The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 166 Labor is a small account

After Ye Zhiyu finished asking, the group became silent in an instant. After a long time, when Ye Zhiyu was about to knock on a paragraph, the other party finally had a movement.

Floating clouds: Didn't you find that the little flower was missing?

"Who is Xiaohua?" Qu Xiangtian's handsome face suddenly came to shock Ye Zhiyu and whitened the other party angrily before he said, "There were originally six people in this group. Xiaohua is relatively special. It seems that it's not small, but we don't know if it's true. But a lot of secret information flowed from Xiaohua..." She still remembers that Xiaohua had never reported her identity before she joined the group, so that Duoduo had been secretly poking her to beware, and that the other party was actually an agent sent by the government.

Just as Ye Zhiyu was about to start talking about Xiaohua, a sentence was typed on the screen, which made her silence in an instant.

Floating clouds: The little flower is said to be dead.

Poor mushroom: Yes, it is said that he formed a beam with A Yue and died.

Floating clouds: Are you still there?

Ye Zhiyu was stunned for a moment and quickly typed the next line.

A fish: I'm here.

paused, and she knocked again: When did it happen?

Group: I remember it was about half a year ago.

Six months ago... Ye Zhiyu was stunned. At that time, she also found Ah Yue once. That time she helped Qu Xiangtian make first aid equipment. My brother is right. A Yue really doesn't have the ability to design. There must be someone else who designed that arm for Mo. And most importantly, if what Duoduo said is true, then there must be an unshakable * behind A Yue, otherwise how can people like Xiaohua be eliminated so easily?

But if you go to find a weapon designer according to Ye Jundian's idea at this time, this is still a dead end, and what surprises Ye Zhiyu most is how did Ye Jundian know people like A Yue?

It seems that even this group will not provide any useful information...

Ye Zhiyu's eyes were ready to leave the group. Unexpectedly, at this time, the "labor is a trumpet" who had been silent suddenly typed such a text on the screen: Xiaohua black entered A Yue's computer and stole some information.

"Who is this?"

Ye Zhiyu's heart tightened and replied, "Do you have that information?" while answering the question of the man around him: "The trumpet doesn't talk much. I don't know his identity very well." And how did Xiaohua know what he did?

I'm a small account: Yes, exchange.

As if a dawn lit up the sight in an instant, how could Ye Zhiyu let go of this opportunity and immediately cheered up and said, "What do you want to exchange?"

Suddenly, a small window popped up in front of Ye Zhiyu's screen, which was the news that "I am a small account".

I'm a small account: I want to see you.


"...he said he wanted to see me..." Ye Zhiyu muttered, and the eyebrows of Qu Xiangtianjian beside him had been twisted for a long time, and his eyes were clear: "No."

"But if we don't agree, we can't see the information..."

"There may not be the information we want in it." It can even be said to be a small probability.

However, Ye Zhiyu was silent for a long time. Finally, she turned around and gently covered his hand, her eyes were gentle: "Honey, you should know that I am strong."

Her eyebrows look particularly soft in the sun, with a light warmth between her eyebrows, and a thin shadow under the thick eyelashes.

He has always known how beautiful she is and that she wants to convince him in this way. Obviously such a delicate woman, he doesn't understand why there is so much energy in her body.

So that he always forgets that his woman is strong.

Moran's eyes were covered with a thick light. He nod with an imperceptible light. Ye Zhiyu naturally caught the unhappy posture of the other party's face, smiled and squeezed his lips and kissed him on the cheek.

She left, but her wrist was caught. The eagle-like eyes grabbed her in an instant: "If he wants to do something to you then... I'm here."

"Okay, then you have to protect me." It doesn't seem to be a bad thing to properly show weakness to win the man's consent peacefully.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhiyu gently typed a "good" on the keyboard and pressed the enter button. Sure enough, a document soon came from there.

I am a small account: this is half, and the remaining half will be handed over to you in person after you see me. Tonight, the hotel, "Yuan Coffee", will come alone. Mobile phone contact.

A fish: OK.

solved the problem of the agreement. First of all, Ye Zhiyu couldn't wait to open the document. What surprised her was that it was indeed all transaction information, but all the codes were garbled. What attracted Ye Zhiyu's attention was the last paragraph of the document, with a strange single bracket.

"What is this?"

