The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 183 Unexpected Cooperation

183 meters deep

The colorful lights flowed through the corners of the eyes, and there were noisy voices in my ears. The man wore a mask, and only his long figure set against the scorching heroism, mixed with the elegant and leisurely temperament, which made people feel as if something was condensed together and beat fiercely.

"Are you caring about me?"

When he asked this, Bing Ling hid on the face behind the mask. Suddenly, he was stunned for a moment before he realized that he had been teased. He wanted to open his mouth, but found that Gu Junmo had gone far away. The flow of people rushed them away. Bing Ling secretly shouted badly and picked up the skirt and followed him up.

The source of the signal came from the yard, which is about the most remote place of the whole villa, and there is no one, but there is a small black box under the shade of the dark trees. Gu Junmo was about to come forward, but his slender arm stood in front of him first.

"Wait a minute, be careful, it's a trap."

"It's not a trap, just a bait." The low-mellow male voice sounded from the secret part of the woods, which immediately made Gu Junmo and the two vigilant. No one has any breath at all!

"I was closely watched by the people over there, and I had no choice but to contact you like this. I'm sorry for the abrupt.

said that he was sorry, but his tone was full of remanence, and he didn't mean to apologize at all.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the person you're looking for." There was a little smile in the man's voice, "Our gambling is very interesting. Every night, I miss you that night." With that, the strange voice even whistled, "You were so beautiful that night. I'm still wondering if I won't be able to see you again."

"Wait a minute--" Bing Ling's words didn't have time to finish. Gu Junmo beside him had rushed out, his face was gloomy, and he rushed to the shade of the tree at a lightning speed and shot!

It is an air gun improved by Ye Zhiyu. It is a portable miniature pistol inspired by Mo's arm. The ballistic deviation is small, and it can achieve a sound of almost 50 decibels without silence equipment when firing. The most important thing is that the bullet is fired by the internal device for air. Compression, although it can't be as powerful as ink due to materials, it is enough to penetrate human skin and flesh.

It takes a long time to make this kind of pistol, so it is not convenient for mass production. Today, only Gu Junmo and Ling Yaoyang have equipped one.

For Gu Junmo's behavior, Bingling's always calm face also showed a little astonishment.

Gu Junmo knows too much about who he is. A man who takes military discipline as his own principles must be able to keep calm at all times. However, in a completely unclear situation just now, how could he rush up and shoot? If it is really a trap, maybe the explosion can turn this place into ruins, he--

Unexpectedly, at this moment, laughter suddenly came from the other side, a little arrogant and presumptuous: "Hahahaha, don't be so excited, I also know who you are. It's just that I really didn't expect that the police in your mainland would be in this kind of thing.

Although the movement is not big and there is no one, the movement caused by Bingling has obviously shocked some couples and security guards in the garden. Two security guards have even looked at them and are ready to come over. Gu Junmo obviously saw it and slowly put the gun into the suit, but his eyes were very wary. If it is found, it can only be hard.

A complex light flashed in the eyes of the clean-up. Bing Ling looked at the guard coming over there and looked at the man beside her. Gu Junmo only felt that a wind flashed in front of him. He should have had time to react. The mask on his face had been lifted, and then something warm directly stuck to his lips.

The man was stunned and his body immediately stiffened.

"Hold me." Her voice sounded, and the fragrance rushed into her nose with the evening breeze. Gu Junmo only felt that her throat was tight and the blood was surging up, but he still understood what the other party meant. He raised his hand, but his hand did not put his arms around her waist, but put one hand against her waist, the other against the back of her neck, and took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

Bingling obviously didn't expect the other party to come back. The surprised and exclamation in her eyes came at the same time. Unexpectedly, the man holding her took the opportunity to feed her soft tongue into her mouth.

The strange masculine atmosphere swept over with a domineering touch, and his rampage in her mouth made her hardly believe that this would be the gentle, elegant man who was always honorable and disgraced.

At this moment, he seemed to have been ignited by something, and the action was so fierce that he couldn't wait to swallow her tongue.

Bingling was blocked by his tongue, so he had to passively swallow the saliva mixed with the taste of the two. The liquid, the air in the head also seemed to pull away.

At this moment, followed by the last trace of consciousness, Bing Ling exerted hard--

" hiss--" The man snorted and felt that the tip of his tongue had tasted the sweetness of blood, and he couldn't help frowning.

Bing Ling also took advantage of the other party's flash of mind to retreat him, restrained his eyes, and wiped by the man as if nothing had happened. His red and swollen lips whispered, "Okay, those guards have left."

Gu Junmo didn't say anything. He was observing her reaction through the dim light. It is still as plain as water, and the color of the eyes remains unchanged, and even the tone is not mixed with any emotion, as if what just happened is nothing.

When the man looked at her, his eyes gathered a little depressed even before he knew it. On the other hand, to his surprise, he even wanted to kiss her and press her in his arms to kiss her delicately. Breathless, he can no longer show such a calm look.

