The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 90 Gradually

It is often said that illness comes like a mountain.

However, Ye Zhiyu has always felt that it is a description of an old man in poor health, which has absolutely nothing to do with himself.

However, this illness seemed to deliberately want her to turn around and slap her in the face. Not only did it come quickly and fiercely, but the physical protest was not discussed at all. I think it's because I not only didn't have a good rest last night, but also been tossed all night.

Thinking about this, those crazy pictures couldn't help pouring into his mind again. Ye Zhiyu took a deep breath and took a few more sips of boiling water to take the medicine. His head was still heavy.

"If you want to play hard, you should just be imprisoned. It's dangerous to leave me outside."

His eyes swept through the empty room, and his voice was soft, with a little self-deprecating.

It's not that she can't feel his feelings for her, but he never said it. His hot eyes occasionally meet, and they will choose to avoid each other tacitly. In fact, she knew very well that even if he was willing to give his life to himself, the price needed to trust her was the glory and survival of the whole red blade he carried. Stay with him and wait for time to give yourself an explanation.

It's very promising to do this, not like Ye Zhiyu. But she is doing such a thing now.

The explanation of time is because torture and misunderstanding lead to the end of each other's hatred, or finally get a heartfelt response... She said that Su Jin was stupid, but she herself?

Now he clearly didn't know what he misunderstood, but he didn't take any measures against her - obviously, the man was ready to make a plan. Speaking of which, last night, he was already beating the grass and frightened the snake. The crazy love can be called tortured. For the thoughtful man, it should be out of the plan.

And she was dizzy last night. She didn't have to go out to find that person at all, as long as she used the identity of Jueying to trade anonymously on the Internet.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu didn't think much about it. He immediately went upstairs to turn on the computer and hacked into the FBK system to get his brother's*. Speaking of her identity, her brother also knew it for a long time, but he closed one eye and let her come. Now that she sees FBK's system page again, Miss Ye is inexplicably a little complicated.

Converging her mind, she quickly found the person she was looking for - a woman who always called herself Yue. First-class craftsmanship, I don't know anything*, black and white have been mixed like a fish in water for many years. Her so-called craftsmanship is to produce fine appliances in small batches. Only you can't imagine that she can't do it, but the big premise is that the buyer should provide fine design drawings.

The equipment of the red blade is very high-end. Even the bulletproof vest is made of high-strength and high-mode PE fiber. It is almost a luxury to equip the whole army with bulletproof vests of this material. However, after being in the technical department for so long, Ye Zhiyu found that the configuration of their emergency equipment is relatively weaker. It is not a big problem in the design, but in materials. She didn't understand why the troops were so hasty in emergency equipment since they were willing to equip every soldier with bulletproof vests. She has also asked Xiao Wang for advice on this issue, and the other party also hesitated not to say the reason, so that she even speculated that it was because the man Qu Xiangtian deliberately did it. Once there was a fire, he had to fight for the consciousness that he would definitely die, victory or death, just like his usual cognition - right or wrong, there is no gray area. .

Of course, it's too extreme to think so, but with that madman's thinking, Ye Zhiyu suddenly felt that it was not impossible.

Time is limited. If she starts drawing now, plus the other party's production time, she can barely get a set of objects, from escape locks to rock nails, etc., zero. If she wants the best materials, even if the time is enough, she can't afford the cost.

Ye Zhiyu thought for a quick time and covered his IP address with a triple pseudo-code, so he assured that he entered A Yue's contact information on the screen. That's a small code, and a black chat room window pops up after input.

Ye Zhiyu frowned and thought for a moment, and his fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard. Without a word of superfluous nonsense, just make a list of what you need.

I don't know if the other party is waiting online, but it is also a second back, directly giving the price and production cycle.

14 days... It's a little tight, but there's still time. The main thing that shocked Miss Ye was the other party's asking price - although she had heard that A Yue had always opened her mouth in business, it was too exaggerated! It's at least three times higher than she expected, even if she takes out all her savings. Moreover, if the goose spirit of Qu Xiangtian senses any trace from it... Now the relationship between them has been like this and is developing...

...No, in fact, it's not that there is no way.

Miss Ye thought for a moment and still gritted her teeth and agreed to the transaction.

So, unexpectedly, she successfully concluded the deal without even showing her identity. But I think so. What she wants is just some emergency equipment, not biological and chemical weapons. It's like going to the supermarket to buy snacks instead of cigarettes and alcohol. There is no need to show her documents at all.

