The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 125 The Warmest Demand

Ye Zhiyu returned to the room, took the medicine and drank a large glass of water to relieve the bitter taste in her mouth. As soon as the water cup in her hand was put down, then she felt that there seemed to be a gust of wind behind her. Before she could react, her waist was circled and her back against the man's strong chest.

The warm breath sprayed on **'s auricle, and the man's deep voice sounded: "What did you eat?"

Obviously, it was just an extremely normal question, but because of the ambiguous flow of air between the two, Ye Zhiyu's face was inexplicably hot, and he said for a long time, "The medicine is an antibiotic that can treat the virus."

"Yes..." His teeth gently rubbed her delicate earlobe, affectionate and pity, still in a hoarse tone: "Then tonight..."

"Wait, wait..." Feeling his hand behind her to untie her corset, Ye Zhiyu hurriedly took a step forward, got out of the other party's imprisonment, turned around and said angrily, "How can it work immediately after eating? Can't you wait any longer? Don't be so anxious? In case of the virus, several lives will not be enough for you to die!"

He raised his eyebrows carelessly, and there seemed to be a smile in his dark eyes. "If I don't fuck enough, I can't bear to die."

"Get out!" Ye Zhiyu's face was hot, and he immediately hit him with the things around him angrily, but the other party took it easily, and the smile in his eyes was a little lazy before hunting.

"Come here." He didn't move and whispered.

Ye Zhiyu looked at the other party and silently took a step back.

His eyebrows raised, and his lips seemed to be smiling. He looked like a beast locking the target. His deep eyes made Ye Zhiyu understand that she was really doomed tonight.

However, giving up is step by step. She needs to know it first and move it with emotion, such as...

"There is still a task tomorrow morning that can't be missed. Let's go to bed early tonight, and then tomorrow... wait!"

The fierce arm envelops her in her arms, and the domineering kiss bullied her tender lips, as if to search out the last bit of honey in her mouth. The rough tongue deftly teased her, ** she played with his provocation. The kiss between the two soon became hot, but Qu Xiangtian still seemed dissatisfied and wanted to empty the last trace of air in her lungs.

Suffocation, blurred consciousness.


unconscious moaning. Yin Yi came out of his lips and heard Qu Xiangtian's mind move. He deliberately relaxed his pursuit of her lips and tongue, bit her flower-like lips carefully, so that more sounds flowed from his lips and teeth.



It's too late to swallow each other's saliva. The liquid dripped down her small jaw, leaving a string of crystals.

Ye Zhiyu thought he had been used to having sex with him for a long time. Love, but I don't expect that tonight is more enthusiastic than ever. When he finally kissed, Ye Zhiyu came back in a trance, and then he was shocked to find that he had been lightly put on the pile of papyrus by him and faded to half naked, and only * was still left on his body.

Ye Zhiyu whispered, his cheeks flushed, and he didn't have time to cover the plumpness in front of his chest. His big palm had been covered, rubbing and teasing lightly until the red plum at the top bloomed proudly in the air.

They both understand that this union gave each other's souls to each other. In the future, life will be entangled and can no longer be separated...


On the other side, there was a crisp sound on the open field. At first glance, it sounded like a applause, but when you listen carefully, you can notice that it is an American pistol with a muffler.

The hazy moonlight makes everything blurred in the dark, and the thin man stands there quietly, with a clean temperament but with sharp and clear eyes. It seems that everything can be seen through by these eyes.

However, these eyes in the night are now staring at a bulge of the mountain rock not far away.

"Pa", another sound, Gu Junmo's eyebrows twisted a little again.

He is the leader of the field team of Viper. He has been to countless places with dangerous environments in the world and has experienced countless fierce wars... He has never been defeated in leading Viper, and his ability to fight alone is even far more than Li Chen, who is recognized as the best. Because Li Shen specializes in shooting, and he is good at physical skills.

It's just that Gu Junmo, whose right hand is useless, is nothing.


Another shot. Gu Junmo's night vision ability is excellent. Although he is 100 meters away, he also knows that he did not hit the target. The left-hand gun is indeed very different from the right hand. Not only does it have to change the feel of all the original adaptations, but also the subtle conditioned reflexes of the body muscles need to be adjusted.

He doesn't know why he made such a request. He only knows that he doesn't want to become a waste. Warriors can only die on the battlefield, which is the principle he has always determined. And there are two things in the world that he will never violate: principles and military discipline.

"There is something wrong with your mentality, haven't you noticed it?" The cold female voice suddenly sounded from behind, setting off some waves in the night.

And the bigger waves are in Gu Junmo's calm heart.

...Yes, it was this woman who made him violate military discipline again and again...