The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 98 She fought side by side with him

Ye Zhiyu looked at the development of the war on the screen and frowned more and more. Obviously, there is no intention to underestimate the enemy in this battle. Although the big white goose is a planned trap, it does carry risks. First of all, the most uncertain thing is probably how powerful her newly developed weapon is in actual combat.

This is not just about the power of the weapon itself, but also about the compatibility with the performance of the helicopter itself.

Sure enough, what Ye Zhiyu was most worried about still happened - although there were reinforcements, the A-TM fighter only panicked for a moment, and the enemy's pilots seemed to have excellent quality. After only a few minutes, he had adjusted his strategy and used the flexibility and speed of the fighter itself to start counterattack. The situation in the picture soon began to fall to the side of A-TM, and the helicopters equipped with weapons were almost destroyed to the point where they could not continue to drive.

Ye Zhiyu watched the helicopter sway down in the air, and then a violent explosion, and the wreckage of the plane fell from the air, and the pilot in the helicopter had no chance of survive with this sound.

I don't know how many people were ambushed in the rainforest. Looking at the thick smoke and the fire that had been ignited in some areas, Ye Zhiyu, sitting in front of the computer, only felt cold breathing.

The tongue of fire seemed to be wrapped in a heat wave on her face, life passed away in front of her, the fierce war continued in an invisible place, and the raging smoke and continuous flames... When she was almost in a trance, she felt that she was just watching a movie.

But isn't that so? Qu Xiangtian, that man is now desperately trying somewhere she can't see, maybe there is a rain of bullets above her head.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but see what he looked like when he was cooking noodles at home. His resolute facial features seemed to be covered with soft light, and his eyes were focused and quiet and depressed, which made her almost fascinated.

And now it has only been a few hours since then. He has painted his face with oil, put on a strong and courageous coat, and returned to the legendary existence of Dijing.

She couldn't help but feel that she was the only one who had seen his appearance at home... Could the only thing she have seen be a beautiful illusion she imagined? It's like she once cared about what she saw in his eyes...

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but be distracted for a moment, but the raging fire on the screen suddenly brought her back to her senses - I don't know when several helicopters of the Red Blade had been shot down, and there were still two left in A-TM. Later reinforcements seemed to have successfully landed, but there were no weapons in air combat.

The two fighter planes seemed to have finally let go of their hands and feet, dived in the air, spewing out fire tongues and lighting a hot wave in the rainforest.

He is right below!

Ye Zhiyu stared at the screen, and his ten fingers gradually tightened unconsciously, so tight that his joints turned white and even his nails almost fell into the meat.

Qu Xiangtian is below. I don't know what the situation is going on in the rainforest. There are still two A-TM fighters left. In this case, it can be said to be extremely unfavorable...

The scene where the living life was blown up just in front of him is still in front of him. Ye Zhiyu can hardly imagine that if that man also becomes like those people...

... After a breath, she only felt cold, boneless, desperate cold, as if her blood had frozen.

Fear enveloped her heart, and there was a voice in her heart that had never shouted as strongly as it is now. She must do something. The reason why she hacked into the satellite was to help him in case of such an extremely unfavorable situation.

It's time to take action, but how can I help?

In the past, there was a brother who secretly made up the loopholes left by her, and now she is suddenly uncertain whether she really has the ability to help him.

But she doesn't want to see him in more danger... She doesn't want him to die...

Ye Zhiyu's fingertips were cold, but she was so panicked that there was nothing she could do... She shook her head, stretched out her hand and pinched her thigh fiercely. The pain slightly stimulated the nerves numbness of fear and panic.

"No, calm down."

"Calm down, there must be something to do."

Hackers are planning strategies and winning thousands of miles away! She is a first-class hacker and can definitely do something about this war!

If...if these two troublesome fighter planes can be disposed of...

Ye Zhiyu took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. After constantly telling herself to calm down, she felt that her head was not as chaotic as before, even if she still felt that her heart seemed to jump out of her chest.

The heart seems to be out of her control... again and again... beating hard... deviating from consciousness...

That's right!

At this moment, Ye Zhiyu suddenly had a thrill in his mind - uncontrollably! That's it. Why didn't she think of it?

Ye Zhiyu adjusted his breath and moved slightly, and his fingers began to fly on the keyboard quickly.

Because the fighter is extremely fast, even if the naked eye reaction and hand operation can be coordinated and unified, it is extremely mental, so the pilot generally hands over the orbit of the flight to the command center and uses artificial intelligence.