Gu Junmo was unbelievable when he realized what he was thinking. He even wanted to kiss her, and was even shocked that he would be so out of control just now.

Although he is a soldier, his military rank and the task assigned to him by Qu Xiangtian still give him his own time. He never felt anything wrong with developing a relationship with women, but worried that there would be spies taking advantage of it. He has not found a girlfriend for a long time. After all, he does not want to become that man's weakness because of his negligence.

Not looking for a girlfriend is one aspect, but suppressing your desire is another aspect.

Apart from the rich experience, at least the warbler and swallows are still surrounded. But he has always been self-proported to have excellent self-control. Recently, he has been out of control in front of this woman, which makes him wonder what's wrong with him.

And although Bingling's face was motionless, the sound of his heart beating made her doubt whether he could hear it.

This man still has such a wild side... It's as dangerous as a beast...

Neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere naturally fell into a strange embarrassment for a moment, but the strange male voice on the other side sounded again: "Is there something wrong? I didn't disturb you two, did I? The strangeness in the voice made Bingling's heart gloomy, and he immediately asked in a low voice, "What on earth do you want to do?" Thanks to Gu Junmo's previous shots, she could see that it was not someone there, but the voice came from the strange little black box. If she makes a good estimate, it should be a wireless remote control device, and the "Master Hua" himself must still be somewhere at this banquet at this time.

"I have what I want, but I don't need you to give it to me. Now I want to join hands with you to dig out Walker." Why do we believe you?" Gu Junmo said coldly.

The other side of the small black box seemed to have known that they would ask this for a long time. They smiled frivolously and said again after a long time, "Do you know why I can't show up to see you? Because Walker's people are spying on me, what I need is freedom. And only when you invite him to prison can I get real freedom.

"He is spying on you?" Hearing this, Bing Ling frowned without a trace as if she had thought of something, but returned to normal the next second: "Why?"

"Do you think I sent your invitation to you? No, you're wrong. It's Walker. Everything is his calculation, and I don't know it. But what he didn't expect was that I put an informant beside him, and I know his every move. When you come here, you will definitely find a way to catch me and investigate whether I am Walker or not. But once I am caught and can't act freely, Walker's means will make all the unfavorable evidence point to me. At that time, I will be his scapegoat.

Master Hua's words sounded very reasonable, but Bingling still questioned for a moment: "But now, you can't prove that you are not him. Even if you are not him, it doesn't mean that you are on the same front as us.

As soon as Bing Ling's words came out, the little black box immediately fell silent. For a long time, as if he had finally made up his mind, the man's voice sounded faintly again: "Whether I am Walker or not, you can ask Joker. He can help me clear my identity. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will meet you under the Ferris wheel of Kowloon Bay Amusement Park at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will wear white clothes.

Master Hua's last words seemed to be very urgent. There was a noise from the small black box, and then there was no sound.

So, Bing Ling and Gu Junmo returned to the Red Blade Base that night and repeated what happened at the banquet to Ye Zhiyu and Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian immediately frowned and said, "He is eager to hide his identity, which shows that we are very close to his real identity."

"But I can't think of who it will be... Manipulating so many large and small human experimental tissues, there should be a purpose. The sales channels of this kind of thing are very limited, and the circle is so big, but I have never heard of such a person. Now we know his existence, and he deliberately disclosed this information to us.

After Gu Junmo finished speaking, Ye Zhiyu also nodded and said, "So, there must be a trick behind this person. He understood our actions, which made me feel..." Ye Zhiyu stopped talking here, shook his head and smiled, "Nothing."

"I can't get in touch with adults now. He said he was going to deal with a very important matter, and there was no news a month ago.

Ye Zhiyu also understood the meaning of Bing Ling. Last time she was in danger, coupled with the design and mistake, Ye Jun Hall was forced out once. Now it is difficult to find him again. Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but feel a little sad between his eyebrows. Qu Xiangtian looked at the bottom of his eyes and didn't say anything.

"I still decided to get in touch with this person tomorrow. If it really doesn't work, I believe he can't do anything too eye-catching in front of so many people at that time."

"Good." No way!"

Two completely different words sounded at the same time, one from Qu Xiangtian, and the other from Gu Junmo, who had been looking bad since he came in. Gu Junmo is not like Qu Xiangtian, who is twisted into a dead knot when he is angry and looks gloomy and scary. His eyes are just cold and cold, as if you just look at the skin with a small layer of pimples.

Bing Ling looked at the man beside her strangely and didn't say anything. She directly adjusted her eyes to Qu Xiangtian and said, "Then I'll explore the situation tomorrow."

"Okay, be safe."

"Well, I'll say goodbye tonight."

After saying that, Bing Ling turned around very freely and left, leaving someone whose eyes were colder and depressed alone.

It was not until everyone left that Ye Zhiyu opened her mouth again and said what she had not finished before.

"Big white goose... I'm worried..."

"I know that you are worried about the other party's informant, right?"