The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 131 Don't move

The sound of water in the bathroom and the looming exquisite curves. Junmo only felt that his mouth was dry and he pulled off his tie impatiently. He turned around and walked out of the room. When Bingling came out of the bathroom, Gu Junmo was standing on the balcony. The night wind blew the corners of his clothes slightly. At first glance, he felt a little elegant with the virtual wind.


"Why do you wear so much?" A cold voice came from behind. The latter's back was stunned. Looking back, she saw that she had put on a normal white shirt, her hair was still wet, and her white and beautiful face looked a little softer than in the moonlight than in the daytime.

It seems that in Gu Junmo's impression, there are only two colors of ice cream clothes, black and white, clean and neat without any hesitation and feelings, just like her.

Seeing Gu Junmo's delay in not talking, Bing Ling frowned and walked forward, leaned against the railing, staring at a point not far away, and said suddenly, "Obviously, I'm not in good health. If you are sick, you will drag your feet."

"I won't." This time, the other party retorted very quickly: "Since I'm here, I don't need your protection, let alone make such a big sacrifice."

He was a little confused at that moment, but he didn't figure it out for a while. In fact, Bingling's behavior tonight is a plan. In addition to enjoying the bustle, Guzman also has a well-known hobby and likes beauty. It is said that there are dozens of his mistresses, different types and different customs, just like his private collection. The sensation caused by Bingling tonight will soon be known by Guzman, and the other party will take the initiative to contact them.

"With your skills and intelligence collection ability, you can have direct contact with each other." She chose a conservative way to protect him.

Hearing this, Bing Ling glanced at the man beside him and snorted coldly: "Don't be self-righteous. Do you think I can't find such a huge resource and network of the CIA? It's too overestimating me."

Gu Junmo's eyes, she said it's right... But it's too risky.

"We still have four days left to pursue the highest efficiency." This is what Joker has been teaching her.

Her voice seemed to be a machine that followed the program and turned on. In all this program, she did not tell her that she should still protect herself. The cold tone made Gu Junmo's heart inexplicably set fire, but it was not big, but it burned his chest.

"Have you ever thought that if something happens to you one day, will Joker be even a little sad?" The man standing at the top of the dark world will not pay attention to the life and death of a tool. Gu Junmo couldn't agree with that man, let alone the person he treated like this. But for a moment, what made him most angry was that he hated that he couldn't change her mind.

When Bing Ling heard the words, she turned her head and looked at him, with a light of alienation in her eyes: "You are loyal to the red blade, and I am loyal to adults. Is your loyalty loyal, isn't mine?" She was abandoned on the street by her parents when she was very young. At the age of nine, she began to be on the black market and made money by boxing. She was often beaten black and swollen. Such days seem to be hell. If the adults hadn't redeemed her and handed her to her current ability, she wouldn't be the ice cream now. She debuted at the age of 11 and carried out countless tasks. She knew that her hands were full of blood, but this was not forced by adults. She is very happy to be useful to that person, because that's her value. Not to mention...she still has the person to take care of...

Gu Junmo was choked by her sudden choking words and wanted to argue that the reuse of Qu Xiangtian and Joker's use were not the same thing, but he felt the obvious cold on her body, so he still chose to swallow the words around her mouth a few times.

"Go in and take a shower. I want to stay here for a while."

Gu Junmo also left simply, but although there was no quarrel, there was a cold war between the two. Bing Ling did not say a word to him until he went to bed, or even looked at him.

The bed in the room is a large bed, and the problem is that there is only one quilt. Bingling gently covered the quilt and left Gu Junmo with a human-shaped back. The latter looked at each other silently, thought for a moment, and walked to the sofa.

"Come on."

"...Eh?" Gu Junmo looked at the source in surprise and suspected that it was his own hallucination.

"Come on."

In order to give him a good rest without delay, she really went out.

This time, he was sure. She was a little entangled, but after thinking about it, Gu Junmo realized that she was probably just afraid that he would not rest well on the sofa and lead to lack of energy tomorrow. For a moment, he wanted to say that she underestimated him, but in the end, all the complicated emotions only turned into an imperceptible sigh.

This woman really doesn't care about anything else to ensure the success of the mission.

