The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 146 Husband and Wife Overlord Agreement

Is a man's energy infinite? If Ye Zhiyu asks Su Jin about this, the latter may come up with a conclusion that resonates with Ye Zhiyu.

When Ye Zhiyu finally had lunch, she remembered what she had been asking, "Chu Fengnan has a cousin named Harajuku Xi. Do you know her?"

The refreshing man just went downstairs after taking a shower and saw his wife wearing an apron at the table and tied her hair into a ponytail at will. His heart was suddenly soft, and the light from the bottom of his eyes softened in an instant.

Ye Zhiyu didn't hear anything. He couldn't help looking up, but saw the other party staring at him for a moment. His eyes made her face inexplicably hot. He couldn't help looking away and found a seat with his back to him and sat down, leaving the other party with a back of his head.

The footsteps behind her were getting closer and closer. Ye Zhiyu pretended to play with the dishes as if nothing had happened, until the other party's arm hooked her neck from behind, and she felt his jaw against her neck.

The fragrance of soap after bathing enters the nose, which is particularly fresh. Ye Zhiyu obviously felt that his heartbeat was faster than usual. Qu Xiangtian felt the stiffness of her body, pulled out a shallow arc on her lips, took a deep breath, and sniffed around her neck.

"It smells good." A man muttered to himself in Ye Zhiyu's ear, which sounded very satisfied. Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but turn his head, stared at each other, and said angrily, "Xiang, you men are sending anytime and anywhere. Affectionate?"

The other party raised his eyebrows when he heard the words and answered righteously: "What's wrong?"

"..." Ye Zhiyu was silent. Yes, there is nothing wrong with shameless.

Finally, someone who was annoyed finally loosened Ye Zhiyu and sat opposite her, but his eyes did not stare at Cai Guang. You just asked that Feng Nan did have a cousin. We played together when we were young, but soon she left the military compound. It is said that she went abroad. I haven't seen her since, and I can't remember her anymore. If she didn't mention it, he would almost forget the existence of this little girl. When she was a child, the little girl seemed to be very timid and always hid behind Chu Fengnan. He basically didn't pay much attention to her.

"Why did you suddenly mention her?" Qu Xiangtian almost ate and finally put down the tableware and asked.

"I saw your old man yesterday, and I was shocked. Do you know who it is? It's the girl who followed her brother when she was in Mexico! Although I don't know why I didn't see her much later, and she didn't know where to go when my brother escaped, but I'm sure it's her!" Now I think the reason why Harajuku will not be seen is probably because my brother had planned to let her leave first to avoid being implicated. But who the hell is she... How could she know her brother...

Qu Xiangtian looked at Ye Zhiyu's worried expression, raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure it's her?"

"It's not wrong. I've seen her several times. Unless there are twins..." Even if there are twins, they are also people in the military compound, and her relationship with her brother always worries her.

"You said... she won't know her brother's identity, will she?"

Qu Xiangtian was silent for a moment before he said, "I don't think so. Joker is not such a careless person." Joker's identity has always been a mystery in the dark world, and Ye Jundian himself is as shrewd as a fox. Unless he deliberately wants to reveal it, Qu Xiangtian is still sure that the other party will not reveal his identity.

But Qu Xiangtian's words did not reassign Ye Zhiyu. After struggling for a moment, she still asked, "Do you think... are you the only group of people who are investigating Joker's identity?"

"Never, how many people want FBK to collapse, let alone your brother's methods to make him a lot of enemies." Qu Xiangtian faintly sensed Ye Zhiyu's meaning, and the light in his eyes couldn't help sinking.

Ye Zhiyu nodded and then said, "I'm just worried that it's okay if it's just revenge. But if someone at the top of the government wants to find Joker, it's not good.

"Do you mean that Harajuku is a beauty?"

Ye Zhiyu raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't even remember other people's faces, but you know it's a beauty trick?"

Her tone was a little strange. Qu Xiangtian glanced at her, and a haloddy smile flashed through her imperceptible smile: "Are you jealous?"

Ye Zhiyu was stunned by his teasing tone and snorted coldly for a moment: "Are you jealous? Then I have been drowned in the vinegar jar. Your favorite Miss Bai family is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

She condensed him, and even her eyebrows were cold. Qu Xiangtian looked at her like this and was silent for a long time. There were unclear emotions in her dark eyes, which made Ye Zhiyu quite uncomfortable and frowned, "What are you doing..."

"I find that I love the way you look now."

"...You are sick."

She scolded him, but he smiled cheerfully. Ye Zhiyu suddenly found that he had been teased by this man again. He stood up depressedly and was ready to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Unexpectedly, a man's deep voice came from behind him: "I used to think that Bai Shuiqing was special because she looked like a person."

