The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 190 Men don't shed tears

Gu Junmo and Bingling arrived at the designated position at the first time. At that time, Ling Yaoyang and his team had rushed to the meeting place. The underground floor of the hotel were extremely chaotic. What surprised Gu Junmo and Bingling most was that except for the team led by Li Chen and Ling Yaoyang. There was another group of people in the underground parking lot, so that the scene was extremely chaotic.

Ye Zhiyu's strategy obviously worked, leaving few people to guard Li Chen. In addition, another wave of people seemed to be interested in helping Ling Yaoyang's side, so that the scene was almost overwhelming.

The team structure of Viper is generally maintained above and below *, and is personally trained by Qu Xiangtian. All of them are the best hands of one against ten, the elite among the elite. Ling Yaoyang's team has a total of 22 people, which is enough to control the situation. Gu Junmo and Bing Ling still decided to observe the situation outside now, especially the strange people who can't see the way.

But when Gu Junmo saw the person behind the back of two people in Ling Yaoyang's team, his reason was completely out of control.

The scene was very chaotic. The rain of bullets and the hiss of the air made Gu Junmo unable to see the man clearly, but even if he could not see clearly, he still saw the other party's ragged clothes and dirty face. His left leg is almost completely naked. Exposed in the air, from the tibia of the calf to the root of the thigh, leaving a very terrible wound on the knee, which can be seen from the skin and dark blood clots around the wound that it is likely to be infected.

The man's hair has grown very long, covering his cheeks, and he can't see the other party's face clearly. The tangled hair makes him look so embarrassed and fragile. The other party hung his head and couldn't see the ups and downs of his chest, so that people couldn't even guess whether he was alive or not.

Gu Junmo doesn't know that it's him, Li Chen, and he can't be anyone else.

But at that moment, the person he didn't want to save was really him, like that...

What on earth...what did these bastards do to him!

Almost at that moment, all the anger and murderous intent surged into his heart. When even Bingling didn't have time to react, Gu Junmo had taken out his gun and joined the battle.

"Ah, ah, ah--"

Advance, find the bunker, and shoot.

All the actions in one go reflect the quality that a man should have as an excellent soldier, but it also makes Bingling's heart suddenly rise to his throat. Damn, is this man desperate?! I don't know what's going on outside now!

Just when he shouted in his heart, Bingling's afterglow saw a man in black aiming at Gu Junmo 20 meters away, take a deep breath, raised his hand, and killed the other party cleanly, but also exposed his position in an instant.

Someone began to aim their firepower at her position. Bingling gritted her teeth and rushed out of the back of the car with a cold face, killing the sniper at an alarming speed, and then looked for the fire cover of Ling Yaoyang's team, while roughly reading the strategic distribution map that had just been printed in her mind at this moment.

The left hand pulled out another gun inserted in her waist. The slender woman wore black and white clothes and stood in the center of the glued fire and looked so abrupt. She had long black hair, tied into a neat ponytail, and her hair fell on her shoulders. She didn't look soft, but added a little heroic... and murderous intent.

A woman's eyes seemed to be a cold current, with a cold light, and such a strong sense of oppression made her become the focus in an instant.

"Bum--" Two bullets fell at the feet of the ice. Some people felt that they seemed to have seen the illusion. The corners of the lips of the ice beauty with a terrible expression seemed to have an arc.

The next moment, Bingling held a gun in both hands. The bullet seemed to be emanating from her fingertips. The bullet was obviously in the most concentrated position of firepower, but there was no need to look for shelter. At this moment, I don't know who suddenly shouted, "Don't underestimate the enemy!" That bitch. Zi is killing the poisonous scorpion!"

In all kinds of sharp and harsh sounds, there was a clear sound of gasp.

The number of people who came to Bingling suddenly decreased, but at this time, Bingling suddenly felt another murderous atmosphere.

The afterglow swept over something. When Bingling turned around, the bullet had no time to avoid it. Gu Junmo happened to turn his eyes and saw this scene at this time. Before he could say it with a "be careful", Bing Ling had already shot back and hit the bullet's trajectory impartially, abruptly shooting the other party. The incoming bullet was pushed out.

This scene was so shocking that between life and death, the situation was turned around blankly, and that woman was a monster! Do you also have eyes behind your back?!

Not many people saw this scene, but everyone who saw it was too shocked to speak, including the person who pulled the trigger.

The other party never thought that Bingling still had the ability to reverse the situation, so that he obviously turned pale in the gunfight, stayed in place and forgot to cover, and stared at the woman who was skillfully in the speeding bullet.

