The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 158 What? Grab it back to be Mrs. Zai?!

After driving for nearly an hour, Ye Zhiyu guessed that they should have been tied to a suburb with the sound in his ear.

Ye Zhiyu gradually heard the sound of the propeller, and then realized that the other party wanted to transfer them. Ye Zhiyu couldn't help frowning and thinking in his heart that if they just think that Dijing is Qu Xiangtian's sphere of influence and can't let go of their demands here, so it's okay to transfer them to other cities. But if... you want to transfer them abroad...

Ye Zhiyu suddenly felt vaguely uneasy about this extremely coincidental kidnapping.

Not long after getting on the helicopter, the airflow began to bump the body. Although Ye Zhiyu didn't eat anything at noon today, he was still sore by the feeling of turning his stomach upside down.

"Sister Zhiyu, what's wrong with you?" Ye Zhiyu's reaction seemed to shock Harajuku, who was also blindfolded, but felt that the people around him trembled violently.

"No words." The deep and strange voice sounded again, but this time, the cold muzzle over there had not reached Harajuku Xi's temple, and Ye Zhiyu had already vomited directly on the kidnapper with a "vomit" sound.

"What's wrong with Sister Zhiyu!" Hara Suxi heard the noise and was anxious. He screamed, kept struggling, and looked up blankly and accused the kidnapper: "How can you do this to her! She is pregnant--

"I'm fine!" Harajuku's words were interrupted by Ye Zhiyu, who just took a breath and said softly, "I'm sorry, you didn't inform me in advance that I have to take a helicopter today, so I went to bed late last night. I'm not feeling well today." Ye Zhiyu's cold tone was a little sarisive. Although his face was pale, he did not mean to give in at all.

The kidnapper didn't gnaw for a long time, so Harajuku couldn't help but secretly squeeze his cuffs. Sister Zhiyu's attitude, don't annoy these people...

Unexpectedly, the kidnapper beside him seemed to move away, and there seemed to be a curse at the other end, using an indescribable language.

The curse seemed to be getting louder and louder, showing the anger of the speaker. Just when Harajuku felt that something might not be good, his footsteps came back in a short time, but this time... The kidnappers helped them remove the cloth tied with their eyes. Ye Zhiyu stared at the plagiarism man in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned.

When they were arrested just now, the incident happened suddenly, and she didn't look carefully. Now when I look at it again, I find that although the other party is wearing sunglasses, he shows a tattoo on his forehead. The tattoo made her feel so familiar that something somewhere in her heart was grabbed in an instant.

"Who are you?" Hara Suxi was the first to ask questions, but the big man didn't say anything, but turned behind them and helped them untie their wrists. Then under Ye Zhiyu's stunned eyes, he bent down very shallowly, but solemnly and bowed gently.

Ye Zhiyu, who was still distracted, was completely stunned by this behavior. Harajuku Xi was also surprised. The two looked at the apologetic behavior of the kidnappers and exchanged their eyes strangely. When they looked at the kidnappers again, the other party had got up and left them. After a short time, Two cups of steaming water were served in the glass.

"Hey... Sister Zhiyu..." Harajukuxi pulled Ye Zhiyu's sleeve nervously and said solemnly, "Do you think it's not that your attitude just now is too powerful and wants to tie you back to be Mrs. Zai?"

"..." Ye Zhiyu was silent... suppressing Mrs. Zhai? How much masochism are those people?

Ye Zhiyu slowly looked at the cabin of the helicopter and confirmed that it was the old FZ97 model, but when he heard the sound of the propeller, he could find that the helicopter was the most new American engine.

Ye Zhiyu stared at the two glasses of water on the table showing friendly attitude and held a sneer at the corners of his lips. Originally, she had just shaken for a moment, but the other party was actually a person sent by the big white goose. But now she completely denies this idea. This kind of modification of helicopter is not like what the military would do, but more like a mafia technique. In this way, the source of purchase can be hidden and not identified.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help looking out of the window. They are now flying on the water, but the field of vision is too small to see whether they are on the ocean or the high sea. But in terms of their flight time just now, it should still be within China's territorial waters.

"Sister Zhiyu..." Harajuku Xi whispered in Ye Zhiyu's ear, "Those people are so strange that they don't seem to be my enemies."

