The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 135 Successful Escape

Now Ye Zhiyu is finally glad that he and Jianguo have made a backup plan. According to Li Chen, the drug lords in the north have a chronic disease, and Yu went there with the special medicine developed. The two seem to have been offered as Bodhisattva. He felt deeply wrong with the hearts of the villain who had previously suspected other people's orientation problems.

The two successfully completed the task two days ago, but they were delayed for a day because of some problems on their way back. Fortunately, Ye Jundian caught up and informed Jianguo to lead people to launch the Revar family*. Now there is chaos inside and outside the city. Revar's people are still oppressing the little * on their own territory. More than enough, St. Klaus can use the pre-buried explosives to support it for a longer time.

"sister-in-law, hurry up, we don't have much time." As long as you can escape outside the city, there will be a dark whistle of FBK to help you.

Yu first came forward to simply treat Qu Xiangtian's wound and looked solemn. Ye Zhiyu wanted to ask Qu Xiangtian how serious the injury was, but...

Taking a deep breath and suppressing all the despair and shaking into his heart, Ye Zhiyu knew that this was not the time to be sad. She just gave up because she didn't have any chance to survive, but now it's different. So many people are fighting for herself, and she can't just give up!

"Where are we going?"

Li Chen frowned and looked at Qu Xiangtian, who had fallen into a semi-coma, hesitated for a moment before saying, "Follow me. Sister-in-law, can you help me hold the boss? Yu, I may trouble you to take this person with you. Li Chen kicked the ghost face that he knocked unconscious on the ground.

Qu Xiangtian was originally tall. Because of the year-old exercise, although there was no fat on his body, he had a strong and perfect texture, but this was also a light weight for Ye Zhiyu. Li Chen did not expect that he would come a step later, so he did not bring anyone. Now he can only try to press the weight of Qu Xiangtian on his shoulder to reduce Ye Zhiyu's burden. Relatively speaking, the ghost face is much lighter.

Yu was responsible for leading the way, and the main city was in a mess because of this sudden war. Ye Zhiyu gritted his teeth and followed. The three avoided the fire area and changed into the clothes of the castle waiter brought by Li Chen. The journey was smooth. Occasionally, when they met soldiers who were forcibly blocked, Li Chen would directly shoot the other party's ability to act. However, this could only obtain temporary security, and their actions also began to attract the attention of the guards in the main city, and the team was pressing behind them all the way.

The three moved as fast as possible, but it was still slow. They finally reached the last turn, but Ye Zhiyu found that Yu, who had been walking in front of him, stopped. She couldn't help looking along the other party's eyes, but her heart sank.

Because of the explosion, the beam collapsed from above, and the road ahead was blocked!

The footsteps behind him are getting closer and closer, and Ye Zhiyu's heart is getting colder and colder. It has come to this point, and there will be such an unexpected situation...

Li Chen seemed to have no choice but to look solemn. "Sister-in-law, you can take your boss to hide behind the fallen stone pillar over there."

Ye Zhiyu looked at the other party's hand holding the gun and immediately stopped him, "Don't be impulsive. You can't do it alone with so many people!"

"Oh?" Li Meiren's lips raised slightly, with some recklessness, and her raised eyebrows seemed to have an unpredictable smile: "Sister-in-law, I'm very powerful."

No matter how powerful it is!

Ye Zhiyu is anxious. Now that they don't move, maybe they can get rid of the relationship with the * outside the castle. Even if Li Chen and Yu are caught in prison, as long as they are still alive, there is still a way, but if they fight hard here now, there will be no room for manoeuvre!

At this time, the arrow almost had to be fired on the string, but Ye Zhiyu suddenly aimed at a small figure. She looked along the afterg and was surprised to find that it was the thief teenager who was beaten in the market!

The other party's dark eyes stared at her for a moment, and then... waved to them in Ye Zhiyu's stunned sight.

His consciousness is... let them go?

"Li Chen! I know the way out. Come with me." She didn't know why he was here or why he wanted to help her, but somewhere in her heart seemed to want to believe him. Anyway, there is no other way now. It's better to have a try.

Li Chen didn't have time to ask questions. Ye Zhiyu had rushed to the position of the teenager with Qu Xiangtian on his back. Seeing this, he also suppressed his doubts and helped the other half of Qu Xiangtian's body. "Yu, come with us."

The silent young man didn't say anything from beginning to end and followed silently.