"If I guess well..." Ye Zhiyu stared at the screen and tapped his fingers quickly. Before Qu Xiangtian could see what she had entered, the garbled codes in the document suddenly turned into letters one by one at a very fast speed.

"Sure enough, I know the jump code of the reverse double encrypted track."

Qu Xiangtian raised his eyebrows and looked at her excited side face. He had seen her with such eyes before, absolute concentration and joy, only when she drew those damn weapon design drawings.

Thinking of his unpleasant experience of being ignored, the man narrowed his eyes slightly, but had to admit that she was so beautiful, as if her whole body would shine.

Ye Zhiyu only felt a cold and softness in his neck, and then realized that the other party's lips fell on his neck. Immediately, his face was hot. He turned away and said angrily, "Don't do business. What are these?"

Following the direction she pointed, the man's dark eyes glanced at him and sneered, "German."

"What did you say?"

"Regarding material requirements... titanium alloy, ionized glass tube, secondary imaging tube..." Qu Xiangtian said, twisting his heroic eyebrows.

Ye Zhiyu listened to him report a large list of names and finally said, "No?"

The latter definitely nodded: "No."

"No..." She sold herself and exchanged it for something like this? I don't know who the buyer is yet. This unfinished news is too bad, okay...

"Wait." The deep voice sounded again, but this time it was much more serious than before, and the sharp eyes flashed cold light: "I haven't finished yet."

"You see, this word used here is a dialect that can only be used in a small town in West Germany. I have been there during my service. And here and here, these are very common spelling mistakes. Germans don't make this mistake. He even got the yin and masculine of the word moon.

"What does this mean?"

Qu Xiangtian hooked the corners of his lips and pulled out a trace of a derange arc: "The moon is positive in German, but negative in French. This person is not a native German. He probably lived in France as a child and is not proficient in German, and lives in this small town. His spelling has many mistakes, which looks ridiculous. The correct letters are replaced by the adjacent letters on the keyboard, indicating that this person is probably not often engaged in typing, and his body is huge and his fingers are thick and clumsy. In this way, the range of characteristics of the person we are looking for has been very small.

Qu Xiangtian stared at the document on the screen after analyzing, but turned his head and saw Ye Zhiyu staring straight at himself. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"...No..." Ye Zhiyu shook his head gently: "Husband, I found that I really fell in love with you."

This man is too exaggerated. He has performed so many things with so little information... No wonder he is respected as a god in Dijing...

However, for Qu Xiangtian, this skill is just fur, and soldiers who have seriously learned reconnaissance can have this keen insight. But Qu Xiangtian is not going to tell the excited little woman in front of him, because it's really good to enjoy her worship. Besides, he has been so wise and magical in front of her many times that this woman has not found his charm until now?

The sultry Lord Yan suddenly suffered a small setback...

Ye Zhiyu didn't notice that the mood in the man's heart had changed several times in a few seconds, and said sadly, "But... we don't know who this buyer is now. As long as it's not the person who designed Mo's arm, it's just an irrelevant."

"But now, we only have this clue."

"Not necessarily~" Ye Zhiyu suddenly smiled, "There is still half left. Maybe it will be useful."

So, the time quickly approached seven o'clock. Bingling wanted to protect Gu Junmo, so he couldn't leave, so the task of secretly protecting Ye Zhiyu fell on Li Chen. At the same time, there were four shadow guards of the poisonous snake and the dark guards arranged by Ye Jun Hall around Ye Zhiyu.

Li Chen did not dare to follow too closely, but at the door of Yuan Coffee, Ye Zhiyu's mobile phone vibrated, which showed that she received a message: "Get on the yellow car in front of you."

On the one hand, Ye Zhiyu was shocked that she and the other party were only limited to communicating on the Internet as a hacker, but now he obviously knew her true identity. On the other hand, she took a deep breath and grabbed the yellow modified sports car three meters away from her. Ye Zhiyu restrained her eyes and walked slowly to the side of the car. At the moment that everyone didn't expect, he quickly flashed into the car at a speed that could not cover his ears.

Just as soon as she closed the door, the sports car went away.

"What should I do, boss?"

The man's ink-dy eyes stared at the empty road for a moment through the telescope. The storm surged with mountain rain in his eyes, coldly spit out three words, but it seemed to be Shura from hell.

"Chasing me."