It's just that she was curious that the woman really opened the door to do business, and she was not curious about how she found her at all.

In the dark world, the most indispensable thing is legend. She doesn't have to worry about this at all.

So he went offline and wiped his traces of use. Ye Zhiyu walked out of the study and began to prepare for drawing design drawings.

On the other side, in the office of the Red Blade Command, the dark eyes were staring coldly at the back of the woman leaving in the room on the screen, looking gloomy.

Su Jin used the connections accumulated in the writer's circle to find several part-time jobs for Ye Zhiyu at a very fast speed. Although it may not be reliable, she knows that she has no choice and needs the money.

When Qu Xiangtian came back, Ye Zhiyu was about to change his clothes and go out to work part-time. She was a little surprised to hear the movement downstairs. She thought he was preparing for the war, so she would sleep directly in the headquarters tonight.

However... Not long after, when the man went straight into the master bedroom and trapped her at the head of the bed, Ye Zhiyu finally understood the meaning of the other party coming back at night.

Those eyes were colder than last night, looking down at her condescendingly, as if they were looking at a product.

About this time, Ye Zhiyu suddenly found that he was really cheap.

She is a good person. Why does she let him do such a thing to herself like a *?

"Qu Xiangtian, what do you mean?" He was not tied tightly, but his delicate skin rubbed against the rough fibers and still caused pain. She stared at him and returned to her cold eyes without any rudeness. "Do you know that I can go to the military court to sue you for this kind of abuse?"

She was really angry, and her expression was even stained with the smell of clenching her teeth.

The man in front of him had no expression on his face when he heard the words, but just took off his clothes and covered her. His hard chest squeezed her softness fiercely.

In the dark space, there was a malicious voice in her ear, which was as cruel as the devil.

"I'm going to do it now. You promise you won't get wet. I'll sue you."

She saw undisguised contempt in his deep eyes. The man said humiliating sentences slowly, and his fingertips scratched her**.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help frowning and humming, but there was a death-like silence in his eyes.

... She seems to have seen it, and time will give her an explanation.

He rudely opened her leg directly without hesitation. Ye Zhiyu only felt a fierce pain in his lower body, and the wound that had just grown was torn again... And at that moment of pain, she suddenly sensed the absurdity of her accommodation...

...What on earth does this man think she is?


Ye Zhiyu thought that such days would continue, but that night, the man left her, but put on his military coat again, left the sentence "I won't go home in the near future" and left the room.

**'s jade body is so strong that he doesn't even have the strength to pull over the corner to slightly cover **'s body.

The ceiling is high... dark... as if she thought she could see the future.

So during the day, Ye Zhiyu worked as a temporary programmer for a software company, and at night, he did a few evening part-time jobs. When he returned home, the eastern sky had begun to turn white. Then take a three-hour break, and she has to get up and work.

She has sent the drawings to the woman named A Yue, and now all she has to do is make good use of the waiting time to make enough money. Although working in a software company during the day is mental work, several part-time jobs at night have a commission due to time problems, so it will be calculated that the salary at night is actually higher.

In just 14 days, in fact, she can't earn much no matter how hard she tries. Instead of this, she might as well ask Su Jin to borrow it quickly. Or there is something simpler and rough - directly hack into the Swiss bank and converge a huge amount of wealth along the vein. What she can do at her level is not only not noticed at all, but also can be done in minutes.

It's just that it's illegal. What is obtained in an illegal way is basically to protect a person's heart. She won't do it - she didn't do it, her heart! Even if the two have reached this point, she is still talking about bullshit! Even in the end, he chose this useless method, which can be said to be simply self-harm.

... In fact, deep down, Ye Zhiyu knows very well that she just wants to find something to do for herself, or the unwillingness in her heart.

She is sure that he has secretly sent someone to spy on her secretly, and the other party will definitely return her recent situation to him. Maybe she is still looking forward to that one day the man will take the initiative to appear in front of her and tell her to stop.

Stop and stop tossing yourself...

However, Ye Zhiyu finally waited for a person. However, this person is not Qu Xiangtian.

At the door, the smiling man stood with a delicate but sick face, and the silver-gray eyes flowed with glazed light.

He looked at her and said in a familiar tone, "How about it? Would you like to invite me to sit in?"