The voice was much softer than usual low at this moment. Ye Zhiyu only felt a trembling all over, and the deepest string in his heart trembled inexplicably. He pressed the calm as if he didn't care: "What, there is still someone in your heart?" Who will be the person who will make him mention it in such a tone?

A long time ago, she seemed to feel that he was particularly like a person... Later, although the ghost face in her memory replaced that person and made her shake for a moment, she never believed that the boy who gently guarded her until the end of her life would eventually become a ghost face. She would rather believe that her brother Yi has gone to that world, but now when Qu Xiangtian speaks to her in this voice, Ye Zhiyu suddenly has a momentary trance, as if it overlaps with the voice of the man in the infinite years.

He looked at her stiff back, and the smile on his lips was doting and gentle. If Li Chen saw the other party at this moment, he would definitely scream. But Ye Zhiyu turned his back to him and did not see the emotion on the other party's face. His fingers trembled gently until he felt a warm touch surrounding her fingertips.

"Xiao Yu, there is a person. I have forgotten her for a long time, but my body instinct is to find that person's existence. Bai Shuiqing looks like her, but it's not her after all. Now that I have found that person and remembered a lot of things, Bai Shuiqing no longer means anything to me.

He gently hugged her from behind and felt the softness in his arms. "Xiaoyu, do you know who that person is?"

Ye Zhiyu only felt that his head was spinning and almost unconsciously followed his words, "Who...?"

A successful smile flashed in someone's ink-dy eyes, coughed and said solemnly, "Look at your performance."


She turned her head and looked at him incredulously. What did this man do? Unexpectedly, it was her head that made the other party make a shallow kiss on her lips.

The man raised his eyebrows with a smile in his eyes with a little pride: "You stay with me all your life, and I will naturally tell you when the time comes."

This man... Ye Zhiyu suddenly felt a little angry and funny. Is it so funny for this man to tease her? Besides, in fact, the moment she was held in his arms, she suddenly figured out that they belonged to each other. Whether the person she has missed for so many years is the man in front of her or not, it doesn't matter. She has now married him and is destined to stay with him for the rest of her life. She better understands that Qu Xiangtian is a man who is not in the past. It is his style to hold firmly what he can hold in his hand. But in order to keep her, this man even used this means of memory killing.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help glancing at him faintly, "Am I making you so insecure?"

The man coughed immediately when he heard the words, and his face was instantly strange: "What's wrong with my woman staying with me?"

"No~" Ye Zhiyu squeezed his lips and shook his head, with a smile in his eyes, flashing with satisfaction but hidden evil qualities: "I just think I don't care who you are in my heart. I can still go if I want to.

"Damn you!"

She was about to be annoyed when she saw him, but she was in a good mood. "Well, so you'd better not offend me."

Someone put his hands around his chest and stared at her condescendingly, gritting his teeth: "Don't worry, I will make you unable to sleep."

Ye Zhiyu immediately thought of someone's outstanding achievements last night. His face immediately burned and subconsciously took a step back: "First of all, let's set the rules about a harmonious relationship between husband and wife."

Someone raised his eyebrows and motioned her to be casual. Sure enough, that night, Miss Ye took the signed treaty - a piece full of A4 paper and slapped Qu Xiangtian's table.

The man who was working didn't even raise his eyelids and said in a low voice, "What is this?"

Miss Ye was very proud and pushed the things in her hand in front of Qu Xiangtian. He said righteously, "A treaty agreed at noon."

Hearing this, someone finally gave a glimpse of the charity, ten lines at a glance, and the most eye-catching one was fiercely marked by Miss Ye with a red underline, eight words: "Coup and wife life, once a week."

The man raised his eyebrows quietly, and something seemed to flash in his eyes, but he still said blankly, "You put it here first, and I will sign the report after reviewing it."

Ye Zhiyu was surprised by the crispness of the other party and thought that his A4 paper page was also very heavy and informative, so he compromised and nodded, "Then I'll come and get it after taking a shower."

When she finished taking a shower, there was no trace of Qu Xiangtian in the study. There was a shower downstairs, and the "treaty" had been signed and placed on the table.

Miss Ye scanned the crazy and powerful notes, raised her eyebrows, and went back to the bedroom in a good mood, thinking that she could finally have a good sleep tonight. Unexpectedly, when she was half asleep, she suddenly felt her neck itchy, and there seemed to be something irregular on her body. She couldn't help suddenly opening her eyes and seeing the man's falcon-like eyes in the dark.

"You...we agreed... once a week..." Miss Ye suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

The man clamped her wrist, stripped her clothes skillfully, and smiled evilly: "Are you sure? I remember we didn't say that well."