So, someone silently climbed into the bed, and the smell of shower gel on her body came to her nose, which made people feel refreshed. However, as soon as the back of Gu Junmo's head touched the pillow, the cold female voice sounded again, but this time with a little murderous intention: "Sleep. If you move around, you will be ruined."

The man was stunned and looked at her incredulously, with an angry smile on his lips: "In your heart, am I that kind of man?"

After a long silence, Gu Junmo almost thought that the other party was asleep, but he heard a cold count: "A gentleman won't look at me dancing like that."

She knows when he sees her dancing? Do you have eyes on your back?

"No," she paused and ran over coldly: "Intuition."

"And at that time, you don't have to kiss me."

"..." In the Red Blade, although Gu Junmo does not hate women like Qu Xiangtian, he is also known for his innocence. Some people in the army have even doubted his orientation. But now he has been questioned like this? And the other party is still her?

Inexplicably, Mr. Gu felt that he had been insulted tonight. He thought about his behavior and her behavior in the square tonight. Someone's fire all night finally broke the string of reason in an instant. Bing Ling had entered a shallow sleep and only felt that the man behind him sat up from **. Before she had time to think about it, she only felt the strength from her shoulders, and her whole body was broken over. She suddenly opened her eyes, and her lips had been covered with something cold.

The kiss lasted less than a second, and the reflection of Bingling's body made her bend her knees and hit someone's key. The latter snorted and quickly let her go.

For a while, both of them fell into a long silence.

He looked at her with an invisible darkness in his eyes. After a long silence, Bingling slowly said, "Why did you do this?" The calm voice didn't look like a woman who had just been kissed.

Gu Junmo had almost no time to sigh. A little cold sweat oozed from the pain, but he gritted his teeth and showed a calm smile, which was a rare special provocation: "Since you think I'm not a gentleman, wouldn't it be a loss for me to get back?"

His words stunned Bingling for a moment. The man in front of him had evil and arrogant eyes, and he was not like the usual man who was always warm and clean, even a little dull. She opened her mouth and finally suppressed the mood swings in her eyes and said in a cold voice, "The night is still long, but maybe I think you can bear some more blows."

The gnashing voice made Gu Junmo smile carelessly and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Okay, let's wait and see."

Although the cruel words were released, the two really didn't make any trouble in the second half of the night. However, there seemed to be something invisible between the two that came out of them. The thing quietly emerged from a gap of mental carelessness and entangled each other.

The next day, the hotel people came to call for breakfast. Bing Ling and Gu Junmo had breakfast, but the hotel sent milk very thoughtfully. Here, milk is a very good treat. The moment Bingling took the cup, her eyes suddenly turned awe-ins. At the same time, her eyes met Gu Junmo. The two tacitly exchanged glances. Bingling simply drank the milk in the cup, and Gu Junmo took a sip.

The shopkeeper looked at the two people at the table, and a sophistry flashed in his eyes.


When Gu Junmo woke up again, he found that he was tied to the room alone, beside him was Bing Ling, who had been staring at him coldly with his eyes open for a long time.

"Where are we now?" It was completely unexpected to be kidnapped. Bingling told her a long time ago that her body had long been resistant to high concentrations of ecze because of the needs of the task, so she dared to drink it when he found that there was something wrong with that cup of milk. In fact, he didn't intend to be really fascinated, but he didn't expect the other party's ecscination to be so powerful.

Bing Ling looked at him and said, "It seems to have been taken to Guzman's villa."

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the door of the room was suddenly opened. The person standing behind the two people in black was not someone else, but the male dance partner who danced with Bingling last night. At this moment, his shrewd eyes were shining with pride, approaching Bing Ling little by little, and his eyes sparkled with undisguised desire. Hope.

"Little beauty, we meet again."

However, what he didn't expect was that his little beauty was so calm, and why did she wake up so quickly? Didn't she say that she had finished the whole cup? And...the little beauty now seems to feel different from the one last night...

Guzman's eyes narrowed slightly, as if with a little doubt. At this moment, Bingling said coldly, "So it's you."

Simple four words made a trace of vigilance flash in the man's eyes: "Who are you?" Guzman faintly sensed that he seemed to have been tricked, and his tone suddenly gave birth to cruelty.

Bing Ling answered slowly: "I'm from 'St. Kraus'. I'm talking to you about a deal."