could only temporarily suppress his displeasure and whispered, "I found another thing... The fish itself is thorny."

The black eyes stared at her for a moment, and the ** woman's face was indeed a trace of uncomfortable, and her eyes were colder. She almost blocked her throat: "They are not a breed!"

He looked at her stubborn face and only felt that his chest was slightly blocked, but he did not open his mouth to expose her.

This woman is too proud to be misunderstood than to see her kindness. Or...she knows he will be in trouble...

Then the reason why he came to this room and his comrades-in-arms saved him...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at the clothes on the ground not far away and frowned. The answer was clear, but he didn't want to delve into it.

She is right. If the truth is that she saved him, then he will really shake his position because of principles. A woman's unreserved kindness to a man is not his narcissistic or misinterpreted... I'm afraid that's the only reason left, even if she has never really appeared on her face.

He is so stubborn that he almost pathologically adheres to the so-called principle of standpoint, but it does not mean that he can't see the heart close at hand. It's just that there is an absolutely insurmountable gap between them, and once some things are confirmed, they are doomed to be entangled... And between him and her, there needs to be clear boundaries.

So, he didn't say anything, just silently handed the spoon to her lips. Bing Ling frowned at him and finally reached out and grabbed the spoon from his hand.

"I can do it myself."

He understood the woman's stubbornness and did not argue with her, so he easily let go with her.


Such a day makes ice cream occasionally have a momentary illusion. It seems that she is not the backbone of a dark organization that is proficient in assassination and individual combat, and he is not a righteous warrior with awe-inspiring military discipline... They are just a young couple living in seclusion in the ice and snow, as if time has stopped forever with this endless snow.

However, such a day was finally broken by his rescue team who broke into here.

They brought her into the inhuman room as an enemy, and he carried out the tortures that could break down at any time.

All the previous days seemed to have been left in the snowy hut on the Moscow border with time, and this place has become an endless and complete hell.

But even at such a moment, she is still happy in her heart...

... It was his people who broke in that day, not Mo.

Dreams always wake up one day, and the most terrible thing about dreams is not in themselves...

But after waking up, there is no way out.