The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 102 flirting and anti- flirting

He kissed her, and his dexterous fingers wandered away from her body. He did not tear off the precarious pajamas, but patiently teased along her ** area. He is so familiar with her body that every touch of his fingers always makes her tremble.

His enthusiasm used to be like a prairie fire, hoping to light her in an instant, but the rare warmth and patience caused her to quickly fall, subconsciously began to twist her waist and take the initiative to seek more in his hands.

The big hand picked up her full curve and slowly slid down the slippery skin, but it wandered away from the waistline and refused to move forward.

Her emotional appearance was imprinted in his dark and dark eyes. Qu Xiangtian leaned over and pecked the woman's slightly open mouth, released the confinement on her with satisfaction, and even stretched out his other hand very considerately to help Ye Zhiyu put on clothes that were so loose that it could not be lower.

Ye Zhiyu was still shaking in confusion. The hand he suddenly withdrew from her body made her subconsciously frown with dissatisfaction, and her face turned red and seductive.

It was not until his smiling eyes were looked into her again, and someone was shocked that he realized that it was all his deliberate teasing.

This man flirted with her like this and suddenly stopped it, which was definitely revenge for her yesterday when she let Bai Shudi enter the ward.

It's so narrow!

Miss Ye stared angrily: "Get out of here." He took the opportunity to move away and prepared to stay away from this oily beast. He didn't want the other party to backhand and imprisoned her in his arms again. His black eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was absolutely sincere apologized: "I'm sorry, I can't help it all of a sudden."

The hoarse and charming voice seemed to swim along the nerve skin, and the warm breath was close to the auricle. She knew in her heart that it was his malicious teasing, but she couldn't help but feel soft all over.

I can't help it!

Ye Zhiyu was even more angry. But now she is not angry with Xiangtian, but with herself. Why is she so disappointing? As soon as she is provoked by him, she is completely trapped, powerless, and even longing for more?

stared angrily by Xing's eyes, Qu Xiangtian did not feel pressure, and there was still emotional evidence in his eyes, which seemed to be particularly coquettish.

He gently held her in his arms. Ye Zhiyu suddenly felt that someone's hot iron-like object was against his soft lower abdomen. It had long been fierce. Her face was shocked, and then her eyes flashed in the dark and flashed a burst of cunning.

"Brother Tian..." She was tired of calling him and deliberately rubbed deeper into his arms. The soft things clung to her hot desire. Qu Xiangtian was shocked and suddenly retreated a little away from her.

"What are you doing?" This is not a question. There is something wrong with this woman.

His more hoarse voice made Ye Zhiyu smile in his heart, but his water snake-like soft body clung to him again: "Husband, I was so comfortable just now, and I still want to..."

A fire suddenly jumped in those dark eyes. Ye Zhiyu restrained his eyes and suddenly softened his voice: "...But what should I do? I'm a pregnant woman..."

She rubbed him and smiled like a goblin in the moonlight. Qu Xiangtian finally understood that this woman was revenge!

Her little trick was clear in her heart, but her body was swollen and painful because someone just said "husband". Ye Zhiyu smiled low in the dark and felt his iron-like body in an instant. The tight jaw was obviously suppressing something desperately.

After a moment of silence, the tall man turned over and fell out of bed - took a shower.

Ye Zhiyu listened to the sound of water in the bathroom in a frenze, which was a little unbelievable. How could he resist it? Hahahaha!" Someone laughed wildly and turned over**.

Emperor Yan, who is wise and martial in the legend of Dijing, can now hear the unbridled laughter of the woman outside the door through the sound of water. Cold drops of water hit his body, with a strong and handsome face.

This damn woman...

When he rushed to save Li Chen, the latter was trapped in a cave. When he entered with thick smoke, the other party had already fallen into a semi-coma. It was not too late for him to think much. He immediately carried Li Chen on his back and walked to the mouth of the cave and found that he was surrounded by fire. This is the rainforest. The fire can burn so big that it seems that the enemy has spent a lot of preparation, and the fire is also mixed with a lot of kerosene.

At that time, the only way to escape was to evacuate along the inside of the cave, but this bet was extremely risky. Although the caves in the rainforest were mostly two-headed structures, it was not unexpected. The fire outside was so strong that it could be seen that the enemy deliberately forced them to die here, and the interior of this cave was very likely to be alive. The road was also blocked. What's more terrible is that even the cave itself is not a natural trap...