But...what if there is something wrong with the signal of this command center?

Since this island is her brother's, it should not be difficult for her to hack in... "It's done!"

Ye Zhiyu couldn't wait to be happy and forced herself to concentrate. She soon found the signal transmission tower on the island, and her fingers began to enter instructions. At the same time, she used the island's wireless equipment to send interference signals to hinder the signal reception of the fighter, and then - at the moment of completing the instruction input Then, end the signal interference in your hand.

After Ye Zhiyu finished, he didn't dare to blink and stared at the picture on the computer screen and nervously waited for the result.

If it doesn't succeed... No, it will definitely succeed, it must succeed!

Sure enough, according to Ye Zhiyu's plan, the two fighter planes that had dived according to their respective tracks suddenly took up, then turned around and rushed across at a very fast speed.

The pilot in the plane estimated that he did not expect such a strange situation at all. He temporarily began to manually adjust the flight trajectory, but it was too late. The two planes collided with each other fiercely. Although only the wings were damaged, the damage was serious, and soon it was like a dragon killed by a knight falling to the ground.

Ye Zhiyu in front of the screen was not until the black smoke at the tail of the machine was swallowed up by the rainforest, and her heart hanging in her throat fell back into her stomach.

As she expected, these fighter planes have not been modified. When the signal of the command center is blocked and recovers within ten seconds, they will automatically begin to readjust and match to receive signal instructions. And the nearest signal tower is under her control.

This method is not particularly high in terms of technical content, but the speed of the hand is very important, and it has to deal with two different program codes at the same time. Even if it is a second slower, it will fail, not to mention that she is still in a hurry, especially if she feels that the life of the big white goose is in her own hands, and she is terribly stiff.

It seemed that his strength was drained all of a sudden. Ye Zhiyu took a long breath, and his whole body collapsed on the chair.

It seems that this is the first time she is so proud of being a hacker. Even if her life has almost changed dramatically because of the shadow, even if her doubts about her have never stopped because of this identity...

But fate is so wonderful that it takes something from you and will compensate you without asking your will. And now, if she can choose, she will still choose to become a shadow and marry this man... Then today, she will fight side by side with him.

Now there is one last thing left, tell the big white goose that she sewed something in the sandwich of his coat.

When this is done... she can leave here.

Get out of here... She herself has just been under house arrest and tried to escape once, but he was ready for that time, and she planned to hurry.

With her last experience, coupled with her life here during this period, he was also overwhelmed on the battlefield. When he came back and learned that she had left, he sent someone to look for her. She was probably already abroad.

He once threatened her that she could not run away from the temple, but in fact, her mother and father were never worried. After all, her mother was in charge before FBK was handed over to her brother. Although she was lazy, Ye Zhiyu was sure that at least that man could not touch her family. away like this......

There was a soft sneer in the room, with a slight self-deprecating smell.

She has always understood the opposing positions of the two people, but she has always allowed herself to persevere. If she hadn't found out that he had used a monitor against her, maybe she wouldn't have died so completely.

This is the last time she helps him.

Qu Xiangtian, I'm clear with you.

"Daw! Don't fucking think that you can be clear with me like this!"

She could almost imagine what he looked like when he was furious, but she was not afraid at all. Instead, she felt relieved that she had never before.

This probably doesn't feel like a secret anymore.


On the other side, there was a bursting sound in his ears, and bullets roared in the forest. The tall and heroic man only felt that his heart was inexplicably tight, and his beautiful sword eyebrows couldn't help twisting.

At this moment, a captain suddenly exclaimed behind him: "Look! What's going on! The two fighter planes crashed into each other!"

The man paused when he heard the words, and his black eyes followed him to look at the sky. He was silent, and a deep emotion suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, a red-edged soldier suddenly appeared from the woods on the right side. The other party was seriously injured and his legs trembled, as if he were about to kneel on the ground next.

When he saw the man in front of him, he seemed to suddenly ignite a fire in his eyes: "Zongshen! Vice Li accidentally fell into the enemy's trap! Now people are trapped!"

Li Chen?

The man's eyebrows sank fiercely. Li Chen is a special soldier with rich experience in field combat. How could he accidentally make such a mistake? However, when I thought of the other party's absent-minded state two days ago... Qu Xiangtian's heart immediately sank.

Looking at the troops behind him, the man pondered for a moment and finally gave the order: "All personnel attack as planned, you! Take me to the position of Deputy Li!"