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help laughing and said, "How many enemies do you have?" This girl is only one year younger than her. Her words and deeds are careless and naive and lively. She can't see the scheming of the city at all. If there are really so many enemies, how can she live until now?

Harajuku Xi also seemed to see Ye Zhiyu's disbelief. He couldn't help squinting and smiling, and a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes: "There are not many enemies, but many people who play hide-and-seek with me."

The brilliance of the girl's eyes was like a gorgeous water in the sun. In an instant, Ye Zhiyu was a little distracted, and then she realized that. Did this girl regard those death threats as a game?

At this moment, the helicopter seemed to have landed and stopped on the top of a hill. After the airborne ladder was lowered, Ye Zhiyu and Harajuku could only follow it down. "Now we need to blindfold your eyes again."

Ye Zhiyu was shocked by the polite attitude towards the other party. After a long time, he was stunned and tied himself up by the other party.

Harajuku is right... These kidnappers are really strange. Obviously, it was a underworld organization, and the means were simple and rude. How could she change her attitude in an instant? She was respectful and careful, making her look like she was a noble guest while kidnapping.


Ye Zhiyu frowned and paused slightly under his feet.

Yes, their attitude obviously changed after she vomited... So is the target really her this time? But why is it her...and those tattoos...she seems to have seen it somewhere...

"It's here."

The mask on Ye Zhiyu's eyes was removed, and the dazzling light in front of her made her a little uncomfortable. When I recovered, I found that I had somehow come to a bright hall with a high roof and exaggerated crystal lamps hanging on it, which made the style of the hall quite like medieval Europe.

For a while, Ye Zhiyu did not know where he had come. His first reaction was to go back to find Harajuku Xi, but found that he did not know when he had been taken away from him.

"What about the girl with me?" Ye Zhiyu was shocked and didn't like it. Since the target of these people is her, will they...

However, her questioning was not answered. The kidnappers who brought her in left the hall one by one and left her alone in Ye Zhiyu's surprised eyes.


I don't know what the material door was closed, making a dull and depressing sound. Just as Ye Zhiyu was confused about his situation, suddenly, a warm voice came from behind him.

"Do you know why you came here?"

Ye Zhiyu was shocked and quickly turned around to find that a man with a mask appeared at the other end of the hall - at least the voice should be heard. There was nothing on the other party's mask, but a tattoo was suddenly painted - Panlong was imprisoned in some strange container - which was the pattern seen in Ye Zhiyu's dream and on the kidnapper's face.

A bad association instantly formed in Ye Zhiyu's brain.

Look at this... This tattooed totem should be a symbol of this kind of gang... Although I don't understand what it means, it must have nothing to do with idolatry. Especially the language she heard on the helicopter just now, which is obviously only used in specific groups or circles. Look at the oil paintings about this totem hanging on the walls of these halls... Ye Zhiyu can almost conclude that this is a gangster with some kind of cult nature. This kind of organization is not common in mainland China, but if it is really Hong Kong...

That's right! The sea she saw just now is not the high sea, is it? Is she in Hong Kong now...?

Ye Zhiyu restrained his eyes quietly and suppressed the surging emotions in his heart.

Not to mention where she is now, the strangest thing is why she dreamed of this kind of totem... Now it is not accidental for these people to arrest her, and look at their respectful attitude...

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." I don't know if it was because of Ye Zhiyu's delay in talking, the man standing not far away opened his mouth again and took two steps forward.

His every move made Ye Zhiyu vigilant, and his body couldn't help tightening.

seemed to see her vigilance. The man paused and stopped moving. He just said, "Do you know him?"


As soon as Ye Zhiyu's doubts rose, a slender and thin teenager stood out from behind the man. He has soft black hair and looks too delicate... But his eyes are as sharp as an eagle that grabbed his prey.

I was seen by those eyes, as if I could be seen in the depths of my soul at once. Ye Zhiyu's body trembled first, and then muttered, " it you...?"

She knew him, the teenager who was accused of stealing in Mexico, was captured into the main city by Enge Reval's soldiers, and later helped her and the big white goose and Li sink out of the castle in the dark!

It's him!

Later, she was anxious about the injury of the big white goose and ignored the teenager. Later, Li Chen said that he didn't know when he would disappear. Thinking that it was just a chance to meet, she didn't pay attention to this matter, but occasionally remembered that the teenager's special eyes would appear in front of her. The first time I saw him, these eyes attracted all her attention.

But why is he here?!