Gu Junmo looked at the scene and came to his senses earlier. His anger just now because of Li Chen's abuse also subsided a little for this, and his eyebrows were raised. A long time ago, he heard a saying that it was "killing a scorpion", which was said that "the bullet will walk around that man". The bullet would not walk around anyone. At that time, he just laughed at it, but now he found that the woman's skills were more unfathomable than his cognition.

However, for Bingling, this bullet flashed a trace of confusion in her ice-covered eyes. However, the next second, the strange emotions had disappeared, and she threw herself into her battle again.

Gu Junmo's task was to rescue Li Chen, so they had begun to retreat almost when Walker's people and horses were swept away, and the other family members who appeared for some reason were also withdrawing at the same time, leaving sirens from far and near. Gu Junmo knew that it should be the Royal Police of Hong Kong. For more complex reasons, Qu Xiangtian positioned this mission as "discord between the underworld" and would not have anything to do with the "venomous snake" or the "red blade". Gu Junmo and others had completely evacuated the underground parking lot of the hotel when the police arrived.

The injury on Li Chen's body is even worse than Gu Junmo thought. The worst wound on his body should be the one on his leg, which has been seriously infected. Coupled with cigarette burns and large and small whip marks, knife marks and all kinds of blood openings that can't be seen by any sharp weapons, have been more than a hundred, almost sores and muddy It's good that he doesn't have a flesh. His left little finger is fractured and he has neurological damage. In the future, that finger will not have any sense and can't move by his own will. The most heinous thing is that the root of his thigh has also been detected with male sperm. The composition of the liquid is red and swollen. Li Chen's most deadly wound was the broken ribs of four, one of which was located in the left ventricle from top to bottom, and the broken bone fragments plunged into the coronary artery of the heart, accompanied by severe internal bleeding.

The tall man stood outside the rescue room, and the red first aid lamp seemed to be a mocking light, making his eyes feel astringent.

Ye Zhiyu looked at the dark light in Qu Xiangtian's eyes, gently grasped his palm, and actually felt his body tremble slightly.

The warmth of the palm of his hand made the man restrain his eyes at that moment, and the pain in his eyes was too late to hide, and his throat choked.


The thin lips opened gently, and the man spit out two words, and there was no follow-up.

But Ye Zhiyu understood that the great pain and despair behind the two words gently put his cheek on the man's arm and gently opened his mouth with only two words.

"I'm here."

When Bingling found Gu Junmo, the other party was smoking in the room. The clearly extinguished light in the dark penetrated the smoke and almost opened the door. The choking strong smell of smoke almost made Bing Ling cough.

She knows that he has always been an unbelievable man, and he won't touch anything that can be addictive, such as cigarettes, women, gambling, drinking, and even he rarely uses computers or watching TV.

But such a man has a day when he hides in the room and smokes fiercely.

The sudden dazzling light made the man in the dark close his eyes uncomfortably. Even if it was backlight, he could see the person, but he didn't say anything. He turned his head and took a deep breath.

"The people over there are still alive and dead, so you can't wait to accompany them on the road. What a good brother." Bingling's words were full of undisguised ridiculing. However, this time, Gu Junmo did not speak, and the silence seemed to have turned into a breath of despair. Little by little it came out with the smell of smoke from the dark room, which made people feel not only decadent, but also indescribable disgust.

Bing Ling frowned and turned on the light in the room with a crack.

"What on earth do you think of me!!?" The man who had not said a word suddenly roared fiercely like an injured beast at the moment when the ice turned on the light. The face exposed to the light made people not only decadent but also vicissitudes. The messy stubble all emerged overnight, and the face did not have the gentle and elegant shadow of the man before.

The man's face was pale, his eyes were red, his roots were clear, and his eyelashes trembled gently because of his hysterical roar.

The smell of smoke on her face made Bingling's eyebrows tighten a little. The latter looked at the person sitting by the bed and had no sympathy in his eyes, but a little more mocking.

"Gu Junmo, I didn't expect you to have such a day when you let me see jokes."

"Are you satisfied?"

"No, you are not miserable enough now. When that man dies, do you think you will be more miserable?"

"Damn, say it again!?"

There was a gust of wind in front of her, and Bingling only felt that the figure sitting on ** flashed. The next second, she had been grabbed by the collar and pressed into the bed. The burning cigarette butt was less than a centimeter from her cheek, and the hot temperature was so clear.

Bing Ling did not show fear. She hooked her lips mockingly and looked at the man with a beast-like expression hanging above her. She was about to open her mouth, but she felt that something wet fell directly from a high and hit her face.

Bing Ling's eyes... His throat was choked, and his words were stuck in his throat. tears...