Ye Zhiyu followed the young man's small figure and found that the wall behind him was actually a stone door, and behind the stone door was a dark space. As soon as the group entered and closed the stone gate, there was an extremely clear sound of the pursuers behind them, just behind the stone gate. Ye Zhiyu only felt that his heart had reached his throat and held his breath nervously to be found.

This time it was very smooth. The pursuers only stayed for a while and turned back to continue the pursuit.

"Wow..." He took a long breath, and then Li Chen's alert voice sounded: "Who are you?"

Ye Zhiyu was shocked before he remembered and couldn't help looking at the teenager standing not far in front of him. There is almost no light in the space, and she can't see each other's faces clearly.

"Where is this place?"

"It should be a secret channel." This time, the silent Yu said, "These castles were originally the fiefs of noble marquises. When they were established, the owner of the castle would build many complex secret paths inside the castle in case of a future accident. People who don't know the route can't escape at all, and not to mention, at this time, he said Maybe some old secret roads have collapsed or been blocked.

"But he can take us out." Ye Zhiyu didn't know where her confidence came from, but she inexplicably felt his reliability. Besides, the ability of people who were originally imprisoned in prison to appear in front of them in such a state also shows his ability.

The teenager who had been questioned did not open his mouth from beginning to end, but turned around and silently walked deeper into the darkness.

In a confined space, the breath of death or despair makes people feel depressed. Ye Zhiyu bit her lip, but the weight on her shoulder made her determined to grit her teeth and persevere.

God has given her so many miracles because she hasn't given up on them and can't give up herself like this!

I don't know how long the group walked in the secret channel, and no one spoke along the way. If they don't go out within two hours, Ye Jundian will take the main force of FBK to kill directly. This means that Joker will be involved in this battle, and they will no longer have an advantage in the direction of public opinion in the future. So many days of plans have been wasted, let alone... How many people will die in the battle of mismatched armed forces.

Every time the heart beats, there seems to be a second hand knocking in the brain, making a dull sound.

When the last light in front of me suddenly appeared, there was already a blurred white light in front of me. There was a group of people approaching footsteps in front of me, but my eyes could not see the person for a moment because they had walked in the dark for too long.

Friendly, or enemy?

At that moment, Ye Zhiyu felt that it was the first time she had waited for a fair ruling after all her efforts and reduction of holdings.

To live...

I want to live with him.

"It's a FBK person! Sister-in-law! We caught up!"

... Did you catch up?

Ye Zhiyu only felt that his legs were weak and knelt on the ground fiercely. Li Chen didn't expect that the other party would suddenly make such a move and involuntarily lost his center of gravity. Qu Xiangtian, who had fallen into a unconscious coma, also fell to the ground. Ye Zhiyu had no strength all over her body. She wanted to reach out to catch his body, but her arms seemed to be unconscious and could move half.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

There was a muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, followed by the man's unconscious cough, and the dry blood stains on his lips turned scarlet again.

FBK's rescue arrived soon. Later, Ye Zhiyu's own brother even transferred four-fifths of FBK's combat strength to Mexico just in case. Such a large-scale move has not aroused the government's suspicion, which is enough to show Ye Jundian's plan.

Qu Xiangtian's operation was performed by Yu himself and waited for the same time...

Ye Zhiyu sat on the chair and suddenly felt that the legendary Emperor Yan in Dijing, who was as strong as steel, was simply bullshit.

This man has always been like that, tough, domineering and serious. It seems that as long as he wants to do what he wants, he can do it, and what he can get what he wants. People only saw the side of his amazing and ruthless decision, just like her at the beginning.

So that this impression is so deep-rooted and becomes a habit... It will make the audience forget that Qu Xiangtian is just an ordinary person in the final analysis.

will bleed, shed tears, and the day when the tail of life may be taken away by death in the next second.

He will feel lonely, long to be warm, like human body temperature, and be as jealous as an ordinary husband.

If this happens, Yu will still be without him, and she will choose to accept this fate. And if he miraculously survives again... In this life, she will burn all the remaining lives to warm him.

So, please don't take him away...

Li Chen waited in the living room with Ye Zhiyu. He was also embarrassed. Looking at the lost appearance of his sister-in-law who had always been energetic, he couldn't help but spend it. He completely forgot that his boss was the injured one. He silently slandered his cold blood in his heart and let the beauty shed tears secretly.

"Sister-in-law, the boss won't be willing to be sad. It won't take long to wake up."

Ye Zhiyu didn't move, but his eyes were still resentful and he didn't know where he was.