The thick smoke in front of him was so choked that he couldn't open his eyes. There was no time to hesitate. Qu Xiangtian turned his eyebrows and walked to the depths of the cave with Li Chen on his back...

The cold drops of water hit his back and scratched the handsome facial features carved by the man. Qu Xiangtian turned off the water and wiped himself dry with a towel.

That's right that the cave was formed naturally, and the enemy did not do anything at the end - outside the cave was an extremely narrow rock wall, which almost blocked the entrance of the cave, not to mention that he still had a person on his back. Even if he was alone, the distance was not enough for him to go out. The rock walls outside the cave are tilted from the bottom up to the outside, intertwined with the thick roots of rainforest plants, but the surface is still too slippery to climb.

If it weren't for the rock nails and first aid tools she gave...

He may not be able to come back. Even if he comes back, there is absolutely no time to save Li Chen.

He owes that woman two lives.

It was not until his life was on the line that he found her kindness. He is not a man who will be annoyed by his mistakes. Even if he is wrong, he will never regret the original decision. But clearly at that moment, he realized that he owed her too much. A kind of emotion called chagrin almost overwhelmed him.

Never has a war so long that he almost feels that time has stopped.

Especially when he finally escaped and successfully completed the battle, the combat effectiveness of A-TM was reduced by at least one-third after this operation, but the price he paid was too high.

He couldn't wait to see her when he got off the battlefield, but when he got home, he saw the message she left on the surveillance screen.

In the empty room, he suddenly fell into a moment of stunnedness, with only one message in his head, as if something hit his body at once, and the indescribable stuffy pain: she left.

I have always thought that there is nothing I can't control, including women. However, he suddenly found that when the woman patted her buttocks and left without anystalgia, he didn't know where to get her back.

This cognition made some part of the heart seem to grow sharp claws, scratching, and he was impetuously calm himself down at home. The headquarters received the news of her car accident. The suffocation of the whole blood coagulation, and the body rushed into the hospital uncontrollably.

If she has any accident, it should be blamed on him. It was his self-righteousness and arbitrariness that forced her to this point.

That day, he sat by her bed with his eyes open all night. The fatigue after the war made his body more sleepy than usual, but he was extremely awake.

** The woman fell into a coma, and there was another small life in her body.

I lost all my memories and woke up from the Qu family, closing all my feelings in resentment and conspiracy to make myself strong. Nothing can't be sacrificed, and nothing is worth sticking to. As long as he becomes unmatched, he is so strong that no one can shake it, climbs up without distractions, and doesn't feel that something can be called a loss.

He laughed at love, but he didn't expect to be deeply retalized by such a violent and unwarning means.

This is the first time that he has such a strong desire in his heart, and all his feelings are shouting in his chest - he wants this woman.

He asked her to stay by his side. Even if she had planned to give up him at this moment, he would not let her go.

Why did you secretly replace her contraceptives with ordinary vitamins, and why did you still keep her by your side even if you knew her identity?

The answer is about to come out - he can't help it for a long time... But he is willing to admit his mind until today.

It has nothing to do with the life of these hundreds of thousands of Red Blade brothers, and it has nothing to do with the glory represented by his position. He is just too proud to allow himself to make mistakes, but he makes mistakes again and again and almost loses her.

And now, even though he knew that she had made up her mind, he decided to leave her by his side by any means.

Even if Death wants her, he will go to hell to take her back.


When the tall man came out of the bathroom again, it had been half an hour, and there was silence in the room with a shallow breathing sound.

She was there, forming a small bulge in **.

The man's movements are a little stiff, and he seems to be particularly careful for fear of waking her up. She was already familiar with his hug. Almost as soon as the heat source approached, her small body moved over, gently moved a few times to find the most comfortable position on his chest, and then fell asleep.

The apricot eyes, which always flow brightly, gently close, and the long and thick eyelashes cast a light shadow under the eyes. She breathed evenly and long, as if she had sunk into an unknown dream.

Qu Xiangtian lowered his head and kissed her hair piously and pitifully. His bright starry eyes were like the vast Milky Way, shining with thousands of lights. All the concentration and affection are only projected on a delicate sleeping face, with tenderness, with a man looking at his woman's obsession.